anybody monitoring russias movements?

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Joe, your peaceful russia

"In their annual report, the security services identified Russian espionage as the biggest intelligence threat facing neutral Sweden, which along with the wider Baltic region has seen a sharp increase in Russian naval and airforce activity over the past year.

"We see Russian intelligence operations in Sweden - we can't interpret this in any other way - as preparation for military operations against Sweden," security police chief analyst Wilhelm Unge told a news conference. The report said Russian military espionage in Sweden included hacking, trying to get hold of secret equipment and trying to recruit agents.

Alarmed by the increased Russian military activity in the Baltic Sea - such as Russian bombers rehearsing a bomb run on Sweden - Stockholm has said it will increase defense spending and plans more military co-operation with neighboring Finland, also a non-NATO EU member." - (Reuters)

A russian news paper Novaya Gazeta

"document characterized then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych as “a person without morals and willpower whose downfall must be expected at any moment.” Yanukovych fled Ukraine for Russia on Feb. 22, 2014.

Muratov said the Russian document appears to have been drafted between Feb. 4 and Feb. 15 last year. He said the overall strategy included plans on how to break Ukraine into automonmous sectors, immediately attaching now war-torn southeastern Ukraine to Moscow’s tax union, with a longer term plan for annexation. The plan suggested “the main thrust should be Crimea and the Kharkhiv region, with the aim of initiating the annexation of the eastern regions.” The strategy document also calls for a public relations campaign to justify Russia’s intervention. The newspaper did not release further details of the strategy at this point.

Muratov said that the strategy paper contradicts the Kremlin’s claim that it annexed Crimea as a reaction to residents there feeling threatened by Ukrainian nationalists in Kiev. The strategy document also would appear to have outlined the precise course of the pro-Russian separatist rebellion in the Donbas, which includes two regions, Donetsk and Luhansk."
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Maverick, i did not say Russia was peacefull, I said it was less agressive than US/Nato. US has invaded many countries now and forced a regime change where Russia is only after Russian speaking people that used to be in the Russian Federation? But Iran is already operating in Irak and probably will take it over from US control, and look at what is happening in Lybia?
I don't think our Finnish friend has anything to worry about unless Nato keeps pushing Putin in a corner? And you know how a cornered rat reacts so don't be surprised if he comes out with a nuclear plan, its his only defence/deterrent?
He knows that a land war will be very difficult and will involve the whole of Europe!
I think he'll take the eastern part of Ukraine with a corridor to Moldova and possibly the Georgian enclaves.
He does not want the hole of Ukraine, its not worth the trouble? He still has not crossed the border with an army!
really,nothing to worry?? oh,how gullible one can be,not to realize what a threat mad-Vlad is,history already has shown what gullible people can do to peace..over and over again,by far the best example is the English prime Chamberlain and his "contract of peace" with Adolf..russia at its present state is a threat to everyone,even more so to us,the smaller states living as its ego-maniac like him doesn't understand anything else but power and as long as west have a united front against him,only then can we keep him at bay.
Best I could make out of such propaganda is . Leave Puttin alone to do what he wants no matter what he takes from othetrs and there will be no war .
Sounds like the commies want to hold the rest of the World hostage .
What about this:

Most Americans don’t realize this, but the Russians have never stopped making preparations for nuclear war. Meanwhile, the U.S. government has essentially done nothing to prepare our citizens for an attack. The assumption seems to be that a nuclear attack will probably never happen, and that if it does it will probably mean the end of our civilization anyway. Needless to say, the Russians are very secretive about their massive underground facility at Yamantau mountain, and no American has ever been inside.
Large excavation projects have been observed by U.S. satellite imagery as recently as the late 1990s, during the time of Boris Yeltsin’s government after the fall of the Soviet Union. Two garrisons, Beloretsk-15 and Beloretsk-16, were built on top of the facility, and possibly a third, Alkino-2, as well, and became the closed town of Mezhgorye in 1995. They are said to house 30,000 workers each. Repeated U.S. questions have yielded several different responses from the Russian government regarding Mount Yamantaw. They have said it is a mining site, a repository for Russian treasures, a food storage area, and a bunker for leaders in case of nuclear war. Responding to questions regarding Yamantaw in 1996, Russia’s Defense Ministry stated: “The practice does not exist in the Defense Ministry of Russia of informing foreign mass media about facilities, whatever they are, that are under construction in interests of strengthening the security of Russia.” Large rail lines serve the facility.
In 1998, in a rare public comment, then-Commander of the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) Gen. Eugene Habinger, called Yamantau “a very large complex — we estimate that it has millions of square feet available for underground facilities. We don’t have a clue as to what they’re doing there.” It is believed to be large enough to house 60,000 persons, with a special air filtration system designed to withstand a nuclear, chemical or biological attack. Enough food and water is believed to be stored at the site to sustain the entire underground population for months on end. Die-hard [U.S.] nuclear war planners actually have their eyes on targets in Russia and China, including missile silos and leadership bunkers. For these planners, the Cold War never ended. Their top two candidates [i.e., targets] in Russia are located inside the Yamantau and Kosvinsky mountains in the central and southern Urals. Both were huge construction projects begun in the late 1970s, when U.S. nuclear firepower took special aim at the Communist Party’s leadership complex. Fearing a decapitating strike, the Soviets sent tens of thousands of workers to these remote sites, where U.S. spy satellites spotted them still toiling away in the late 1990's

