What's everybody doing today?

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stopped in at goodwill today and bought great grandsons some flash cards for 59 cents and a singer button magic for 59cents and a couple of candles. 2.36 was my grand total.
That's the best stuff. More kids need those things instead of the stupid phones. They need to engage their brains with stuff like that. Good on ya for being a good grandma. Shows you REALLY care ....
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Loading up to go boat ramp hunting.
Ate Keto dieters nightmare breakfast of pancakes and syrup and fruit juice.
Moving peeps back outside into brooder.
Looking for a new song to play ,to get rid of the rappers who keep playing in my head that I played to work by yesterday. Maybe some Julio or Bee Gees.:dunno:. Have lots of CDs will take on ramp journey :blue truck:, theres one ' Journey '. :lil guy:
oldest daughter came up today and brought us 18 of her chicken eggs. she has orpintons and just got her some rhode island red hens. she and her hubby quit driving the big rigs so her grandsons would have a stable home enviroment. it's working as the teachers at school tell her that the boy is doing very well since she started taking care of them. now hubby drives for a logging company and she stays at home with the boys. the youngest starts school next year. so she and her hubby can have their own garden this year and i won't have to do so much. YEAH RIGHT LOL
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@backlash -- The officer that picked up the bones was nice enough to call yesterday and let me know they were determined to be all non-human animal bones. Good to know, I won't report suspicious bones again unless she shows up with a human-like skull sporting modern dental work.

She did have a jawbone with teeth in her collection and that sort of freaked me out until I got a better look and realized it was definitely not a human jaw.
Thank you for the update.
If he did leave the area then where in the heck has he been for over a year? And why wasn't he identified? Frail elders do not disappear for over year without either dying or ending up in a facility/hospital of some kind, and even if he showed up 3 states away he should not be hard to identify whether living or dead seeing as how he is pushing 80 and there aren't very many people that age on missing person's lists.
There was a woman that disappeared from the Huston airport.
Her remains were eventually found, 7 years later.
I went down to the bottoms to check on some plants this morning. It was a nice morning for a walk. This afternoon I noticed a plant I bought Thursday just wasn’t responding to water. So I watered it again and realized the water just runs straight through its container and out the bottom.

To save it I was going to have to re-pot it asap. As I started to re-pot it I realized a small family of Guinea Wasps were trying to make a home on my porch! Luckily I didn’t get stung but wasn’t for their lack of trying. I grabbed the can of wasp spay and went back out armed for war! I got most of them right off the bat but there are still a few out there nosing around. I’ll get the last few before the day is over.
daugher and i went to goodwill yesterday, found the boys some more flashcards and a christmas plate for me. okay i'm already planning my christmas week for this year. retirement is going to suit me fine. for the first time in a long time i'm going to have a christmas with all of my family and friends and i wont have to rush around to get all the baking and cooking done. YEAH:flyingaway::swingstocking::Xmastree:
Happy Easter and April Fools Day everyone have a wonderful peaceful and happy family day together :). He has risen !.

@timmie now that is planning ahead for your family Christmas and retirement :D and believe me you won't be bored like me as there is always something to do to keep you occupied. I cannot understand how people say they are bored when they retire :dunno: as we are busier than we ever were when I worked.
We had a wonderful Easter Sunday yesterday and had a good day at church and spoke to some wonderful friends we haven't seen in ages as well. Other than that not a lot done as it is a day of rest for us but we did have a big bake day before Easter Sunday to prepare so we would have some yummy Easter treats for both of us.
Yep, its empty, been there, seen it. Somebody built a church around it. There was and old gray bearded monk sitting on the floor beside it praying. he had a little tray in front of him. I put some coins in it and started to walk away. He stopped me, took something out of a little box and prayed over it. Then he handed it to me. It was a rosary, I think thats what its called. I still have it.
Hello everyone :) . We have not done much today as we are saving our energy for the final load of cow manure we will get to amend the last vegetable garden bed with.

We did however hand water the newly planted vegetable seeds with rain water from the tanks and also the potted fruit trees on the back veranda. Then into the kitchen where DH washed the dishes, cleaned the benches and I dried them and put them away.

Made some lovely juice from the last of our cucumbers from the gardens and saved the seeds from a few for our own planting and some for sale on the internet. Tonight's dinner is curried sausages and veges.
As I started to re-pot it I realized a small family of Guinea Wasps were trying to make a home on my porch!

Yeah I got tagged by a wasp yesterday in the house and boy did it HURT for about a minute! Yowsers. Caught it in a jar and put it outside. One of my dogs is allergic and I can't risk her getting bit (or afford another huge vet bill if she did, assuming I could even get to the vet in time).
Will be loading up the boat, figuring out where the table and a comfy chair is going on it. going to buy battery # 2 and maybe clean out fridge.
Today should be first voyage down the river hoping it is not an adventure.

Just got my morning exercise who can sit still listening to this song?:dancing:

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I've been packing on account im moving into town. Pluss i have my moms car abd title to it.in which i just talked to a guy a lil bit ago.i want to trade the car fot a truck.and have the title in my name..pluss my Chihuahua had puppies 2 days ago.and for anyone thats wondering.yes my life is hectic upside down.and in chaos.