Will you take the upcoming COVID vaccine?

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Vaccination and Free Will

In Steven Spielberg’s 2002 sci‐fi film Minority Report, a special police agency called PreCrime nabs suspects before they ever commit an offense. No trial is necessary because the crime is seen as an infallible prediction of the future and thus a matter of fact. The movie challenges viewers to consider the tension between technological determinism and free will, between the rights of an individual and the health of a community. It’s a useful metaphor for the argument against coercive vaccination. Read More >> Vaccination and Free Will

This video has been circulating on the Net for awhile. Best to watch it with CC closed captioning turned on

Catherine Austin Fitts - Planet Lockdown and the Great Reset - YouTube

I saw this Fitts video a few weeks ago. I've watched several of hers, in fact. Well versed in economics and financial issues. She is always very informative. I see why she held a top position in Geo. Bush's administration.
Nope; I'm not taking the vaccine. Primarily because I already had Covid last February so I already have the antibodies. It was no worse than a bad cold; lasted a week before my immune system whooped it's butt, lol. Secondly, because I'm phobic of hospitals, needles, lab coats and doctors lmao. (Long story.) And thirdly because I feel the vaccine is best saved for the people who actually need it. =P
Vaccines aren’t a political tool. They are scientifically proven to help prevent You from getting sick or make you less sick if you do. Yes, there are risks, but they are minimal compared to the benefits. I think it should be a personal choice wether anyone gets it or not though. I’m not big on the government demanding you put anything in your body. All I am sure of is I’m sick of being cooped up since this virus has been around. I’ll take the first round of this stuff so I can feel better about traveling again. The Grand Canyon and Hoover dam has been on my bucket list so as soon as possible I’m on it. The vaccine will just make me a little safer doing it.
Long live Pfizer and his minions.
My neighbor asked me from her car today (we were having tree work done, outside and she was on her way to work) whether we were going to get the vaccine, since our local hospital just announced it was available for those over 65 and under 16. We told her "no, not yet," without going into much detail as to why. Her husband is high up admin that serves 2-3 nursing homes locally and HAS to have it. She said he and his co-workers have to get tested couple times/week, too. She's worried he will bring COVID home exposing her, her grown daughter who lives couple blocks away, as well as her 3 y.o. granddaughter. She is still debating whether to get the jab. A car came up about then so we had to cut the convo short, plus we don't like to go into what many consider conspiracy theory about possible human tracking nano particles in them. She had read in the local paper about some of the adverse reactions nationwide. I recommended she merely go online and research a bit before she made the final decision, because I didn't know about a shot that modifies our human RNA. We were not a resounding "no way, Jose!" in answering her. I hope I sowed the seeds of enough skepticism of them that she will indeed do that research on-line. They are both college educated, so I hope they have done their homework already and that she got my drift/hint.
Corona exists that is reality, but Corona is used to establish dictatorships and to make a large human experiment with unproven vaccines. I am sure the consequential damage of these vaccinations will be extreme, if we are unlucky, Corona will not be eliminated by the vaccination and we will also have more problems with the vaccination. The governments will cover this up by all means and will deny all vaccine damage, it is exactly the same fraud as with the causes of death, if someone dies of terminal cancer and still has Corona by chance, the death certificate says Corona as the cause. So you fraudulently drive the number of corona deaths up and continue to panic and destroy thousands of jobs with even stricter measures.

Now people in Europe are already talking about the third wave and panic, in the summer it will be the fourth wave and so on, politicians here talk about solidarity every two weeks and that we now have to master one last effort before the vaccination takes effect ,,, the same slogan every two weeks and the only ones who do not stand by the people and also destroy our existence are the politicians themselves. The day will come when there is enough.
I am not registered with FB, but at the moment I use different channels with regard to this miracle drug vaccination, because the media only write positives here and other opinions have to be suppressed. You have to use different channels. What makes me questionable is that people in old people's homes are primarily vaccinated and then Corona breaks out in the homes and there are many deaths across Europe and nobody cares.
As a matter of fact, these vaccines that are now approved need two administration doses, in the studies the second vaccination was mostly more problematic in terms of side effects, and there are already enough problems with the first dose, which is lower. I think if it comes to such problems now, the problems will be even bigger if you give two vaccinations, and those hell are the short-term consequences of what can happen as the videos show. The government is now saying that it can claim few victims, but overall it is better than too many corona deaths, I say such a statement is sadistic, you don't even know the long-term consequences of the stuff.
If in the future there will be a few thousand people in hospitals and homes in every country who will only tremble, then it will cost us very dearly, it is inhuman.
She knows I won't take the vaccine. She knows my feelings about it, and she feels differently. This was her choice to make.
Well, I say that, but she is a hospital pharmacist, so I don't think she had much of a choice. But she does agree with vaccines anyway.
The new world we live in. . .

