What's for dinner tonight?

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I dug some Beenie Weenie cans out of storage and cooked them for supper.

I actually never ate genuine Beenie Weenies before, I bought them because I found them on sale at Sam's Club.by the case. I have eaten other brands of Beans&Franks, but usually I made my own from Bush's Baked Beans and Oscar Meyer Weiners.

The "genuine" Beenie Weenies needed some spicing up, so I put some Cholula brand Chipotle sauce in them.
yup.your gonna get the 2nd bowl..that is if you aint done it yet..i made up a batch of potato chips to fill 5-1 quart zip bags yesterday.now im fixing up the rest of the 10LB bag..i love my chips.. :p:rolleyes:
Yeah, I had the second bowl. )
Had some chicken noodle soup today. Got home late Friday night and my wife was cooking down a big pot of chicken guts, bones and feet on the stove. Smelled pretty bad and stunk the house up for 2 days, but the soup was good. She said she was making chicken stock.
Had some chicken noodle soup today. Got home late Friday night and my wife was cooking down a big pot of chicken guts, bones and feet on the stove. Smelled pretty bad and stunk the house up for 2 days, but the soup was good. She said she was making chicken stock.
I've got several cases of homemade chicken (and some turkey) stock. It's a great start for soups, or use it instead of water for rice. I've never used the feet, but believe the Chinese buy them from us. I'm not even sure I want to know what they do with them :confused:.
I've never used the feet, but believe the Chinese buy them from us. I'm not even sure I want to know what they do with them :confused:.
One scary pot....

Glad we're just doing some basic "Brinner" tonight (breakfast for dinner). Egg omelets, bacon, toast, some grits.

Great idea I saw (and have since tried) for omelets.

Scramble up your eggs. Put in a Ziploc freezer bag along with the omelet additions (I like some diced ham, shredded cheese, diced onions and peppers). Make up a bunch, and each omelet bag can be different! Now, boil the freezer bags in a pot for 17 minutes. You have a bunch of different omelets you can cook all at the same time, in the same pot, and pretty easy cleanup. Taste just as great as normal method.
One scary pot....

Glad we're just doing some basic "Brinner" tonight (breakfast for dinner). Egg omelets, bacon, toast, some grits.

Great idea I saw (and have since tried) for omelets.

Scramble up your eggs. Put in a Ziploc freezer bag along with the omelet additions (I like some diced ham, shredded cheese, diced onions and peppers). Make up a bunch, and each omelet bag can be different! Now, boil the freezer bags in a pot for 17 minutes. You have a bunch of different omelets you can cook all at the same time, in the same pot, and pretty easy cleanup. Taste just as great as normal method.
Interesting idea on cooking omelets. I would have never thought boiling a beat egg would turn out. I'll test it out before long. Throw in some diced tomatoes and you may be on to something :).
That's just wrong on too many levels! I hope you just found that picture on line instead of on your table. I like to think I'm pretty adventurous with food, but chicken feet would be tough to get past the gag reflex.
A Vietnamese co worker brought in some kind of stinky, slimy fruit that is a cousin of the durian. I tried it, and ate about half of what he shared with me, but couldn't get past the smell of old gym socks! I guess to each their own.
I hope you just found that picture on line instead of on your table.
A Vietnamese co worker brought in some kind of stinky, slimy fruit that is a cousin of the durian.

No we don't eat them at home. I saw them in Taiwan just like that, and I may have tried it once, but wasn't too keen on it.

Durian, LOL, our family is divided. My wife and daughter think it's heavenly, but my son and I don't even want to be anywhere near one. If you think Durian smells bad, you should smell what they call Cho DoFu (Stinky Tofu). It is literally rotten tofu. I swear it smells exactly like an open sewer.
No we don't eat them at home. I saw them in Taiwan just like that, and I may have tried it once, but wasn't too keen on it.

Durian, LOL, our family is divided. My wife and daughter think it's heavenly, but my son and I don't even want to be anywhere near one. If you think Durian smells bad, you should smell what they call Cho DoFu (Stinky Tofu). It is literally rotten tofu. I swear it smells exactly like an open sewer.
Like I said, to each his own. For me though, if it smells like it came out of a septic tank, that's where it should go :).
Interesting idea on cooking omelets. I would have never thought boiling a beat egg would turn out. I'll test it out before long. Throw in some diced tomatoes and you may be on to something