So what about us? Has the U.S. government constructed any bunkers for the survival of the general population in the United States? Of course not. In the event of a nuclear war, I guess they just expect pretty much all of us to die. Projects begun in the late 1970s, when U.S. nuclear firepower took special aim at the Communist Party’s leadership complex. Fearing a decapitating strike, the Soviets sent tens of thousands of workers to these remote sites, where U.S. spy satellites spotted them still toiling away in the late 1990s.
And then this:

Today, 81 percent of Russians have a negative opinion of the United States. Our interference in the conflict in Ukraine has made the Russian people very angry, and there are many over there that now believe that a shooting war with the United States is inevitable. And this week things between the United States and Russia got even more tense. Barack Obama has already announced that we will be sending “non-lethal” military aid to the Ukrainians.

If Obama does decide to send lethal military aid to the Ukrainians, the Russians are going to flip out. Sadly, neither side seems very interested in peace at this point. We just continue to take even more steps along the road toward World War III, and it is a war that the United States is completely and utterly unprepared for !!!
All that and what it boils down to is the average Russian only knows what its Government wants them to know . Americains on the otherhand think for themselvs and that gives us all the eadge we need . Socialisim elimanates ones sence of personal responsibility and Honor , it tells one that its ok not to try and be the best , its ok to be shiftless and be a burden to others and live off others . That is a hard life style to break away from thats why well over half of the Russian people keep beleaving Puttins crap . Many Russians have saw the light and know He is leading them to destruction and I would not be surprised if there is not some real civil disturbance in Russia very soon .
Most of what you say goes the same for americans, 75% has their head up their ass and is happy being used as cannon fodder
There are only about 5% that are totally awake and aware of what's happening from what I see in US media and the people I talk with. Americans are almost same as Russians, except their country is heavily in debt while Russia is free of debt?
US is involved with several countries playing its wargames and pretending to be the world police, but Russia only wants to have peace with its neighbors and YES, Restore the Sovjet Union USSR !! And as long as the russian speaking population in referenda speak out to be russian again, than that is their full right? Putin does not want to conquer Europe !!
Anyway, that's my personal opinion and speaking from experience !! In the last 60+ yrs. US has been at war somewhere trying to change the governments while Russia kept to its own people !!
It gets complcated but all that U.S debt that makes the news is not like personal debt , its more like a international stock market for Governments . China likes U.S debt because its solid and has great value , U.S buy's Swedish debt because its secure and makes good politics and so on . The debt most folks should be worried about is thier personal debt , pay it off and take your paycheck home don't give it to the Banks .

The Russian Government has no intention and never has had of leaving Eastern Europe alone . In thier system of Government sujagated Nations have to suport Mother Russia . I know folks from Estonia and Latvia ( Not sure about the spelling of Eastern European Countries ) . They know how the Russians took thier Country befor and know whats coming agin . Finland , Sweden , Norway are developing better Tank busters and more focused on missile and air defence where as a few years ago they were down sizing everything Military . All this has been brought about by a agressive neighbor to the east .
couldn't agree more with you psalm 7, one of the reasons I prep is in the east..not over the puddle in the west.
and please don't try to talk about impartial referendums about returning to russkie rule,they aren't,we all know it,perhaps one should read more history about russkie vote rigging,but perhaps that is not in one agenda..only speaking bad about the west and good about the question marks here.
Russkie peace = conquer and subjugate their neighbors...that's the russian way.......:mad:

At least the Russians do it to their former satelite states, US does it all over the world and invade Sovereign countries?
Putin wants to restore the former USSR, US want to conquer all countries with oil or opium to control the world supply?
Why does US not invade an African country and help set up the economy?? Because there's little to gain !!
well,we all know where your loyalty goes and mad-Vlad with his cronies thank you...
Yeah its fun to trying to debase someones views, unfortunately most of you do not want to face the reality of the US/NATO trying to conquer the world, and Putin was becoming to popular and with the strongest support from his people that NO Leader in the world has or had!! I do NOT support Putin at all, I just believe he is the least bad apple in the basket.
If I see now the EU slowly falling apart and only the small insignificant countries still supporting Obama we will see the European Union slowly crumble apart and leaving the US as the only World Agressor Power. So Happy Sleeping you all??
same goes the other way....don't think you will find any converts to putinism here,and knowing some history,the way information is given to the populus in russia it more or less resembles like growing mushrooms in the dark;keep as many in a dark place and throw in some manure every now and then= the commie way....the day I salute the russkies hasn't come and never will, no questionmarks here.
That friend is true about both sides? But RT is more open than CNN or FOX who are deliberately misinforming western nations and have been for years, keeping them dumb ! I see 75%+ US people that have no clue what is happening in the world and they generally cannot find Ukraine on a map of the world? Yes your country and others in northern europe are more awake, but not so much southern europe and definitely not the americans, they are mostly asleep and only concerned with their personal financial problems and an infrastructure that is falling apart? I hear from my grandchildren in US what they are learning and see their report cards and I am schocked at their educational levels!! US has been dumbing down its population for the past 30-40 years on purpose ! We have all seen when Katrina happened what help the US government gave to those americans who lost all !! I'm not specially negative about US or Russia, but there is Nothing positive in this world anymore and this last generation is only brought up to be cannon fodder? I almost think we all need a 3rd WW to clean up this world and start over again with the few suvivers that have managed to escape the worst and I hope to be one of them?
The financial situation in the whole world is a corrupt disaster that has to implode before war can start and we're waiting for that to happen first I hope, before the US start something nuclear that will destroy most of us, that Putin can wait that long?
Some other comments from the world:

NATO Are on Russia's borders, Is that not intimidation?
Then NATO say Russia is Getting closer Rubbish!

US will go bankcrupt. God is with us, so the Russians will win. If God was on the side of the United States, he would have sent us a ****** president, and yours would be Putin

OBAMA as a MUSLIM spent, spent, to ensure that AMERICA COULD NOT REPAY IT'S DEBT and now OWES CHINA 5 TRILLION DOLLARS THIS WEAKENS THE USA dollar to monopoly money CHINA no longer buys from America and gets it's oil from an agreement signed with RUSSIA He pulled out of Afghanistan because AMERICA did not have the finances to continue Then he is now downsizing the ARMY NAVY and AIRFORCE To weaken the nation even more against an attack from IRAN or any of the MUSLIM NATIONS that want AMERICA DESTROYED Continually and purposely he is continuing to weaken the nation So that MUSLIM FORCES will be better armed and easier to beat AMERICA But AMERICANS deserve all they get This is happening BLATANTLY right in front of them and they are too STUPID to see Give them an I PAD or an I POD and a pair of earphones and nothing exists around them Iranian troops or CHINESE TROOPS could be marching down their street and they wouldn't notice because they would be listening to the top ten songs that they class as MORE IMPORTANT

The US sucks, its drowning with high unemployment, lack of education skills, and no longer having the highest economy... china now has the world's largest economy nances to continue Then he is now downsizing the ARMY NAVY and AIRFORCE To weaken the nation even more against an attack from IRAN or any of the MUSLIM NATIONS that want AMERICA DESTROYED Continually and purposely he is continuing to weaken the nation So that MUSLIM FORCES will be better armed and easier to beat AMERICA But AMERICANS deserve all they get This is happening BLATANTLY right in front of them and they are too STUPID to see Give them an I PAD or an I POD and a pair of earphones and nothing exists around them Iranian troops or CHINESE TROOPS could be marching down their street and they wouldn't notice because they would be listening to the top ten songs that they class as MORE IMPORTANT

US will never go bankcruptcy, US is the only country that can print money without affect her own currency exchange. now US economy very strong Russia in big trouble, if Russia print money the economy will become worst and worst. US is a super power , # 1 high tech, # 1 invention, # 1 college education, # 1 nobel prize winner, no country in the world can beat US. US citizen yearly income 2014 $ 53000 China Russia far far far behind.

