Watched the original 'KON-TIKI' documentary on the curved screen... looked like a friggin' vacation to me, lol. Might be a good way to bug out, just bring plenty o' likker, lime juice, dry/canned goods & fishing gear, along with a solar cooker. Maybe some sunscreen, baggy clothing, a Henschel hat, some decent shades, sailing gloves & nautical footgear, lol. Those pesky Norwegians were living high on the hog, grilling Mahi-Mahi every day along with other fish species... I've seen this classic documentary before and I liked it in years past, but I liked it even more today, and I'm ready for this kind of simple "working vacation." I wouldn't waste time on stupid experiments either, I'd be too busy hoisting shots and angling for my latest meal, lol. With my nautical experience (not only heller small craft sailing, but experience as a deckhand aboard a 100-ton steel sportfishing boat), I'd literally eat that $h!t up, lol.
Make 'redneck ceviche' with fresh fish and cans of Ro-Tel, lol. Pull my Captain Bligh impersonation after rescuing some good-looking gal from the ocean:
Holy Mackerel! I just poured some fermented juice into a glass and took a few swigs, and this stuff is gonna make me feel like a million bucks, lol... something about the yeast and home fermentation just makes my brain happy, 10-4? It's definitely a better buzz than that corporate p!$$water I was drinking earlier, lol. It's also an acquired taste, but I'll drink anything that gives me a happy buzz like this... let me just hide my keys first, lol. JK, I'm not going anywhere today, but I might run into town tomorrow, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I enjoyed the 'KON-TIKI' documentary, those pesky Norwegians know how to live, lol... courtesy of their Viking ancestors, no doubt. Those Vikings made good sailors too, they were inured to hardship at sea, lol... in reality, they swilled umbrella drinks while fishing with bows, swords, spears & axes, lol. "No need to bait a hook, but ya might wanna tie a dummy cord on that battle ax, Olaf!"