What's everybody doing today?

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Killing ants!

Cooking sausage and eggs and making pico de gallo for morning breakfast burritos (low carb tortilla). Also making baked beans and grilling chicken. Yesterday I made a green bean salad with just a can of green beans and Italian dressing. We tried the ham and bean soup that I canned and it is wonderful!!! Trying to get a little ahead with DH maybe in the hospital overnight tomorrow evening.
Prayers said for your husband and for yourself. Prayerfully he won't need to stay the night.
Sorry, meant 15 years of photos. We had 45 photos taken, and then a group photo with all the kids and staff outside. That one we hang on the wall in the parent's lobby. The photographer takes about a dozen shots of that group photo and prints the one that looks the best. Even the one he picks is hysterical. We had a couple of parents in at the time today and were standing back cracking up. That didn't help any! Ha.
Prayers said for your husband and for yourself. Prayerfully he won't need to stay the night.
Thank you! I hope not!

Snappy1...hope your husband isn't stuck in the hospital overnight! Mine is going in on the 23rd, and he's hoping he doesn't have to stay overnight. If so, I stay too. It makes for a long night.
I wish I could stay overnight but the dogs are all inside dogs. DH would want me home with them. I hope he will be home also!
Making breakfast and checking guests out. Then a quick clean because on f my sons, his wife and four kids arrive for a few days. We only get to see this bunch once or twice a year. He is looking at moving across country so come summer we may see them even less, but we will enjoy this visit

Doing a little of everything today. Unless its fun of course that ain't gonna happen, just kidding, its a beautiful morning.
Our kids live from 400 to 900 miles away so not many visits here. Of course it is easier for us yo go there.
Daughter called yesterday to say they went on 3 daybreak to Panama City Beach.She said she didn't want me to find out through grandkids. And I had all this work for her to do when she visited next time.:D
She said" hope your not mad", who me mad of course not.:rolleyes: But I get over it and didn't say anythign but hope yall had a good time. The quilt thing doesn't work anymore.:D
Today plant lavender and inside chores, toddler has EI this afternoon .One of many weekly therapies. He also has Speech, OT, and PT.

Hubs took the day off and is doing outside chores till I go-to work at 4:30. Have to get dinner organized for him to pop in the oven later.

It's a beautiful sunny day in the 60's . We are supposed to go down to the mid 30's the next few nights. But all I have growing with vegetation right now is swiss chard. I might cover them tonight .
Catching up on laundry that didn't get done while we were visiting my folks. I'm fasting my way back into ketosis as well. My folks are carb crazy and it is hard to fast for 4+ days at a time when visiting. My dad claims to eat low carb but I know that is not true. The amount of carbs they have in the house proves it.

Ordered some stores for the sick cabinet since I am out of soup and crackers. I found that the Late July brand saltines are packaged in mylar and it is thicker stuff than I use. I have kept a box on hand for a while and it was still yummy even after the expiration date. Plus the expiration dates are at least a year out. I need to get some more powdered pedialyte and chewable children's tylenol but I can get those on my next trip to Walmart.

Also doing a bit of planning for our Disney trip we are going to take in about 18 months. The big expense is going to be the stay in the resort hotel. We figured we did the commute thing when we took Roo and with this trip being Juju's first we'd make it a bit more exciting for Roo by adding a 2 night stay at the resort. I have a tote of Disney themed knick knacks to cut cost on overpriced souvenirs and tons of ideas for more on my pinterest board. I have been saving the free with purchase Target gift cards since Jan to use to get a few Disney gift cards to give to the girls to spend as they want when we go. So far I have $75 in gift cards. I love it when Target offers the gift cards when you buy cat litter. I stock up! I have tons of tricks and ideas to cut the cost of this trip and so far it looks like it will cost less than Roo's first trip 3 years ago!
I swear that if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! I am already mobility-challenged and get around with an electric scooter. Yesterday morning, while loading the scooter onto the carrier on the back of my car, it slipped and fell off- onto my foot. The dang scooter weighs about 250 pounds, so it was hard to lift it off the foot, and it managed to give me a nice laceration in addition to crushing the muscles and tendons. Fortunately, I have bones of steel and nothing broke, but now I am non-weight bearing, wearing another stupid ortho boot, and using a walker when I can't ride the scooter. <Sigh> At least my foot is all kinds of pretty colors! Now if only the swelling would go down so it didn't look like a summer sausage!!!!
I swear that if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! I am already mobility-challenged and get around with an electric scooter. Yesterday morning, while loading the scooter onto the carrier on the back of my car, it slipped and fell off- onto my foot. The dang scooter weighs about 250 pounds, so it was hard to lift it off the foot, and it managed to give me a nice laceration in addition to crushing the muscles and tendons. Fortunately, I have bones of steel and nothing broke, but now I am non-weight bearing, wearing another stupid ortho boot, and using a walker when I can't ride the scooter. <Sigh> At least my foot is all kinds of pretty colors! Now if only the swelling would go down so it didn't look like a summer sausage!!!!
I'm so sorry! I just got out of my ortho boot after heel spur surgery. What a pain they are!!
but now I am non-weight bearing, wearing another stupid ortho boot, and using a walker when I can't ride the scooter. <Sigh> At least my foot is all kinds of pretty colors! Now if only the swelling would go down so it didn't look like a summer sausage!!!!

Wow! That's like adding insult to injury! I sure hope you heal soon!

DH has no blockages at all so now to get VA to find a pulmonologist in our area to go to! Praising the Lord for no blockages at all! I was all set to blame myself for the way I cook if he had to have stents. So can I be happy for the way I cook since he has no blockages? We eat very little processed food at all, but do have sugar in some things.

