Strawberry pouting-yes
Walked a bit this morning.-ongoing
Exchanging things oldest son picked up for me-not yet but will be after tornado sirens go off for supposed State wide test.
Don't want to leave Strawberry while they run those test.
Sirens hurt her ears.
Strawberry has Vet appointment at 5 pm today.
Waiting on Maint. men to fix stove, so I can cook.
Making Alidi list.
For trip to next town probably tomorrow.
Drank a pot of coffee.
Trying to figure out why I drop stitches on the left side of knitting machine.
Read lots of different threads in the forum yesterday.
Hopefully will read some more today.
Strawberry pouting-yes
Walked a bit this morning.-ongoing
Exchanging things oldest son picked up for me-not yet but will be after tornado sirens go off for supposed State wide test.
Don't want to leave Strawberry while they run those test.
Sirens hurt her ears.
Strawberry has Vet appointment at 5 pm today.
Waiting on Maint. men to fix stove, so I can cook.
Making Alidi list.
For trip to next town probably tomorrow.
Drank a pot of coffee.
Trying to figure out why I drop stitches on the left side of knitting machine.
Read lots of different threads in the forum yesterday.
Hopefully will read some more today.