What's everybody doing today?

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Will do a walking video today.
Must go to Post office to mail a book.
Already paid bills.
Will make Italian rollups for train ride dinner.
Make 2 pots of coffee for DH so he is stocked up for staying alone.
Set up 18 nebulizer cups with solution for DH.
I should pack my back pack.
Take Church mail to friend.
Water roses.
Check BOB for DH and set by door (just in case).
Dealing with life. Last month we lost one of our bucks. Not sure how he died but he died in my arms being loved. Our other buck was showing the same signs of distress so I started checking him every hour. He started eating again and putting weight back on. He is healthy looking now and back at weight so I am not sure what he had. Strange how they can lose weight so fast but takes weeks to get it back on. Our does are fine but I am down a buck now that the senior buck passed. I have been trying to find a breeder in the area that I can get a quality buck from but so far no luck. There is a breeder in OK that has very nice rabbits but it is the travel that is stopping me. There is another up north of Dallas that has great stock but again the travel is stopping me right now. Too many local breeders don't know what they have and lie about there stock that I am not sure I want to bother. I may end up getting a new trio of a different breed just so I can put the meat in the freezer when the temps go down.

Went to Walmart yesterday to fill a cart and K was giving me crap about it being all 'junk'. Not true but we don't get junk food often so once every few months we get some extra snacks. The girls enjoy it but we also spread it all out. I mostly wanted to have the makings of our holiday treats in case the shelves are empty during the holidays due to a dock worker strike or what not. I did mostly get shelf stable foods to fill holes in our everyday pantry. Some of our LTFS is expiring in the next year so I have been putting it in the everyday pantry and replacing it in the food stores.

Found a local butcher for beef. YUM! I need to stop by again soon to get some more for the freezer. I let K pick the cuts so maybe this weekend. Found a butcher that carries local pork but we haven't stopped by to pick any up. Now to find one that has local chicken. We did get some dove breasts last week. One of K's co-workers went dove hunting and shared the wealth. He also gave us some ground venison from last years hunt so he had room in his freezer for this years. I have not issues with that. I think we ended up with some catfish as well. Not sure how to cook it but I'll give it a try. When I dated a fisherman before I met K he cooked and cleaned what he caught so I never had to.

Roo got braces. Fun. She wanted them and K and I knew she needed them. I can see the change in her smile already. She took a week off school because her jaw hurt to the point she was in tears. Since we home school no biggie. She only has the top set right now so I know we will be taking a week off when she gets the bottoms. Her bottom jaw is worse but her overbite prevents us from getting them on now. She'd knock the brackets off.

Busy busy busy.
Nice to see you again.
Got two fairly big projects that I'm working on. 1. Level the wood shed before loading with firewood. I'll put the forks on the tractor and lift up one side.
2. Work on the roof over the deck on the chicken coop. Got the posts up.
Plus I always have a bunch of small projects to keep me busy.
It's cooling off here. Yesterday morning was 36 degs. Highs in the low 70's.
Apples and cheese are on the agenda today.
My Irishman is on my naughty list.
He bleached and scrubbed my coffee cups.
I'm pretty sure he did the same to the coffee pot too.
Changed the taste of the coffee this morning.
Dealing with six pounds of various kinds of apples.
Going to try to make a very small batch of cheese this morning.
I think Lady called it farmer's cheese.
You Ladies rock with your information and willingness to share.
Thank you, Amish Heart, Lady Locust and Jishjourney.
And no I don't have my glasses on.
Over the last few days we took a trip out to California for a family friend's wedding. Activities were split between a pretty place called "Scott's Valley" (near Santa Cruz) and San Jose. We stayed at a Hilton in Scott's Valley. There are some really nice huge redwoods in Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park in that area. What a fun hike through those! We rode the Roaring Camp steam train up into the redwood forest for the wedding.

There was a pre-wedding "meet and greet" in San Jose and a brunch the day after the wedding. It was nice visiting with people at those. While in San Jose our daughter insisted on going to an ice cream place named "Salt & Straw" that she used to go to when she lived near Seattle. The ice cream was indeed good - lots of weird flavors that you wouldn't think would be very good, but they were all good. It was in a giant mall - and I do mean "GIANT" - named "Westfield" IIRC. I have never seen a mall so large in my life.

