Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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After laying in bed last night, failing to fall asleep, I decided why pretend I'm getting anywhere? Just get up and read a book. So I grabbed my Kindle and turned it on. "Kindle power is very low, cannot turn on". OK, off to the charger it went. I figured I'd just use my smartphone to read (I load the current novel I'm reading onto a variety of devices, to handle the very situation I was running into now!) Oops, the smart phone only had 5% battery (that's why it was already in the charger). OK - I have a tablet. Opened the cover to that thing and there was a giant red icon of a depleted battery. Wow, this is getting bad. But I still have one more old tablet that I keep as a last-ditch spare. That had been turned on maybe two weeks ago and I remember it had about 40% charge at that time. Yea! I turned it on and the reboot screen came right up. And stayed there. And stayed there. After about 5 minutes I figured it wasn't going to boot. So I turned it off again. But I had no more backup devices left to read my book! So I tried that secondary tablet again, and yippee, it booted right away. This device was so far down on the backup device chain that I had not put my current novel onto it yet. So I copied my book over to it. I opened the eBook reader app and began reading. After about 10 minutes I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so I went back to bed. And I slept like a rock.

FWIW, all my electronic devices are now fully charged. Got them all connected up last night and this morning they are good to go. Even ones that I didn't attempt to use last night - like my portable bluetooth speaker and my battery charger pack. I've got two "octopus rigs" that I can charge devices with - one upstairs in the bedroom, one downstairs in my office (the wife also has one down in her office too, but that's hers, not mime). I call them octopuses because they have so many cables attached to them (four for one, and six for the other). So I can charge lots of devices simultaneously. If only I would remember to actually charge the devices.

Today, I think I'll charge all the LiION and NiMH batteries I have in the house. I've got a million flashlights sitting around that are no doubt all sitting on 2% charge and currently scheming together to all go out at the same time. Just like the eReader revolt last night.

I'm usually much better at keeping all these things charged. I don't know what's wrong with me these days. I must be overly distracted by all the new kitchen appliances we've acquired recently - VitaMix, bread maker, air fryer, Instant Pot... :confused:
. I must be overly distracted by all the new kitchen appliances we've acquired recently - VitaMix, bread maker, air fryer, Instant Pot... :confused:
Oh no! There's another 2 weeks of VitaMix advertisements for me on every website I visit!gaah
...Posting that name probably got me a 3rd week added to my sentence.:(
Another FedEx rant to add to everyone's shipping rants! I ordered a few things from Sam's Club Friday, they were being shipped from the store in Ft. Worth to arrive Saturday. They are at a FedEx hub in Memphis Tennessee this morning. 🙄🙄🙄
Update! FedEx LOST the package, Sam's Club is sending out the order again!!
I really really hate shopping at Walmart. The quality of stuff, the cashiers AND the people that shop there....uggh!!!!! I would cuss if we were allowed to on here, I did at the store, loudly ...

So we had an entire cart load of stuff ( stuff I couldn't get at the Aldi where we went first like dog food and some other stuff) . None of the self checkout lanes were open except the tiny ones which don;t work if you have a cart full
So we stand in line, wait for like 15 minutes until it is our turn, load ALL or stuff on the thing, and then the people in front of us tried to pay with a card that didn't work and looked like it was 20 years old. So the cashier kept saying " try it again" for like 10 minutes, then she tried putting the numbers in herself, still didn't work. THEN she left, came back and tried again. The women of the couple with the crappy card says " I will go to the car to get mine" and left. SO I ask the cashier" can you please ring us up first' , no. She tells us to go to another lane, so off we go load ALL our items back in the cart and stand in line again, only to end up behind some really old lady trying to pay with a check. I didn't even bother unloading the cart, off we went to another lane. We finally got done, but this cashier had her thing set so you couldnt even see what she rang up. I bet there were a ton of mistakes. But at that point I just wanted out of there. I was tempted to leave everything behind at that point but that would have meant another shopping trip

THere the minor stuff, like I wanted to buy some coconut millk I am low on ( in cans) and the first 4 I pulled off the shelf were expired in 2023. I finally found some newer ones WAY in the back. They do this all the time, you have to check every single thing you buy there. And even then you might get crappy stuff. LIke cheese that is not expired but turns moldy in a few weeks . I really hate that place!!!
Just another company just trying to make the owners and the CEO rich, while ripping off the customers
Today was a lot of researching sump pumps. Not just the specific pump, but how to install one correctly. I have a general idea, but I'm not a pro at it.

My son called to say the pump is running continuously, even though there is no water in the pit (he unplugged it). My son lives in this house that we inherited from my wife's parents. It's a nice enough place, but they jury rigged a lot of stuff that they thought was simple and could be done any 'ol way without requiring a pro or someone with a lick of common sense. I am deathly afraid to see what I'll find at the sump pump in the crawlspace.

I'll be willing to bet that rather than finding proper plumbing to the pump outlet, I'll find a garden hose with 17 miscellaneous adapters stacked together to make everything connect. The float valve probably rusted through and fell off. Check valve? "Huh, what's a check valve?" Weep hole? That part is probably covered by the holes rotted into the garden hose, oddly enough. Electrical connection? Don't even ask about that. Just keep me in your prayers. And maybe send a defibrillator.