Be sure to get the actual freezer bags though, as they stand up to the boiling water. The regular ones will not. ;)
Tonight was smoked "sticky" chicken. Took a package thighs and marinated over night in teriyaki, honey and chipotle spices. Then smoked/cooked them for about 8 hours. Cut up some potato's and added them about 2 hours before the chicken was done. And a good glass of 18 year old single malt to finish it off. Only thing missing was a nice Choiba.
tonight will be cheese burger night for me,once the meat patties are done..and i'll eat baked beans n chips with it..
The wife got hungry for good beef and picked up some extra lean hamburger meat on the way home from work. Damned good burgers! I pan fried them in a little olive oil since they were so lean and just used salt and freshly ground pepper. Mayo mustard pickles and some fancy cheese called Berliner Der Käse.
Tonight was smoked "sticky" chicken. Took a package thighs and marinated over night in teriyaki, honey and chipotle spices. Then smoked/cooked them for about 8 hours. Cut up some potato's and added them about 2 hours before the chicken was done. And a good glass of 18 year old single malt to finish it off. Only thing missing was a nice Choiba.
The chicken sounds good, I like just about any meat that's been slow smoked, but what's Choiba?
The wife got hungry for good beef and picked up some extra lean hamburger meat on the way home from work. Damned good burgers! I pan fried them in a little olive oil since they were so lean and just used salt and freshly ground pepper. Mayo mustard pickles and some fancy cheese called Berliner Der Käse.
Sounds a lot better than my single cheese burger from Wendy's. I don't eat much fast food, but the wife asked for a cheese burger on the way home. At least I got a chili with it. Wendy's has the only fast food chili that is decent to me.
Are Cuban cigars legal now?
It won't be long. I smoked for about ten yrs as a young dumb ass, and even though I would love to try a good cigar or pipe tobacco occasionally, I just don't want to ever play with that addiction again. I quit fifteen times before it finally stuck!
It won't be long. I smoked for about ten yrs as a young dumb ass, and even though I would love to try a good cigar or pipe tobacco occasionally, I just don't want to ever play with that addiction again. I quit fifteen times before it finally stuck!
That's great. I've been smoking cigars for over 45 years now. And chewed tobacco for about 23. Fortunately I quit chewing just over 25 years ago. I guess one good thing is when I started smoking cigars at 12 I couldn't afford to buy cigars very often. Chewing tobacco was .23 cents a can back then and easier to buy. Now with the cigars that I like costing between $35 and $100+ each I only smoke occasionally. Never could stand the smell of cigarettes.
That's great. I've been smoking cigars for over 45 years now. And chewed tobacco for about 23. Fortunately I quit chewing just over 25 years ago. I guess one good thing is when I started smoking cigars at 12 I couldn't afford to buy cigars very often. Chewing tobacco was .23 cents a can back then and easier to buy. Now with the cigars that I like costing between $35 and $100+ each I only smoke occasionally. Never could stand the smell of cigarettes.
They really are nasty! The only good thing about them is they get rid of your craving, for about thirty minutes. Nicotine is tough stuff to stop, but not impossible. My favorite was a mix of cherry and walnut flavored pipe tobaccos. The smell was so sweet. I drink a couple cups of coffee each morning now to start each day. I see people downing these energy drinks all the time saying they taste so much better. I've never tried one, because I know I would like it, and just don't need another bad habit!
I made baked potatoes, brussel sprouts, corn on the cob, and chicken for dinner last night, but the consensus was that the chicken was too spicy.
We made our own "stop sign" pizzas last night. Basically, just those cheap Totino's pizzas, but put some taco-seasoned ground beef on them, and some mexican shredded cheese (and a little extra pepperoni).

Taste like those little stop sign pizzas we loved in school...but a bit better. (and cheap).

The kids frickin' loved it, so that's good....they like it, and it's cheap. SOLD!
Last night was toast with ham, peperoni and melted cheese on top. The wife wont be home until sometime in November so a lot of times my meals are kind of simple.
Made a good, old-fashioned pot roast last night. Had it crock most of the day. Roast, carrots, onions, celery, potatoes, mushrooms....yum. Though I kept going into that crock pot throughout the day, hehe. Could smell it all through the house.
do habaneros change color while still on the plant? or do they change color after their picked?..i have 12 of them on 2 or 3 plants.in which i've been putting off on picking.
do habaneros change color while still on the plant? or do they change color after their picked?..i have 12 of them on 2 or 3 plants.in which i've been putting off on picking.
I've never been able to grow them. Growing season too short. The ones I buy in the store are orange.
oh ok..im not sure.but i think that they turn one of two colors..orange or red..but yet,not sure about the red thoe...

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