Will you take the upcoming COVID vaccine?

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A world wide conspiracy? I don’t believe all the different governments can get along enough to agree to anything, much less a worldwide conspiracy.

Too bad you cannot understand Russian or German Brent. Here is the president and so called dictator of White Russia, telling the citizens of his land that he was offered $940,000,000 (nine hundred forty million) from the European Central Bank and the World Bank ((Rothschild)) to:
1. Create a Police State
2. Force a Lockdown
3. Force to wear masks
4. Destroy the economy
5. Follow the rest of the European Countries in this FARCE!!
He showed his greatness in that HE TURNED THE MONEY DOWN!!! and told his citizens the truth!!

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The guy is also an environmentalist. He believes it's ok for a family to have a cow on their farm, but is against cow farms because of environmental impact. He is really anti food production, and probably is pro plant based, soy, and bug protein. A different kind of soylent green. And he is against all vaccines, not just the covid one.
Nephew to our past president Kennedy.
There are many reasons to be worried about the covid vaccine, but this guy is way out in left field. A true soy boy.
The best outcome for this virus is if you don’t catch it. Wearing a good mask is the best thing you can do to help lower the chances while getting on with your daily life. For all those that wish to believe it’s just the evil democrats pushing control, well, I can’t help you with that. The vaccine should be a personal choice and not mandated I agree. But bashing it with unsubstantiated claims of it being dangerous or is to sterilize the masses doesn't make sense. I will always rely on the general consensus of the medical and scientific community, and they show the benefits far outweigh the risks for older or people with health issues.
That's another issue I'm worried about regarding immune systems. I've always had an incredible immune system. I've worked with children all my life, and most viruses roll right off me. I would typically get maybe one light cold or ear infection a year, or maybe a sour stomach for a day or two. I retired a year and a half ago, but we raise 3 grandkids who attend the public school system. So last March, almost a year from today, covid closed down our schools, people had to stay in their homes, and school was cancelled. We did this till July, then we moved to a state that didn't tell you to always stay inside and always wear a mask. Being immune to the normal stuff going around is now important. People can lose their natural immunities after awhile, and people need to build up their immunities. It never failed that when I would hire a new teacher at our school that she would be out sick for an entire week the second week of working. She would not be used to normal germs. People cannot live in a plastic bubble all their lives.
On the other note, staying healthy by getting outside, getting sunshine, eating good, non processed food, enjoying life and enjoying other people you care about are all necessary to stay healthy
Heck no - I have a good friend whose a pharmacy sales guy and when a salesman isnt selling it on top if what I have read on my own - no thanks
I had an short discussion about the vaccine today with an stranger i meet in an shop. To make it short, he talked about the Covid infection, was telling me how dangerous this virus proably is and no one knows about the long term consequences and that he would go for the vaccine soon as possible. I asked him then if he knows about the long term consequences and side effects of the vaccine. His eyes gone bigger, then he answered me there is absolutly no knowledge about it. But the government says it's all fine with the vaccine. So i asked him then if he surely would do an injection where the long time side effects are unknown - because at least we have already mor experience with this virus. I could see in his eyes he started to think about. I hope i didn't ruined his day.
there is too much anti vaccine write ups by doctors and other medical professionals for me to even think about taking a chance with these vaccines, too much is unknown about long term effects even down to it affecting us at the gene level, plus over here we are banned from taking vaccine makers to court if anything did go wrong, which I find highly suspicious, if it is that good as people are trying to make out why the ban? nope, something isnt right.
About the court - ban i wasn't even talk. I wouldn't mind to take the vaccine if it really helps and if dosn't have side effects. But until now it are only those emergency approvals and absolutly no long term experiences. Plus this liquid is an DNA - based vaccine. So no way for me. Other thing is, there was such an rush to get an vaccine in no time, but it seems as nobody goes ahead to research an medicament for the people who already are infected.
As you wrote @bigpaul - there are to many circumstances to highly suspicious. And exactly this holds me away from even thinking about to take this two shots.
The problem is that in Europe the authorities now want to create a digital vaccination passport, which all those who have been vaccinated will receive and will then presumably be allowed to do everything, i.e. they will theoretically be free of restrictions, while non-vaccinated persons will be prohibited from doing everything, such as going to restaurants and traveling to other countries.
Europe creates exactly again what the Germans have created around 1930.
One divides the population in such a way still completely and the authorities make ever more pressure on the people who do not want to be inoculated, the next step is that you put employers under pressure that let inoculate your employees. At present there is too little vaccine, but one will bring in the long run the vaccinated people to act against the unvaccinated, that is at present in preparation.
ONLY, there are guaranteed also people who are not allowed to be vaccinated for certain reasons with the present vaccines, which are then discriminated hardcore while the people who do not want to come from the "storm troops" under the wheels.

At the latest when enough vaccine is available but the people do not want to be vaccinated, then there will be guaranteed a vaccination compulsion, I see it coming in Europe so.
At the latest then war breaks out, the one will probably submit to the force, the other will defend themselves with all means, probably in the form of violence, if it comes so far there will be deaths, in the form of war against the state power and in the form of suicides, and that will run out on that if there is a vaccination compulsion.

