What's everybody doing today?

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MoBook has the neigbors settled down any this week? Be careful.
No, they have not.
If anything several of them are worse than normal.
Local PD and ambulances were in my neighborhood this morning, this evening.
The natives are getting restless.
I don't normally go outside after dark anymore.
It's not safe right now.
But on happier note, I moved up on list for newer, safer apartment complex.
I'm number 3 now, been on this list since they built 2 years ago.
No, they have not.
If anything several of them are worse than normal.
Local PD and ambulances were in my neighborhood this morning, this evening.
The natives are getting restless.
I don't normally go outside after dark anymore.
It's not safe right now.
But on happier note, I moved up on list for newer, safer apartment complex.
I'm number 3 now, been on this list since they built 2 years ago.

Sorry I was hoping they were settling down .Hope that list gets to number 1 soon.
So I just wonder if anyone else has a brooder chicken that have chicken's, sits in nest all day. White wing which is a Barred Rock mix Rhode Island red , who want to sit on eggs all day? Took her off eggs and got them this morning then this evening she is back in nest sitting still with no eggs.:dunno:

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Pardon if someone already answered... missed it...

A bucket of water over her head every morning will do it... 2 or 3 days of sitting on a soggy nest will break that up pretty quick. Just make sure the hen and the nest gets soaked.

A quiet day, needed rest, needed to drop ammonia on my oldest corn, rest won out. Lite house keeping and a little tv was it.
oday we woke up to a cooler morning so had the fire going to warm the home a little and had a few cups of hot chocolate to wake up .

DH loaded all the chainsaws, fuels etc into the car and hitched up the trailer to the car and I got all the water and other items ready and we put sunscreen on us before we left so we didn't get sunburnt even though it is officially now winter here.

DH was speaking to our neighbour before we left and he wanted to buy firewood off us as he had broken his axe and was sick of doing little loads in his car. As he said it is now $150 a trailer load to buy here and as he is on a pension that is just too much for him. DH said we have some firewood dry and split in the shed that he could have for $20 - $40 for a trailer load or just enough to cover our fuel and oil we use to cut it. He said he was happy to pay $40 as we were cutting most of the timber for welfare purposes so he will come over and grab what he needs when he needs it for his fireplace. He is not in good health either so it helps us and him at the same time. :)

We drove there and had a large tree bough/trunk to cut again in a rather difficult position and it was big so we had to cut it into 3 sections after cutting half way through and rolling it over to cut the rest of the way through. Managed to fit 2 of the sections in the trailer and almost bar a couple of logs filled the trailer again :) .

We packed up and drove and stopped and the post office and came home and unloaded the firewood and stacked it to dry some more as it is still quite damp as you will see with the water running out of it in the photo below :) .

DH drove the trailer near the front shed and we unloaded all the equipment into the shed along with fuels and oils.

We both had some later lunch and the local plumber who did some work here some time ago dropped in his invoice and we paid him. Truth be known we rang him to pay him and he admitted he completely forgot to come back and get the payment .Always best to be honest and pay our dues for his hard work is our motto.

After a bit of a break we went down to the firewood shed and brought up another large wheelbarrow full of firewood as we are expecting it to be cold here according to the weather forecast for the rest of the week here.

I emailed two friends yesterday and got replies back from both and good news is my friend with depression was finally able to see a counselor and the doctor has adjusted her medication and she seems a lot happier. To be honest I was very worried about her from my last phone call with her as she was so down.

Tonight's dinner was spam and cheese toasted sandwiches for something a little easier.


