When is this global warming supposed to hit?

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and think about this, a lot of the oil is under the desert! It takes huge amounts of carbon based life forms and plants to produce that oil in the past. So obviously those areas were not always desert
Yes, that's why they call them 'fossil-fuels'. When the great asteroid hit and killed off all the dinosaurs, it blasted mega-tons of dirt into the upper atmosphere causing 'real' global warming.

BTW, we are really stinking up the: "Snow-removal and snowblower thread", and need to stop:(.
BTW, we are really stinking up the: "Snow-removal and snowblower thread", and need to stop:(.
Yes, I can play in the right key too:).
My little brother that lived in Massachusetts for years finally broke down and spent a ton of money for an upgraded snowblower with a heated tent... a year before moving back to Alabama:(.
He cried big tears when he had to sell it at a big loss after only getting to use it for one year:cry: :
I don't get snowblowers at all, why not just wait until it melts? Or if you have a ton of it, invest in a plow or pay someone to plow your driveway
we just wait until it melts or if we must go somewhere, we put chains on the 4wd truck
When it dumps a foot or two at a time, and it keeps piling up for four or five months, you either keep up with it or get buried. Snow blowers cast it out in chunks that disappear into the snow or create a cloud that is carried away in the wind. A plow creates a burm that causes snow drifts to build behind it. The drift tends to get hard and is more difficult to remove.
When it dumps a foot or two at a time, and it keeps piling up for four or five months, you either keep up with it or get buried. Snow blowers cast it out in chunks that disappear into the snow or create a cloud that is carried away in the wind. A plow creates a burm that causes snow drifts to build behind it. The drift tends to get hard and is more difficult to remove.
once again a reminder of how lucky we are we didn't find a property to move to in Vermont or Maine...LOL
But seriously, I see people around here in the city use them. We get maybe a few feet of snow sometimes at the most. And then it warms up some and melts. We did have snow during the entire January a few years ago but that doesn't always happen. Definitely not months of it
I don't get snowblowers at all, why not just wait until it melts? Or if you have a ton of it, invest in a plow or pay someone to plow your driveway
we just wait until it melts or if we must go somewhere, we put chains on the 4wd truck

We do invest in plows. That's what a lot of this thread is about. Paying someone to do it is expensive. Up to $250.00 per plow and then it
snows again and the snow plow comes by and blocks the drive way again out at the main road. Most people around here, are too busy digging themselves out.

Sometimes that means shoveling out the vehicles before starting the rough work

Waiting for the snow to melt, might be five or six months some years.
i believe in climate change..in summer its hot and winter its cold...some times it rains other times its called snow...weather changes with season...morons dont know seasonal changes equal climate change !
And there are weather patterns and weather circles. Government climate change is just to scare people and make money for themselves!!
And there are weather patterns and weather circles. Government climate change is just to scare people and make money for themselves!!
but that;s the thing, how do they make money off this? alternative energy is not profitable. Investing in the oil companies is. If they wanted to get every vote in WV, and Kentucky for example, they would invest in digging up coal again. If they wanted to win every vote in the US almost, they would try to get as much coal and gas out of the ground and make electricity and heating cheap. Plus they would get money from those companies. Instead they want to have something that is just not economical and people oppose. WHY??? It's not logical at all, and they must have some sort of reason. These people are all fairly educated at least and can't all be senile
I don't get snowblowers at all, why not just wait until it melts? Or if you have a ton of it, invest in a plow or pay someone to plow your driveway
we just wait until it melts or if we must go somewhere, we put chains on the 4wd truck

I already have snow berms 8 ft high in some spots that only a bulldozer can move at this point. The snowblower keeps the snow berms to a minimum along the long and narrow driveway. This is a big deal as the guy with the bulldozer no longer spends winters here. No one to hire now but me.
And there are weather patterns and weather circles. Government climate change is just to scare people and make money for themselves!!
weather scares crap out of me at times...hurricanes,tornadoes,over 100f temps..below zero crap too....lol...deep snow that keeps piling up is a pain in the rear.

