Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Every dog is a good dog, until it becomes a bad dog. Doesn't matter what the breed is. Some breeds can do much more damage when they turn into bad dogs than other breeds. Some breeds you can defend yourself against better than other breeds. Different breeds have different typical personalities (with variation, of course). Labs are almost universally friendly, almost to a fault. Chihuahuas are nasty little creatures, even towards their owners from what I have observed. The saving grace for Chihuahuas is that most people could score a 25 yard field goal with one, which mitigates the damage they can do. Nobody will convince me that these temperamental differences are due to training. Training, loving homes and good treatment can often times mitigate poor behavior though. But never 100%.

Size and physical capabilities do make a difference. But so does inherent demeanor. If you were to place three dogs in front of me - a chihuahua, a pit bull, and a newfoundland - and asked me which one I would stick my face in front of, my answer would be none of them. But if you forced me to choose one, it would be the newfoundland, hands down. Even though it's the biggest one, by far, of the whole bunch. If you asked me which one I'd let walk around, unattended, in a room with a toddler in it - of course my answer would be none of them. But again, if forced to make a choice, that huge newfoundland would be the winner by far.

As I said, every bad dog was a good dog before it became a bad dog. They are all capable of this transition. And the transition can be instantaneous, completed in one single event. You have to keep this in mind. This is just common sense (the least common of all the senses).
All dog breeds were developed for a reason !! KC Cavaliers were developed to patiently sit on their master's lap, Golden Retrievers to sit in the duck blind then soft mouthedly retrieve, Poodles to hunt via scent tracking, etc.!! Pit Bulls were developed to fight, bite and not release. You can get a Border Collie and say you are going to train it not to herd, but that instinct is part of their hardwiring!! A keen eye will always pick up on breed instincts, even if they are subtle!!
Dogs are like people in the nature/nurture situation. If anyone is interested, there are some interesting video lectures from Professor James Fallon about people with genetic disposition toward becoming serial killers. Most that have been studied have a certain genetic type, brain type, & have suffered trauma/abuse.

I did hear one story of a chihuahua saving his owner's life. The owner was the adult daughter of a woman who dated a total psycho. The woman broke up with the psycho (I forget why) & he wanted revenge, so he figured the best way to get it would be to murder her daughter. Walked up to her in a parking lot with a plastic bag (concealing a knife) in his hand. Just started stabbing her repeatedly. The chihuahua jumped on him and started biting his ankles as hard as it could. He stopped to try to kick the chihuahua off of him, which allowed the owner enough time to turn the tables. The attacker fell down bc the chihuahua tripped him while biting. Victim was able to get the knife away and stabbed him directly in the eye all the way to the brain. He died, she survived. A witness saw the whole thing and called 911. I think they had the story on Dateline or something.

I was so tired & braindead yesterday I forgot to refill the litterboxes. LOL.
Food stamp rant part two:
Online help is absolutely useless!
Phone help is LESS than useless!
So I went up there today, I got there 30 minutes after it opened and the line was already out the door! No help, nowhere to sit, the scumbags took the seats out, no more computers, not that I could use one, and everybody jabbering in at least three languages and several dialects, I grabbed my form and split! By then my back is killing me already, but I need some crap from the store. I didn't even buy cokes or meat and pitiful little canned crap, I ended up with about half my usual haul and STILL paid 180$ Went to the smoke shop and bought two cartons of low-end smokes...150$ WHAT THE HELL?! They went up fifteen dollars a carton in a month?! We have GOT to get rid of the rich white trash running the show and soon! I'm having my doubts about making it until the next election and BIGGER doubts it will be honest! So much for extra money! B*tards!
Ok, so today sucked all the way around. So bad I had a shot of vodka when I got home and some really junky junk food I got at the store ( little debbie pumpkin rolls)
Took Otto to the vet. This is the backup vet because the regular livestock vet is always busy and in an emergency I would like to have a backup. So Otto went there to get his shots.
The regular vet there was busy so I got the other one. Oh my....she fed him about a half a bag of treats , tried to talk to him for half hour, and then told me next time I come he absolutely needs to be tranquilized. WTF??? He didn't growl at her, didn't try to bite, didn't do anything other than shed, and acting a little nervous. Our regular vet you just go in a room, he comes in, and gives him a shot, done, 5 minutes later. This lady, she MISSED the rabies shot!!! Vaccine going on the floor...and Otto was not doing anything weird....finally got it and told me dogs need to be tranquilized before they come see her. WTF??? I have never heard anythign like that in my entire life with many dogs. She wanted to give me a prescription for pills for " next time' . I told her, well, he doesn't need shots for at least another year. She told me " well, I can't give out this prescription a year from now, I have to do it now" I told here " I will see the other vet or go elsewhere next time" . And we were out of there.....( $200 later, just for shots)