What would you do if the police with large numbers of people and medical personnel go through the street and stop at every house where you know that there are people living who resist vaccination and break down the door?
They will defend themselves with all means, I curse the day if it ever comes so far, and it will come so far for it there are enough hardliners in the government.
@Brent S I think politics play a big roll with this virus. We didnt understand it at first which prmpted the lockdowns but now that we understand it more, I think the Dems have been playing us. That is why they wanted the lockdowns and they used it to their advantage to the fullest and still are. I find that unacceptable.
Absolutely the Leftist Dems have been playing (many of) us for fools. And many fools are still falling for their crap. There doesn't seem to be many free thinkers left anymore. Many sheeple can't even tie their own shoes without government guidance. We were once a free nation of people who were capable of thinking for themselves, taking chances and making their own decisions. Not any more. Sad.
Who is interested in it should translate this page into English, it shows a mortality statistics of old people's homes in Germany from the RKI a nevertheless very respectable place which also coordinates the vaccination.
If you look at the statistics you will see that in the Corona disaster year 2020 fewer unvaccinated old people died than this year old people die who were vaccinated.
I have here in the region but already some details come along that many old people die after vaccination, but that there are so many cases there I must really say ****.
If that is really the case, it goes directly towards euthanasia and is a scandal.
I have to go to the bottom of the matter, because so what is grossly negligent, with such death figures must be investigated whether what has to do with these vaccinations, unfortunately, all the authorities block the discussion or questions, all this makes me very suspicious.

This crap is just WAY out of hand! So because I do not trust a mRNA vaccine that has not been fully tested and we really dont know what the side effects are, now or in the future, I am now considered a domestic terrorist. Sure, why not in todays culture. . . I am just so sick of this over reaching control and cancel culture!!
I do believe there will be a vaccinated list before too long. I’m not sure if I agree with that kind of control over people being able to move around freely either. There have certainly been some bad examples of that in history. As far as the vaccine goes though, I do not believe this is a government conspiracy to abuse people. Vaccines are scientifically proven to save a lot more lives than they harm. 100% completely?, nothing is. I’m not taking the word of an ignorant politician that masks are useless and the virus is a hoax. Follow what the majority of scientists are saying about it.
This crap is just WAY out of hand! So because I do not trust a mRNA vaccine that has not been fully tested and we really dont know what the side effects are, now or in the future, I am now considered a domestic terrorist. Sure, why not in todays culture. . . I am just so sick of this over reaching control and cancel culture!!
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thats why they call it "big brother".
I do believe there will be a vaccinated list before too long. I’m not sure if I agree with that kind of control over people being able to move around freely either. There have certainly been some bad examples of that in history. As far as the vaccine goes though, I do not believe this is a government conspiracy to abuse people. Vaccines are scientifically proven to save a lot more lives than they harm. 100% completely?, nothing is. I’m not taking the word of an ignorant politician that masks are useless and the virus is a hoax. Follow what the majority of scientists are saying about it.
I'll follow my own common sense Brent. Not some power hungry idiot in a lab coat. And you say you aren't sure if people should have the Right to move about freely? That says a lot right there.
I dont think anyone is calling this virus a "hoax". Its real. Just the government and their "experts" response to it is a hoax. We get new viruses all the time. Are we going to destroy the economy and peoples lives every time a new virus shows up?
While I was at the hospital yesterday with my wife I had a chance to talk with several doctors about the effectiveness of wearing a face diaper, aka mask. They all said the "mandate" was stupid and that masks were ineffective and a joke. One doctor joked with my wife and said that if she died while in the hospital they'd list her death as covid.
You go ahead and drink the kool-aid and believe what you want. I'll make my own decisions.
I'll follow my own common sense Brent. Not some power hungry idiot in a lab coat. And you say you aren't sure if people should have the Right to move about freely? That says a lot right there.
I dont think anyone is calling this virus a "hoax". Its real. Just the government and their "experts" response to it is a hoax. We get new viruses all the time. Are we going to destroy the economy and peoples lives every time a new virus shows up?
While I was at the hospital yesterday with my wife I had a chance to talk with several doctors about the effectiveness of wearing a face diaper, aka mask. They all said the "mandate" was stupid and that masks were ineffective and a joke. One doctor joked with my wife and said that if she died while in the hospital they'd list her death as covid.
You go ahead and drink the kool-aid and believe what you want. I'll make my own decisions.
No, I didn’t say people shouldn’t have the right to move around freely. I was stating that I wasnt so sure about the government having control to restrict people moving around freely. I don’t want the government controlling us in meaningful ways either. I just don’t consider wearing a mask to help slow the spread of a virus that does kill elderly people to be a meaningful restriction.
I just got scheduled for the vaccine next week. Dont know which brand yet but hoping for the single dose. Hopefully my wife can get scheduled before long as well. I’d be glad to give her my shot but wasn’t allowed to.
I’m so ready for a real vacation right now. As soon as we are both fully inoculated we are doing something on our bucket list! Maybe two things.....
Even on your vacation, you still have to wear masks (two is better) and stay six feet away from anywhere. Don't go to a state that's not open, because you'll be sitting in your hotel room doing nothing. Hey, Texas is open. We are going there for a family reunion on my husband's side for Thanksgiving.

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