What's everybody doing today?

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Of course I've been to NC. My ancestors are from that part of the country. Floods happen, some every year, some on a 100 - 500 year cycle. Yes, it's impossible to predict these big floods, but everyone knows they will happen, just a matter of time. Same with our big fires out here, fires happen every year, and some are massive. They hit different areas at different times. When they burn through a person's property and destroy everything they own, it's no less devastating than a flood. A few years ago I lost a large chunk of timber land to fire.
The problem is there IS no safe area in the US. NOt really. You will either have hurricanes, tornadoes , floods, wildfires, blizzards, or earthquakes or several of them. And if none of those get you, an asteroid might fall on your head!
Even in my area of Germany they had such a flood a few years ago , something that has never happened in anyone's memory . The weather pattern is changing ( NOT caused by global warming , but most likely the natural way the earth axis rotates ) . I just saw something on the sahara dessert had a bunch of rain and is now green in some areas. The climate does not stay the same ( or there would not have been ice times)
Finally ate something and crashed about 11. Got up at 1pm to start my day over again. Felt a little better so I went to the big town. Dropped off a lb of turmeric I got for a friend. Made a purchase or two then came home.

All my wayward orders arrived today, especially the transfer pump. Be a few days before I can test it but it seems okay, no shipping damage. It’s an electric water transfer pump. I’ve an ibc tote by the corral I’ll need to fill occasionally this winter. I’ve been having trouble with non-ethanol gas, keep getting bad fuel. My gas powered pumps are a pain to start in winter even with good fuel. An electric pump bypasses these issues.

Bought a shirt I really like at the Ag supply store yesterday, farm grade. Wore it today, might get another on my next trip to town. Made in India instead of china. Like most things these days getting good work clothes has become an issue. And the carhart store has ridiculous prices since it became more of a fashion statement.

Picked up dinner on the way home… gonna eat in a bit, might watch a ball game tonight.
Finally ate something and crashed about 11. Got up at 1pm to start my day over again. Felt a little better so I went to the big town. Dropped off a lb of turmeric I got for a friend. Made a purchase or two then came home.

All my wayward orders arrived today, especially the transfer pump. Be a few days before I can test it but it seems okay, no shipping damage. It’s an electric water transfer pump. I’ve an ibc tote by the corral I’ll need to fill occasionally this winter. I’ve been having trouble with non-ethanol gas, keep getting bad fuel. My gas powered pumps are a pain to start in winter even with good fuel. An electric pump bypasses these issues.

Bought a shirt I really like at the Ag supply store yesterday, farm grade. Wore it today, might get another on my next trip to town. Made in India instead of china. Like most things these days getting good work clothes has become an issue. And the carhart store has ridiculous prices since it became more of a fashion statement.

Picked up dinner on the way home… gonna eat in a bit, might watch a ball game tonight.
Glad the pump arrived.
What kinda shirt did you get? What store? I have a hell of a time finding shirts that fit, and last any length of time
Had to go to work for a while today. back home for a Teams meeting. Got a call from the Dr at Vandy, set me up for a heart chat Wednesday Morning. Depending on how that goes I may get some stents put in. I'm hoping so to get more improvement. I also got a call from the Dr I saw yesterday, she said blood work looked good. Big improvement from when I was in the hospital.
Glad the pump arrived.
What kinda shirt did you get? What store? I have a hell of a time finding shirts that fit, and last any length of time

It's a plain brown work shirt, lg sleeve, big pocket, medium thickness. Got it at Ag Services, a small area chain, only 5 or 6 stores, none in TN that I know of. The brand on the shirt is Habit. There were only 2 colors at the store, brown and grey.

Long week over! Lost count of how vaccines we did this week but I personally administered today alone was 70. Customers were crazy also. Two of them got into an insult back and forth that was actually comical.

