What's everybody doing today?

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Yeah, while the wife is recovering from her knee surgery (she's doing very well!) I have to feed the cat and clean the litter box. Actually boxes. This little queen has to have multiples. Sorry cat lovers - dogs are much better. This litter box stuff is for the birds! Do cats do anything other than eat, poop and pee? Then yowl for more food and repeat the nasty cycle?
Cats make excellent bait for coyotes. Especially if they meow loud.
Happy Thanksgiving! We'll be cooking and spending time with the kids, grands, cousins, and mom. Hey Urban, cut the spice plants, tie stems together or use twisty ties, hang upside down in a cool place. When dry, take off the stem and store. Some people bundle and bag in a paper lunch bag and hang that.
Son, daughter, Ian, and the old man cat arrived last night. We'll be doing some farm tours today. Son hasn't been up here in a couple of years. So far, Ian isn't as bad as I was told.
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!
Since I did all my cooking yesterday in a frenzy, today we will have all leftovers as there is plaenty of everything.
Watched Christmas Vacation yesterday-- a yearly tradition.
Went to bed at 6 pm. Sunday night 3 hours sleep and Monday night 2 hours sleep. I was tired!

My list for today includes making out Christmas cards, wrapping my thrift shop gifts for DH, fertilizing the garden to keep the greens going and maybe decorating the front porch. Might run out of energy, though!

Trying to take it easy!
Installing appliances this morning in our kitchen remodel. Before and after.
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!
Since I did all my cooking yesterday in a frenzy, today we will have all leftovers as there is plaenty of everything.
Watched Christmas Vacation yesterday-- a yearly tradition.
Went to bed at 6 pm. Sunday night 3 hours sleep and Monday night 2 hours sleep. I was tired!

My list for today includes making out Christmas cards, wrapping my thrift shop gifts for DH, fertilizing the garden to keep the greens going and maybe decorating the front porch. Might run out of energy, though!

Trying to take it easy!

We just made the fastest Thanksgivingever, he changed his mind 3 days ago in store,.I usually buy fresh turkeys, he put a frozen 23 pounded in bottom od buggy then told me Thanksgiving is on.

Good idea about Christmans Vacation, I think we will atch that one too.
I have survived Thanksgiving.
Got most of the leftovers ready for the chest freezer.
Just need to date, label.
Oldest son, grand daughter, son's girlfriend have 3 more dinners today.
Made my dad up a couple of containers of the dinner.
Have probably 10 to 15 dinners ready or just about ready for the chest freezer.
Tired, going to rest awhile and then do dishes.
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Yeah, while the wife is recovering from her knee surgery (she's doing very well!) I have to feed the cat and clean the litter box. Actually boxes. This little queen has to have multiples. Sorry cat lovers - dogs are much better. This litter box stuff is for the birds! Do cats do anything other than eat, poop and pee? Then yowl for more food and repeat the nasty cycle?

The rule of thumb for cats and litter boxes is one per cat plus one. So if you have one cat you need 2 boxes. We have 5 cats and 7 boxes. They are covert and hidden in cabinets and benches around the house. To be honest they only use 4 of them so the others are the just in case boxes. If you hate scooping you can get the Littermaid or the self flushing box that hooks up to the toilet.

Claw up furniture

If you recognize cats need to scratch as a way to keep their claws in shape you have 2 options- trim their claws or give them a tall sisal scratchers. Once we got sisal scratchers and placed them near the furniture they liked to scratch they stopped ruining the sofa. Even with 5 cats the 2 scratchers we had only had to be replaced after almost 10 years. We have 3 Ultimate scratchers and they still look near new. I did replace the shredded carpet on the cat tree with sisal remnants and they look better than new!
Well then, I'm glad we have barn cats. No litter boxes. No scratching poles. They use trees to scratch on.

Survived Thanksgiving. Eleven of us. Evidently in this state, the magic number is 25. I wouldn't care. Dinner was good, we all ate too much, and my cousin was sweet and drove mom home afterwards. Our son leaves on the train home at 3 a.m. Glad husband is taking him to the train station. I'll miss him. Mom is insisting on going to Kohls to shop for pants tomorrow. Not looking forward to that.
The rule of thumb for cats and litter boxes is one per cat plus one. So if you have one cat you need 2 boxes. We have 5 cats and 7 boxes. They are covert and hidden in cabinets and benches around the house. To be honest they only use 4 of them so the others are the just in case boxes. If you hate scooping you can get the Littermaid or the self flushing box that hooks up to the toilet.

If you recognize cats need to scratch as a way to keep their claws in shape you have 2 options- trim their claws or give them a tall sisal scratchers. Once we got sisal scratchers and placed them near the furniture they liked to scratch they stopped ruining the sofa. Even with 5 cats the 2 scratchers we had only had to be replaced after almost 10 years. We have 3 Ultimate scratchers and they still look near new. I did replace the shredded carpet on the cat tree with sisal remnants and they look better than new!
This why i do not have house cats.
This why i do not have house cats.

I grew up on an old farm in Kansas. My folks had cats all my life for pest control. When the tom cat they had when I was a baby ran away for greener pastures (a farm full of female barn cats) they got a kitten that was the first house cat they ever owned. She was my playmate as a toddler and she lived about 12 years before passing in her sleep. The second house cat was adopted from a shelter when I was 7. I knew cats were for pest control but I enjoyed the companionship they have offered me over the years. Plus our current cats (except the kitten) are my babies. They are all older than our girls.

