Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So are the crazy ones🤪😉
Some of us are both :)

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Mini-rant: Fighting with Amazon's robots. :(
I rarely order from them but had got AAA lithium batteries from them before so I clicked 'previous purchases' and they were there... for $21, so I clicked add to cart. I know I paid less than $20 last time so I did a search for them and found them for $19 and clicked add to cart. Went to my cart and both the $19 ones and the $21 ones were there so I clicked the 'delete' button under the $21 ones.
Magically, the price of the $19 ones changes to $21!gaah
Gonna think about this for a few days, and whenever I do, I will win.:waiting:

Edit: Update, went back in to check my cart, and it was EMPTY with a small banner that said those were no longer available from that vendor.
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There are shady things that happen on Amazon.
I ordered a battery operated fillet knife for $114.
That was a great price because it was normally $205.
I got an email a few days later and said the order had been canceled because it was no longer available.
I went back and looked and it was now listed at $205.
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There are shady things that happen on Amazon.
I ordered a battery operated fillet knife for $114.
That was a great price because it was normally $205.
I got an email a few days later and said the order had been canceled because it was no longer available.
I went back a looked and it was now listed at $205.
Well, I did find these while cruising the web, but they are still more expensive with $5.74 shipping, verses the $21 Amazon ones with free shipping, (which I put back in my cart to 'age').
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I noticed a big drop in service last summer at amyzit. It’s getting worse. I place big orders, build an order over time, a few months.

Previously they shipped as few packages as possible. Now I get items, 1 or 2 at a time, instead of a big box. It’s means items ship from warehouses all over the country. instead of a central location like a decade ago. They built hubs everywhere. There's one in birmingham now.

Shipping from so many hubs has inherent problems. Random items were now missing from my orders. 5 of my last 6 orders had an item listed as delivered that didn’t arrive. It simply never shipped. Was on the pkging slip, on the website. Later, I got the item no prob but had to call cus service first.

Guess all those job cuts last year got filled by automated systems. Their systems clearly aren’t ready but they don't care. They are quickly becoming 'the store', the only store. Drive to the Walleyzon store in town soon! When is uncle sam gonna carve that pig up?

Anyway, now I pay much closer attention to my orders! I always checked before but hadn’t had a problem in many years. Now it's 'Buyer Beware'.

Something I do, I try to find the vendor directly on the web, bypass amyzit. Niche stores, gear, equipment. Sometimes I find bargains and much better service, mom an pop went high tech!! The smart ones did anyway.
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Mini-rant: Fighting with Amazon's robots. :(
I rarely order from them but had got AAA lithium batteries from them before so I clicked 'previous purchases' and they were there... for $21, so I clicked add to cart. I know I paid less than $20 last time so I did a search for them and found them for $19 and clicked add to cart. Went to my cart and both the $19 ones and the $21 ones were there so I clicked the 'delete' button under the $21 ones.
Magically, the price of the $19 ones changes to $21!gaah
Gonna think about this for a few days, and whenever I do, I will win.:waiting:

Edit: Update, went back in to check my cart, and it was EMPTY with a small banner that said those were no longer available from that vendor.
I have the Amazon prime Movie platform & it gets me free shipping on many things. So I order from them before anyone else. They are making a killing from the loyalty for free shipping. I got the steaming movies & free shipping on all the product from Amazon.
Got 2 ticks off the dog in the last week. Found another in thick neck fur today but lost it, a small one. Since i was out in the brush today i took an extra long shower this evening. Took a round of tinctures since i'll be helping a friend harvest usnea tomorrow. Back in the same brush again.
I got my package!! Had a big round about fight with Sam's Club...I WON!!
I hope they gave you a coupon for your trouble. I got coupons twice from them because of all the problems I had with FedEx. Wasn't really my goal. I just wanted my stuff.

Got an order via UPS that was very delayed and they put it on the hood of my brother's truck over 30ft from the house. No idea why they didn't put it on my truck or closer to the house. That was a bit strange.

Had to cancel something I ordered from Amazon back in January because they never shipped it. They had "attempting to cancel" and said it might not get canceled. I might have to call them and tell them that I'm cancelling because the item never shipped and I don't want to wait for it. Found a different item from a different seller that will ship faster.

Still got a little respiratory crud clinging on and not wanting to go away. Last night I got really sick with stomach ache and nausea. Took pepto and anti-gas stuff. Ended up puking it up with my dinner. Threw up a few times and ran out of pepto. Was shivering and feeling really cruddy. Woke up absolutely drenched in sweat but the nausea and stomach pain were gone. Was exhausted for the first half of the day though.

