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Sonya, I totally get it. There are a lot of things I wish I'd done differently in life. Family units all living together does work in some places and with some families. It was very common in Singapore for 3 or 4 generations to all live together. The kids were not expected to move out at 18. It was similar in Guam, although they had the added weird dynamic of the grandparents being the ones to raise the kids. A couple would have kids before they were 20 (sometimes before 18) and their parents would raise the kids while they did their thing. Then when their kids were teens they would have kids and their parents would raise them.

It's a chilly morning and the cats are surrounding me. Fippy already broke up a fight that was starting among them. He also startled Princess awake so she climbed on me and he took her spot. He was grousing about the cats for several minutes after he broke them up. Apparently any movement or sound from them pisses him off royally.

Boo is coming over to me wanting attention, Mewlatto is slapping at his tail. Yasuke is on my lap and keeps putting his paw on my lips. I'm trying to figure out what I want for breakfast bc I need to get up and eat something soon.
Was diagnosed with "post viral bronchitis" and given an antibiotic pack at the clinic yesterday. Then I headed off to help my daughter with her tire. I have no idea what the hell she ran over, but it put a 1.5 inch gash clear through the treads, through the steel belts, and ruined the tire. Luckily she was across the street from the shop where I got her tires, so I took it off the car and we ran it in there to get a new one put on the rim. I tried to make it a teaching moment, showing her how to jack the car up and all that. The rim was stuck on the hub so I had to kick it off the car. When we got back with the new tire, I had her tighten the lugs and let the car down off the jack. Hopefully the lesson sticks, because I'm sure she'll need to do it again someday...
Sounds similar to what happened to me this weekend.

I was driving in the dark to go let a dog out. There was something in the road that I didn't see until I couldn't avoid it. It was like a metal speed bump. I ended up with a dented alloy rim. It seemed okay until I was almost home and all of a sudden it wasn't. The tires on this car are strange and this is the second time I've had a flat on this car that I didn't realize until the tire was ruined. These tires have a small reveal when they are on. I've had a few flat tires in my life where I was aware of it before they were destroyed.

It was dark and I didn't want to change it in the dark. I needed to go feed and let the dog out in the morning. I got up early, loosened the lug nuts, jacked the car up, and then removed the lug nuts. The tire was like it was frozen to the hub. I kicked and kicked it and could not loosen it. This is the first time I have had this happen. I finally put the lug nuts back on, finger tightened them, and drove to a service station about a mile away to get help. Because the lug nuts were not tightened by the wrench, and the tire was so ripped up, it loosened up and the wheel broke free so it was ready to be removed. Guy took the wheel off and put on the spare.

I took wheel to the tire shop and they said they would see if a new tire would hold air and put the wheel on the back. After more driving the tire is still working.

I have never liked driving in the dark. I wonder how many other people ended up with damage because of that metal speed bump looking thing? It was gone the next morning. Mechanic told me he has had a few incidents with stuff in the road that caused damage to his vehicles.
It's kind of funny how different people look at things. Life is what a person chooses to make out of it. To the wife and I, life is wonderful. We live on a large parcel of land that we've always dreamed of, and are doing everything that we ever wanted to do. We traveled around the world many times, and have no desire to travel now. We chose careers that allowed us to live anywhere we wanted to, and the time off (up to 7 months paid vacation per year) to live how we wanted. We have zero complaints about life, or the choices that we made over the years. Family is all health and happy and are living where they want to be. And that's what really matters.
you are lucky too. You could have just as well had some unfortunate accident or disease through no fault of your own and your life would have turned into a nightmare. Some people have bad lives because of choices they make , but some just have bad luck . I am not saying me, but I have known people that did everything right and had good lives, and then they got cancer at a young age and died leaving behind a family with little kids. Or young people that got killed by some drunk driver. This sort of stuff happens all the time. You are just lucky. And I made some bad choices. If I had the lives of these people in that farm show I would not be complaining either!!
Plus you have to consider what you were "given" at birth, your parents, your health, your location, your intelligence, your looks. All those things matter, and some people are born more fortunate than others. Look at people born in some craphole like Africa or Haiti. They will most likely never be able to achieve what you have, no matter how hard they try.

But don't be too happy or karma will get you.....not wishing it on you!! But just think about that
you are lucky too. You could have just as well had some unfortunate accident or disease through no fault of your own and your life would have turned into a nightmare. Some people have bad lives because of choices they make , but some just have bad luck . I am not saying me, but I have known people that did everything right and had good lives, and then they got cancer at a young age and died leaving behind a family with little kids. Or young people that got killed by some drunk driver. This sort of stuff happens all the time. You are just lucky. And I made some bad choices. If I had the lives of these people in that farm show I would not be complaining either!!
Plus you have to consider what you were "given" at birth, your parents, your health, your location, your intelligence, your looks. All those things matter, and some people are born more fortunate than others. Look at people born in some craphole like Africa or Haiti. They will most likely never be able to achieve what you have, no matter how hard they try.

But don't be too happy or karma will get you.....not wishing it on you!! But just think about that
Believe me I've had plenty of accidents in my life and serious illnesses too. I worked through it. One of the things I did my entire life was to take advantage of opportunities when they came along. Many people don't, or won't. For example, while I was working I offered jobs to friends and family. Good paying rotational jobs that included 6 months vacation per year. Some people took advantage of these offers, but many didn't. They came up with all kinds of excuses why they couldn't.
Yes, there are people who suffer life changing issues that negatively impact their lives through no fault or their own. And for these people I truly feel bad for. But occasionally someone will stand out regardless of their misfortune or disability. Years ago I knew a gold miner who lost both legs from a land mine in Vietnam. It never slowed him down, his arms became his legs and he could do anything he wanted to do. He never sat in a wheelchair either.
With few exceptions, life is what one makes of it. I choose to be happy with life. Is it luck, or was it from hard work?
Ran some errands to got donuts and beer. Then potted up Elderberry clones.


The water based clones to the left with sand based clones on the right.

I may have enough sand based clones for the south border of the back field.


Ran some errands to got donuts and beer. Then potted up Elderberry clones.

View attachment 175141

The water based clones to the left with sand based clones on the right.

I may have enough sand based clones for the south border of the back field.

View attachment 175142

Donuts and beer? o_O Wow! You're hard core. Donuts and coffee or beer and chips, but donuts and beer - you're tougher than me. 😂
While I'm not in your shoes...and not giving advice to you, just thinking about how if you would be able to associate with your neighbors more often you would get strength from that. I don't know how often you see them, but definitely good people. Nobody's life is perfect. Somebody is always being crappy to someone else, the good thing about the program you're watching is that they can rely on each other, they aren't alone.
I've been researching some stuff today and definitely thinking about my future and I don't think it will be as bad as I was dreading.
Hoping you can find something to look forward to, something that brings you happiness.
look at you patch...you get a gold star today !! texas sunshine right there !
@Pearl we made her say sunshine....you and i gotta take our victories where we can with sonya....shes a tough nut to crack i tell ya...i know each morning she wants to say...pocket full of sunshine !
it did turn into an actually nice warm sunny day, after a cold and cloudy start!
All the sheep are out, including the lambs. I just got done repotting some starter plants, they get better stems that way
We haven't even plowed up the garden yet, usually that is way done by now
Just got back from a trip to the liquor store.

Had to replenish my supply of Bourbon & Whiskey (since October).

All I had left were expensive brands I didn't want to drink regularly.

76* and sunny now ... like a late Spring day!

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