sidenote..i kept hiking even in heat this summer..highest temp i seen was 94f and i kept pounding trail...acclimation is a thing...being in forest its 10-15f degrees cooler.
I already have snow berms 8 ft high in some spots that only a bulldozer can move at this point. The snowblower keeps the snow berms to a minimum along the long and narrow driveway. This is a big deal as the guy with the bulldozer no longer spends winters here. No one to hire now but me.
keep shoveling and pray for early spring...sad sidenote...this is going to be a wildlife killing event for yall. 2010 we had deep snow and it hurt the deer pop here.
but that;s the thing, how do they make money off this? alternative energy is not profitable. Investing in the oil companies is. If they wanted to get every vote in WV, and Kentucky for example, they would invest in digging up coal again. If they wanted to win every vote in the US almost, they would try to get as much coal and gas out of the ground and make electricity and heating cheap. Plus they would get money from those companies. Instead they want to have something that is just not economical and people oppose. WHY??? It's not logical at all, and they must have some sort of reason. These people are all fairly educated at least and can't all be senile
you used the wrong S-word..not senile...stupid is word you were looking for.....lol
Wow calling folks morons and stupid. Kinda getting a bit out of hand as far as having respect for others. Using derogatory terms is getting old. Maybe I'm just old school. But this is not necessary
Beyond being not necessary, the current level of division in the US is downright dangerous (and arguably the biggest threat the US faces).

The gap between the two sides of politics (and their followers) has become a canyon.

People from both sides of politics don't even try to understand the perspective of those from the other side anymore - it is easier to label them as stupid morons.

The polarization of news sources, the rise and rise of the internet and tracking cookies have all made the situation much worse........people now just see what they want to see and AI algorithms make sure they don't have to see perspectives they don't like - all to keep people coming back and being exposed to that advertising content..

To quote the bible (which I don't often do):

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

That is why the US is doomed.

Depending upon your mindset, you can either prepare for that outcome or just enjoy the comforts and convenience of a dying world, while it lasts.
Beyond being not necessary, the current level of division in the US is downright dangerous (and arguably the biggest threat the US faces).

The gap between the two sides of politics (and their followers) has become a canyon.

People from both sides of politics don't even try to understand the perspective of those from the other side anymore - it is easier to label them as stupid morons.

The polarization of news sources, the rise and rise of the internet and tracking cookies have all made the situation much worse........people now just see what they want to see and AI algorithms make sure they don't have to see perspectives they don't like - all to keep people coming back and being exposed to that advertising content..

To quote the bible (which I don't often do):

That is why the US is doomed.

Depending upon your mindset, you can either prepare for that outcome or just enjoy the comforts and convenience of a dying world, while it lasts.
And thus the push for control an division.
Well stated and quoted
sorry but context of what sonya was saying i used correct word. i live in coal country and since 2008 they have ruined everything and have made it harder and harder for me to make my daily living along with others in region... sanctions have as well...all the fallout from support business(equipment sales,repair,fuel etc etc) has suffered as well..in fact its about all gone.family members now make half of what they did in 2008...add in inflation to that equation....i can use any word i want to concerning this crap.

not even going to mention daily cost right now of just keeping everything going at a minimum.

until these folks understand the base of industry is cheap power and to have working folks jobs. well never mind..its all getting destroyed..one day we will wake up and have no industry making stuff thats needed and there wont be equipment or people alive that even has a clue how to set up a factory,equipment etc.


  1. having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense:
    "I was stupid enough to think she was perfect" · "that is such a stupid question"
sorry but context of what sonya was saying i used correct word. i live in coal country and since 2008 they have ruined everything and have made it harder and harder for me to make my daily living along with others in region... sanctions have as well...all the fallout from support business(equipment sales,repair,fuel etc etc) has suffered as well..in fact its about all gone.family members now make half of what they did in 2008...add in inflation to that equation....i can use any word i want to concerning this crap.

not even going to mention daily cost right now of just keeping everything going at a minimum.

until these folks understand the base of industry is cheap power and to have working folks jobs. well never mind..its all getting destroyed..one day we will wake up and have no industry making stuff thats needed and there wont be equipment or people alive that even has a clue how to set up a factory,equipment etc.


  1. having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense:
    "I was stupid enough to think she was perfect" · "that is such a stupid question"
Are kids stupid for believing in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny?

For the last couple of decades, young and older people alike have been taught that the new morality is all about social justice and decarbonizing the world.

Virtue signalling has become how people earn the acceptance of those they spend most of their time with - it is how they prove they are a "good person".

People are social animals. Most crave the acceptance of those around them. When they get that, their brain releases endorphins (a feel good drug).

Social media and even forums like this one, work the same way. Most people are here for an endorphin hit.


Common sense is surprisingly rare.
Yes, and if the 'climate-change nazis' were to tell the whole truth, they would have to list the billions of acres of trees, plants, and grass, and how many trillions of tons of C0² they suck up per day.
It would become obvious that mankind's emissions are barely a drop in the bucket in the carbon-cycle.
Given that as a result of clear-cutting and the unlamented Brother Jair Bolsonaro, the deforested parts of the Amazon Rainforest (about 1/5th of the total rainforest area) is now producing more carbon than it's taking in (Here).

