What's everybody doing today?

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I got a new pup today, I have always wanted a Frenchie and today I got one.

Got all done that I can do on the new building today. Can't put siding up on the gable end because I'm going to build a couple pony walls for the front door. Can't build the pony walls until I dig down about a foot of ice and put another beam across the front bottom. On pic 2 you can see that I didn't put siding on the outside wall. That's because on phase 2 that will be an inside wall. I haven't decided on the floor yet, gravel or a wooden floor. I'll probably go with gravel since I may do some welding inside.
Ugh...survived all our errands...thrift store drop off, post office pickup, Walmart, and then Kohls. Little granddaughter hates clothes shopping, and I hate continually having to wash one of her two favorite outfits that she'll wear to school, so I was insistent. Evidentally "skater pants", kinda saggy bell bottoms are back in style in small town Kansas middleschool. So we went with those and striped tshirts. They have to be striped. And can't be long sleeved.
Just ordered the pizza and wings, and we'll eat that with what ever we play for game night. It's sometimes Apples to Apples
High temp today was a sunny 22 degs with zero wind. Perfect working temp. I moved the saw horses up to the chicken coop and started chipping the lumber out of the snow/ice. I plan on starting to frame in the porch on the south side of the coop. That will help to keep some of the snow from blowing in and blocking the door.
I dug around a little and found the 6×6 beam that I need to put across the front of the new work shop.
I think I over did it today, my right leg is killing me, even worse than it has for months now. The doc says it's related to the herniated disk in my back. I'll see the massage girl next week, and possibly take a trip to a chiropractor next week too. I'll try anything before surgery.
We're supposed to get snow by the last week of the month. Sometime before then I need to go get a hundred gallons or so of off road diesel. I've got about 150 gallons on hand right now, which won't be enough if we get our normal snowfall in February.
Saturday January 18th 2025

7.44 pm and 2f
Starting tomorrow it will be really very very cold like -11f to -29f

Everybody are fed and sleepy here

I ate leftovers *shrimps/rice then had dessert *cheese cake with hot tea

I will stay for a while and in between checking on the kids

So bundle up stay warm and safe ...sweet dreams

A fairly quiet day... this morning I finished setting up the new phones I got for the folks. This afternoon I installed a small light fixture above the lower section of stairs. I should have gotten it wired but the fixture turned into a royal pitb. I'll finished wiring tomorrow. Watching a ballgame on tv this evening. Think I'll eat the last of the peach pie in a bit...
Pie is always a good way to end the evening.
We had pizza, wings, and cheesy breadsticks, played a roaring game of Apples to Apples...little granddaughter won, then took an ice cream break, played another game of it and I won that one. Son called in between all that and we caught up on our day with him, usually he calls most every day. His gf bought her first pair of maternity pants, so that was a big deal. She got bell bottoms. Ha Ha.
Had a nice day..it was sunny and cold..it got up to 34 ..tonight it will be around 11 degrees. It is super clear out..beautiful sunset with Venus and Saturn close together for viewing towards the west.
The fat dog is still limping but getting better..she could handle a walk using her bum leg. I didn't go too far with her. Danny was able to run around , he got major zoomies and had a good time.
After that I got a load of scratch for the birds, got home n put all that away. Got laundry done and the first batch of dog food done.
I got a nice fire goin in stovie..I had plans on watching some more chosen episodes but I'm tired. It's cozy in bed ..temp says it's 68 in the tin can but I just want to relax in bed..listen to the fire crackle n chill.
I'm going to try n keep my fire going all night..well see how that goes..
Deep cleaned the cats' water fountain, refilled waterer for dogs, finished off the chicken soup, cooked for Mom, dropped my brother off at the sleep center for a study with cpap to see if it helps him. During his home sleep test he stopped breathing about 15x an hour and O2 levels dropped to 70 so they want to see how he does with a cpap. Forgot to mention in rant thread that I need to pick him up before 6am and it's an hour away so I'll have to be up before 5am.

