What's everybody doing today?

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No water this morning. Going down to the pump house to see what's wrong. It's always something when your living off the grid.
no water pressure here
just hiked up to the spring, plenty of water flowing in the pipe so not sure either
we just moved a semi frozen 55 gal drum in the house and trying to defrost and fill it up
no water pressure here
just hiked up to the spring, plenty of water flowing in the pipe so not sure either
we just moved a semi frozen 55 gal drum in the house and trying to defrost and fill it up
Fortunately my issue was just a dead battery from the cold temps. The wife had to use a couple gallons of distilled water, that we keep on hand for the battery bank, to water the chickens.
I hope you get your water system figured out.
Last night I chilled my bean soup on the porch. That stainless steel pot sure holds some heat. Almost frozen now, time to split-up in portions for freezer and fridge. Then boil some eggs and bake some potatoes for the family potato salad recipe. And... get the computer I want to reprogram set up? Maybe, just maybe.
Daughter in rehab gets a zoom call soon, so husband is setting up for that. She made her 30 days on Friday, so doing well. Going to tackle the inside chores afterwards, don't need to do anymore outside. I had so many layers on for animal chores, it was ridiculous. Little granddaughter just needs to run out some defrosted water bottles to the rabbit hutches.
Had one of those little rotisserie chickens, so made up a batch of broth from the bones. Turns out my Mom really likes it, so I'm happy to make a lot of it for her.
Picked up a truck load of firewood from a roadside stand; it's too big so I have to cut it down for my stove, but it was available and cheap. I spent most of yesterday splitting and cutting and stacking it in my garage for easy access for fear of getting sick again. It's been 40 years since I swung a maul and I'm certainly paying for it today. Then my brother came over and put a new carb on my big splitter and got some more wood split for me out of the big pile. So I'm pretty well stocked for the cold spell.
I still have half of the load on my truck but not dealing with it today. Daughter is visiting and we stayed up waay too late last night. So a lazy day by the stove and Murder She Wrote on the tv.
Daughter in rehab gets a zoom call soon, so husband is setting up for that. She made her 30 days on Friday, so doing well. Going to tackle the inside chores afterwards, don't need to do anymore outside. I had so many layers on for animal chores, it was ridiculous. Little granddaughter just needs to run out some defrosted water bottles to the rabbit hutches.
Tomorrow is 1 month since I had a drink. I'm sure glad I quit without any 'programs'. And sure hope it works for her.