Sounds like a pretty good-sized "drop in the bucket" to me....
Back in the day when first contact was happening around 1500 in the Americas theres ship journals telling about how there were no trees for vast areas where it had been cleared for agriculture and used to make plaster paint something another used in the building to white wash them and something else..forget exact details of uses...but anyhow....huge areas were cleared for miles and miles.
I know this is just one tiny area, but were we live now SW Virginia, it has been consistently COLDER than the historic average ( if that number is to be believed anyway), except one winter. Now again we have been around 15 degrees below normal all month except for a few days when it warmed up to average and rained.

That's the thing, if you tell one of the global warming freaks that, they will tell you " that is just the WEATHER" LOL, but if it is hot somewhere for a few days its "climate change and global warming'

I am still waiting for anyone to prove to me that there is any one place on the planet that is actually warming up. And don't tell me antarctica ! Nobody lives there and you can't verify it.
THey will tell you things like " the earth is warming up "overall" and they can tell from NASA satellites in space" Yeah, whatever.....
If the earth "overall " was warming up, you would need to have some locations if not all heating up. But there isn't any. What they do is pick the hottest day in whatever location and say "see , it is warmer than ever"
They will pick any bad weather anywhere and blame it on climate change.
A small proportion of the earths surface is indeed heating up - and it happens to be the most densely populated parts as well - but that heating has nothing to do with global warming or even climate change.

Heat islands are places where:
  1. Lots of people who can afford air conditioning live (and where the trend is for more and more people to rely upon air conditioning every year)
  2. Lots of air conditioners are being used every day and night (and again where the number and power of units is increasing all the time)
  3. Many of these air conditioners are installed to cool relatively poorly insulated structures and inside spaces (not enough people prioritize building insulation)
  4. Electrical energy generated from huge amounts of thermal energy (generated outside the heat island) are used to run air conditioners that pump heat from inside of structures to the immediate outside of those structures - which heats up the surroundings of those structures
  5. That same heat energy then seeps back into the structures before being repeatedly pumped back out again - with the cycle always including the added energy required to pump that heat - typically less than ten yards or so
People who study and try to measure climate change know they should not include heat islands and urban areas in temperature stats - because the heat island effect is not about global warming.....but with so many (urban) people living in heat islands, at least some of the stats used to describe climate change are including temperature measurements elevated by the heat island effect.

If someone wanted to demonstrate some specific increase in global temperature, they would only need to include the right amount of heat island data in their sample set to achieve that outcome.

With so many scientists being on the climate change band wagon, those that fudge the numbers with heat island data do not have much risk of being called out on that.
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but that;s the thing, how do they make money off this? alternative energy is not profitable. Investing in the oil companies is. If they wanted to get every vote in WV, and Kentucky for example, they would invest in digging up coal again. If they wanted to win every vote in the US almost, they would try to get as much coal and gas out of the ground and make electricity and heating cheap. Plus they would get money from those companies. Instead they want to have something that is just not economical and people oppose. WHY??? It's not logical at all, and they must have some sort of reason. These people are all fairly educated at least and can't all be senile
The whole thing is about money, power and total control of us worthless eaters, the elite Powers That Be just as soon want to see us all just die, there is a group of people in this world that the average person will never see or know of that are the puppet masters. They keep us sidetracked by false flags, wars and economic ups and downs, including putting in presidents and political idiots in office to keep us constantly pissed off so that we never really find the real truth of what's going on and even if we did, what could we actually do? Considering we are pretty much side tracked just trying to keep a roof over our heads and our loved ones feed.
I jus had another thought and wonder if this has ever occurred and my question is aimed at anyone the may live near coastlines, especially if you have lived there decades and that question is, has your median shore line changed in all those years? The thing is one also has to take in to account that some coastal areas have land that is naturally sinking, like New Oreleans or other somewhat swampy river deltas.
I jus had another thought and wonder if this has ever occurred and my question is aimed at anyone the may live near coastlines, especially if you have lived there decades and that question is, has your median shore line changed in all those years? The thing is one also has to take in to account that some coastal areas have land that is naturally sinking, like New Oreleans or other somewhat swampy river deltas.
I don't live on the coastline, but I gotcha swamps! :thumbs:.
If the level of a swamp rises 6", it only means that the fresh water has slowed down going out to the ocean. And no, nobody would notice.
As far as the coastline goes, I've been there.
Whenever the tide comes in and goes out, the level changes 4'.
Do you really think we would notice if the 'mean average' changed 1.2 centimeters in 10 years?:LOL: