I’ve experienced similar, I backed into a parked vehicle, entirely my fault. Made a little dent and my insurance would have paid for the repairs. Here the legal way to handle a minor situation is… both parties exchange insurance cards or information and call their insurance later… or they call the police and wait. They come out and make a report which can be requested by insurance companies. The police also collect all info and verify, both drivers are properly licensed, both vehicles are licensed and insured. If a vehicle isn’t properly licensed and insured it’s impounded and towed by the police. If the driver isn’t licensed they can be heavily fined, even arrested at the discretion of the police.
In my case, when I pulled out my cell phone to call the police the other driver suddenly wanted to forget the whole incident and left the scene. Obviously their paper work wasn’t proper… My vehicle had a heavy steel bumper, didn’t get a scratch. I was happy not to report it to my insurance who would have raised my yearly insurance rate/payment.
For serious accidents like yours the police are always called and a legal report of the accident is made for the insurance companies to haggle over.
Hope your company gets it sorted out quickly. not knowing is stress no one needs.
Also, sternum injuries take a long time to heal. Take care not to re-injure yourself. Years ago I had a large Charolais bull, weighed 2300lbs. He was gentle as a lamb and liked to have his ears scratched. I was working around the barn, my ribs/side was against a large pole holding up a side shed. The bull came up and pressed his head against my ribs, almost squashed me like a grape. He didn’t mean to hurt me, just wanted his ears scratched. It was months before I could breath freely without pain… I re-injured my sternum a couple times, so it was my fault it took so long. So be careful!!!
My bull... from years ago... Miss him, he was a great bull, sired lots of great calves.