We also hiked in the Año Nuevo State Park on the coast a little north of Santa Cruz to see the elephant seals. That was pretty cool. The hike to them was 4 miles round trip. Not a terribly long way, but a good half of the hike was in sand through the sand dunes. Hiking up and down hills in sand is tiring. Much more so than hiking on a packed dirt trail.

The road between San Jose and Scott's Valley is like a roller coaster ride. Up down left right ... repeat. You've got to be on your toes with the steering wheel on that drive. A bit stressful to newcomers to the area driving at night.

The trip was a nice little getaway. Going out there I was stuck in the middle seat on a 737 between my wife and a guy would was even bigger than me. Tight, but the flight is only 2-1/2 hours from Denver. Coming back it was Heaven though. We got moved from the cattle car in the back (where I was scheduled for another middle seat) up to the front in "Economy Plus" with more leg room. Because our little seat-back TV screens weren't working back there in the cattle car. And since 95% of the general population is too cheap to pay for upgraded seats (including us!), it was fairly empty up there in Economy Plus. We had a row to ourselves and we could spread out leaving an empty seat between us to hold miscellaneous junk that normally gets crammed in between your feet.
I got home around 1am last night. I probably should've pulled off and napped a while. I was so tired I barely remember getting home and I couldn't remember where I put things when I came in. Slept from 1:30 to 10:30 but I'm still a train wreck. I guess I'm just getting too old to push myself any more. Working 11 hours and then driving 425 miles it's getting to be too much...
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, tracked down a certain stalker's car and removed a GPS device, went to the shooting range, did some shopping, checked out a date night place for tomorrow, brought the lady some lunch and ate with her, then brought the daughter's lunch home for her just in time for her to get back to the apartment. She ate while telling me about her day as I made chicken salad, then the two of us went swimming before coming back to hang out in the apartment. And by hang out I mean she locked herself in her room doing whatever while I sit out here listening to music and playing on the web alone.
Taking a break, lots of hooking up equipment and unhooking today. Got the bush hog lifted up in the air and all the wire cut out of the blades. Then bush hogged... the garden, around pens, corral and pole barn. Cut about 5 acres of weeds between the pole barn and old barn. Still have about that much more that needs done in that area. Managed to tear down a fence, just one spot in the corner of the bull pen. Have to get that fixed asap so the calf can't get out. Gonna tack up some wire, temp fix. Then I'm done for the day... just cook dinner and watch tv later.
We just moved the meat chickens in to their new coop. They'll be taking a one way ride to the processor in a couple weeks.
I never liked doing anything halfway so… Now the fence in the corner of the bull pen is new. I had a spool of barbwire in the shop, took staples and a bolt cutter. Cut out all the old wire that had been patched and re-patched half dozen times in the last 30yrs. Fixed it right!

Also patched two other places with new wire that were iffy. Done for the day… got a shower then bandaids for the cuts on my arms. Barbwire, gets me everytime. Too tired to cook now, guess I’ll get something from the freezer.
People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries. Every deadline has proven to be wrong.

Went to the courthouse for what I thought was going to be a trial but was a custody hearing so I had to wait in the hallway. Friend still has custody of the 4-yr-old. He was famished and tired so didn't talk much about what was said in the courtroom. Just that the judge (who knew his father and has known him since he was a kid) asked how the 4-yr-old was doing and that was it. Some sort of trial or hearing is next week. I grabbed some food for him and the kid and some food to take home from a local place.

We did stop by the assessor's office and friend got info about the property he wants to buy. Lady there was super sweet. She printed out info for him, showed us how to access their public website to find info on properties etc. I found out some interesting things. Property he's on mislabeled. A local judge who runs a property rental company has officially stolen more than half of the property at the back of friend's property-- he didn't pay a dime for it but he put down a fence and plopped some trailers on it and went to the assessor's office to have it switched to his name. But it's not reflected as being his on city records so my friend has been paying property tax on it. He's planning to move so he'll leave his Mom to deal with that.

Also found out that they never took my dad's name off our property and that Mom's name is not on the property where we live even though its on the deed and was on the mortgage. Her name is only on the back 13 acres along with dad's. So we will have to get that fixed. It still qualifies for homestead exemption though.