I plan on early bedtime and sleeping late tomorrow.
I woke up at 2:30AM and hubby woke up about 3. I told him might as well start the coffee ☕🥴. Will see how long I make it this evening. Got the weedeating done and half the lawn mowed with the push mower before it really started storming- wind mostly. Enough droplets to show up on the sidewalk. Baked a batch of spice cookies for cidering on Sunday. MIL brought a big bag of beans for me to seal in jars for her so got that done.
Was supposed to be low 70s today but was only a high of 67 🥶. The breeze made it chilly.
Got up, worked out, ran out to my car and got to see my best friend again. This time he had a woman with him. I didn't like her at all. She was holding a cardboard box and she set it on top of his car! I know right, directly on the paint. Yikes. He looked at me and I tried to convey my best "dump her man, she's not the one" head nod. He threw back a nod that said "I hear you, but I work for her dad" or possibly "we're staying together for the kids". Why do these people refuse to think of the damage their relationships cause to the innocent, like that poor Challenger. Anyway I did other stuff too but I am too upset to talk about it.
Perhaps you would qualify as a foster home 🤭
October 4th 2024
Ahh... weekend 🙄
I hope Monday will show its face real fast ;)

My mood was a bit better after dinner now I sip a Sam Adams
Miss Ruben 🐈‍⬛ was sleeping on my lap few minutes ago
She now is eating

At 9.22 pm 51f and dark outside
I hope I will sleep ok like last night

Tomorrow I have to do 4 cats manicure (boys)

Hope you had a ok to nice day for everything guys
I wont go to bed now ..but as soon my body do ask for

So have a nice evening and night too 😇

Had leftover fish and chips for dinner.

I caught he pup(s) - not sure if one or both, chewed off the plug off of the vacuum cleaner cord!!!!

Luna, the female, was on the bed chewing the plug!!!! There were tons of pieces of plastic all over the bed and floor.

So ends my day.

Now I relax with a nice whiskey, waiting for bedtime.
Had leftover fish and chips for dinner.

I caught he pup(s) - not sure if one or both, chewed off the plug off of the vacuum cleaner cord!!!!

Luna, the female, was on the bed chewing the plug!!!! There were tons of pieces of plastic all over the bed and floor.

So ends my day.

Now I relax with a nice whiskey, waiting for bedtime.
Yum fish and chips - haven’t had any for quite a while.
I got a good Irish whiskey liqueur. I thought it was just IW but it’s not. I think it would be delicious over icecream 😂
I got out of bed around the same time as the lady, but she beat me to the coffee pot. She usually sleeps in a lot later than this. Now we're just sipping caffeinated brown wake up juice and perusing our smart devices and folding computers as the day moves forward. Neither of us are in any kind of a hurry as this is a well planned out low key weekend with minimal expectations. Eventually we will both clean up and put on some daytime clothing and go for a walk which will surely result in our stopping for lunch.
Spent the morning catching up with a few people, then tried out some new recipes. Carrot cake, to use up some wonky carrotsI grew. The two come out lovely, so will do some more. Also at ype of fridge flapjack bar to use up some berries and nuts I had opened a while. Husbands at a tattoo show, later we are meeting up with friends from down south we knew in NY, and in the morning a bikers breakfast.
This morning I set up a hotspot on the wife's phone so she could watch a TV program over the internet later today. The funny thing is that once I connected the device to her WiFi the rest of our network came on line and has stayed up for an hour!

I also did some investigating and noticed that the cat5? cable going from the outside box to the inside router is about 20 years and it has a hand crimped JR connector on the cable at the box outside. I suspect that the old cable is the weak link in our network and the new router is not liking the signal it sees
Best Plan I have heard in a long time, Thanks...!!! :huggs:
Didn’t mow today—saving that for tomorrow. Vacuumed, cleaned out Dad’s fridge and on top of it. Did laundry; just need to fold and put away. Might start getting winter clothes out of the storage trunk.

It’s a beautiful day here. Clear sky, 75, breezy.
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