This is my 30 something year old daughter who went to a wedding on Wednesday. Right, who gets married on a Wednesday? Evidently everything is cheaper for a wedding on a Wednesday. These kinds of events are always tricky, because you might eat something that really is a gluten free food, but it can easily be contaminated if surfaces are not well cleaned. This events as in the mountains, and she had a day up, day of the wedding, day coming home. I have only communicated with her via text, so I do not know all the details. It may have happened at the wedding, maybe some place she ate. Being gluten poisoned when you have celiac, isn't a one day deal. She will have a migraine and other pains for a few days. She is very careful and this is why she usually cooks at home.
Gluten free pizza? My daughter has ordered gluten free pizza and been gluten poisoned. Surfaces may not have been cleaned or people who prepared the food were not careful. (Cut the pizza with the same pizza cutter as you previously cut a pizza with gluten, or on the same surface) Some places end up with a gluten free area. At times like this, it is important to report back to the management of such places about the experience. She has had a few experiences of ordering gluten free food, and being gluten poisoned.
Also, being gluten free is a popular thing right now and some people say they are gluten sensitive, and in fact may be, but in front of wait staff that they have really given a hard time while ordering, will have a bite of someone else's food that is knowingly a food with gluten. I have had wait staff tell me about such encounters. It ruins it for people who can really be affected by gluten, because who is faking it and who genuinely has a gluten allergy? I know one person who gets seriously ill. No wonder as a child she never wanted sandwiches or pizza.