Ok there is more....
While there , our meat processor called and told me they need to cancel my appointment tomorrow since people are out sick and injured and they won't be able to reschedule till October. Well, our biggest selling festival is in September and they just screwed us in a major way . We have some meat left but only a few cuts.

And finally: son calls while I am in the check out at the store. " sheep are out of the fencing and it is pouring" ....

Today I just want to quit
Ok, so today sucked all the way around. So bad I had a shot of vodka when I got home and some really junky junk food I got at the store ( little debbie pumpkin rolls)
Took Otto to the vet. This is the backup vet because the regular livestock vet is always busy and in an emergency I would like to have a backup. So Otto went there to get his shots.
The regular vet there was busy so I got the other one. Oh my....she fed him about a half a bag of treats , tried to talk to him for half hour, and then told me next time I come he absolutely needs to be tranquilized. WTHeck??? He didn't growl at her, didn't try to bite, didn't do anything other than shed, and acting a little nervous. Our regular vet you just go in a room, he comes in, and gives him a shot, done, 5 minutes later. This lady, she MISSED the rabies shot!!! Vaccine going on the floor...and Otto was not doing anything weird....finally got it and told me dogs need to be tranquilized before they come see her. WTHeck??? I have never heard anythign like that in my entire life with many dogs. She wanted to give me a prescription for pills for " next time' . I told her, well, he doesn't need shots for at least another year. She told me " well, I can't give out this prescription a year from now, I have to do it now" I told here " I will see the other vet or go elsewhere next time" . And we were out of there.....( $200 later, just for shots)

Ok there is more....
While there , our meat processor called and told me they need to cancel my appointment tomorrow since people are out sick and injured and they won't be able to reschedule till October. Well, our biggest selling festival is in September and they just screwed us in a major way . We have some meat left but only a few cuts.

And finally: son calls while I am in the check out at the store. " sheep are out of the fencing and it is pouring" ....

Today I just want to quit
Sorry about your bad day! Some days it's better to just stay home, but you never know that until you are too deep into it!! She could have muzzled Otto if she was afraid of him, sounds like needs to do something different for a living!!
Sorry about your bad day! Some days it's better to just stay home, but you never know that until you are too deep into it!! She could have muzzled Otto if she was afraid of him, sounds like needs to do something different for a living!!
Yes!!! She acted like she was afraid of him. This was without a doubt the worst vet I have ever been to . Wow
This was a few weeks ago:

So I work at a parts store. I'm also part of management.

Had a very, very difficult commercial customer on the phone today.

Ok, so here's how it all started...
He had an AC compressor swapped under warranty on Thursday. Today he called and said that he forgot to take the high pressure switch out of the back of the compressor. Wanted to know what we could do about it.

The old compressor was gone, had already been shipped back.

Me: OK, well a new one is $30.87 under your account, and I have one in stock.

Him: But I just bought that switch not long ago, it still under warranty.

Me: ...

Me: Well... I can't warranty it unless I have it.

Him: But you do have it, it got sent back.

Me: No, I have to actually have the part.

Then he comes back with this:

Him: Well, the girl who warrantied it should have made made sure that there wasn't anything on it that I would need.

Me: That's not our responsibility.

Him: Well I think it is!

He wanted us to just give him a new switch.

Then he gave me a long story about how his truck had been down for three months and his mother just had a stroke Nad he needed to go see her and he didn't have another vehicle(how was he planning to get up there to get the new switch in that case?).

Long story short, I ended up calling my manager and he's like, uh yeah, no, thats not going to happen.

Customer called back later and my coworker answered the phone. When my guy told him the deal he said that just thought that maybe one of us would have a heart.