We'll see what I find when I get down there. But I'm planning on a complete fresh installation being the most likely outcome.
Northern Ireland Politicians (both sides) who effectively strike for two years - throwing their toys out of the pram sort of thing- then are smug when they decide to go back to work. Despite BEING PAID for the time they were off! In no other job would that happen.
Now they expect congratulations for doing the job they were originally elected to do. FFS.
When is WalMart sending out their 1099's for all our self checkouts?
I think they are in cahoots with the IRS.
They won't send us a W2 but they will report it to the IRS then the 85,000 new IRS agents has an excuse to show up at your door with those AR15s they got.:p
Maybe I need to loosen my tin foil hat.
When is WalMart sending out their 1099's for all our self checkouts?
I only go to walfart for 1 thing, coarse furnace filters, the ones we all grew up with, the paper frame blue cobweb ones. I stand in the ONE staffed checkout lane out of 20-30. then I don't go back for 2 years. NO DISCOUNT, NO SELF CHECKOUT.
I had a weird experience today. Hubby and I volunteer at a church thrift store. We get a lot of low income and sometimes uneducated people in. A woman came in today with one of her daughters. This daughter is one of identical triplets and she has some cognitive disabilities but you can hold a conversation with her. She also has some problem with her voice. It’s very raspy. The girl is about 10 years old.

So they come to check out with the items they chose. The Mom is not the brightest person I’ve seen, either. The daughter says to me “I am an age ender.”
I wasn’t sure I heard her right so I asked the Mom what did she say? The Mom hesitates and then says she said ‘she said she was agender.’ Now, this child is not very knowledgeable. I can only think the child has heard of others who can’t identify with their gender and this child was just thinking it sounded cool. I would have told my child who was mentally handicapped that she was a girl. And who the heck walks up to a cashier and announces “I am agender.’? And this child bought several very girly toys. 🤷‍♀️🤨🤪
Samsclub won't use UPS. I asked them in the live chat if they could send via UPS and they said they were limited by the decisions of higher ups and had no ability to change the sender & apparently they have a deal worked out with Fedex. Remember that post I had with the long list of failure to deliver? I had to reorder and they never delivered that one. I did get the new one quickly though. Guessing they got chewed out over not delivering the other one.

I still have the stupid mucus and my landline is out. The AT&T diagnostic site for landlines has been down for months. I think they are discontinuing it.

Meanwhile I still have the mucus crud. A few minutes ago I choked on it and it was coming out in strings from the back of my throat. I was using both hands to pull it out and it was making me gag. Got stuff all over my hands and face and upchucked a little bit. Kept my cough drop in. Took a tissue and wiped the inside of my mouth and as far back into it as I could get to wipe away mucus. Not coughing anymore now at least.
The mucus was a bit like the strings from natto.

I hate it.
Today was a lot of researching sump pumps. Not just the specific pump, but how to install one correctly. I have a general idea, but I'm not a pro at it.

My son called to say the pump is running continuously, even though there is no water in the pit (he unplugged it). My son lives in this house that we inherited from my wife's parents. It's a nice enough place, but they jury rigged a lot of stuff that they thought was simple and could be done any 'ol way without requiring a pro or someone with a lick of common sense. I am deathly afraid to see what I'll find at the sump pump in the crawlspace.

I'll be willing to bet that rather than finding proper plumbing to the pump outlet, I'll find a garden hose with 17 miscellaneous adapters stacked together to make everything connect. The float valve probably rusted through and fell off. Check valve? "Huh, what's a check valve?" Weep hole? That part is probably covered by the holes rotted into the garden hose, oddly enough. Electrical connection? Don't even ask about that. Just keep me in your prayers. And maybe send a defibrillator.

We'll see what I find when I get down there. But I'm planning on a complete fresh installation being the most likely outcome.
My aunt and uncle who live in small town South Dakota, bought an old bank building on main street. They have had a hunting business and have had maybe 20 to 30 beds in a big nicely refinished basement room, kind of like a barracks, where everyone has their own bed, etc. We stayed there and my friend mentioned that they had a sump pump that ran non stop. He was concerned about why it would do that. A couple years later, they told us that the bar, on the same street, uphill from their building had a pipe that was leaking. Big leak! That is why the sump pump ran non stop.
Mucus not so bad today but I bit the everloving hell out of my tongue accidentally. It looks ugly and bled quite a bit but its on the mend. One of the nice things about wounds in the mouth is they heal faster. I need to get the offending tooth fixed up. It wouldn't be so sharp if I got a cap on it.
Ranting at supermarkets on behalf of older people or singles.
Just looking online at prices, this time of year I stock upon egg noodles, soy sauce etc, as its always on special for Chines New Year. Noticed they have changed punnets of strawberries, blueberries and soft fruit from two for €5 to 3 for €10. It says larger packs, and that is fine for me, feeding a family. But it means individually they are now 4.50 each. Folk either don't have the money to buy 3, or don't need it, so will either waste it or go without.
Forgot to check the bags when I picked up my stuff from the chinese place last night. They forgot to give me my soup and they shorted me by 2 chicken sticks. I'll mention it to the owner next time. I'd really wanted that soup. And my tongue is slightly swollen where I bit it.
My replacement Sam's Club order, first one disappeared in FedEx custody, was temporarily lost by FedEx yesterday!🙄🙄🙄 It showed up in Olive Branch, Mo!! Now in route back to Ft. Worth where it originated! Hopefully it shows up tomorrow!!🤞🤔
You gotta stop using Zannej's zipcode. :(
Pearl, I hope you get your order. I had something shipped from amazon & they used UPS. Were supposed to deliver yesterday but canceled and said they won't attempt delivery until Tuesday. Also ordered something from aliexpress. They say it has been shipped but its still in China. I ordered from them once before and got the stuff, but with things the way they are now, I'm not sure.

Still coughing up mucus but not feeling so cruddy.
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