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Oh. That is high for pellets. I bought two 50 lb bags scratch and two 50lb bags of hi pro crumble today. With our 8 percent tax here, it was $32.00. Not bad. Haven't priced alfalfa because it's all over our own farm. And I get straw for free from my cousin when he harvests. I've been soaking seeds in a bucket and feeding chickens that, which is economical...sunflower and wheat. Can you get that cheaper? I also pick buckets of dandelion leaves each day for feed.
My dog had puppies 4 days ago. Out of 11 puppies, 6 have survived. She is drying up. She keeps dumping two of them out so now I am a kangaroo dog mom. I keep those two in a pouch under my shirt. Every few hours I literally spoon feed them. I had to go to town and got some funny looks because of the noises my stomach was making. Puppies can be quite squeaky.

Sorry to hear that. That's how I got my Aussie pup last Jan. Her momma dried up and at 10 days old she was the only one left so we hand fed/raised her. Good luck with the pups.
Thanks Terri,

So far they are hanging in there. I am tired though. No puppy formula to be had, but they are tolerating evaporated milk without any obvious difficulties. Mom is still feeding four, but I don't expect that to last forever. She will be spayed after this litter if the vets don't get shut down again.

We were hoping to keep two puppies. Mom and dad are rescues from a puppy breeder and are nice dogs with some odd issues due to life time confinement. They are adjusting to being farm dogs with lots freedom. They have learned to fetch and its all they care about now.
I have been busy so I will summarize what happened since last week.
The Princess let goof off so I sorted legos for the g-daughters
The girls really liked results since they can quickly find parts they need.
I love the Lego bins! I would have loved to have had that many legos as a kid. Mind you, I was spoiled & had a lot of toys though. I had those little half-lap logs for stacking. I mostly loved to play outside though. I didn't need toys when I could run around and dig in the mud. Also enjoyed spending time with my dad "helping" him on weekend projects. He let me hold screwdrivers sometimes. LOL.
I had a lot of construction paper, crayons, etc and drew a lot back then. Maybe it's part of why I'm obsessed with pictures now.

Looking for more hay, since ours is so bad the goats and sheep won't eat it. Long story short: I think I am totally losing my faith in humanity. We have rented a property we own half an hour away from our main farm to a farmer since we bought it. We practically let him have it for free before we moved to Virginia, just so he could keep an eye on it, and have livestock on it, fix fencing, cut weeds. He got the entire hay field for free. So we moved here and now we needed at least half the hay from the hay field. We have yet to get decent hay out of this. I am debating if the guy is just a horrible farmer, or a deliberate crook. I am hoping he is just a bad farmer, if the other one, I hope karma gets him. First, he did not tell us he was going to cut the hay until after the fact. Then it rained on it ( just a little, it felt pretty dry when he baled it. Then he told us he couldn't do square bales because it would take longer and it was going to rain again ( he should have checked the damned weather before cutting it!) so he baled round bales. Our contract asks for square bales, since we cannot move round ones. We could only take 1 back on the truck with us, he was supposed to deliver the rest ( he keeps half). It was ok, not too bad. We went back the next day and picked one more up with the truck. He was supposed to deliver the rest the next day. He couldn't because he supposedly had a flat tire. So the rest of the bales sat in the rain for several days ( they are wrapped). He finally delivered them a week later , had the nerve to demand a large delivery fee and they all look like crap. I am thinking maybe he brought us some really crappy old hay from somewhere else , since the first 2 we got are ok. It's brown, sticks together, dusty, moldy, rotten. It's barely good enough for bedding. I am so pissed , I am very tempted to call him and yell at him. But wouldn't fix the problem. I truly cannot imagine that hay wrapped and left in the rain for a few days ( round bales) get into this bad a condition that fast. So yeah, we are absolutely not going to extend his contract even if he owns the property next to ours. If we can't find anyone to cut and bale our hay for us next year, we will just sell the entire property and have enough money to buy hay until after we are long dead. Thanks for listening.
Ugh! That is awful! Sorry to hear the farmer didn't keep up his end of the bargain. I've found that sometimes when you trust people like that they just take advantage. Been down that road multiple times. Our former tenants were supposed to maintain the property, livestock, etc in exchange for temporarily living in our house while working on building a house on their own property half a mile from us. They were only to pay a small amount-- like $87 a month. They didn't even keep that up. Stopped paying not long in but we were overseas. They didn't just refrain from taking care of the property, they severely damaged it & stole a bunch of stuff.
Scumbags all. I think they were the ones who came and opened our package & dumped it out yesterday. I lost my trust in people a loooong time ago.
I hope you can find a better person to manage the property & get some good hay.
Reminds me I need to get some for my cows. The old stuff I bought months ago is no longer any good & the cows won't touch it.