Got something for Mom to eat and fed kitties. Rupert wanted to be fed 3x- dried food, canned food, and bisque. He saw me feeding canned food to Boo and jumped up on the living room door trying to push the door open to get in. He was hollering at me through the glass pane. Had to hold him while feeding him bisque bc other cats tried to steal it.
Just in case anyone reads this I'm finishing the night drinking a lot of beer. But I would point out that I actually did "stuff" today. First off I did all the morning chores. Then I cleaned & set up 2 shelves of crystal, that's before my wife even got up. Then I finished baking 2 lazy susans (hey, I moved them into the sun). I stained & poly'ed them for the last 3 days. They looked GOOD! I did the morning running around & shopping, 2 different stores & yes I had a honey do list. Made lunch for my step father & the kids (4 dachshunds). Came back & lubricated myself (which I always do if I'm going to spend REAL money) before an auction (my wife was getting her hair cut). I won the first auction for $120, not really important except somehow we didn't have that piece. Continued lubrication for about an hour & then the 2nd auction came up. I knew the wife wanted them (blue jays on a stand), plus she arrived to see the auction. Won but spent about 950 or 980 (something like that). So $1,000 + today & then we pay 28% to the auction house & then pay for shipping. That will be about $600, shipping ain't cheep. After dinner (stuffed peppers) I cleaned another shelf & will clean the crystal tomorrow & set the shelf up. Now it's Miller Time (only not miller beer).
Tuesday October 1st 2024

Another busy day

I feel so tired exhausted and body hurt
TylenoI with a big glass of water and just think of my bed now

Today JC changed tired but he did checked car rims first
he did work on it..maybe tomorrow I will go grocery
at Walmart for critters and myself and somewhere else too

Ate rice and fish ..Dane Girl and cats had their dinner

Now I go see my bed 🥱 😴
Sleep well !!!

Well this started up this afternoon

Pix was taken standing on the front steps facing east. Youngest niece was one sent to fight it 🙏
I began topping things off a few days ago but went to the grocery stores this morning and there was only one other person in one and a couple people in the other. Not sure if anything changed as the day progressed.
Wife got up and started watching different news sources on line... Time to finish stocking up some more so we hit costco and winco.
The costco store was busy with commercial buyers with flat carts and a lot of regular folks just buying a day or two of supplys. We kind of stood out with our carts full of canned goods and some pretty good quantity's of basic foods.
Next we went to the winco big box and it was sorta deserted by comparison altho the checkout lines got long.....not enough employees like many stores in the area.
We also stopped at our farm store and got some chicken feed and more mylar freeze dryer bags.....the clerk knew about the dockworkers strike and the increase in hostilities in the middle east.. A guy buying four sacks of chicken feed just stared at me in disbelief when I told him I freeze dry a lot of eggs from my chickens...one of those "why in the world would you do that" sort of responses..
Well this started up this afternoon
View attachment 163720
Pix was taken standing on the front steps facing east. Youngest niece was one sent to fight it 🙏
I began topping things off a few days ago but went to the grocery stores this morning and there was only one other person in one and a couple people in the other. Not sure if anything changed as the day progressed.
Just found out it was a prescribed fire that got out of hand. We haven’t had any measurable rain for months. Why would anyone start a fire 😡. (On purpose!). Grrr.
I need very little to nothing in ...family size... anymore, but got a $15 first year membership to Sams Club... Hopefully this will be handy over the holidays and take advantage of there member lower gas prices as well as the occasional ...thrill of the hunt... through the isles..

Much cooler today.. At 65/40F today.. Predicted to be back to 80/55F the rest of the week.. This was one of the warmest and dry Septembers in a very long time..

I only watched a couple 3 minute segments of the VP debate.. Both times I tuned in Vance was talking or the moderators were quizzing him on what he just said burning up his segment of time.. Tim Walz stood there looking at Vance like he was seeing an alien from outer space...
Just found out it was a prescribed fire that got out of hand. We haven’t had any measurable rain for months. Why would anyone start a fire 😡. (On purpose!). Grrr.

I was wondering... I looked at the US fire map. There's only 3 fires in your area. All 3 are prescribed fires. One directly east of walla walla, one to the southeast and another ene but further away.

Walla Walla fire.jpg
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