What's everybody doing today?

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Sitting here sweating. Only in the high 70s but like 100% humidity so it's still miserable

We had a great day at the market, lots of veggies to sell now. I sold an entire big box of green beans, made almost $60 just on those. Also sold all the tomatoes that were ripe , will have lots more

Been spraying and cutting down goldenrod plants taking over in various areas. They are poisonous and so even the goats can't and won't eat them.

Found out son qualifies for financial aid for college now, but he is now a few weeks past the deadline to apply for next semester so most likely we will still have to pay

The puppy is sooooo cute! We are working on the housetraining. He understands that he gets a treat and a click if he goes outdoors, but hasn't figured out how to let me know he needs to go. I have to constantly watch him or put him in his crate. He does drink a lot of water and pees a lot but it's been hot and humid here and we have no ac so that's probably why.
Today was clean up the yard and buy perishables day. Brother came over and helped dad with the lawn and weeds. Mostly just chillin after that. Did a little yarn spinning on the wheel. Decisions were made about the boats. Dad wants to get rid of the fishing boat and the pontoon boat and get a new, smaller toon boat. His feeling is that way my SIL and I will have a fairly new boat after he’s gone.

Tomorrow my bedroom closet gets cleaned out of all the junk that found it’s way in ther—an old telescope, a snowmobile suit that fits no one in the family (besides there’s no snowmobiles here anymore). Once it’s cleaned ou, there’ll be room to store my newest loom purchase.
Our internet was out for a few days because of the storms , then I got busy with farmers market stuff and the new puppy
Hope everyone is well, don't have time right now to read much online posts

The new baby, Otto
He’s adorable!!!

I had an uncle named Otto. Actually his name was Adolf but everyone just called him Otto.
My best friend's name that passed away a few years ago AND my godfather's name ( passed away long time ago)
Plus...it's a German Shepherd....:)
I had a friend who was German (she's now passed). She asked me if I could look up a few of her family members. I had a heck of a time. When they came to the US, their names were Americanized. Johannas was John, Ludvig was Louis etc. except Otto. He remained Otto 😊 I was surprised. (There were more, I just can't remember them all.)
Got corn canned. A bunch of apricots in baskets on the counter that I'll sort through so I can put the ripe ones on the dehydrator in the morning. Hubby likes it when I can corn. His "job" is to wait patiently until it is blanched and decobbed. Then he takes his stick of butter and cleans up the cobs. Says it leaves the best part.
This weekend it's been yardwork until the blisters make that impossible. Got so much done I'm super grateful for the motivation and the help from our young neighbors who will be having their wedding reception in our backyard next month. Trimmed all the shrubs, bushes and trees and everything looks so much better. My wife and I were joking that all you have to do to be a good landscape gardener is to prune things until they aren't overlapping each other 😂

Times been flying so fast I forgot all about eggs in the incubator until I heard cheeping from it, fortunately I was able to unplug the egg turner before anyone got mangled by it. Got 5 more chicks which should be perfect if they're not all roosters.

Hope everyone is staying cool, all the stories of car A/C going out have me keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have to deal with that, it's now hitting 100 constantly here and my dear wife goes into anaphylactic shock if she gets overheated :(
Away yesterday so catching up today- Picked my first tomatoes of the season; and our very first blueberries. Will need to get more plants. Spent the morning watering and everyday stuff- going to do some writing and maybe dig out some craft projects I never finished and get back to them. OH is still working on the cabin, the inside will be white, so I see painting in my future!
Off today!! My sweet couple I clean for on Mondays have covid☹️! Everything is fed and watered. Taking Bear to Tractor Supply shortly. Need to not just enlarge his front yard, but need a much taller fence as well. So I'm pricing fence material and talking to a couple of fence people, may just have it done!! I normally do all that stuff myself, but I don't think I've got it in me right now, even with hubby's help!! Going to cook some chicken and ground beef for future meals, and dice peppers, onions, and celery too! Aside from the pool, activities will be inside today!
Couldn't find any baking soda in the house. Stomach is still bad. Had to run to the bathroom first thing this morning. Fed the cats and halfway through feeding had to run back. Total of 7x thus far. Ugh. Out of anti-diarrhea meds and Pepto isn't working. I need to go to the store but not sure my guts will let me. Feeling a bit nauseous.

Watched some Holey Moley last night (on DVR). That show cracks me up. Wish my dad was around to watch it bc he would love it. Rob Riggle's adlibs are the best.