I took Dawn to the Dr today to check on her breathing. She's been increasingly short of breath and was concerned that it was pneumonia. The PA checked her lungs, heart, and all the other stuff. He said it's just part of the long recovery from COVID. Anyway, he gave her some amoxicillin, and, on the way home I got a call from the grade school to sub for the afternoon class with K-1-2 kids.
I hope that Dawn will make a full recovery & not have any lasting effects from Covid. I have friends who had it & managed to survive but still have breathing problems months later.

I move into my school on the 13th. Will have to use a porta potty and do sponge baths for two weeks while a new above ground septic system is put in. Turns out the owner wrecked the septic bed when he dug trenches for the out door boiler pipes.
He tried to hide the problem by pumping the tank every night out onto the old play ground. He didn't account for me taking a shovel out and digging holes to check the 'dirt' out. That, and a random drive by reveilled a nasty stench at 9 pm.
A call to the health authorities had them out retesting the water among other things and an emergency approval for the new septic bed; all at the owners expense. My lawyer will be holding back the appropriate amount of money to pay for everything on top of the new price reduction on the property. That non disclosure cost the owner big time.
Nothing ever goes off without a hitch.
I hope the owners get what's coming to them (legally) for that BS. Man, what a scummy thing to do. Dumping it in a playground no less. That's just criminal!
Hope everything else works out for you & glad you stood up for your rights and called authorities on this issue.

One thing to keep in mind, jobs, particularly in rural places COST money. If its some very low paying little job, you can have lots of people who need a job, but who can't afford to have a job that low paying. You can get along for a long time with almost no money, as long as you don't have a job and aren't spending money on food, clothes, gas, childcare, etc and all the other stuff you can save huge amounts of money on by doing yourself, as long as you don't have a day job.
This is the problem where I live. We have no public transportation, no bike lanes, very few sidewalks, etc. It's not safe for people to bike or walk to work & many can't afford car insurance (it's extremely expensive here) or a vehicle. They often have to rely on rides from friends or family. My best friend's fiance had a job that didn't give her enough hours to cover the cost of gas to get there. I know people who work 2 to 3 jobs & still barely break even with all of the bills & fees. Sadly, people here can't get along with almost no money without getting their utilities cut off. Electric company & water company don't care that there's a pandemic & massive layoffs. They actually increased their prices recently. They started sending cutoff notices before bills were sent. They get away with it bc it's a small town.

My dog had puppies 4 days ago. Out of 11 puppies, 6 have survived. She is drying up. She keeps dumping two of them out so now I am a kangaroo dog mom. I keep those two in a pouch under my shirt. Every few hours I literally spoon feed them. I had to go to town and got some funny looks because of the noises my stomach was making. Puppies can be quite squeaky.
I'm sorry to hear about the puppies that didn't make it. I hope the two you are caring for will pull through.
I made it into town just in time to get mail before the post office closed. Dropped by to see my unlucky friend. The new jacket mom ordered him had arrived & it took me a bit to notice he had it on. He said it's like "wearing a hug". He loves it. Because he hasn't been able to work since his stroke & had no paycheck, I took his fiance to get groceries. Man, she is doing so much better on her meds. She's like a different person. Back to how she was before her anxiety and bipolar disorder really kicked in. Poor thing has BPD, anxiety, ADHD, and mild schizophrenia. It was causing her to behave erratically & have violent outbursts. She's so much more mellow & nice now. I got them some groceries so she can cook. Also got some cooking utensils for them since they didn't have measuring cups, measuring spoons, etc. I had a blanket in the seat waiting for her so she would be warm when she got in the car.
The 4-month old baby is FAT. He's going to need to learn how to do some situps. He apparently always wants food. He was whining while hungry but stopped and smiled as soon as he saw his bottle. He can now somewhat hold his bottle by himself if they prop it up on his favorite blanket (that looks like a tortilla). My mom hasn't seen him since I think August so she was shocked when she saw how big he was in the pictures.
I think it would be good for my mom to get out of the house to play with the baby a bit.
K and I had a long talk yesterday about how this is a good thing for us. When he was salary he worked ridiculous hours for no extra pay. We hardly saw him and the girls hated when he worked weekends (I did too for the lack of pay). Now he will work a normal 40 hr week with overtime here and there with the bonus of the overtime pay.