Look, I try to be accommodating whenever I can, but, I give no appy polly loggies to thee or thine for that.
Yes!!! She acted like she was afraid of him. This was without a doubt the worst vet I have ever been to . Wow
I would not go to any of the vets in that office again. But not for the reason you may think. Obviously the vet saw something in your dog that was off, or scary. Even if you didn't. Vets see dozens of dogs a day, day after day, month after month. I wouldn't call the vet stupid for seeing something in your dog that you may not see. But that doesn't matter. Now that you have been told that the office wants the dog tranquilized for the next visit, if you go in there without a tranquilized dog, you're playing with fire, liability-wise.

I would go to an entirely different vet office next time. Not just a different vet in the same office. Even then, if vet offices communicate between themselves, you could run into a big issue if your dog were to bite or otherwise injure someone. Having been warned, or asked, or advised, or whatever you want to term the tranquilization requirement ... the onus of dog control is now 100% on you. Even if you go to a totally new vet that knows nothing about you or your dog, if an attack occurs they are going to have good standing to come after you if they find out you put them in danger by ignoring requirements from a previous vet. You're in a sticky situation now, fair or not. Most people (in a court or whatever) are going to trust the judgement of a vet with significant experience with different dogs over the judgement of someone talking about their own personal dog. I didn't say this is necessarily right or fair in your specific case, but in general it's a very reasonable belief. And it's the situation you now find yourself in.

At the very least, if you absolutely must go back to this same vet office, I would get it in writing or at least email (something that you can produce a record of - not just voice over a phone call) that they agree to see your dog without tranquillization. This is for your own financial protection.
I would not go to any of the vets in that office again. But not for the reason you may think. Obviously the vet saw something in your dog that was off, or scary.
Um no. I have had dogs my whole life, including some that did bite. Otto is not one of those. He's a baby. He has never even growled at anyone much less tried to bite them.
He acted like ANY dog I have ever taken to the vet. Nervous and shedding. They all do that. This vet is afraid of dogs. Not my problem.
I would hate to see this vet confronted with our goat bucks or something bigger like our livestock dogs.
But yeah, not going back there most likely. The other vet is cheaper anyway
Um no. I have had dogs my whole life, including some that did bite. Otto is not one of those. He's a baby. He has never even growled at anyone much less tried to bite them.
He acted like ANY dog I have ever taken to the vet. Nervous and shedding. They all do that. This vet is afraid of dogs. Not my problem.
I would hate to see this vet confronted with our goat bucks or something bigger like our livestock dogs.
But yeah, not going back there most likely. The other vet is cheaper anyway
Some people shouldn't work around animals. She probably likes animals, but being afraid is going to cause her and the vet clinic problems!
Some people shouldn't work around animals.

