What's everybody doing today?

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The fun was cut short since my brother had to run due to VFC distractions. The weather stripping around the basement door was finished and the basement was nice and cozy with my propane space heater running.

Work on replacement of the rotted out beams in one corner of the house. The wall was lifted...

View attachment 53866

Using a farm jack...

View attachment 53867

And the remnants if the beams cleared away. The following image shows the damage.

View attachment 53869

There was nothingness in that corner. We should be back it tomorrow. We will have to cut down larger boards since 100 years ago, lumber was actually the size it claimed to be.

So now it is time to fuss with Legos and see if I get onto the last tote.


What was the original basement like? Or was there a basement? My house has a partial basement and it has some layers like yours. Ideally, it could be lifted and a new and complete basement dug out and concrete poured. That is not happening in my lifetime though.
What was the original basement like? Or was there a basement? My house has a partial basement and it has some layers like yours. Ideally, it could be lifted and a new and complete basement dug out and concrete poured. That is not happening in my lifetime though.

There was no basement. The house was built by the railroad to house the workers at a watering station. Some of the floor joists were sitting on dirt.

We just finished digging out the basement and installing concrete. Now that we have a solid foundation, we are moving on to wood frame structure.

Buddy of mine had a Wood Mizer and got hired out to do custom sawing for people as much as he would work. I see folks going down the road pretty regular towing one. I'd love to get one, dad has 2 acres of Tulip Popular trees, several 30-40" diameter 3' off the ground. I'd bet they range up to 80-100' tall or better. There are probably 20-30 of them. I wouldn't take a guess has much lumber there would be in them. I'd love to cut them up and make a timber frame house and barn from them.
Then I'd need somewhere to store the wood while they all dried.

Glad to hear that news Jim. So happy for you guys.
I don't know if that's the same popular trees used in the lumber I have bought here in Oregon but I love working with popular lumber, it doesn't splinter when being cut on a table saw and it takes paint very well. I've used it to make shelves and inside window ledges where I'm not using oak.
I don't know if that's the same popular trees used in the lumber I have bought here in Oregon but I love working with popular lumber, it doesn't splinter when being cut on a table saw and it takes paint very well. I've used it to make shelves and inside window ledges where I'm not using oak.

Not sure if they are the same. But popular is one of my favorite woods to work with. It's a hardwood, but much softer than most. Very easy to work with and to me the wood is very nice to look at just finished with tung oil and maybe polyurethane if it's to be in a wet environment. Around here back in the old day log cabins and barns were built with these a lot. Just keep them off the ground, they will rot out quick if not. Keep them off the ground and they'll last forever.
Got back up the mountain with the last of my canning jars, the last freezer and emptied the last of the long term stuff from the pantry. Everything is now put away and I'm exhausted. I have to go back down tomorrow to pick up the prescriptions for the kid. I went through the closest town where the pharmacy is at 3:15. The hours were changed, they now close at 3 instead of 7! 😖
Tuesday agenda so far:
While Strawberry is being walked in the morning, will load the car for laundry run.
Need to pick up plastic silverware for Thanksgiving,
Clean my house from ceiling to floor.
Will start to prep some stuff for the dinner on Thursday.
Disinfecting all the door knobs, light switches, kitchen chairs, coffee pot station.
Hope you get time off, Urban. Everyone winding down here, getting ready for bed. Even our houseguests. We played two rousing rounds of Apples to Apples. Took our guests into our little town...went to the hardware, the discount store, and the meat deli. This afternoon we stopped by my favorite cousin's house. They leave for Texas in the morning, and daughter, her friend, and old man cat arrive in the evening.
And yep, Meer, they skipped rocks. Little granddaughter was very serious about her rock skipping.
Worked today. Some handsome young man (my son) gave me a ride home. He's got these massive muscles on his arms. Kinda freaks me out.
Almost the whole gang was here. It gets so noisy and I wish all lived nearer so we could get together more often. After everyone who doesn't live here left I felt like all the air had been let out of my balloon. It has been 19 months since we were all together. I am so grateful for my family. They are amazing people.

@Peanut it was hours ago I posted about the information I found.
Let me see if I can remember this stuff. I looked up Vanderbilt Library again at same University. Digging around there I found a name but lost my place and couldn't find it again. Fortunately, he was an accomplished botanist and easy enough to research. I'll put this info in the "Library" forum.
I don't know if that's the same popular trees in Oregon but I love working with popular lumber, it doesn't splinter
Not sure if they are the same. But popular is one of my favorite woods to work with. It's a hardwood, but much softer than most. Very easy to work with and to me the wood is very nice to look at just finished with tung oil and maybe polyurethane if it's to be in a wet environment. Around here back in the old day log cabins and barns were built with these a lot. Just keep them off the ground, they will rot out quick if not. Keep them off the ground and they'll last forever.

