On Netflix:
The Mother
I'm going to give it a
A-...not perfect, but quite good. It has a few faults, but this movie was right up my alley. Seems like right now there are so many woman-super-agent-who-beats-up-bigger-agent-guys movies, that it is getting kind of silly. And yet, that doesn't matter with this one.
I'm a sucker for a movie about a parent who will do anything to save their child, and that is what this movie is about. "I'm a killer. But, I'm also a mother. And, I will die protecting her." F'ing A you will! Moral clarity.
The mother character is acted by Jennifer Lopez. She is very good in this one...so good, you totally forget it is her. (Except for the butt shot, which you will see in the trailer...and you'll be like, "Oh yeah, Jennifer Lopez is the actress in this movie." Not a mistake that they put her name on the screen in the trailer right before that shot. But for the rest of the movie, you won't notice.
