What's everybody doing today?

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Everyone has days were everything goes wrong... nothing we can do about it... Oh! I remembered, there was one more... I took the tractor out before lunch to scout possible places for the grave. Did a little bush hogging while I was out.

When I came home I left a gate open... oops! An hour later I found the horse and donkey in the garden... buttheads! They know better! 😁

So sorry about your dog :( I went through that in April, but now have a new puppy!
I dug the grave myself with a shovel ( hurt a lot the next day) and piled rocks on top of it. Then I had half a bottle of tequila ....

I hope nothing else goes wrong for you
I am going to a fiber festival in my little ol' home town the end of the month. Looking forward to it as I haven't gone for 2-3 years now due to hoopla.
I threaten to go to Rhinebeck every year. None of my friends are into the fiber arts. And I really don’t want to go alone. It’s only about 90 minutes north of where I live.

My family has been coming up here to 1000 Islands for over 30 years and I’ve never been to the handweaving museum in Clayton either.
I threaten to go to Rhinebeck every year. None of my friends are into the fiber arts. And I really don’t want to go alone. It’s only about 90 minutes north of where I live.

My family has been coming up here to 1000 Islands for over 30 years and I’ve never been to the handweaving museum in Clayton either.
You should go!!! Even alone - it's not a really rough crowd usually ;)
Full day, today!
Walked first, then fed and walked dogs.
Pulled old tomato plants out of lick tubs and put everything away.
Harvested in garden.
Called Social Security to confirm some filing info.
Unloaded stuff from totes back under sinks with new faucets.
Called all my peeps from our Church senior club to remind them about an event on Thursday. I can't go, but need to remind others about it.
That's enough!
I prefer electric because I have a bad right shoulder and risk dislocating it doing pull starts designed for right handed use.

That mantis suffers from "badgasitis" I may get around to fixing it some day.

Electric is certainly easier to start, which is why I bought electric. I remember a day mowing weeds around my uncle's granaries where there were many rodents and very large snakes. It was a hot, hot day. When I ran out of gas I could not get the mower started again and there was more to mow.
The shed got enough clear out that I was able to start moving stuff that was piled on top of quad merged on to the shelves. Looks like I have about 200 pounds of ice melt that I didn't realize I had. The picture below shows what ice melt will do to a chrome plated shelf.


Not pretty. It is the bottom shelf so I will ignore it and let it go.

Set up a shelf for fuel related tanks, regulators and related items. Turns out I have plenty of rope and can stop buying rope and paracord.


Similarly for the fertilizer and amendments.


There is still a challenge getting all of burlap and gas cans stored. But is hot out there and only so much I was torture myself in one day.

The good news is this project has only cost me a few contractor clean up bags AND I will not have to spend any money on a bunch of stuff now that it is organized and accessable. I like order. :thumbs:

Vacation Bible School this morning. We had snacks on the counter, in the back of the kitchen. We start up in the sanctuary with music, announcements, prayer. When my kitchen helper and I went down to the kitchen, snacks had been raided. Partner is overbooked this week and broke into tears. We talked about the situation off and on all morning. We realized that some children had some of the snacks and it was determined that some older girls, teenagers, who said they would help, were probably the culprits. There were no accusations made to anyone, but we spent the rest of the morning making observations and discussing.

We could have left after snacks were served, but I decided to stay there and just watch. I noticed that the teenage girls came down more than anyone, on the ruse of using the restrooms. One walked into the restroom and was back out in seconds.

As the morning went on, I believe that many children had not had breakfast and were probably very hungry. I'm not in charge, but at the debriefing meeting, we discussed what had happened. There will be more food for children tomorrow and it will be served earlier. I know that summers can be hard for children of families living on the edge of poverty.
The shed got enough clear out that I was able to start moving stuff that was piled on top of quad merged on to the shelves. Looks like I have about 200 pounds of ice melt that I didn't realize I had. The picture below shows what ice melt will do to a chrome plated shelf.

View attachment 90733

Not pretty. It is the bottom shelf so I will ignore it and let it go.

Set up a shelf for fuel related tanks, regulators and related items. Turns out I have plenty of rope and can stop buying rope and paracord.

View attachment 90734

Similarly for the fertilizer and amendments.

View attachment 90735

There is still a challenge getting all of burlap and gas cans stored. But is hot out there and only so much I was torture myself in one day.