  • 1st june 2020 firewood.JPG
    1st june 2020 firewood.JPG
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No calls yet today for house showings, and the house is clean. So I'm headed out to work on the garage. The kids were hoping that we'd have to leave for awhile because they heard on the radio that it's donut day at Krispie Kream and everyone gets a free one. Husband headed out for pulmonary rehab, then will get out of Albuquerque by afternoon before the fun begins again tonight.
@Amish Heart Hope your house sells quickly so you don't have to fret about it (it's a hassle isn't it?) Also, I don't like krispy kreams - thought they were heavy and ultra sweet which I'm sure is why kids love them:)
@phideaux Jim, you get yourself better! You have a whole lotta folks out here prayin' for ya!!! 🙏 :huggs:
@MoBookworm1957 Spring is when many folks decide to move. Maybe you'll be higher on the list in short order.
@Sewingcreations15 You're awesome! Firewood is valuable both to have and to give~

Well this weekend was interesting~ Sat. was in the 90's then the wind started howling and major gusts and thunder and lightening and oh wow! Without power Sat. from suppertime until about midnight. It was supposed to be restored by 8:30 pm. I received and automated msg. that they would call to verify it had been restored - so I shut my phone off, not a huge deal to me. At 11:40, I was awaken by the loud obnoxious beeping of a service rig that had driven up our drive then decided to back all the way back to the road - BEEPING! Power came on abut midnight - so did the dining room light that shines right into the bedroom, so I got up and shut it off. Finally got back to sleep sometime around 1:30AM.
Yesterday, I ironed about 20 shirts!!! Changed the bedding to lighter coverings - when I did, I knocked hubby's clock on the floor, just picked it up and set it back on the nightstand. It evidently set the alarm when it fell. Yea, the alarm wasn't set so it went off at midnight! I got back to sleep about 1:30AM. I just want to sleep through the night.
Busy day. Walked, etc., fed dogs, checked one hardware store and found posts at an ok price. Went to State Park to visit with a friend, then Walmart for monthly stock up, then another hardware store for chicken wire.
Paid bills, called in a prescription to pick up tomorrow, still need to water gardens tonight.
No calls for showings today, so I guess weekends are the busy days. Got the garage cleaned out and it took all afternoon. Pod #4 was picked up, and dumpster for yard cleanup arrives tomorrow. I am tired. Just read that a gun store was broken into last night with the rioting. The Albuquerque mayor gave a speech this morning, and praised the protestors, and blamed the rioters. He said he was not calling in the guard and not doing a curfew.
@Amish Heart While listening to the scanner last night I heard a gun store got broken into in the big city as well. I hope they didn’t get anything. They caught a few of them when they scattered as the police pulled up.