We may have 5 indoor only cats now but all of them (except the kitten) are proven mousers. Even my deaf flame point siamese is a mouser and did a great job when we lived in the cabin. The kitten is a companion cat only even though he is good at catching bugs. Next time he tries to catch a praying mantis I'll take a video for you all. He gets his furry butt handed to him by that bug!

I am a firm believer in animals have jobs. I grew up with pet rabbits but they were meat rabbits turned pets because they were too old to breed on the farm. I had a pet duck but she was only a 'pet' because she laid eggs. If it had been a drake it would have been dinner and I knew that! Geese were the guard dogs and Christmas dinner. They bite HARD! Pigs are breakfast and chili. Cats are pest control both in the home and outside. We don't have any outside cats right now but we haven't had the need with the dogs.
We have nurse in the family. After the Thanksgiving meal the nurse started assembling what she call COVID test kits. Using three hands you open a vacuumed sealed envelope that held a vial of red liquid and a sealed swap. Then she would place the vial and swap into to a larger plastic "zip lock" bag. If I understood her correctly, after testing a subject the vial would go back into the "zip lock" bag and the subject's info would be written on the bag. She had 500 of these to be assembled. So we sat around the table and helped her. I looked at one of the prepared labels and here is what I found: "NEST Disposable Sampler. Wuxi NEST Biotechnology Co, LTD. NO.530, Xida Road, New District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.
After our big meal last night I went to sleep early and woke up late... Just barely got the trash and recycling out before the truck came.

While working on the lighting in the basement yesterday, (I was trying to change it to zones so I only light up what I need, using the existing switches) I found one switch that was not like the others. When I checked the wire using a VOM, I found that circuit was switched between hot and ground. When I pulled the face plate off I found that they had used a 3 way switch and connected wires to all the leads... So today I will have to make a run to HD for a new switch..... I am so close to having this project done, but to go shopping on a black friday is just bad carma...

Checked my e-mail, burpee's is having 20% off and free shipping over $65, just for today... I ordered enough seeds to keep me going for a while.. ;)

I may put in another growing station, the first one is producing very well, but I would like to have more space. I would like to experiment with these LED tubes I have been installing, they are 65,000K and put out a lot of light at 20W, I think 4 or 5 of them might be enough to grow plants with.... They were relatively cheep, $80 for 12 with wiring, switches, and cheep brackets.

I did check the outdoor raised beds, one of the tubs that I planted spinach is starting to show signs of sprouting, this should give me both spinach and lettuce that are about 6 weeks apart so after Christmas we should be able to start harvesting. I am hoping that we will not have to buy either after that.....

While working yesterday I was able to create a lot more storage space and found a number of empty boxes taking up storage space.... Need to get my junk under control...

I plan to take a load to the land-fill today, a dozen old 4' tube lights, some old camping tables with broken legs, and other junk that we have been keeping for the sake of "I might need that someday".....
We have nurse in the family. After the Thanksgiving meal the nurse started assembling what she call COVID test kits. Using three hands you open a vacuumed sealed envelope that held a vial of red liquid and a sealed swap. Then she would place the vial and swap into to a larger plastic "zip lock" bag. If I understood her correctly, after testing a subject the vial would go back into the "zip lock" bag and the subject's info would be written on the bag. She had 500 of these to be assembled. So we sat around the table and helped her. I looked at one of the prepared labels and here is what I found: "NEST Disposable Sampler. Wuxi NEST Biotechnology Co, LTD. NO.530, Xida Road, New District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.
That makes me angry, not that you are doing such good work, but that we (Americans) are buying test kits for the CHINA FLU from the Chinese.......
I'm up, dressed of sorts.
Strawberry has been walked.
She's still tired from yesterday.
Me too, but my kitchen beckons.
Sitting here sipping coffee, resting.
Washed, dried 3 sink loads of dishes, pot and pans.
And yes we used paper plates yesterday too.
But my pots and pans hadn't had that big of workout since all the boys left home.
All the leftovers made it to refrig. last night except the gravy.
It's on warm in crock pot.
Will be working on Reign's Christmas blanket today.
Not much else.
Already figured Christmas day menu.
Store bought lasagna, garlic toast, big salad(already have most ).
Sons can bring desserts and anything else they want to eat.
Oh, by the way, Turkey was fall off the bone tender. Whew!
My dad was impressed.
Always had animals, dogs, goat, pigs, calves.
No cats unless they were in the barn.
Mom and I had allergies to cats.

K was allergic to cats when we got married. We got our first cat together with the understanding he would get allergy tested and the kitten would get weekly dander baths. After a few months the baths stopped and he didn't have any reaction to the cat. Then the second dog was adopted and then the second cat. It grew from there.
Big day yesterday, big Thanksgiving dinner about 1:30 . Got home about 4:30 , wife felt good , did good , just very tired. Then about 6:00 all my the grands showed up and had a good time talking about younger days and looking back thru all the old photo albums. They left about 9:30.
Today we are resting , will be having plenty left overs.
I'm just thankful the wife is doing better.

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