Just did a little research... the poplar tree in Oregon are in the Populus genus which includes the various Aspen species and cottonwoods of the northwest.

The poplar tree of the eastern US is Liriodendron tulipifera or tulip poplar aka yellow poplar. In this interconnect world I'm sure eastern poplar is available at building supply centers out west. However, I'm never seen aspen or cottonwood available in eastern building supply stores.

Below is eastern poplar. It's a beautiful wood, easy to work with and has no end of uses. I was using this wood to build bee hives. Some of these boards were 18 inches wide, flat straight, almost never warps, great wood for building any project. (I was using my uncles shop, as a side business he builds special order cabinets and has a professional shop.)

Build 01 (6) sm.jpg
Build 01 (7) sm.jpg
Today is starting out good, got to HD got almost everything on my list.... I noticed that although the temperature is in the low 30s it doesn't feel "COLD", I wonder if not working in a heated office building and spending breaks outdoors is helping to adjust to the change in weather.

After spraying down the pepper plant last night, nothing seems to be moving today. The temperature is expected to reach 50 this afternoon with full sun. I may take the plant out at lunch and HOSE it down to get everything off it. The wife says that I may shock and kill the plant, but what the heck... I don't want to lose 50 plants because of one.....

As I drove home from HD in the dark I saw a DeLorean and it made me think of Back to the Future, I can just see Marty saying,"Doc, when ever you go stay the heck away from 2020!"

Saw the post from @viking it sounds like stories of the NAZIs, turn neighbor against neighbor, pay the kids a reward for snitching on mom and dad. Yes that will bring communities together....
Good morning, HCL! I'm getting into holiday mode - I saved all my vacation at work this year. So, I'm on the second day of 8 days off for Thanksgiving, then I go back to work for 4 days on the first of December. Then because of all my vacation and a schedule change at work, I'll be off from December 4 to January 6. I'm really looking forward to it.

On the bad side, my brother and his wife just got the 'Rona. They got exposed by the same guy that exposed my Pops. So they'll spend Thanksgiving in quarantine this year. Pops is still doing well, no signs of the 'Rona so far. If he doesn't get it, he'll be done with his quarantine the day after Thanksgiving and we'll have a get together on the weekend...

Y'all stay safe out there, and have a great day!!!
...I had 2 weeks of vacation planned between now and the first of the year, so far people have scheduled meetings on 4 of the 10 days and I have had to change my plans to cover....

Before I retired some of the young pups (suborbinate coworkers) would do the same thing. At first I would point out to them I had rescheduled my day(s) off to accommodate their failure to check vacation schedules before posting a meeting. When they continued to make the same error I didn't change my vacation. When they complained I said "If they really wanted me to be there they should have check with me prior to posting the meeting(s) date/time." They labeled me as being "uncooperative". Their meetings were design more to make them feel important and to kill time, their meeting(s) agenda could have been handled in a brief email(s).
Before I retired some of the young pups (suborbinate coworkers) would do the same thing. At first I would point out to them I had rescheduled my day(s) off to accommodate their failure to check vacation schedules before posting a meeting. When they continued to make the same error I didn't change my vacation. When they complained I said "If they really wanted me to be there they should have check with me prior to posting the meeting(s) date/time." They labeled me as being "uncooperative". Their meetings were design more to make them feel important and to kill time, their meeting(s) agenda could have been handled in a brief email(s).

Unfortunately, I work with about 5 groups that all take priority over my schedule..... One is in the EU and another is in Asia, they don't seem to understand (care about) American Holidays or personal time.... But, they raise Heck if ignored.....
It does sound like nazi Germany. Our friends that have been visiting....the husband is first generation here from Hungary. He came over in his mid 20's with his wife and young kids. Hungary was communist, and he explained how it was when he was growing up; some really crazy stories