Weekends seem to be the busy showing times here. My aunt is selling her place here and is in NM not far from Albuquerque now. She has to sell this place before she can buy something there. She’s so glad she got out of here when she did.
The online news didn't say which gun store, but did say they took a number of guns. My favorite store is in the downtown area, but they are barred up tight, and I wouldn't be surprised if the owner was armed and in the store all night. So I'm wondering if it was one of the newer stores. I guess Albuquerque is safer than areas in Corrales, but we are moving to the middle of nowhere Kansas. She can buy our house if she wants a large home on an acre. We are on the outskirts of Albuquerque in Corrales.
Worked on cross stitch blocks, finished another fish of some type.
Kinda reminds me of Nemo.
Went to Wal*Mart, got some things on my list but not others.
People were rude, pushy.
Strawberry will have to wait for her dog treats, maybe next week.
She's not out. She just thinks she is when I start breaking them in two.
I don't want to say my grass is tall but if she lays down in grass, I can't see the top of her head.
Local PD here again first thing this morning.
Took several people out in cuffs, zip ties.
Walked with Strawberry several times today.
Almost up to 5000 steps, but both knees are swollen today.
Filled up the car while I was out, went and checked on dad too.
Paid $1.69 for gas got $10 worth.
No clue what's for supper.
Bills are paid, car filled up.
Had lunch might have supper later.
CPAP supplies finally got here, they were ordered a month ago.
Still waiting on medicine.
I put a second coat of primer on the places that needed it and started scrubbing the facia on the garage and shop to put primer on them. I am hoping they will be dry enough by tomorrow to paint. Even if the facia isn't dry I have all the trim around the roof of the shop and garage to put primer on. Have I told you how much I love ladders? (not even the third step) I wonder why I used a 4 in 12 slope on my roof... Oh yeah, the snow.
So, I get to use the 24 foot ladder and the 16 foot ladder. Maybe I'll get used to being that far away from the ground and lose my stupid unreasonable fear of falling. That would be cool!
Took my friend to a junk car lot to pull a window out of a car to replace a broken window in his car. Only cost him $25.
He then went with me to pick up a bathtub from Lowes, loaded it into the truck, and unloaded it into my workshop.
Email said my order was ready to pick up but they hadn't even pulled it off the shelf yet so I had to wait an hour.
I went to the metal hardware section & found an angle bar that was the right depth & height to work as a shelf to cover the gap next to my friend's stove.
When he unloaded the tub he pointed out that I have a chop saw with a metal cutting blade on it. Made short work of the bar & cut it to size.
Helped him install it when I got back to his house.
Got Burger King for Mom and milk for my brother on the way home.
Have to take Mom to an eye appointment today in the afternoon.
I was out walking yesterday morning.
And Strawberry is normally with me, and she was laid out in the grass.
Office person of apartment complex asked where Strawberry was?
I pointed to clump of high grass and said over there.
She comments"well I can't see her?"
I say"if the grass wasn't so high, you could see her sprawled out quitely laying in the sun".
Mowers are here now.
Strawberry and I have walked this morning several times.
It's been a semi quite day so far in the neighborhood.
Don't know whom the local Law Enforcement officers are searching for, but hopefully they find them soon.
They're searching in some particular places, me I just giggle and watch sitting on my front porch with my coffee.
I figure some of these officers are very new to the job.
Like fresh out of the Academy.
Finally getting some things done today BEFORE I got online.Vaccumed,moped and cleaned all morning.Hubby washed old bad skin cripple dog.She is so smart an good yet spoiled too because she has nto been healthy since they spayed her 12 yr ago. She got something in the vet office she never has totally gotten over.
No calls for showings today, so I guess weekends are the busy days. Got the garage cleaned out and it took all afternoon. Pod #4 was picked up, and dumpster for yard cleanup arrives tomorrow. I am tired. Just read that a gun store was broken into last night with the rioting. The Albuquerque mayor gave a speech this morning, and praised the protestors, and blamed the rioters. He said he was not calling in the guard and not doing a curfew.

What a difference a ' day ' makes. When we protested theykept us walking and under strit rules.
What in the heck is this yellow eraser that keeps erasing my letters and making typos?It only happens here so at times can't correct errors mine or the yellow piece ofbad wrok!!!!So I have ot post then come back to post and edit!
now can't even edit post
Walked, picked up prescription on the way and then did video, fed dogs, Went to hardware store for garden stakes (they only had 4), then grocery for bananas.
Made sweet potato treats for dogs, hard boiled eggs and then baked turkey breast.
Did one load of laundry. Only thing left (besides packaging turkey) is to make an outside compost bin out of a lick tub. That is next!
Took my friend to a junk car lot to pull a window out of a car to replace a broken window in his car. Only cost him $25.
He then went with me to pick up a bathtub from Lowes, loaded it into the truck, and unloaded it into my workshop.
Email said my order was ready to pick up but they hadn't even pulled it off the shelf yet so I had to wait an hour.
I went to the metal hardware section & found an angle bar that was the right depth & height to work as a shelf to cover the gap next to my friend's stove.
When he unloaded the tub he pointed out that I have a chop saw with a metal cutting blade on it. Made short work of the bar & cut it to size.
Helped him install it when I got back to his house.
Got Burger King for Mom and milk for my brother on the way home.
Have to take Mom to an eye appointment today in the afternoon.

Zanne, thought you would liek this kitty video.

