Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Perfect A-hole
I am a perfect A hole. Just ask me
Come on @Frodo! Nobody's perfect :)

Well, Except for maybe my old step-dad, when the grand kids asked him, "Grandpa do you take bathes or showers?", he gently replied, "Oh, I have to do showers because when I step in the tub I just stand on top of the water..."
I had this buddy (Guy), we both worked at the same place (different departments) and sometimes our bosses would be real jerks. We had this code and would talk about our hemorrhoids right in front of them, I don't think they ever caught on that we were talking about them being our PIAs... :)
I had this buddy (Guy), we both worked at the same place (different departments) and sometimes our bosses would be real jerks. We had this code and would talk about our hemorrhoids right in front of them, I don't think they ever caught on that we were talking about them being our PIAs...

Good one
This is just a mental exercise... I was watching "Reacher" and "Northern Exposure" on Amazon (Reacher is a guy is retired and just on permanent walk about). So it got me to thinking, if the wife died, I could just sell my stuff, and go trekking about the country and into the wilderness. But I would have retirement and pension income, so I could set up some auto-pays for the bills that I have (phone?). I could even set up a pre-paid master-card(s) with auto-pay to give the kids monthly financial help. So now let's say that I go trekking up into Alaska, travel till the road ends, and then just keep on trekking into the woods... What would happen? I ain't dead, but I might be? How long would it take before someone started asking, "Why is Bill not filling a tax return or something along those lines?" The kids' wouldn't care as they are getting monthly cash, my bills are being paid.. and as long as my bank account isn't over drawn it is showing activity... Sure creates an interesting scenario :)
You'd be Schrödinger's cat - neither dead or alive!

I'd do it; once you wouldn't miss your family. Why not? I think it's a good way to go- my body would feed the bears and birds, better than landing in a human landfill of a graveyard. I watch this survivor show where people get dropped off in Vancouver or Alaska, and the longest to stay wins. The biggest downfall of the hardy, smarter ones is missing their family.
It is evident much of the population has not been punched in the face before. They live sheltered lives When stupidity and reality meet it is painful. It also makes a lasting impression. When we were young the kid that ate too many marbles didn't grow up to have stupid kids.
Just like the fast food workers who thought they'd enjoy their new $20 per hour mandated salaries (before the kiosks started moving in after the people cutbacks began), these French workers will probably find that robots don't mind being monitored one bit. Amazon pretty much controls everything about their business like they would control robots (so I've heard). The final step to replace employees with actual robots is a small one. Now is not a good time to be an Amazon employee if you're wanting to start a workers revolt. Sorry, you missed the boat on that one.

The solution to not liking your job is to never take bad jobs in the first place, or to move on to a different job if you don't like the one you currently have. Demanding change that is solely to your benefit and hurts the employer may indeed spearhead some changes. Probably none of them good for you. The thing is, employers have a goal, and you - the employee - are a means to that goal. You are not THE goal. If you want to help contribute to that goal with good ideas and a good work ethic, you will be welcomed. If you want to become the actual goal, that's pretty much a guaranteed bye-bye! for you. That's pretty much the ways it is, like it or not. And it's why work is called "work", and not "play".
Now that I think of it, when I took Mom to the ER they asked her if she felt safe at home, if anyone was hurting her, if she had thoughts of suicide, etc.

So, the good news is that I don't feel like absolute garbage anymore. I'm a bit tired and still have some mucus and coughing, but its improved. Bad news is there's flash flooding so I have to reschedule my doctor appointment. Roads are closed until after the appointment time. They probably would have told me to use nasal spray, drink fluids, etc anyway.

Stupid weather alert woke me up at 5am. I had gotten into a good dream sleep. Dreamt about a woman who had a prosthetic foot but instead of a human foot it was a large rubber chicken foot but looked like the "skin" was ballistic gel.

I'm still having problems with Fedex.

I ended up contacting Samsclub and they requested that the item be returned to them and they are sending out another one and I asked them to proverbially light a fire under Fedex's behind to make them deliver. Now with this weather they will probably refuse again.

Oh, and my landline is out so they can't call me on the landline (but they do have my cell number).

Whenever I get asked about giving out my cell number when I don't want to, I just say I don't get signal at home.
The democrats took over in my town. Now , I have to pay to put new dirt in my driveway , inherited my mothers 1 bedroom house , I can't even change a sheet of T111 on the outside or put new flooring (floating flooring) or anything else . Can't do anything to the without paying the town. I'm thinking of waiting for a lightning storm buy the power lines are above it and I'd have to pay for them
Brains are in short supply.

I tried to book an appointment for an air brakes knowledge test. The online thingy didn't work and they didn't return phone calls, so I had to drive into town to do it in person.
There are two possible places to do this.

The first place says it's the other place. I go to the other place who doesn't do driver services.
I go back to the first place and get the same answer. We don't do that.

I ask for the manager who says, yes, you can do the knowledge test here, but you need an appointment. I say, great I need an appointment for the air brakes knowledge test.

She says, there is no such thing. I say, yes there is. Is there anyone else that can help? She calls a guy on his lunch break who punches a few buttons on the computer and I finally get an appointment.

The manager ices the cake by saying she was surprised to find out there was a test for putting air in your brakes. Shouldn't a mechanic do that?

I am thinking, I know where the air got into, and it isn't the brakes.
Brains are in short supply.

I tried to book an appointment for an air brakes knowledge test. The online thingy didn't work and they didn't return phone calls, so I had to drive into town to do it in person.
There are two possible places to do this.