All people know the US are in debt on China.
US are bankrupt.
Russia are friends of China, not with ******* fat americans
China can destroy US when they want...Russia's combined history with China is long before creation of America.
Russia invests more and more to the armies, and the Americans cut their budget. Russians are pleased with the fact that you have such a stupid president.
Russia can crush America because we are stronger and smarter than the stupid Americans.

Just some comments that amused me today, the caveman sleeps well ?
so far the only maniac who has threatened to use nukes is....drum roll....that stupid idiot in kremlin; on earth can anyone trust someone like that??
russia is not a democracy ,will not be for a long time,before that happens it will take at least a century...right now it's a's leaders are thieves and behaves like ones.
Some other comments from the world:

NATO Are on Russia's borders, Is that not intimidation?
Then NATO say Russia is Getting closer Rubbish!

US will go bankcrupt. God is with us, so the Russians will win. If God was on the side of the United States, he would have sent us a ****** president, and yours would be Putin

OBAMA as a MUSLIM spent, spent, to ensure that AMERICA COULD NOT REPAY IT'S DEBT and now OWES CHINA 5 TRILLION DOLLARS THIS WEAKENS THE USA dollar to monopoly money CHINA no longer buys from America and gets it's oil from an agreement signed with RUSSIA He pulled out of Afghanistan because AMERICA did not have the finances to continue Then he is now downsizing the ARMY NAVY and AIRFORCE To weaken the nation even more against an attack from IRAN or any of the MUSLIM NATIONS that want AMERICA DESTROYED Continually and purposely he is continuing to weaken the nation So that MUSLIM FORCES will be better armed and easier to beat AMERICA But AMERICANS deserve all they get This is happening BLATANTLY right in front of them and they are too STUPID to see Give them an I PAD or an I POD and a pair of earphones and nothing exists around them Iranian troops or CHINESE TROOPS could be marching down their street and they wouldn't notice because they would be listening to the top ten songs that they class as MORE IMPORTANT

The US sucks, its drowning with high unemployment, lack of education skills, and no longer having the highest economy... china now has the world's largest economy nances to continue Then he is now downsizing the ARMY NAVY and AIRFORCE To weaken the nation even more against an attack from IRAN or any of the MUSLIM NATIONS that want AMERICA DESTROYED Continually and purposely he is continuing to weaken the nation So that MUSLIM FORCES will be better armed and easier to beat AMERICA But AMERICANS deserve all they get This is happening BLATANTLY right in front of them and they are too STUPID to see Give them an I PAD or an I POD and a pair of earphones and nothing exists around them Iranian troops or CHINESE TROOPS could be marching down their street and they wouldn't notice because they would be listening to the top ten songs that they class as MORE IMPORTANT

US will never go bankcruptcy, US is the only country that can print money without affect her own currency exchange. now US economy very strong Russia in big trouble, if Russia print money the economy will become worst and worst. US is a super power , # 1 high tech, # 1 invention, # 1 college education, # 1 nobel prize winner, no country in the world can beat US. US citizen yearly income 2014 $ 53000 China Russia far far far behind.

All people know the US are in debt on China.
US are bankrupt.
Russia are friends of China, not with 性交ing fat americans
China can destroy US when they want...Russia's combined history with China is long before creation of America.
Russia invests more and more to the armies, and the Americans cut their budget. Russians are pleased with the fact that you have such a stupid president.
Russia can crush America because we are stronger and smarter than the stupid Americans.

Just some comments that amused me today, the caveman sleeps well ?

Um, the 5 trillion is all debt private and public scattered around the world, total foreign holdings is less then 30% china holding the largest share of 1 trillion followed by Japan

Also, "****** president" I don't like obama one bit but his skin color has nothing to do with it apparently you take issue.
You guys don't read right, I said they were quotes from others that amused me, they're not mine?
Nuclear is the only option for him and the US/NATO will force him to use it, so if it happens its your pressure that make him do it? Butt I'm sure the west will use nuclear first in a false flag and blame Russia for it, that's the way the west always starts?
And if it goes nuclear unfortunately one of the first major targets will be Washington to kill the stupid politicians and after the big major cities as well as London, but you guys don't realise that he's capable and ready to do it ?
You guys don't read right, I said they were quotes from others that amused me, they're not mine? )

You post it as one of your sorces then you claim it as yours .