@SheepDog My mom is afraid of heights too. When I told her how I attached the gable ornament on the house up the river, I could see her heart race. Two story house, I used the extension ladder to get on the roof then leaned over the peak with the screw gun, etc. Pretty sure OSHA would approve 😂
(PS - I am careful not reckless when up that high, but not bothered by the height.)
Have another showing, so have to leave in a few minutes. Dumpster came and we've been working on filling it. Went to Michaels for the first time this year to get granddaughter art supplies and canvas for her birthday gifts for next week. Store wasn't busy, and the only people I had to watch distance from were employees. Everything was overstocked. Surprised they were all out of bags, and the sign said you had to wear a mask and not bring your own bags, so that was weird.
Oldest son's washer and dryer left this afternoon.
Son and I loaded it, his help was a "NO" show again.
We had a furniture dolly with straps to load it.
My chest freezer fit perfectly where the dryer had been.
Old time kitchen enamel top metal cabinet fit perfectly where the washer had been.
Still have room between them too.
Now the backdoor can open all the way.
Where the metal cabinet had been the trashcan now resides there.
Makes the whole room look bigger.
Moved my toy Hoosier cabinet, wardrobe, wishbone dresser around, so now grand daughter will have more room to play.
Will be moving enamel top table and chairs in front of window in dining area.
Hopefully that will make dining area look bigger too.
Walked approx 5000 steps today.
Supper is over, kicked back in recliner relaxing.
Strawberry is snoring on love seat.
Didn't get to town yesterday as planned but made it there today. Stopped by the small engine shop with my chainsaw. The guy has a socket specially cut to fit the brake on a husqvarna saw. I guess folks besides my grtnephew mess up the clutch cover. Anyway, he didn't even charge me anything to move the brake to the no brake position, took less than 2 minutes to correct. I need to go through my old bolt bin and look for a slotted hex nut the right size in case this ever happens again. Might have to take a grinder to it to make it work but it'd be nice to have.

I picked up meds for the folks and a few groceries and got a few for me.

Stopped at the barbershop, I really, really needed a hair cut. Someone had hung a sign by the door... "No Masks Allowed". Everything was back to normal except for folks being upset about the riots...

2 guys from the shop had signed up with the sheriffs office. I guess folks have been volunteering in case riots come here. They said the volunteer list already had over 50 names on it. All were stand up folks, well known in the county, many are vets. I personally know several of the people they mentioned, one is a cousin. I guess you could call it a "Break Glass in Case of Fire" list. I'm betting the sheriff never wants to have to break the glass.

They said the sheriff was going to cut the list off at 75 names. That would allow him to triple the size of the department in an hour's notice with another 25 people for transport, logistics and jail staff in an emergency. By the time spouses are added... they could feed an army. Granted, I didn't hear this from a LEO, just the highlights at the barbershop. If my crippled butt could be of help, they just have to call.
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Another crazy day at work. Found out before lunch our comms are getting shut down tomorrow for some maintenace on the UPS systems. We first were told it was going to shut down our 911 console's as well. Had security, FD, hazmat, and 911 all freaking out and asking us what we could do for a work around. Found out about 230 it was only radios and they were seperately powered from the consoles. Most folks were breathing a little easier. Still gonna be a headache. I've got a crew staying late to help out. It did bring up a discussion of a long term project to put in a seperate repeater and have a solar back up to power it. We've got a good plan for a couple hours work, just got to find funding now.