I worked most of a decade as a salaried employee. I didn't matter than I got every bonus available or used every perk. Projects under budget and under time only meant they gave me more to do. An expense account doesn't mean much when you're working on both sides of the Atlantic and spending 300 days a year on the road. I actually took a 2 week vacation one year to just stay home! So... I think you guys will be happier. For me a salary was burn out, not a brass ring. Sounds like that was the road you guys were on.

I had a quiet day, drizzled rain all afternoon. I need to take eggs to town tomorrow, get a few groceries, if I can get motivated.
Today I'm technically off, reading reports and doing things to stay ahead of the curve. I agree 100% with @Peanut about salaried work, when I was young I turned in 4-100 hr weeks and got promoted to salary, lost money due to no more overtime....

As I said, I'm off today so I am working with my indoor plants, I transplanted brussel sprouts this morning, they were almost root bound and I had to use water to separate the roots of all the little plants, I hope I didn't hurt them too bad. I am new at this indoor gardening but so far it seems to be working. I am going to have to get a water schedule/planner as I'm getting older and I don't want to starve or drown the little guys.

I got a new set of grow lights last night and I am excited to see how they work. I put the first ones out of the box over my potatoes, they are doing well under the white light but I think adding the multi sprectrum tubes will help them.

I am cleaning an area at a sliding glass door to make room for a new set of growing shelves that are to arrive tonight. I have been trying to figure out how to reroute the window shade so it will allow the plants full access to the light and still maintain privacy from the outside, but anyone looking in would be in my back yard... still I don't feel comfortable with too much exposure.

I have started cleaning some more of my hydoponic tubs, I hope to make floats and have sufficient clean tubs to set 9 more up before the end of the day, I may not get all the transplants in before Sunday. I can't do anything without the floats and I have to drill holes in the foam, I prefer to do that outside as I don't like the sticky "snow" it makes in the house, and we are expecting rain this afternoon...

I am finding that gardening indoors requires a little more planning as I don't want everything needing to be harvested at one time, so I am planting a few plants at a time and then trying to "time" the next planting so I can eventually have a continual harvest with plants in all stages of development, but with plants taking between 45 and 120+ days to harvest it is more complex than I expected when I started this thing. Plus with some plants needing the support of a container with soil which requires more maintenance and others being able to use hydroponics which are basically no maintenance, making sure all the plants are getting what they need almost requires daily attention.
Heading to the smaller hospital for labs.
Finally down to every other week for my transplant post-op checkups.
In March, I drop to once a month for the rest of my life.

Just another day in paradise here!

This morning, DH asked the jailor to put our friend into their roster since he has been there since Monday and not found. We can't do anything for him except to contact his kids up North and let them know. So we keep the dog until something changes.

The chest freezer I ordered yesterday (that was supposed to be in store) was cancelled a couple of hours later. I did finally get a refund today, for the first one I ordered that Fed Ex lost. So, no freezer yet.

DH's dad had his ankle surgery and is doing well!

I went and bought peppermint ice cream because I wanted it! Still not doing as long a walk, but I am eating a bit less and am losing weight at a good clip.

Going to start a crock pot of chili in a few minutes. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
I Just got word that the shelves for the second growing station are delayed.....

About couple of days ago I walked into a board at eye height, hit my right eye hard, it has been hurting but I have been ignoring it. I looked in the mirror and realized that in addition to being swelled and sore there is a little blood at the eye itself so I might need to treat it a little kinder, possible a patch and cold compress.... That will slow me down a bit this weekend.
I worked most of a decade as a salaried employee. I didn't matter than I got every bonus available or used every perk. Projects under budget and under time only meant they gave me more to do. An expense account doesn't mean much when you're working on both sides of the Atlantic and spending 300 days a year on the road. I actually took a 2 week vacation one year to just stay home! So... I think you guys will be happier. For me a salary was burn out, not a brass ring. Sounds like that was the road you guys were on.

I had a quiet day, drizzled rain all afternoon. I need to take eggs to town tomorrow, get a few groceries, if I can get motivated.

