I finally made it to the big town this afternoon. A weird day, haven’t felt right since I woke up. Didn’t even want food around lunch so I skipped it. Anyway, I got a badly needed haircut. Stopped at my favorite produce market, got some sweetcorn, a big watermelon, a cantaloupe and a few peaches for dad.
I drove across town to pester the geek squad again, got some needed information. Then went a few blocks down the street and got a shrimp Po’ Boy. Best in town and it definitely hit the spot, was starved by then.
A big band of thunderstorms rolled through, it rained hard, had to sit in my truck for a while before getting out at the grocery store. Next, I got a bag of chicken feed, didn’t need it yet but no point in making another trip to town in a few days.
Last stop was at l o w_e s. My 1/4 sheet sander died last fall after 25 years. I got a dewalt today, little projects had started backing up so it was time to get one. I got a deal on a few bags of Quickcrete, price was about the same but those 80lb bags were a lot heavier than the last time…
Reminds me a story my grandfather used to tell about an old man who lived at the edge of town. He’d killed hog, removed the head and intestines but had to carry the carcass over a mile to the meat processor. When he got there they weighed it. He was upset, said “Your scales are wrong!”. An argument ensued with the butcher who said his scales were certified. Finally the old man said “Tell you what, let in hang there a while, it’ll get heavy!”
It’s all a matter of perspective!
Anyway, it had rained over 2 inches here at home. We needed it badly, the garden and pastures were getting a little dry. Thunder is rumbling now, might get another shower soon.