2024 Was NOT A Good Year

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Mar 9, 2024
As this year draws to a close, some retrospection is required.

2024 was a year where we saw insanity, criminality, and evil, seep into every nook and cranny of our society.

As I look back over the year, I am incredulous over what happened in just 12 months, and am frightened at how easily it all happened.

A Federal Government who opened the borders, allowing anyone who wanted, from across the globe, to flow freely into every state in the nation. Cities and states declared themselves Sanctuary Cities and States, ignoring the safety and well-being of citizens they are supposed to protect. Let's not forget the missing 300,000 illegal alien children!!

A Federal Government who continued to target Trump and all his Associates with lawsuits, trials, and jail (and even several assassination attempts!!!!). As if they never learned from their past failed efforts.

Heinous crimes by illegal aliens and home bred criminals. Prosecutors, District Attorneys, and judges across the nation, releasing violent criminals, habitual, and life-long criminals into a law-abiding and vulnerable general public. Forcing the good and righteous to accept the bad and evil.

Woke policy and support for trannies and LGBTQ was given free reign in schools, corporations, and government at all levels. Gone was meritocracy, in favor of EQUITY. There was a clear effort to remove children from the influence of their own parents, even to the extent of arresting some parents who protested it all.

We watched as the world laughed at us, and pretty much did whatever they wanted, in opposition to our traditional roles and influence. Front and center was Biden, stumbling, fumbling, and proving to the world just how completely disoriented and bewildered he was. We had a President suffering from advanced dementia, who was completely unable to perform the functions of his job, all the while being supported by the DNC and by the MSM. God only knows who has been making all the decisions that affect every one of us.

We all watched as the Government allowed inflation to destroy the economy, all the while denying it all. Thousands of retail store closures, massive unemployment, etc. It's likely a severe recession will rear its ugly head in the next year. Gone will be the U.S. Dollar as the world's Reserve Currency, and thus the ability to continue to print new money. Collapse of the Dollar will result in hyper-inflation.

I could go on and on, but pure insanity probably best describes what we have all seen.

Pray that some level of sanity returns to our country, and that good people stand up for what is right, and refuse to accept the evil insanity we have seen.

From my personal perspective 2024 was a great year. All of my investments were up double didgets, stock market hit several record highs, PM's also hit several record highs, and most importantly the family was healthy. Re-electing President Trump was also a huge positive for our country.
I see 2025 and beyond to be even better. I prefer to look at the positive side of life, rather than always grinding on about the negative things.
All this has done was to make people realize that your vote does have consequences.
Yes, and a majority of Americans have demonstrated that they have realized that by now... a good thing.
And 2024 isn't completely bad; we got our Christmas present in November!:D Another good thing.
Merry Trumpmas!!! 😁
I agree, one of the worst of my life. And '25 is shaping up to be worse. :(
I have to respectfully disagree.
You have to realize how much impact psychology has on the country.
If people feel upbeat, they do more, and the country, and our lives improve.
DT hasn't even taken office yet and "Drill Baby Drill" has already taken flight down here.
I'm already seeing ads and emails about offshore jobs...
$120K per year with 4 months off sound tempting? 😃
To me it wasn't a good year, mostly mentally. I had aways known that a certain percentage of people were just plain crazy, but I thought that it was a low percentage. The last 4 years has proven to me that in mass, people can be convinced to become lunatics. All it takes is repeating a lie 24/7 & all reason departs from what I had always assumed were thinking people. And then there's my government, what can I say? The crimes perpetrated by it's members, the low morals & the evil deeds that go against everything our country stands for. And that includes that no one is seemingly held accountable for their actions. It makes me think of Rome coming to the end of their power & everything fell apart because of it's people.