Your old job sound like my sons job.He is now in London for 3 months longest one though since he left the Navy,which he never left the ship ' which is very uncommon ' and saw the world.Been out of military since 2004.
He has been in some real rough places on this job since he left Navy, like jungles of V,Nam for miles only a boat can go not for job but for "fun":ghostly:.Deserts of Middle East, Ultra rich Arabian cities liek DuBai. The very worse was in Senegal Africa. Convoy took him to a villiage dropped him off with cardboard doors they called hotel. Meal was a raw fish with head and all.
Some rooms in Arabia had real gold walls. Open restaurant just for him at Holy Romadon nobody could eat. Told waiter he felt bad eating since nobody could eat, waiter said " no problem we want uou to be happy'. Once he hadn't been gone 10 minutes before the whole building he worked in was blown up.
Of course I hate his job. I'm still not sure what he does. Said Norway is one of the cleanest cities in the world and beautiful. Navy gave him one of the most awesome event. Saw a 100 ft. high wave. He said he was too amazed to be a afraid.
Glad things are still going well with your health, SparkyD. Husband has to have labs done monthly, and we found a small lab not too far away that never has a wait.
Busy, but kinda lazy day today. Went out to breakfast with husband, went into town for his prescriptions. Picked up a cherry cream cheese pie to bring to my favorite cousin's house for a visit, and she had made a very yummy lemon meringue pie. So we had both. Ha Ha. Picked up little granddaughter from school, and went to the Amish discount salvage store across from the school. They were stocking 20# bags of rice for a great price, canned corn chowder, and freshly made apple cider. Got all of that, and some other stuff to add to storage. Picked up some cloves to decorate oranges with, a project I think little granddaughter will like. And cinnamon sticks to ribbon off. They'll look good on the table.
Yes, you have to paint the kitchen now, Curmudgeon. So, what color?
Thanks Terri,

So far they are hanging in there. I am tired though. No puppy formula to be had, but they are tolerating evaporated milk without any obvious difficulties. Mom is still feeding four, but I don't expect that to last forever. She will be spayed after this litter if the vets don't get shut down again.

We were hoping to keep two puppies. Mom and dad are rescues from a puppy breeder and are nice dogs with some odd issues due to life time confinement. They are adjusting to being farm dogs with lots freedom. They have learned to fetch and its all they care about now.

can you get any goat milk? It's supposed to be ok for any other animals
either way good luck with the puppies, hope they survive
Today we got the barn done early and put all the sheeps and goats inside before the pouring rain started. A little rain won't hurt them, but if they get soaking wet and then it gets cold they might get sick, so in the barn they go. We are getting a load of hay next week, hope it will be nice hay. I won't buy it if it looks bad.
Since it's raining, I baked a cake ( lemon). Not much else getting done today. I tried weed eating some nasty bushes out of one of the pastures that is too steep to brushhog, but not a single one of our weed eaters is functional I hate those things, they never work. We keep buying new ones and they work for like 3 uses and then they just stop working.
Ugh! That is awful! Sorry to hear the farmer didn't keep up his end of the bargain. I've found that sometimes when you trust people like that they just take advantage. Been down that road multiple times. Our former tenants were supposed to maintain the property, livestock, etc in exchange for temporarily living in our house while working on building a house on their own property half a mile from us. They were only to pay a small amount-- like $87 a month. They didn't even keep that up. Stopped paying not long in but we were overseas. They didn't just refrain from taking care of the property, they severely damaged it & stole a bunch of stuff.
Scumbags all. I think they were the ones who came and opened our package & dumped it out yesterday. I lost my trust in people a loooong time ago.
I hope you can find a better person to manage the property & get some good hay.
Reminds me I need to get some for my cows. The old stuff I bought months ago is no longer any good & the cows won't touch it.

When we lived in Florida I would not have trusted anyone other than really close friends with anything. We couldn't even leave a kids bike out in the driveway without it getting stolen in an hour, and we lived in a "good" neighborhood. Somehow I had this misguided idea that maybe people in rural areas were nicer, but , like anywhere else, there is jerks everywhere.
Husband refuses to believe he ripped us off, he thinks the hay just sat in a wet area for a week and that is why it looks they way it does, and he might be right. We opened another bale and it doesn't look anywhere near as bad as the last one. So maybe the guy is just a bad farmer, or maybe he just threw in a few bad old bales. The bad thing is we won't know until we open them all.

How many cows do you have? So far we haven;t had any cows. We have had a horse for a while ( belonged to an Amish neighbor, he let me keep her for about half a year of and on while they visited relatives in other States for months at a time) , goats, sheep, chickens, and this year pigs, but no cows.
One thing to keep in mind, jobs, particularly in rural places COST money. If its some very low paying little job, you can have lots of people who need a job, but who can't afford to have a job that low paying. You can get along for a long time with almost no money, as long as you don't have a job and aren't spending money on food, clothes, gas, childcare, etc and all the other stuff you can save huge amounts of money on by doing yourself, as long as you don't have a day job.