The first place says it's the other place. I go to the other place who doesn't do driver services.
I go back to the first place and get the same answer. We don't do that.

I ask for the manager who says, yes, you can do the knowledge test here, but you need an appointment. I say, great I need an appointment for the air brakes knowledge test.

She says, there is no such thing. I say, yes there is. Is there anyone else that can help? She calls a guy on his lunch break who punches a few buttons on the computer and I finally get an appointment.

The manager ices the cake by saying she was surprised to find out there was a test for putting air in your brakes. Shouldn't a mechanic do that?

I am thinking, I know where the air got into, and it isn't the brakes.
There was plenty of room in that head for air!!😂
I've been a member of REI since the 70's. But I stopped dead cold buying anything from them when they went anti-gun several years back. Full stop. I did send them an email when they veered off against guns. To their credit, they did reply to that. Basically they said, "Tough s**t. We're virulent anti-gun now."

I have been into their stores a few times since then - never to buy anything, but to use them as a "local showroom" to handle and test out products that I then went on to purchase online elsewhere.

If they go under, I won't care.
I've never even heard of REI.

Still coughing up mucus but its clear and not as bad as it had been. My brother is upset that his company is cutting everyone's hours. I hope that at least he'll get more rest even if he's not getting more $. He just had to upgrade his computer because his motherboard crapped out and it was expensive.

Can't get my oldest cat to eat his special food from the vet. He won't touch the dry food and he doesn't like the wet food much. He ate a little bit of it a couple of times but wouldn't touch it after that. I tried mixing other stuff in with it and some things helped and others didn't but now if he smells any of it he turns his nose up.
I believe they started out in Seattle to cater to the Yuppis as a co-op.
Thy would give back percentage every year to their members.
They were always over priced.
Every time I was in one they were full of snooty elitists who were trying to impress the other snooty elitists.
If your clothing didn't have a REI label you were looked down upon.
Today I imagine they are full of soy boys and hipsters.
I don't remember them ever selling guns.
I've never even heard of REI.

Still coughing up mucus but its clear and not as bad as it had been. My brother is upset that his company is cutting everyone's hours. I hope that at least he'll get more rest even if he's not getting more $. He just had to upgrade his computer because his motherboard crapped out and it was expensive.

Can't get my oldest cat to eat his special food from the vet. He won't touch the dry food and he doesn't like the wet food much. He ate a little bit of it a couple of times but wouldn't touch it after that. I tried mixing other stuff in with it and some things helped and others didn't but now if he smells any of it he turns his nose up.
Sorry to hear about your brother's hours cut. I'm dealing with the same thing at the pharmacy. I do the scheduling and this past week I had an hours budget of 189.5 hours (this includes 65 hours for the pharmacists). On Thursday, when I did the schedule for the week of Feb. 11, my budget went down to 177 hours leaving me only 112 hours for technicians. Funny, our script count hasn't decreased, our workload hasn't decreased. I make the schedule to the hours to publish it, then I write in the hours our techs will be working. Yup, I'm over budget when I do this but I don't care. The worst they can do is fire me and I was already 3 days away from it for not getting the jab before that order was rescinded. For me it's a matter of patient safety and my Pharmacy Manager agrees. She's full retirement age so she's not worried about being fired and I don't care if I get fired.
Sorry to hear about your brother's hours cut. I'm dealing with the same thing at the pharmacy. I do the scheduling and this past week I had an hours budget of 189.5 hours (this includes 65 hours for the pharmacists). On Thursday, when I did the schedule for the week of Feb. 11, my budget went down to 177 hours leaving me only 112 hours for technicians. Funny, our script count hasn't decreased, our workload hasn't decreased. I make the schedule to the hours to publish it, then I write in the hours our techs will be working. Yup, I'm over budget when I do this but I don't care. The worst they can do is fire me and I was already 3 days away from it for not getting the jab before that order was rescinded. For me it's a matter of patient safety and my Pharmacy Manager agrees. She's full retirement age so she's not worried about being fired and I don't care if I get fired.
Its all corporate greed and the CEOs and higher ups trying to maximise profit. It's like the pharma companies raising prices of lifesaving meds even when the cost to produce and ship it did not go up.They just wanted more $$$. My brother works at the arcade in the casino and it performs at 3rd place for profit in the state- even does better than higher traffic larger ones. But they just shrunk the size of it and this is the off season where they don't usually get as many customers. They would still be making good profits if they staffed better, but they are cutting back so they won't have the staff to manage things.

Plus they have an employee that my brother thinks should be fired. Even though it isn't my brother's job to train him, my brother has to re-train this guy every single time he goes in because the guy is dumb as a stump and can't retain any info. He does the opposite of what he's told to do. If he's told "Don't do X" he will do it. Like "Don't take cash/change from the 2nd cash bag- only take from the top bag" and "Don't close the register until the shift is over". He does both and it screws up the entire system and my brother (and other employees who work with the clown) have to do extra work to fix things. He's also apparently terrible with customers. And its not like the guy is brand new. He's been there a couple of months and has gone through training. He's still in high school and his classmates (some of whom work at the casino) say the guy is terrible in school too. It's one thing if someone is mentally challenged and can do the job, its another if they are completely incapable of doing the job and they create stress and more work for other employees who have to babysit him and stop him from screwing up. The supervisor wants to give the guy a chance, but he's actually costing them $$$ with some of his screwups.

I jinxed myself in the weather thread. Power went out last night and stayed out for several hours.
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