The good news is this project has only cost me a few contractor clean up bags AND I will not have to spend any money on a bunch of stuff now that it is organized and accessable. I like order. :thumbs:

It is not 100%, but sometimes, keeping things like that in a bin on the shelf prevents leakage and damage. I like bins, but they are sure expensive these days.
Another episode in the EPIC never ending, multi series Landshark drama.
*huge sigh...I'm not going to face palm because my forehead hurts from all the face palming I've been doing lately. It's a wonder I don't have an indent in my forehead the size of an orange!*

It's windy and that wind is freezing cold.
So..Landshark gets taken inside ( because I'm a SUCKER) with clean, old blankets inside her crate.
She was toileted and put in her pen once I put up the ducks and chickens to get "the wiggles" out and then brought back inside.
Silly hour is a real thing folks and it lasts for more than an hour.
On my bed I put every blanket in the house on my bed.
All that was left in the linen cupboard was light summer sheets.

1 am this morning Landshark landed in the middle of my chest and pee'd EVERYWHERE..of fire extinguisher proportions.
Seriously does this dog have a second or third bladder?
My whole bed, blankets, comforters, me, right down to the mattress was soaked in dog urine.
Landshark excitement isn't complete without accompanying water works.

Dog got shoved outside with more over excited water works...NO we are NOT going for a walk and or play with a tug toy at 1 in the morning!
Lights blazing to see what the damage was.
Bed stripped down to the mattress ..everything soaked.

Executive decision made to sleep in a spare room on a single bed in a squirrel nest of summer sheets.

This crap is getting outta hand and I'm going to have to get a robust dog house/box...possibly made of stainless steel so she can stay in her pen at night.
It was a vehicle day around our house today. Alex got her car out of the shop today after being backed into and Jake bought his first a 85 cj5 project. It needs quite a bit of work but Jeeps are one thing I know front to back. I think we will have fun building it.


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Thanks for the well-wishes.
Peanut, sorry to hear about your dog.

Feeling better but still tired. I got a lot of rest today. Meds I took yesterday seem to have worked.
My brother actually decided to clean up. He's never cleaned the hallway in the entire time we've lived here and he picked up trash in it (from dogs dragging trash all over). He cleaned up trash from the kitchen floor for the first time in over a decade. and he took out trash for the first time in weeks. That helps me to feel better.

I'm going to try to do more thorough cleaning tomorrow (he does bare minimum so there is still a lot of work to do).

Heard from the people who adopted the pups. They have been singing the "peanutbutter & jelly" song to them, feeding them treats, etc. They have been playing with the older dogs and having a lot of fun. They sleep in bed with their new owners. I'm so happy to see they adjusted so quickly.
I called my mom today to wish her a happy birthday.🎂
She turned 95.:)
Told me she hadn't heard from me in years and I reminded her I called her on Mother's Day in May.(2 months ago).
We had a good talk even though her speech is so slurred I can't understand much of it.
I did get to see a video of her party, it was great, lots of kids, great, great, grandkids.:D
Got almost a full days work out of our teenager!!!! We got a commission for a nice piece of welded horse art so the thought of cash kinda motivated him. Also got him to mow between our boxes in the garden at sunset when it cooled off. Our new fruit tress are showing leaf wilt so I have got to give them a good soaking tonight. Can't stop eating the fresh peas, my they are tasty.


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Another episode in the EPIC never ending, multi series Landshark drama.
*huge sigh...I'm not going to face palm because my forehead hurts from all the face palming I've been doing lately. It's a wonder I don't have an indent in my forehead the size of an orange!*

It's windy and that wind is freezing cold.
So..Landshark gets taken inside ( because I'm a SUCKER) with clean, old blankets inside her crate.
She was toileted and put in her pen once I put up the ducks and chickens to get "the wiggles" out and then brought back inside.
Silly hour is a real thing folks and it lasts for more than an hour.
On my bed I put every blanket in the house on my bed.
All that was left in the linen cupboard was light summer sheets.

1 am this morning Landshark landed in the middle of my chest and pee'd EVERYWHERE..of fire extinguisher proportions.
Seriously does this dog have a second or third bladder?
My whole bed, blankets, comforters, me, right down to the mattress was soaked in dog urine.
Landshark excitement isn't complete without accompanying water works.

Dog got shoved outside with more over excited water works...NO we are NOT going for a walk and or play with a tug toy at 1 in the morning!
Lights blazing to see what the damage was.
Bed stripped down to the mattress ..everything soaked.

Executive decision made to sleep in a spare room on a single bed in a squirrel nest of summer sheets.

