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Thanks for the update Sonya!! Hope power gets restored SOON!
power is back on, but internet is still out. We are still trying to catch up on stuff. The sheep or goats must have chewed through some of our wires connecting solar panels, so only half were working. I had to order new ones. We also need new batteries most likely ours are 6 years old ( Trojan deep cycle marine ) , plus need a backup generator since ours is 20 years old. I still have the owners manual and called the company ( Powerstrokes) to see if and where they still sell them. They don't . Stopped making them in 2013. Oh well.
Our road looks like a huge mess , the neighbors with their bobcats completely regraded all of it. But now all the gravel is gone. Not sure if this will be an improvement in the long run. We'll see
Today I really need to do laundry and hope the universe is kind to us for a few days and lets the power stay on so I can finish laundry and bake bread for the market Friday. Most of our area is still out of power, everyone has no internet. We got a text from Verizon yesterday that we are in a zip code they are giving free data to until the 5th , but not sure I trust them after not giving us the discount they promised on husband's phone so I won't be on here too long
Yesterday evening we heard the chickens making a lot of noise. I figured that something after them. I looked out the window and saw a large hawk sitting on top of the fence looking down in to the run. He couldn't figure out how to get down to the chickens. When I built the old run I took a roll of electric fence wire and ran the wire back and forth across the top of the run. Hawks and owls can't fly through that wire to get to the chickens. I grabbed the .410 that's always next to the back door and fired a warning shot over its head. If I see it back here again I won't give it a warning shot.
get a large plastic owl and put it on the coop. It seems to be working for us, but I haven't seen the hawks lately. Maybe they moved on
Don't shoot them, there are not a lot of them left....it's not like racoons
It sounds tough Sonya- hope and the community you get some help soon. With the flooding, would water have gotten into the petrol storage at gas stations?
we didn't have a lot of flooding, that was south of us, just wind and enough rain to bring down tons of trees on the power lines and some flash flooding that went down the next day
the gas station has no internet so they couldn't accept any cards ( good old cash still works) but they did have some power to run the pumps , it was closer to town so they got their power back sooner
Many areas around here are still out
But, NC had many more problems and flooding , and we are not that far away from there, could have happened here
Went to Kroger and Costco today.

Couldn't find the milk we wanted at Kroger. Costco was jammed with people obviously panic buying early on a Tuesday morning!!!

I think it's starting.
panic buying for what? DId I miss something?
Son went to walmart yesterday , still no water to be found there. We have some but I would like to replace what we used during the storm ( it got dirty)
we didn't have a lot of flooding, that was south of us, just wind and enough rain to bring down tons of trees on the power lines and some flash flooding that went down the next day
the gas station has no internet so they couldn't accept any cards ( good old cash still works) but they did have some power to run the pumps , it was closer to town so they got their power back sooner
Many areas around here are still out
But, NC had many more problems and flooding , and we are not that far away from there, could have happened here
Glad you have power!! Good to see you and know y'all are alright!!
get a large plastic owl and put it on the coop. It seems to be working for us, but I haven't seen the hawks lately. Maybe they moved on
Don't shoot them, there are not a lot of them left....it's not like racoons
We have no shortage of hawks or owls around here. I see them everyday, just not around the coop. We have a plastic owl. I'll set it up on the coop. I'd rather not shoot a hawk, they eat a lot of rodents.
panic buying for what? DId I miss something?
Son went to walmart yesterday , still no water to be found there. We have some but I would like to replace what we used during the storm ( it got dirty)
It was Tuesday morning ... the place was jammed ... it took me 10 minutes of trolling to find a parking spot!! Carts were filled with water and paper goods among other stuff. The water section looked as if many had been there, as it's usually quite well stocked. they had plenty left, but clearly a lot have been sold.
power is back on, but internet is still out. We are still trying to catch up on stuff. The sheep or goats must have chewed through some of our wires connecting solar panels, so only half were working. I had to order new ones. We also need new batteries most likely ours are 6 years old ( Trojan deep cycle marine ) , plus need a backup generator since ours is 20 years old. I still have the owners manual and called the company ( Powerstrokes) to see if and where they still sell them. They don't . Stopped making them in 2013. Oh well.
Our road looks like a huge mess , the neighbors with their bobcats completely regraded all of it. But now all the gravel is gone. Not sure if this will be an improvement in the long run. We'll see
Today I really need to do laundry and hope the universe is kind to us for a few days and lets the power stay on so I can finish laundry and bake bread for the market Friday. Most of our area is still out of power, everyone has no internet. We got a text from Verizon yesterday that we are in a zip code they are giving free data to until the 5th , but not sure I trust them after not giving us the discount they promised on husband's phone so I won't be on here too long
Screen shot the text from Verizon. That way they can't pull a fast one later.
Just finished making pup food. Two hours start to finish. Small diced 7 lbs of beef (2 different kinds), bacon bits, sweet potato, brown rice, mixed veggies, beef broth, and shredded cheese blend. It is delicious!!! (One day I'm going to set some aside and have it for dinner)!!!

Soon will start human dinner ... Garlic Rosemary NY Strip Steak with a Sherry Cream Sauce, and corn on the cob.

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