I am so tired and DH can't do anything at all for the next 3 days which isn't a big difference, but still. I know this is all temporary, including our time here on earth!
I swear that if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! I am already mobility-challenged and get around with an electric scooter. Yesterday morning, while loading the scooter onto the carrier on the back of my car, it slipped and fell off- onto my foot. The dang scooter weighs about 250 pounds, so it was hard to lift it off the foot, and it managed to give me a nice laceration in addition to crushing the muscles and tendons. Fortunately, I have bones of steel and nothing broke, but now I am non-weight bearing, wearing another stupid ortho boot, and using a walker when I can't ride the scooter. <Sigh> At least my foot is all kinds of pretty colors! Now if only the swelling would go down so it didn't look like a summer sausage!!!!
I swear that if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! I am already mobility-challenged and get around with an electric scooter. Yesterday morning, while loading the scooter onto the carrier on the back of my car, it slipped and fell off- onto my foot. The dang scooter weighs about 250 pounds, so it was hard to lift it off the foot, and it managed to give me a nice laceration in addition to crushing the muscles and tendons. Fortunately, I have bones of steel and nothing broke, but now I am non-weight bearing, wearing another stupid ortho boot, and using a walker when I can't ride the scooter. <Sigh> At least my foot is all kinds of pretty colors! Now if only the swelling would go down so it didn't look like a summer sausage!!!!

Those Arizona Mountain folk be tough, maybe a bit clumsily :eyeballs: but real tough.:woo hoo: Get well soon Dr.
Got a Message. Prayer Warrior has "Crossed Over". Dear Friend. We did a lot of "Gods Work". She "Crossed Over" in January. I found out by calling her and not getting an answer. Last time we talked, the way we talked, it was like she was saying that we would never talk again. I called her son, he confirmed. She was a 76 year old Black Lady in Detroit and wouldn't leave, powerful prayer life. That's What Happened today. Im not Grieved, she had it comin, like we all do. Jean is with Jesus, her work is done here, we did some good work here. I will take up the slack. MY NAME IS NOT JACK!
PS. I see some effective icons to click, in the lower right hand corner. Could the Mods add one? One that's says FU.
Got a Message. Prayer Warrior has "Crossed Over". Dear Friend. We did a lot of "Gods Work". She "Crossed Over" in January. I found out by calling her and not getting an answer. Last time we talked, the way we talked, it was like she was saying that we would never talk again. I called her son, he confirmed. She was a 76 year old Black Lady in Detroit and wouldn't leave, powerful prayer life. That's What Happened today. Im not Grieved, she had it comin, like we all do. Jean is with Jesus, her work is done here, we did some good work here. I will take up the slack. MY NAME IS NOT JACK!
PS. I see some effective icons to click, in the lower right hand corner. Could the Mods add one? One that's says FU.

Sorry for the loss of your friend. Resto, I can understand the desire for the requested icon but I very seriously doubt your requested icon will be added.
Yesterday a bit done around the house & DH went and did another gardening job that should bring in a little more income. We also went out to the gardens and picked 5.5 bunches of silver beet from the gardens and blanched and froze it making 11 meals for the freezer for the 2 of us.

Today round 1 is we have stain removed, put on 2 loads of washing, hung it out and brought it back in. DH and I folded up 2 loads of washing this morning and made the bed with fresh sheets. I have deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet for the week and DH has swept and hand watered some of the side and back of house lawn with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine.
Round 2 for today is that we have just folded up another 2 loads of washing and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches in the kitchen and I put them away.

Out into the gardens where we supplement watered the newly planted capsicum, beans, onions, carrots and beetroot seeds planted in the gardens and then trench composted our silver beet scraps from our blanching and freezing yesterday into one of the newly amended vegetable gardens in the back paddocks.

Tonight's dinner is the other half of our homemade pizza we had last night.
10 hours and 8 minutes sleep last night according to fitbit, although awake 4 times and restless 16. I think that's a personal best! Is there an Olympics division for sleeping?

Today, I'm running to the local grocery for their one day sale, post office to mail eBay, drug store for DH's meds and then cleaning house this afternoon. Supposed to rain this afternoon and overnight and get cold again. Low around 39 tomorrow night. Pretty cool here for Southwestern MS!
And this last months elec. bill was $81. So much better than $260 in February!
Had to be in to work at 6am, so I just got home and things look very sloppy around here. Husband, daughter, and the twins left way after I did. Picked up three wading pools for the ducks on my way home. Babies aren't ready to go out yet, but a friend is giving us three grown ducks. If we don't like them, they'll be dinner. Our son is finishing up the outside duck run. Mostly done, just finishing touches on the roof. We have hawks and a pair of owls in our back trees. Granddaughter has a slumber party I need to get her to. Grandson is home tonight (grounded, till grades come up), so he will be acting abused and miserable.
I went and got a few groceries today. I picked up glass cleaner at the auto parts store. They have a product called “Invisible Glass”, it puts windex to shame!

I stopped at the power equipment store to get a new chain for the chainsaw. It’s a husqvarna 340, I remembered that. When the guy asked me the bar length I had a complete senior moment! I couldn’t remember… :oops:

Another guy behind the counter said most 340’s have a 16 inch bar, that’s what they sold me. Since I was in doubt I put the receipt in the box with the chain. Sure enough, when I got home… It has an 18” bar. :( I put the chain in the truck for the next trip to town. The chain I have isn't completely worn out so there's no hurry.

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