Sometimes on the amazon stuff when it changes prices, you have to go back and select from a specific seller or it gives you the higher price. But there are times when they change it in the cart. That gets annoying.

I ordered something from China over a week ago. It came with a guarantee that it would be delivered by a certain date. Looking like it's not going to make it in time though since it still hasn't gotten out of China. It cleared their outgoing customs at least. No way it's arriving on the date they said it would though. Hopefully it makes it before the end of the month. I've ordered from them before and got the item faster, but that was years ago before the pandemic. Edit: Just got an update that it left China. Next stop is US customs.
I watched the news after my post and good lord, I will have to refrain from profanities about the idiots in this state. So, there are some saltwater marshes down in the southern part of the state & the rains hatched swarms of mosquitoes. The footage showing how many they were is insane. All over the place. Now, I get complaining about that. They suck. But then the people were all whining about the government not doing enough about it. like wut? Mosquitoes have been around longer than the government. They are harder to take care of than say pot holes or infrastructure things that the government can control. They can only use so much poison and have to use it in a safe manner so they don't poison people/pets/water supply, etc. One whiny moron was complaining he had to shut down his business because no one wanted to come over to his shop due to the mosquitoes. Have these people never heard of citronella candles/torches or bug spray? What exactly do they expect the city/government to do? It was just so pathetic. I will complain about mosquitoes, but I won't expect the government to do something about it. One of the officials from the government branch responsible for spraying for mosquitoes explained the rules-- couldn't crop dust with winds higher than 10mph, couldn't spray over certain areas, couldn't spray under certain temps, etc. All for safety. But these people seemed to expect some magical fix. And didn't seem to be doing anything themselves to mitigate. I was yelling at my TV for the people to get some bug spray and citronella. Deep Woods OFF is a thing. People are so stupid!
I watched the news after my post and good lord, I will have to refrain from profanities about the idiots in this state. So, there are some saltwater marshes down in the southern part of the state & the rains hatched swarms of mosquitoes. The footage showing how many they were is insane. All over the place. Now, I get complaining about that. They suck. But then the people were all whining about the government not doing enough about it. like wut? They can only use so much poison and have to use it in a safe manner so they don't poison people/pets/water supply, etc. One whiny moron was complaining he had to shut down his business because no one wanted to come over to his shop due to the mosquitoes. Have these people never heard of citronella candles/torches or bug spray? What exactly do they expect the city/government to do? It was just so pathetic. I will complain about mosquitoes, but I won't expect the government to do something about it. One of the officials from the government branch responsible for spraying for mosquitoes explained the rules-- couldn't crop dust with winds higher than 10mph, couldn't spray over certain areas, couldn't spray under certain temps, etc. All for safety. But these people seemed to expect some magical fix. And didn't seem to be doing anything themselves to mitigate. I was yelling at my TV for the people to get some bug spray and citronella. Deep Woods OFF is a thing. People are so stupid!
If you buy stuff local and pay your local taxes, (instead of buying every single thing from Amazon), this guy will come around every week and you will have ZERO mosquitos.:thumbs:

If the local govt doesn't have enough funds to mount a good assault, you will pay with blood. :oops:
At every city-council meeting, that is always #2 on the docket after drainage-control.
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My state and the city I live near both take taxes for my Amazon purchases. Even though I don't live in the city, I have to pay the city tax so I pay 10.45% tax on amazon purchases. Also, that guy *does* come into my yard. He sometimes sits in front of my house spraying poison directly on my truck for 2 to 3 minutes straight. One of the times where he sat there spraying for 5 min,. I had a migraine (my room is facing the front near the truck and the tape had come off the gap in my window). Within the next couple of days one of my cats died and then one of my dogs died. I found the cat dead next to the truck with no sign of injury. The dog I found in the yard near the truck yelping. Vet was closed so I brought her inside and stayed with her while she died. Had an autopsy done on the dog. Vet said it was clearly poison. Also, we still get mosquitoes even though they spray poison.

So, last night while I was sleeping my ear kept feeling irritated (the punny part of me would say ear-itated). It kept filling with fluid. I can feel a swollen sore lump inside. I keep wicking the fluid out with a tissue. This morning I touched behind my ear (lower down where the eustachian tube runs) and there is a swollen lump. It's not terribly painful but I suspect its an ear infection. I'll add it to my list of things to tell my doctor in my appointment tomorrow afternoon.
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