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Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Towards the later seasons Chuck was angry and combative towards the boys for, at least what I thought, wasn't for very good reasons. He knew that everything they did was for love of family, so he should have understood and been proud of them. They were deeply flawed, but their hearts were in the right place. I just thought the writers got lazy with it and decided to make Chuck a character that didn't fit. Chuck was much better in the early seasons while he was just letting things play out, since that is often what God does.Hmmmmm...I liked season 5 ending but liked season 15 ending better....
I didn't particularly like season 7 but loved the rest. I thought season 11 was great
I thought Chuck fit reality pretty well. If there was a god, and he was like Chuck it would certainly explain why crap on earth is the way it is. That's what I thought
Ultimately , it is all fiction and not real. Even the so called "reality tv show" which I like watching sometimes are fake and staged. You can tell by the winners, lots of women, lots of black women, lots of gays, very few young white males. They throw one it occasionally to make it look legit but that's all
Yes, I know it's all fake.....but after Season 5 the SN writers had no problem dipping into the "God is bad" and "gays are great" narrative, which I don't think Kripke would have done. They kept bringing back everyone who died, almost like they were running out of actors or something. I thought bringing back Mary was a mistake after so long b/c she didn't really add all that much to the story. Bobby too for that matter. It's like they decide to 'off' someone but then can't come up with a different storyline that doesn't involve them, so they bring them back. And they are likely going to do it again b/c Jensen wants to do a comeback of sorts sometime down the road. With the S15 ending, bringing everyone back seems pretty weak b/c it's already been overdone to the point of eye rolling.
The Chitters episode in Season 11 was the worst one ever for the 'gays are great' narrative. It's one episode I wish I could unsee and forget about b/c I'd toss it in the trash. It was purly for a political hat tip and it was awful through and through.
I guess my point is that Hollywood takes something that could have been excellent and puts their spin on it and mucks it up. I wish they'd just keep it to story telling and keep the political nuances out if it already. But at this point, it's in everything.....even Walking Dead. It's sad. The brothers would have been better off going out in an epic battle together. That would have been a more realistic and more satisfying ending than what it ended up being. Ah well, as Chuck says..........endings are hard.
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