Got home and did a little more work on my drip irrigation system and ran it for 3 hours. Just turned it off and checked, beds look really good and soaked.
Monitoring my radios.
Reports of gun fire. County sent a Deputy to investigate. Fireworks. Warning issued.
Amateur radio operators announced they are monitoring on the two local 2 meter repeaters.
10 and 20 meters are dead, no propagation.
CB Channel 19. Quiet.
Wind is 2.5 MPH from the SW. Pressure is 30.3 and dropping. 84 degrees with 48% humidity.
I'm going to bed. Good night all...
Meerkat, that is adorable! I hope the kitty has a home now.
Mom has been in a bad mood past few days. Having temper tantrums over nothing. Blowing up over minor things. Screaming at me over stuff I have no control over. She had a tizzy in the truck & would not STFU about the mirror falling out of her hairbrush that she left in the truck. She was trying to blame me for it being missing. I told her "You shouldn't have left it in the truck". It's on the passenger side so I'm the driver & don't mess with that side, but she wouldn't let it go. She then found several other things to kvetch about. She was angry that I'm tired all the time-- but it's not like I want to be tired all the time. I'm hoping she'll calm down soon.
Took her for her doctor's appointment & she was thinking we were going to be late- claimed she tried to get me to leave earlier-- I was waiting for her to say she wanted to go but she never said "Let's go now". She has this thing where she doesn't communicate & expects people to read her mind & then is mad that we aren't mind readers & blows up about it. Hit just about every red light on the way & had a vehicle come to almost a complete stop in front of me in the fast lane so it could get in to the turn lane (which is a continuous turn lane and exists so people don't have to stop in the fast lane).
Brother came along because he needed to drop something off at UPS office.
Eye doctor didn't even see Mom til an hour and 20 minutes after her appointment time. So we sat waiting for her for that long.
The whole time all my brother did was gripe about her and how much she gripes. I had to bite my tongue bc I didn't want to get into an argument about how entitled & spoiled he is when he whined about how he shouldn't be expected to lift a finger around the house bc he has a job (although he's currently not working) and how Mom wanted him to clean up after himself and do chores in exchange for getting free food, free internet, free cellphone, free rent, free utilities, etc. But only thing he mentioned was rent & food. Said he was willing to pay rent if it meant he didn't have to do any chores-- but if he doesn't have to do chores, by default it ALL falls on me. So, I sat there while his entitled lazy butt whined without even thinking about the fact that my mother rejected his offer bc she knows I can't do all of it by myself due to my health. He moved on to trying to lecture me about how I need to do more & claimed he did stuff when he was unemployed even though he didn't. I started tuning him out and when he didn't pick up on it and wouldn't STFU, I started loading Youtube on my phone.
He does not get that millions of people work AND do their fair share of chores. But he never did his chores even when not working.
On the way home we stopped by my friend's house to drop off something he'd forgotten in my truck. There was some drama going on bc his grandfather (who had been told the day before he was no longer welcome over, was not allowed to see my friend's daughter, & needed to stay tf away) was parked in my friend's driveway hogging the whole thing so nobody else could park (including my friend who was on his way home from work). The day before the grandfather had rolled up while my friend was with me, laid on his horn until people went outside to tell him to stop, & started demanding to see my friend and my friend's daughter. The little girl was having a temper tantrum at the time & had my friend's pregnant fiance very upset. The horn blowing made her more upset so she told the old man that now was not a good time & the girl was misbehaving & not listening to anyone & to come back later. He didn't accept that so he got verbally abusive with her & swore at her until she started crying. She called my friend sobbing hysterically about it so when my friend got home, he called the grandfather to tell him he'd lost his visiting privileges by being an a-hole.
My friend was very angry when he saw the old man there. He was trying to get them to let him take the little girl to Walmart but he doesn't have a booster seat, is a lousy driver (had a few wrecks), & doesn't even have a driver's license. He crashed with the girl in the car so he's not allowed to drive anywhere with her & now she's not even allowed to go near his vehicle bc he got her in the car & drove off with her w/o permission (knowing it was prohibited by her parents) & had her in the front seat w/ no seat belt on.
Sadly, the old man can't get the police to help since they give him preferential treatment. He's the brother-in-law of the former chief of police so they let him get away with stuff. My friend is ready to pick up and move somewhere else where the grandfather can't find him bc he's so aggravated by the man.
He waited until the grandfather left to go back home. Parked in the next door church's parking lot & waited. Old man left in a huff.
Oh, almost forgot I went to Samsclub to grab some stuff & my brother came in so he took awhile looking for stuff. He did load it into the truck and helped unload, but I'm exhausted. The heat does not agree with me.