Tried calling my neighbor to let her know her package was mis-delivered over here but her phoneline is out of service now. I'm not going over there sick in case I have something viral. Will have to figure out which service sent it so I can call them to come get it.
Couldn't find any baking soda in the house. Stomach is still bad. Had to run to the bathroom first thing this morning. Fed the cats and halfway through feeding had to run back. Total of 7x thus far. Ugh. Out of anti-diarrhea meds and Pepto isn't working. I need to go to the store but not sure my guts will let me. Feeling a bit nauseous.

Watched some Holey Moley last night (on DVR). That show cracks me up. Wish my dad was around to watch it bc he would love it. Rob Riggle's adlibs are the best.

Tried calling my neighbor to let her know her package was mis-delivered over here but her phoneline is out of service now. I'm not going over there sick in case I have something viral. Will have to figure out which service sent it so I can call them to come get it.
You might have something viral!! Hope you feel better soon!!
Bak in the shed today moving all of the alternative energy stuff from the shed to the front basement since it looks like that is where it eventually be installed.


I dug deep enough to find a surprise on a bottom shelf in the back corner.


No not the mantis tiller. That cardboard box in the dishpan is hydrochloric acid. At least I had the foresight to put it in a plastic dishpan. I have no memory of where it came from. I can only guess it was left over in the garage when I purchased it from my cousins.

I am not sure if I should keep it for a SHTF situation or get rid of it with the other hazardous waste.

Any opinions?


Above image shows the burlap supplies that I want to store in the shed. Bags of various sizes rolls etc. Another part of our preps.

I have to figure out where to stage all of the old paint in 5 gallon buckets until I dispose of them.

Well I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been hit by a truck....no! It wasn't Landshark sitting on my chest ( for once)
It was the results of crawling under the house and building the firewood rack then I realised just how unfit and frail I have become because I was unable to sling around those 25kg bags of firewood like I thought I would be able to.
The guy at the brick works loaded my car for me.
I ended up using the removalist trolley which rolls flat and loaded it with 3 bags and dragged them under the house and then on to the racks.
I almost cried at the thought of dragging the trolley back out and doing it all over again so I split the difference and got the trolley out and I was done for the day.
I'm trying to convince myself that I'll move more bags later this afternoon...pfffttt...all pigs fed, saddled and ready for flight!
HCL? Is that the same as baking soda?
LOL - Hydrochloric Acid, I was responding to Neb's shed post. @Neb - if it's been sitting in a hot shed for a couple of years, I doubt it's got much kick left it it, but don't test it by sticking the tip of a finger in it like one of my lab partners did... She got really lucky that day!
Sitting vigil with my 98 year old Great Grandmother. Hoping she holds on til my mom and grandparents get here tomorrow. They were on a trip out of state. The facility thinks she had a stroke and that's why she declined rapidly overnight.

Sorry to hear it, ABR... it's not an easy thing to do, but somebody should be there with her. Some say that hearing is the last sense to go... when my beloved ma was on her deathbed, I made sure to tell her aloud that I loved her. She was on Dilaudid at the time, but I'm pretty sure she heard me, for she tried to respond... I'll never know what her words might have been, but it was important to me that she heard me say, "I love you." Don't let the opportunity pass you by, for you may not get another chance. I never got to say goodbye to my dad, he passed away overseas, but at least I got to say goodbye to my mom. :(
Baked a couple apple pies; last treat before full on keto.

Stacked some firewood (upper body exercise )and going for a bike ride (lower body exercise). I will be cheating the bike ride. We finally got the e bikes put together. We made ten km yesterday with a little help on the hills.

E bikes are the cat's meow. You can push yourself knowing it will get your lard butt home if you miscalculate what you can physically do on your own.
Laughing at the lard butt, Clem.
Went to the amish place for breakfast, our daughter likes it alot. Granddaughter went too, and that surprised me. She wanted to stop in at our small auto place and see about a car for sale. So we did that, and went with her for the test drive. Not sure if she'll buy it or not, and not sure if she has the money for it, either. But not asking. Got 500 lbs of feed. Unloaded that. Daughter is laughing about getting buff working out with me. Ha. Stopped in at our neighbors produce sale, and then Husband, daughter, little granddaughter, and I went to visit mom for the afternoon. Grandson is working tonight, baling for the neighbor, and granddaughter is at the burger place, so we are going out to the Japanese place for dinner in the bigger town.
Well now we're at the hospital for evaluation because now the facility admitted they she may have had a stroke Saturday and they didn't catch it. Still not great prognosis but it could mean that death isn't as imminent as they made it out to be.