This crap is getting outta hand and I'm going to have to get a robust dog house/box...possibly made of stainless steel so she can stay in her pen at night.
I honestly don't know how you do it!! How old is she??
Laughing and cringing at @Tank-Girl 's story, whilst wondering what part of the world you are in that warrants so many blankets sat the minute - is it Tasmania?
I have had a lucky day, considering it's not lunchtime here yet. Myself and OH have received health cards in the post for the next year, despite not having asked for them. This means any future visits to the doctor will be free- normally €50-80 depending. Just put groceries away; shopped online so as not to overspend, now heading out to work in the garden.
Nothing is simple anymore... remember the bee sting? Well, it just so happened that the pesky bee stung the one finger that was jammed back into my hand over 30 years ago. To this day, my left index finger is 1/4" shorter than my right, due to the severe jamming back in the day. Well, the bee sting made the whole area itch, so I wound up rubbing it pretty hard, and now the whole area is inflamed and swollen... not necessarily due to the bee sting, but to my aggravating the old injury. My left hand isn't quite the lobster claw it was when the original injury occurred so long ago, but it's definitely puffed up, as you'll see in a moment. Limited use of my left hand means no painting today... I don't think my left index finger could wrap around a paint roller handle anyway, it's still mighty stiff & sore. Looks like I'll be reading Westerns and watching library DVDs today... this hand will be worthless for a while. And it was all brought on by a lousy bee sting 30+ years after the original injury... jeez, my luck hasn't been so hot this month, lol. Here are pics:


That's a shot of my right hand for reference, now here's the swollen left hand:


See how puffed up it is? My hand looks like the Michelin Man, or maybe the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, lol. :oops:

Here's a side view of the uninjured right hand, you can see how straight and level it is at that joint:


And here's the f/u left hand, including the uneven area where the index finger got jammed back into the hand bones so long ago:


So THAT is what I'm dealing with today, pfffffffft. There may still be some residual bee venom in there, so I'm gonna try hot water next, I read on the web that hot water will neutralize bee venom, same way hot water will neutralize stingray venom. Let me post this so I can get started on that regimen... ice isn't working, so it's time for hot water, maybe I'll even add some Epsom salts, I see that's used in poultices for sprains & strains in horses, lol. Somehow, this bee sting has morphed into a resurrection of the old finger & hand injury sustained over 30 years ago. Nothing is simple anymore!!! :confused:

Edit: Good news is that I have heaps of beer in the fridge, plenty of leftover beef tri-tip barbacoa for burritos, and a good stack of library books & DVDs, WOOHOO!!! Never did watch 'CROSS OF IRON' yesterday, I read a good Western instead, one of the 'John Hawk' Westerns by Charles G. West. Gotta like the 'John Hawk' series, he's a pretty funny character, lol. In a way, he reminds me of 'Will Tanner, U.S. Deputy Marshal'---but Hawk is an Army scout, not a lawman. Anyway, it's time to give the hot water & Epsom salts a try, so I'm off... "CHEERS!!!" :cool:
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Nothing is simple anymore... remember the bee sting? Well, it just so happened that the pesky bee stung the one finger that was jammed back into my hand over 30 years ago. To this day, my left index finger is 1/4" shorter than my right, due to the severe jamming back in the day. Well, the bee sting made the whole area itch, so I wound up rubbing it pretty hard, and now the whole area is inflamed and swollen... not necessarily due to the bee sting, but to my aggravating the old injury. My left hand isn't quite the lobster claw it was when the original injury occurred so long ago, but it's definitely puffed up, as you'll see in a moment. Limited use of my left hand means no painting today... I don't think my left index finger could wrap around a paint roller handle anyway, it's still mighty stiff & sore. Looks like I'll be reading Westerns and watching library DVDs today... this hand will be worthless for a while. And it was all brought on by a lousy bee sting 30+ years after the original injury... jeez, my luck hasn't been so hot this month, lol. Here are pics:

View attachment 90787

That's a shot of my right hand for reference, now here's the swollen left hand:

View attachment 90788

See how puffed up it is? My hand looks like the Michelin Man, or maybe the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, lol. :oops:

Here's a side view of the uninjured right hand, you can see how straight and level it is at that joint:

View attachment 90789

And here's the f/u left hand, including the uneven area where the index finger got jammed back into the hand bones so long ago:

View attachment 90790

So THAT is what I'm dealing with today, pfffffffft. There may still be some residual bee venom in there, so I'm gonna try hot water next, I read on the web that hot water will neutralize bee venom, same way hot water will neutralize stingray venom. Let me post this so I can get started on that regimen... ice isn't working, so it's time for hot water, maybe I'll even add some Epsom salts, I see that's used in poultices for sprains & strains in horses, lol. Somehow, this bee sting has morphed into a resurrection of the old finger & hand injury sustained over 30 years ago. Nothing is simple anymore!!! :confused:

