Imagine how much time you would have to plant vegetables, tend to the garden, harvest fresh vegetables and fruit, tend to pets and chickens and and other critters, let alone the time you would have to spend with family. Any extra produce or eggs could be sold for extra cash, and crafts or projects you build could be sold. Imagine a part time job working from home. Imagine how much money you could save not buying gasoline to drive to and from work 5 days a week, eating a healthy home prepared meal, and making your own repairs around the house instead of calling a repairman every time a cabinet knob comes loose.
Yes. But I was thinking about the old days where only one spouse had to go TO work and the other spouse worked at home. After I retired I was a stay at home dad for a few years. Oldest was in elementary, middle went to school for half day, youngest was with me all day. Unfortunately I was stuck in the city in the desert and didn't know how to get anything to grow in the yard, but I cooked great dinners and fed the boys healthy breakfast and lunch. With my greatly reduced income due to retirement, and by not paying someone else to watch the boys during the day, the money I saved making healthy home cooked meals instead of eating out several days a week left me almost even money wise, plus I didn't have to deal with people or work out in the heat all summer.You could be Amish and it could happen
But the farming part is a full time job
We were paying my mother in law to watch our kids. It was fine at first, best care ever. Then my worthless brother in law started dumping his brats off there for free babysitting and they hassled her so much she started neglecting my kids, and we were paying a hefty amount because we had to pay her enough to quit her part time job. She was always dealing with the brats, and I would pick up my son and he went all day with no socks or shoes, crawling around on the tile floor dragging his feet until his toe nails were wore down and his toes were bleeding. In the beginning I told her they could not watch Barny the stupid dinosaur or a few other stupid whiny ass cartoon type shows, but the rotten brats screamed until she let them watch the crap, so then I had to deal with my kids watching that garbage and talking like the socialist characters.When we were young, both wife and I worked. When we had our first child, my wife went back to work after a year and our next-door neighbor watched our child. When we had a second child my wife quit working and never worked again except at home raising our children. We both wanted our children to be raised by us, not someone else.
Our neighbor lady was a good friend and we had no issues with taking care of our kid. But she was not my wife so that is why my wife took over the job. It caused no strain between us and she still watched our kids occasionally.We were paying my mother in law to watch our kids. It was fine at first, best care ever. Then my worthless brother in law started dumping his brats off there for free babysitting and they hassled her so much she started neglecting my kids, and we were paying a hefty amount because we had to pay her enough to quit her part time job. She was always dealing with the brats, and I would pick up my son and he went all day with no socks or shoes, crawling around on the tile floor dragging his feet until his toe nails were wore down and his toes were bleeding. In the beginning I told her they could not watch Barny the stupid dinosaur or a few other stupid whiny ass cartoon type shows, but the rotten brats screamed until she let them watch the crap, so then I had to deal with my kids watching that garbage and talking like the socialist characters.
That was when I learned I was just the money bag for everyone to leach off of so I found a way to retire early, but when my money supply dried up they all turned against me. And that is the readers digest version on why I moved out. Life is better away from the city, and hopefully soon my boys will come and live with me so they can start learning a better life and preparing themselves for their future. I can hope anyways.
slim whitman...
or a diet sampler without nuts.
To put this in perspective I made $155 a month in 1970. The payments would have been around $65 a month. I could have bought it but I wouldn't have been ably to buy other things like gas and insurance, or food.