Get A Free Bag Of Marijuana With Your Covid-19 Vaccine
Every one has a choice.

Not long now, the German Corona hardliner Söder and the German Ethics Council want to order a forced vaccination for all nursing staff. The compulsory vaccination will start like this and then you have no choice but to look for a new job, because then many nurses are guaranteed to quit and you have even fewer hospital beds. If there is a compulsory vaccination, I don't know anything anymore, and I think some other things will also blow the fuses, at the moment most of the people here are at the limit and very angry, many can no longer work because of the lockdown and do not receive any Compensation, you have to watch day after day how your existence is destroyed forever and get a laugh from the politicians, something like that should never happen in a democracy.

Prepare yourself for a hot winter when Sleeping Jo moves into the White House, he will probably force you to do the syringe first and remove all your weapons at the same time, I consider the situation extremely dangerous.
Yes, if you work in the medical field you have the opportunity, but you have to know that the gates and the states are guaranteed to work on something to test people at certain points whether they have the drug in their body, the state knows that people will press themselves there . Furthermore, what is very worrying, in my country, the government receives all personal data from people who have had themselves vaccinated against corona, this is absolutely new here, when you get the vaccination, it is just recorded on the PC and sent to the federal government, and that becomes a problem.
In mid-November 2020, the WHO changed its definition of herd immunity so that it can only be achieved through a vaccination and no longer through an infection.
This shows once more the dirty way of doing things here, one wants to bring the material to the man / woman at any price.
At the moment, more and more reports are seeping through that show people who are very bad after the first vaccination or who already have permanent damage, this is completely hushed up by the media and politicians here, questions are not welcome. I am convinced that a really dirty business is going on under the guise of Corona, you have to spread it all because most people don't know anything about it.


Do any of you know what happened to Tiffany Dover? It was the nurse who collapsed after the vaccination. The video of it was deleted almost everywhere, your Twitter account is blocked and there are no more signs of life from this woman.
I noticed that too about herd immunity. I have immunity right now because I just had covid. And at the same time they said the vaccine only lasts 3 months for immunity.
the worst place to catch the virus is in supermarkets because of the shared air, and even if someone has immunity it dosent stop them passing on the virus to someone else.
Dani im a first responder and have been for 30 yrs, some of our other first responders took the shots and now they are too sick to work, I really dont think im going to take the shots, 3 weeks ago i got in from Canadian Pharmacy 3 btls of Hydroxychloriquin, hope it works if i get sick!!!
I'm not taking the vaccine. It needs to be studied and too much unknown information. Saw a report that said 55 so far have died from taking the vaccine and there has been many others who have had bad side effects. I'm one who never takes the Flu vaccine either.
Yep. Just say no if you don't want it. The thing about Americans is that most of us don't want to be told what to do. And the smart ones know that our rights don't come from the government, they come from God. It's written in our constitution that way. That being said, if someone wants the vaccine, then, by all means, go get it. Don't care. Not my business. I'm more of the type that if the government says don't do something, like don't leave your house, I would leave my house. Just because I want to. Many in our state have already taken a stand. Signs are up everywhere in stores and restaurants that you have to wear a mask. Some do, most don't. Our covid numbers have gone way down this month, and our high schools are now on hybrid model, elementary schools are going full time and always have. Obviously the wearing of a surgical mask hasnt made much of a difference. The numbers came down again. People in the midwest in America are very nice, polite people. They are farmers, most are hard working, and they are Christian. They're not going to give up their way of life just because some idiots in DC say so. We are very far removed from DC. Most of the "stores" in our area are little mom and pop places, alot of them don't even have electricity because they're Amish run. There are Amish run dinner houses, too, run out of homes. People have to know, that many Americans will just say no to socialist/communist insanity.

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