What's everybody doing today?

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Will do a walking video today.
Must go to Post office to mail a book.
Already paid bills.
Will make Italian rollups for train ride dinner.
Make 2 pots of coffee for DH so he is stocked up for staying alone.
Set up 18 nebulizer cups with solution for DH.
I should pack my back pack.
Take Church mail to friend.
Water roses.
Check BOB for DH and set by door (just in case).
Dealing with life. Last month we lost one of our bucks. Not sure how he died but he died in my arms being loved. Our other buck was showing the same signs of distress so I started checking him every hour. He started eating again and putting weight back on. He is healthy looking now and back at weight so I am not sure what he had. Strange how they can lose weight so fast but takes weeks to get it back on. Our does are fine but I am down a buck now that the senior buck passed. I have been trying to find a breeder in the area that I can get a quality buck from but so far no luck. There is a breeder in OK that has very nice rabbits but it is the travel that is stopping me. There is another up north of Dallas that has great stock but again the travel is stopping me right now. Too many local breeders don't know what they have and lie about there stock that I am not sure I want to bother. I may end up getting a new trio of a different breed just so I can put the meat in the freezer when the temps go down.

Went to Walmart yesterday to fill a cart and K was giving me crap about it being all 'junk'. Not true but we don't get junk food often so once every few months we get some extra snacks. The girls enjoy it but we also spread it all out. I mostly wanted to have the makings of our holiday treats in case the shelves are empty during the holidays due to a dock worker strike or what not. I did mostly get shelf stable foods to fill holes in our everyday pantry. Some of our LTFS is expiring in the next year so I have been putting it in the everyday pantry and replacing it in the food stores.

Found a local butcher for beef. YUM! I need to stop by again soon to get some more for the freezer. I let K pick the cuts so maybe this weekend. Found a butcher that carries local pork but we haven't stopped by to pick any up. Now to find one that has local chicken. We did get some dove breasts last week. One of K's co-workers went dove hunting and shared the wealth. He also gave us some ground venison from last years hunt so he had room in his freezer for this years. I have not issues with that. I think we ended up with some catfish as well. Not sure how to cook it but I'll give it a try. When I dated a fisherman before I met K he cooked and cleaned what he caught so I never had to.

Roo got braces. Fun. She wanted them and K and I knew she needed them. I can see the change in her smile already. She took a week off school because her jaw hurt to the point she was in tears. Since we home school no biggie. She only has the top set right now so I know we will be taking a week off when she gets the bottoms. Her bottom jaw is worse but her overbite prevents us from getting them on now. She'd knock the brackets off.

Busy busy busy.
Nice to see you again.
Got two fairly big projects that I'm working on. 1. Level the wood shed before loading with firewood. I'll put the forks on the tractor and lift up one side.
2. Work on the roof over the deck on the chicken coop. Got the posts up.
Plus I always have a bunch of small projects to keep me busy.
It's cooling off here. Yesterday morning was 36 degs. Highs in the low 70's.
Apples and cheese are on the agenda today.
My Irishman is on my naughty list.
He bleached and scrubbed my coffee cups.
I'm pretty sure he did the same to the coffee pot too.
Changed the taste of the coffee this morning.
Dealing with six pounds of various kinds of apples.
Going to try to make a very small batch of cheese this morning.
I think Lady called it farmer's cheese.
You Ladies rock with your information and willingness to share.
Thank you, Amish Heart, Lady Locust and Jishjourney.
And no I don't have my glasses on.

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