As for money, I've dropped 10% in the last week to 10 days. That isn't a big thing when compared to my country on the edge of failure. And the saddest part is that those dedicated to the downfall of the US are so stupid that they can't even see what the goals really were.
To me it wasn't a good year, mostly mentally. I had aways known that a certain percentage of people were just plain crazy, but I thought that it was a low percentage. The last 4 years has proven to me that in mass, people can be convinced to become lunatics. All it takes is repeating a lie 24/7 & all reason departs from what I had always assumed were thinking people. And then there's my government, what can I say? The crimes perpetrated by it's members, the low morals & the evil deeds that go against everything our country stands for. And that includes that no one is seemingly held accountable for their actions. It makes me think of Rome coming to the end of their power & everything fell apart because of it's people.

As for money, I've dropped 10% in the last week to 10 days. That isn't a big thing when compared to my country on the edge of failure. And the saddest part is that those dedicated to the downfall of the US are so stupid that they can't even see what the goals really were.
Indeed. Rome fell because its people lost sight of all that made them great.

Rome fell because of the combination of internal & political instability, economic decline, military weakness, and a huge influx of outsiders who invaded it's territory.

Hmmmmm ... sounds pretty familiar, no? Sounds exactly like what we are seeing here in this country, and all of the Western World.
The cherry on top of 2024 is the 1500 plus pardons biden done. It's a disgrace, the world must be laughing at our failure
No. Although I'm not speaking for the whole world- as an 'outsider' I can tell you everyone is too worried about their own countries issues. All fall eventually- pick yourselves up and move on.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ― Winston Churchill

Don't all presidents pardon people? https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-donald-j-trump-2017-2021
Stay positive @teeceetx
I think many people watch too much news, and or listen to talk radio too much. The media will always present bad news and make it sound like the end is near. And there is a lot of bad news going on around the world. But when I look at my little part of the world everything looks pretty good. The store shelves are full, almost every one is hiring, all of my investments are up, family and friends are healthy and happy and the sun still comes up in the east.
I think Trump will do a lot of good in 2025 and beyond, IF the Repubics will stand behind him.
No. Although I'm not speaking for the whole world- as an 'outsider' I can tell you everyone is too worried about their own countries issues. All fall eventually- pick yourselves up and move on.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ― Winston Churchill

Don't all presidents pardon people? https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-donald-j-trump-2017-2021
Stay positive @teeceetx
Of course presidents pardon people but not usually pedophiles, murderers and Chinese spys. I guess that's a positive but not to me
On a personal level, it's been a hard year.

Aaaaaaaaaand, it can be overwhelming watching what is happening to our nation and the world but, MAN, what a time to be alive. None of this is a surprise to God and most of it is, in fact, foretold in scripture. I've never been more keen on what is happening in the world, and it's a challenge to moderate so I don't get overwhelmed or too filled up with "the negative".

I'm ready to start 2025, it'll be a crazy news year, and I'm going to keep my toes (and hands) in the dirt, grow food, take care of my critters, continue in my craft(s), and live like I have to survive another 20 years, while praying like it's all going to burn down tomorrow.

What a time to be alive!
2024 worked out pretty well for me and I expect 2025 will be even better.

Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you deal with it.
I agree. If you decide to whine and mope around all sad about it - predicting, preaching and living the demise of civilization in your daily life - you're going to experience exactly what you expect to experience.

I hope those of you who feel so bad these days feel better next year.
On a personal level I think life is what we make out of it. Not much that we can do about the world's problems, and for the most part I don't care about the rest of the world, but we can strive to improve our little corner of it. Many people like to b*tch and complain about everything. I try to stay away from these sad sacks and remain positive about life. For me and my family life is pretty good. Everyone is healthy and happy.
2024 was a year. Wasn't a whole lot different than most other years, for me except my beard has more gray, my eyes have more wrinkles, and my joints hurt more. I expect 2025 will be more of the same. Messed up stuff will happen. Conspiracy theorists who are flipping out about New Jersey drones now, will be peeing their pants about something else in a couple months. The dollar will degrade and everything will be more expensive. And I'll keep getting up at 4AM and heading off to work. Samey same...
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