Edit: Good news is that I have heaps of beer in the fridge, plenty of leftover beef tri-tip barbacoa for burritos, and a good stack of library books & DVDs, WOOHOO!!! Never did watch 'CROSS OF IRON' yesterday, I read a good Western instead, one of the 'John Hawk' Westerns by Charles G. West. Gotta like the 'John Hawk' series, he's a pretty funny character, lol. In a way, he reminds me of 'Will Tanner, U.S. Deputy Marshal'---but Hawk is an Army scout, not a lawman. Anyway, it's time to give the hot water & Epsom salts a try, so I'm off... "CHEERS!!!" :cool:
Recommending the same treatment. Keep ice cold beer in that hand as much as possible!!
Another episode in the EPIC never ending, multi series Landshark drama.
*huge sigh...I'm not going to face palm because my forehead hurts from all the face palming I've been doing lately. It's a wonder I don't have an indent in my forehead the size of an orange!*

It's windy and that wind is freezing cold.
So..Landshark gets taken inside ( because I'm a SUCKER) with clean, old blankets inside her crate.
She was toileted and put in her pen once I put up the ducks and chickens to get "the wiggles" out and then brought back inside.
Silly hour is a real thing folks and it lasts for more than an hour.
On my bed I put every blanket in the house on my bed.
All that was left in the linen cupboard was light summer sheets.

1 am this morning Landshark landed in the middle of my chest and pee'd EVERYWHERE..of fire extinguisher proportions.
Seriously does this dog have a second or third bladder?
My whole bed, blankets, comforters, me, right down to the mattress was soaked in dog urine.
Landshark excitement isn't complete without accompanying water works.

Dog got shoved outside with more over excited water works...NO we are NOT going for a walk and or play with a tug toy at 1 in the morning!
Lights blazing to see what the damage was.
Bed stripped down to the mattress ..everything soaked.

Executive decision made to sleep in a spare room on a single bed in a squirrel nest of summer sheets.

This crap is getting outta hand and I'm going to have to get a robust dog house/box...possibly made of stainless steel so she can stay in her pen at night.
Tank, can I be an honest friend? (ya know I'm gonna be, right) I think others would agree you have done more to make a success out of Landshark than any of us would. I know I would have been done by about toilet seat number two. My question is do you think she is the best dog for you? Have you considered rehoming her? I knew of a dalmatian that wasn't suited for the home it was in. It was rehomed with a person who rode bike 8+ miles per day. They said as long as the dog got the miles in, it was great. To me it sounds like this might be something Landshark needs. That said, I know you love her. She's not my dog or decision. I just know you are going through so much and pray the best for you.
Anyhoo, I know that's a rough question - I care.
Landshark needs a lot of heavy exercise. She also needs a professional trainer to help you both. The amount of damage she has done, would have paid for enough hours to help you get control. But, it isn't just about damage. It's also about quality of life. Yours. I feel you are struggling to do the right thing for the two of you. I truly believe you want to save this dog.

I love dogs, even the Landsharks of the world, but you are approaching a very dangerous tipping point that won't end well for either of you.

I too, am rooting for you and I am not saying this with any malice. I was too much of a coward until LL went first.
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Another day in the shed. Designated a shelf for cables and wire.


Top shelf stores tarps and sand bags.


But with temps inside the shed over 90 frequent breaks were not enough. Feeling light headed is not good.

I checked the garlic I had harvested last week but after snipping the top of one bulb 6" up the stem there was still green. Not ready yet.

Still looking for something productive to do I found a project The Princess brought home last weekend. She was at an event that was giving away herb plants free to anyone over 60. Guessing they think old people need to grow stuff to stay lively.


I transplanted them into a stacking flower thingy and put them on the kitchen table to surprise her when she gets home. If they take and grow they should look pretty cool. The oregano smelled amazing. Made me want something with oregano in it.

Some reading this afternoon.

That planter is so pretty, Ben!

I walked first, of course.
Then went thrift shops.
Dollar tree for a couple of items.
Dollar General for a couple more.
Walmart for 15 minutes which translated to $50. Sigh. They did seem fairly well stocked.
Went to Church to make tea for tomorrow's senior event.
Came home and set up DH's meds for a month.
Called VA and pulmonary doc trying to get a prescription straightened out--maybe done.
Going to make a salad and watch something with DH this evening.

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