I would think you like Obama . He's one of you commies , He makes all kinds of statments and tries to back them up with meaningless chatter , He is overtly left wing and hates the U.S.A , He is a elietist that thinks he knows what is good for the rest of Mankind . I would think you and He are two of a kind .
Ahh, you're so wrong my friend. Yes he is more of a commie than Vlad and he doesn't give a **** about you all, he's proven that in the past 8 yrs? All he wants is total power over all, but he will not get the Russky's or Chinese/ But none of them are any good, specially the US politicians, who lie and sceem to their constituents, besides 50% being ****'s on top of all the murders they are responsable for? No I don't like the US any better than Russia, but someone has to win this stupid game and I personally do not care who gets killed, we need a clean up of the population anyway so this may be the way to get there, that's why I am where I am and I can hold out a long time my friends??
I wish you all good luck and as long as a few people live I'll have enough to eat for my family !!
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Ahh, you're so wrong my friend. Yes he is more of a commie than Vlad and he doesn't give a **** about you all, he's proven that in the past 8 yrs? All he wants is total power over all, but he will not get the Russky's or Chinese/ But none of them are any good, specially the US politicians, who lie and sceem to their constituents, besides 50% being ****'s on top of all the murders they are responsable for? No I don't like the US any better than Russia, but someone has to win this stupid game and I personally do not care who gets killed, we need a clean up of the population anyway so this may be the way to get there, that's why I am where I am and I can hold out a long time my friends??
I wish you all good luck and as long as a few people live I'll have enough to eat for my family !!
I agree, though I'd really appreciate it if the US leaves Europe out of this one. IF they want Russia so bad, then they should fight it out on their own soil, not on ours.
Totally agree with you, its time they get their **** kicked on US soil, than the population will put a stop to this nonsens?
I prefer they leave europe out of it and after Pearl Harbor they never had any problem on their own soil except Oklahoma, 9/11 and other falls flag operations, its time US learns a lesson and get it on their own turf, they always use other countries to fight their stupid wars and trying to confirm the rules of souvereign states. US have fooled the world enough with Saddams weapons of mass detructions and Lybia selling its oil for gold instead of dollars?? The US is finished in the world with their big financial problems and its time for eurasia and the Brics countries to steer the world to a safer place, US means FRAUD??
Unfortunately the US population is stupidly asleep and still defend their political policies?
You seem to have a very limited knowlage of History or have been mislead by the left wing spin,doctors . Your view of the American public comes straight from the media or social media . Your comments generalizing the U.S population is the same garbage poured out by the socialist talking heads that know they they are talking to the uninformed and vunarable that will gladly drink the kool aid .

That still does'nt change the fact that when the U.S acts as the World Police its because the rest of the World ask us to and they cant afford to because they have driving themselfs bankrupt paying for thier social programs . The Obama adminastration has done everything they could to make us into something like you describe but thats coming to a screaching halt . The Stars and Stripes will be flying higher than ever for years to come .
You seem to have a very limited knowlage of History or have been mislead by the left wing spin,doctors . Your view of the American public comes straight from the media or social media . Your comments generalizing the U.S population is the same garbage poured out by the socialist talking heads that know they they are talking to the uninformed and vunarable that will gladly drink the kool aid .

That still does'nt change the fact that when the U.S acts as the World Police its because the rest of the World ask us to and they cant afford to because they have driving themselfs bankrupt paying for thier social programs . The Obama adminastration has done everything they could to make us into something like you describe but thats coming to a screaching halt . The Stars and Stripes will be flying higher than ever for years to come .
We refer to the US government not to US Citizens.
Is it not hypocritical to be fighting for your own rights against your own government and then telling us we are wrong in our perceptions?
It is your government that ***** things up. not your people. You assign blame per administration, yet every administration you find yourselves having to continue your fight for your rights.
Each administration there for are two sides of the same coin, they are facades for the same people who truly decide your policies as well as ours.

World Police? Are you kidding me? Have you not looked at your news? You've got the most abusive police force in the western world!
You even indicate your displeasure with your militarized police enforcing laws that violate your constitutional rights!
How can your statement, of america being the worlds police force then still be seen in a positive light?