That's absolutely true. If you figure in transportation alone, you won't come out ahead with a min wage job. If you live in a city , you have higher taxes, have to pay for all sorts of utilities, can't produce much food if any. If you have a piece of land in a rural area you can produce most of your own food ( we really only HAVE to buy grain , which at this time is still very cheap, and stuff like sugar and salt, also not expensive) . Your taxes will be lower especially if it is a farm, your utilities can be nothing ( ours almost are, we only have to pay for garbage pickup and it's very little) .
Rough day at work. My 2 trucks at work i had bought caps for are leaking. So next week will be dealing with fixing them. Then late in the day one of my techs called and told me his wife has covid. To top that off she has cancer and hasn't even got to start treatment yet. Please say a prayer for them.
After work took my truck in for new rubber. Should be about ready most anytime.
If you buy a weed wacker from a home depot or similar store, you are throwing money away. If you have serious wacking to do, you need to spend the big bucks (4-600) and buy a heavy duty one rated for commercial use. Put a steel cutter head on it, no string, and you will never be without a wacker. I ran over mine with the big tractor, straightened it out and carried on. 10 years later it is still working.
@sonya123 what breeds of sheep and goats do you have?
Would you mind posting any photos of them? You could put them in the livestock forum or here.
I just like looking at them. lol

I did post one on the photo thread of some goat kids, but yes sure. We have Katahdin sheep ( hair sheep) and Kiko , and Kiko /Boer mixes plus some milke goats. momma and babies.jpg
If you buy a weed wacker from a home depot or similar store, you are throwing money away. If you have serious wacking to do, you need to spend the big bucks (4-600) and buy a heavy duty one rated for commercial use. Put a steel cutter head on it, no string, and you will never be without a wacker. I ran over mine with the big tractor, straightened it out and carried on. 10 years later it is still working.

Yeah, husband has come to the same conclusion....we are thinking about buying one of those brushhog type things you can pull behind a UTV
Rough day at work. My 2 trucks at work i had bought caps for are leaking. So next week will be dealing with fixing them. Then late in the day one of my techs called and told me his wife has covid. To top that off she has cancer and hasn't even got to start treatment yet. Please say a prayer for them.
After work took my truck in for new rubber. Should be about ready most anytime.

Hope things turn around BacP. And you have the 🙏 from us.
I got the floats and some hydroponic tubs ready, but with no shelving I have no place to put them.... :(

I checked my starter plants and realized that I had 3 little tubs where the plants were really crowded and becoming root locked so I needed to separate them. I went to plan B - when I first started hydroponics experimentation I made some lids that would hold lots of net cups, so I transplanted the crowded plants into my old system, they will be okay for a few weeks and then need to be moved into roomier accomodations, hopefully they will not mind being moved around a couple of times. I am really glad that I stayed with "standardized" tubs for both approaches, it gives me the ability to switch back and forth. I haven't seen those tubs on sale after I bought all mine a year ago, I guess I am lucky that I bought extra back then.

I have been trying to dig out and clean up as many old window boxes as I can find, I want to use them to grow root crops like beets and turnips in.

I had planned to go hunting today, but wearing a patch on the right eye kind of makes that a no go.... I guess I will just putter around the house today.
K and the girls had to put up the tree... AGAIN! One of the cats climbed the tree, chewed a live strand of lights and got a real shock. They knocked the tree over slamming it into the wall, breaking the base and bending the center pole. The tree was damaged beyond use. Since they woke me up at 5am yesterday when it happened I went to fix it before the girls got up. Nope. No go. The tree was broken for good. I then got it striped of lights, garlands and ornaments before the kids got up. Rather than buying a new tree K thought he could fix it but I pointed out that it would work until another cat climbed it again. I got a short little tree last year for our stay at Disneyland for the holidays last year and I told K to put that up. So now the 4 foot tree is up on the folding camp table covered in ornaments. I think we will hold off on getting a new big tree for a few years since they are ridiculously expensive.

Today I have to take our oldest cat for her vaccines and my boy for his last round. They hate each other so this is going to be fun. Hopefully Bailey will not need multiple rounds of vaccines as she is old. I was hoping I could get away with the one year round for all of them and then the 3 year round. I figure that will be the last vaccines for a few of our seniors but then maybe not since they are pretty healthy.

This morning I made a fresh batch of Honey Ginger Lemon syrup. I used sliced ginger instead of grated and one less lemon. Still a full quart jar but it is mostly honey and ginger with less lemon. I wanted to increase the bite from the ginger and the sweet from the honey to make it more palatable for the girls than the last batch. I will make a smaller lemon heavy batch for myself this week.

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