Tomorrow my friend is supposed to come help fix up some plumbing. I'll need to do some cleaning before that if I can convince Ginger to get off my lap and let me up. She strenuously objected to that earlier and dug her claws in.
Got up at 3:30, put wood on the fire. Took Bear outside for a business trip ! Brrrr! The outside cats came out of their nest for food. Gave Bear a biscuit and the inside cats a hold over snack so no one dies before actual feeding time!!🙄 Enjoying coffee now! Off today, not going anywhere!!
it did warm up yesterday afternoon, and now our road is finally mostly clear, just in time for more snow....we need to shovel it all off before it freezes this time
better get started fast today before it snows , so we can let the sheep out to clean
yesterday we cleaned the dog room in the barn . It's the warmest room . Tonight we are going to move the pregnant goats and the youngest ones in there. The sheep already have a fairly warm area. All the windows are now covered and there is lots of bedding everywhere. Going to give the pregnant goats and sheep some alfalfa too today, I only have one small bale , was going to feed it when they have their kids but it's just going to be too cold
Our barn water tank finally defrosted also, so we are working on emptying it out. It will be easier to refill once it warms up than wait until all that defrosts
Man, I wish we had defrosted, but nope. Lots of snow still on the ground, and it's a lovely 5 degrees out. More snow tomorrow and negative 6. The only time I need to go out the next few days is for animal chores. And little granddaughter will help, so the hr and a half I usually am out there can be cut in half. Less, if Levi shows up to eat. Usually he does most of Sunday, so we'll see. I have plenty to keep busy with. Husband is at a standstill with the solar battery/inverter projects till I help with moving stuff around and some unboxing. So I'll be helping him today getting things how he wants them. The 100 lb lithium is stuck in OKC still, I doubt we'll see that for a week or so because of the weather. Also had a bunch of basement food storage work to do. The pup has parked his butt in front of the woodburning stove and is loving it.
I think I over did it today, my right leg is killing me, even worse than it has for months now. The doc says it's related to the herniated disk in my back.
Might be related to falling off the ladder?
Waiting on the snow for today then minus temps at night
Stuffy headed like usual. This cold will never go away I'm sure of it.
Have dishes, meals and some laundry to do.
The slow days of winter
Do you ever take a decongestant? I don't use them very often, but I was told that when I am often coughing, a decongestant helps. Haven't tried them in many years.
Might be related to falling off the ladder?
That probably didn't help it much. There are times my leg just wants to give out for no reason and i fall. Working and walking on ice is kind of hard on it too.
Today I'll take it easy. I'll work on framing in the front porch of the chicken coop. I really need to change oil in my Jeep and my truck, and tractor and the pump house generator. Probably won't get it all done today.
Made my Orange/Choclate cake yesterday and it is great! The frosting won't stick to the Jello but that's ok! I had 3 cans of frosting and somehow only have 1 left? Put the cake on top of the Jello just before it got fully set and it locked them together. Made it easier to get Jello out of cake pan. I will be eating cake today! Continue blasting small parts and maybe start soldering them back together and get primed for paint. Other than that just watching tv and napping, heavy on the napping!
That probably didn't help it much. There are times my leg just wants to give out for no reason and i fall. Working and walking on ice is kind of hard on it too.
Today I'll take it easy. I'll work on framing in the front porch of the chicken coop. I really need to change oil in my Jeep and my truck, and tractor and the pump house generator. Probably won't get it all done today.
I have back issues and really have to pace myself. If I don't, I pay for it.
Too cute!! How old, boy or girl, name?? Details, we need details!!😃

I always get girl dogs her name is Bisous it means kisses in French. My Cane Corso is Baci it means kisses in Italian. She is 8 weeks old, I have always had big dogs but really kind of wanted a little dog to sit with me. My old man dog I guess. She is 8 weeks old and came from a farm just a few miles west of here.


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