Others are extremely good working around them. When one of our horses died, the farrier was shoeing him at the time. Sitting on a stool right next to him, almost underneath. The horse kind of shuddered for a second, then went stiff. The farrier knew what that meant. He flew off that stool and out of the way just as Lenny came down. I never would have been so aware. I would have been crushed if it was me on that stool. I am so grateful that the farrier knew what he was doing.
Barbie is stupid, yet at least she likes guys. Ryan Gosling is hot! But seriously, A BARBIE MOVIE, is there NOTHING else to make a movie about???? Don't let those weirdos have that child Amish!!
According to my daughter, the movie is about what Barbie was meant to stand for, to show girls that they could go to college, get an education, have a career. I thought it would be all about fashion and a stupid young woman. I have no doubt that she will watch it several times and said she would like to go with me. She will basically be gone for the next month, minus two days, so that won't happen soon.
Daughter was gifted Taylor Swift concert tickets and took a young friend. I told her I didn't even know one Taylor Swift song. She told me to sit down and watch her music video, The Man. All of Taylor's music is created from her experiences in life. Any man who dates her better treat her well or they will be written about in her music, without naming names.
Daughter is kind of resenting the lot of women in the world, the lack of power, the being relegated to so many things that are demeaning. What do you say to your adult child about this? I've never been a women's libber, just been very independent.
If by chance you watch and listen to this, watch until the end. It is surprising.
Someone trespassed on my property and picked my dwarf pear tree clean! This is not the first time. I got all the pears last year, but not the year before. I thought the pears were still too green to pick. Silly me. Now I want to put a sign out there by the tree: "To the thief who trespassed on my property and picked all of MY pears: You didn't buy the tree. You didn't plant the tree. You didn't water and care for the tree. You did not ask if you could have MY pears. You have no right to the pears from this tree. Since you decided to pick all of the pears, you can put a $20 bill in my mailbox and leave MY pears alone." I had considered putting a sign out there that said, "NO, do not pick MY pears!"
Pears are my favorite fruit and have sentimental value for me. One of my few memories of my mom has to do with my mother when she bought pears to can. Daughter has a thing for pears as well.
Food stamp rant part two:
Online help is absolutely useless!
Phone help is LESS than useless!
So I went up there today, I got there 30 minutes after it opened and the line was already out the door! No help, nowhere to sit, the scumbags took the seats out, no more computers, not that I could use one, and everybody jabbering in at least three languages and several dialects, I grabbed my form and split! By then my back is killing me already, but I need some crap from the store. I didn't even buy cokes or meat and pitiful little canned crap, I ended up with about half my usual haul and STILL paid 180$ Went to the smoke shop and bought two cartons of low-end smokes...150$ WHAT THE HELL?! They went up fifteen dollars a carton in a month?! We have GOT to get rid of the rich white trash running the show and soon! I'm having my doubts about making it until the next election and BIGGER doubts it will be honest! So much for extra money! B*tards!
Tobacco is very addicting. BUT, it does not have to be so expensive. A cigarette stuffing machine is $225. A pound of tobacco is $13, the paper tubes are $1.99 for 200. A pound of tobacco will stuff 500 of the tubes. So for $18 you have 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes. The machine is the big outlay of cash, but it is guaranteed for 10,000 uses or one year, whichever comes first.
Went to the smoke shop and bought two cartons of low-end smokes...150$ WHAT THE HELL?! They went up fifteen dollars a carton in a month?! We have GOT to get rid of the rich white trash running the show and soon! I'm having my doubts about making it until the next election and BIGGER doubts it will be honest! So much for extra money! B*tards!
What about rolling your own, and I'm not talking wacky tobacky!
Someone trespassed on my property and picked my dwarf pear tree clean! This is not the first time. I got all the pears last year, but not the year before. I thought the pears were still too green to pick. Silly me. Now I want to put a sign out there by the tree: "To the thief who trespassed on my property and picked all of MY pears: You didn't buy the tree. You didn't plant the tree. You didn't water and care for the tree. You did not ask if you could have MY pears. You have no right to the pears from this tree. Since you decided to pick all of the pears, you can put a $20 bill in my mailbox and leave MY pears alone." I had considered putting a sign out there that said, "NO, do not pick MY pears!"
Pears are my favorite fruit and have sentimental value for me. One of my few memories of my mom has to do with my mother when she bought pears to can. Daughter has a thing for pears as well.
Ten bucks says it's a Mexican, they're bad to do that here...
UNTIL the castle laws!
Ten bucks says it's a Mexican, they're bad to do that here...
UNTIL the castle laws!
Anything is possible. It was an older white man who tried to come onto my property a few years ago and when confronted said he was just looking something he might want. One year my neighbor's peach tree was hit by a black kid pushing a grocery cart. Another neighbor had a black woman bring her children to help her pick their ornamental plums, not recommended for eating. People just think they are entitled.
Another neighbor had a black woman bring her children to help her pick their ornamental plums, not recommended for eating.
... especially not when sprayed with organophosphates. Used to keep the thieves, err, I mean bugs, away. Causes "SLUD syndrome". "Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation". Always a hit at the dinner table when eating stolen fruit.

(please, don't really do this, but it's fun to imagine what the resulting dinner party would be like!)
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Someone trespassed on my property and picked my dwarf pear tree clean! This is not the first time. I got all the pears last year, but not the year before. I thought the pears were still too green to pick. Silly me. Now I want to put a sign out there by the tree: "To the thief who trespassed on my property and picked all of MY pears: You didn't buy the tree. You didn't plant the tree. You didn't water and care for the tree. You did not ask if you could have MY pears. You have no right to the pears from this tree. Since you decided to pick all of the pears, you can put a $20 bill in my mailbox and leave MY pears alone." I had considered putting a sign out there that said, "NO, do not pick MY pears!"
Pears are my favorite fruit and have sentimental value for me. One of my few memories of my mom has to do with my mother when she bought pears to can. Daughter has a thing for pears as well.
“WARNING!” Tree is sprayed daily for worm infestation. Pears are not safe to eat.”
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