..then i looked down...ahhh..eureka....a slot for the key!!!... metal bobby pin straight in that socket..
#MeToo. (probably why I 'look like this'..

Yah, pretty-much the same experiment / experience, 'cept I used a somewhat-pointy butter / almost-steak knife.. Wern't no 'sharp, pointy tip' after that, though! I only recall a 'flash' - then Lots of crying..
That memory was ~3, but..
..Oldest one I can recall Vividly, was ~2 - 2.5 yrs old, tops, and it was of a Ginormous Green Tupperware Bowl that my Mother brought home (I'm sure ya'll remember 'Tupperware Parties', ya?

I just remember being mesmerized by it for some reason, and just did Not stop wanting to play with it.. I seem to recall something like putting it over my head (it was like ~18" or bigger, was Huge..) and tripping out over the 'echo chamber inside'..
..and Man, we had that stinkin bowl for
Decades, I can recall Mom using it for countless Salads and Summer Fruit Salads / Watermelon-balls taken to Picnics, etc, well into near-Teens..
..I think it 'finally met it's demise' after one Horrible 'stomach bug' that we All got (probably contam'd lettuce or something she bought / we all ate at dinner one night..) and I vividly-recall one of my little Sisters using it as a 'barf bowl'..

That was the Last I recall ever seeing that thing, Lol..
I'm Thankful to have a rather extensive set of 'Home Movies' in my ol' Attic, still.. Lots of Good - and some Crazy / Not-so good - Childhood memories..