What's everybody doing today?

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Did an early run to IGA Penola this morning to pick up some vegetable scraps for my chooks/ducks and less extent the neighbor's sheep who is currently our lawn mower and tenant due to his owner having virtually no grass in her house paddocks as result of the drought we've been in since winter last year as well as having 3 other sheep to look after so she has practically let him sleep in chook yard at night and is penned in house yard during daytime hours until i put my chooks away then he as full access between top end and back yard

His name is Barnabas but Barney for short its pretty much a win win for both parties as his owner has a piece of mind knowing he is safe and looked after whilst mums house yard is being eaten down to a point where it won't need lawn mowing until we get our autumn break and the grass grows back to a thick lush greenness

Only minor draw back to having a four legged tenant in the yard is that he also too smart for his own good last couple of days Barney has been a baaad boy 🤣 🤣 attempting to open up the fly screen door and come inside for a looky loo
Well I've put it off as long as I could but today I'm going to mow the back yard. A couple of hot days & all the winter weeds would be dead but we haven't had any hot days. I won't take long but I really hate yard work. After that it will be a long hot shower & I'll coat my body in some sort of pain medication. That's not needed for mowing but I've been having a lot of muscle pain lately. I think it's because I do something stupid & then before my body can recover, I do something stupid again.
bottle baby fed, no lambs, raining some outside but not much

Hooch: wow, hope your coworker recovers, that sounds like a horrible accident. If I worked there I might never go back , must be a very dangerous job

Today animal care and doing more laundry

I want to go swimming, hope the rest of the lambs arrive soon. If they wait much longer the goats will be due and then we can't go either
At 6;30am.. Early for me.. I've been a ...Yogi Bear... all winter so far.. Sleep till noon, snack till dark.. At 30F going to 50F today.. Predicted 55-60F Sunday and Monday.. Didn't get out last night for the first fish fry of Lent at the local pub, but there will be more.. Have an appointment Sunday with the tax prep lady who will come here to the ....Wrinkle Ranch.... They changed the state tax form ...again... this year so will have to have help with that.. Bureaucrats changing things to justify there existence... grrrr..
No bad storms here, DFW is getting all the hail! Home today, doing laundry, hauling one of the carpet cleaners in and cleaning the carpets here once! Was 84° yesterday, had some pool float time. The cold front came through, only in the 40's today. Got a long 'to do' list!
Must be Jersey Gurl Carpet Cleaning Day. I plan on doing the ones here in Dad’s house. I don’t have wall-to-wall in my apartment; I hate it. I have bare floors and 5 x 8 area rugs.

Also planning on trying to drive wearing the lightweight surgical shoe today.
Did an early run to IGA Penola this morning to pick up some vegetable scraps for my chooks/ducks and less extent the neighbor's sheep who is currently our lawn mower and tenant due to his owner having virtually no grass in her house paddocks as result of the drought we've been in since winter last year as well as having 3 other sheep to look after so she has practically let him sleep in chook yard at night and is penned in house yard during daytime hours until i put my chooks away then he as full access between top end and back yard

His name is Barnabas but Barney for short its pretty much a win win for both parties as his owner has a piece of mind knowing he is safe and looked after whilst mums house yard is being eaten down to a point where it won't need lawn mowing until we get our autumn break and the grass grows back to a thick lush greenness

Only minor draw back to having a four legged tenant in the yard is that he also too smart for his own good last couple of days Barney has been a baaad boy 🤣 🤣 attempting to open up the fly screen door and come inside for a looky loo
We have our neighbor's buggy horse, "Bets" on our property, and she has free reign on about 10 acres, keeps our grass down, keeps her fed. I bring her out apple slices and she loves cherry tomatoes when they are growing
We have our neighbor's buggy horse, "Bets" on our property, and she has free reign on about 10 acres, keeps our grass down, keeps her fed. I bring her out apple slices and she loves cherry tomatoes when they are growing
Careful with the tomatoes, they contain tomatine which disrupts equine digestive systems! And the plants are outright poisonous to horses!!
I've been looking at rescue gear online. I emailed a company that I'm familiar with some of the products we had on the SAR team that I was on years ago.
I like a few peices of rescue gear they have that would have been extremely useful yesterday. A simple chest rescue strap and a simple waist strap that is durable webbing straps, non bulky, color coded for easier application on in confined spaces .
If used with a rope n pully system..they have very easy to use but super durable system that uses machanical advantage for easy lift n lowering with breaking safety in the pully..so no dropping accidently..
With another rope n anchor plate, some edge protection , we could hook it up almost anywhere because we're in a metal beam type building and anchor points everywhere. With minimal training..a quick response system could be set up fast and securely to hook up n extract n lower someone without risking the victim, and the crew to more harm and exposure..
I'm going to get a proposal together ..the purchase can be used as a tax write off too for the company.
I was was working 500 miles from home during GF's birthday, so I took her to a nice seafood joint last night. She had salmon sushi and I had pan fried orange roughy. We both got sweet potatoes for sides, plus gumbo and Maryland crab cakes for appetizers. Everything was incredible! It wasn't terribly expensive for how good the food was. I managed to get out of there for just under $100, including drinks. Definitely will be going back there again!

Today my daughter is coming home for spring break and I'll get some time with her before I head back to work on Tuesday evening...
He has a collapsed lung, cut from his neck down to his feet, we all knew that tho ..will need physical therapy to walk again but they think his recovery will be full. It will be a long road ..it's really a miracle he survived but he's a tough dude..
Y'all are AMAZING people getting him out!! 💕
It was a team effort.
.none of us wanted to be him yesterday..we need to do better company wise tho..it should have not happened at all but when stuff does happen..it needs to be better in alot of ways.
No one's life n well being is worth what happened..
If the mill survives this mess..I'm hoping I can convince the powers that be to upgrade training and proper equipment..well see..
Spent the day in the hospital, a new medication left me extremely dehydrated.

Spent the day in the hospital, a new medication left me extremely dehydrated.

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Hope you are home soon and feeling better @hashbrown !! 💓. Nice @Mountain trapper !! We have an older one that's pretty darn loud!!
Got the wood chipper put together and it runs good. It's pretty quiet too. I might try chipping something with it tomorrow. Nice day to be working outside, high temp 38 degs.
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Got a whole lot of seedling trays started, peppers were my first focus since they take forever. But it's going to be cold tonight, so I brought them all in and they're on the big table. Tomorrow temps should be better. Am deciding that the statin the doc put me on makes my head hurt, so I am not going to take it. I see him Tuesday, and we'll see if there's a different one. Tried it for four days, and I give up. You'd think he was trying to kill me or something. Caught up with oldest daughter for a while on the phone, she always cracks me up.
Saturday March 8th 2025
8.00 pm
16f right now not cold

Dropped about 7 bags of garbage in bin 😊
Shop vac
Washed the floors
Tomorrow I have more to do again and again
I even did let open the door (there is a screen) in the back at the 1st floor
for 30 minutes
It did bring fresh air in the house ...ahhhhh 😊

Fed everybody... Cats are calm
I adore all them they are so sweet
Dane Girl such an adorable BB
They bring LOVE and JOY in my life 🥰

Dinner: I ate leftovers (chicken fried rice and mint jelly)
Black Chai Tea and honey

Now ..now... I have a glass of Vodka and Pepsi to sip
My relaxing time ... 😌

Have a great evening !!