My goodness this goes to show us how things can get turned around by the news because from what I read Hungary i in fight for their nation to stay hungarean.
Any example of what he told you?
Strawberry has been walked.
She's sitting up looking smug in her chair.
She has toppled over,sleeping.
Laundry didn't get loaded, maybe this afternoon.
Maybe not.
Rearranged my closet so I could put some totes in there.
Unpacked some totes found my dinnerware.
That saved me $20 at Wal*Mart today.
Resting and sipping coffee right now.
Kitchen counter tops are cleaned off.
Just need to finish scrubbing them.
Refilled the coffee station for my daily use and Thanksgiving usage.
Refilled the PUR container in refrig.
Checked on turkey, it's in the refrig.
Was looking for the platter that I normally use for the holidays.
Found baking dishes,bread crock,big bowls,loaf pans,everyday dishes.
But no platter, then got to thinking about it...........
I think I regifted it last Christmas to youngest son.
Cause they like to entertain, and I don't.
That platter would have filled more than half of my table.
My table is 52 inches square maybe.
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It does sound like nazi Germany. Our friends that have been visiting....the husband is first generation here from Hungary. He came over in his mid 20's with his wife and young kids. Hungary was communist, and he explained how it was when he was growing up; some really crazy stories

In high school I dated a guy who was born and raised in East Germany. The stories he shared were nuts! More people with these stories to share should be posting videos on (screw)youtube. Maybe the crazy libbies will then understand the evil they are trying to bring down on us all!
Hey Meer, he came here in his mid 20's, and he is now 60. He said he had approval to leave with his wife and two young children to come to the states. He said two days before leaving, he was called in at work and told he has not paid his communist party dues since he'd been working. Said he was sweating bullets walking with this guy to a bigger office, thinking that they might not let him go. He promised to send them the money and they let him leave. Of course, he didn't send them anything. He said Up till his teen years no one could own anything. And then it was ok'd that maybe you could own a car. You had to pay all in cash at once, and you had a choice of three cars. Also said he took a loan out from the bank for a stereo, it was granted and given, and within the week, the bank called him and decided no loan. Threatened him to pay back the cash that day. He is very, very worried USA will go socialist, and then communist. His son grew up here, went to Harvard, and is a snowflake liberal. That bothers him so much.
Hey Meer, he came here in his mid 20's, and he is now 60. He said he had approval to leave with his wife and two young children to come to the states. He said two days before leaving, he was called in at work and told he has not paid his communist party dues since he'd been working. Said he was sweating bullets walking with this guy to a bigger office, thinking that they might not let him go. He promised to send them the money and they let him leave. Of course, he didn't send them anything. He said Up till his teen years no one could own anything. And then it was ok'd that maybe you could own a car. You had to pay all in cash at once, and you had a choice of three cars. Also said he took a loan out from the bank for a stereo, it was granted and given, and within the week, the bank called him and decided no loan. Threatened him to pay back the cash that day. He is very, very worried USA will go socialist, and then communist. His son grew up here, went to Harvard, and is a snowflake liberal. That bothers him so much.
Thanks for info Amish I never knew it was communist. No wonder he is hoping we don't change inyo what he escaped and elect Biden or actually Harris.
Went to stores looking at smallish chest freezers this morning. Ended up ordering one online with free delivery. Should be here next Tuesday. Yay!
Went for my walk late morning.
Did pine cone crafts with my neighbors granddaughter.
Got things set up to cook tomorrow!
We have a houseguest with his dog for a couple of days.
A quiet day got a little busy. My folks called and needed prescriptions picked up so off to town I went. Picked up a few groceries while I was there.

I have two large kitchen containers, 35cups each, sort of shaped like a pitcher w/handle on the side, like something you’d put a big box of cereal in. I use them to store crackers. The back half of my house sits into a hillside so humidity is always a little high and crackers tend to get damp in the box. I keep a couple pounds of dry rice in each big container. Two or 3 times a year I put my dry rice in the dehydrator overnight to re-dry it. My round nesco is running as I speak. By tomorrow night all my crackers will be crunchy again and salt shakers will have dry salt.

Nothing planned for the evening but I’ll think of something that needs done.
Company left after breakfast this morning, and off to Tx they went. Son is driving daughter and old man cat here, and driving tonight. They will arrive ??? in the morning tomorrow sometime. Snowflake friend Ian decided he will go to Vegas. I am relaxing, after recleaning and changing sheets on beds again, and need to sit down and write out my cooking list for Thursday, and what I need to do tomorrow. Also need to bring mom to her eye dr appt tomorrow. The builder started pouring the cement forms in the new basement today. I'm sure he'll be starting again around 730 tomorrow. Dropped off little granddaughter's quarantined schoolwork at the school.
Well, wife was not feeling well today.
So I made her some rice pudding. Fixed up some cinnamon applesauce.
Then called her primary care , female doctor , telling her what was going on. They said bring her in at 2:30.
So she wanted to see her and bring a stool sample . They did labs.
Waiting for test results tomorrow.

She is feeling better this evening.
Seems like she feels better everyday late in the day.

Hope we get some good news tomorrow.

Resting now.


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