anybody monitoring russias movements?

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terrorists need to be stopped,russkies need to be stopped...their power hungry dictator need to be stopped!!
and media here tells that my country is getting bashed by russkie media for apprehending a russkie criminal at our border....and detaining him here..
terrorists need to be stopped,russkies need to be stopped...their power hungry dictator need to be stopped!!
and media here tells that my country is getting bashed by russkie media for apprehending a russkie criminal at our border....and detaining him here..
I do not know how to stop the killing but the Russian in Ukraine will. I am confident that the price you pay for invasion Russia in Ukraine will be more than most.
Не знаю как остановить но убивать русских в Украине будут. Уверен что цена которую россия заплатит за втожение в Украину будет более чем большая
An "understanding between the government of Ukraine and NATO..."

Image Credits: Michał Józefaciuk via Wikimedia Commons.

by SPUTNIK | AUGUST 28, 2015

0 43 0
The head of Ukraine has signed a decree on military-technical cooperation between Ukraine and a number of countries, the list of which has not been disclosed, but rather attached as a “classified document”, according to the statement of his press service.
The details of the document are also being kept secret. However, control over the execution of the above decree has been handed to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, says the statement.


Earlier in April Ukraine already signed a number of agreements with NATO, including a memorandum on technical cooperation.

“A signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between the government of Ukraine and NATO on cooperation on consultation, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance as part of NATO’s Partnership for Peace program took place at NATO headquarters in Brussels,” said the statement on the website of Ukraine’s Mission to NATO.

“The signing of this international agreement opens up opportunities for further collaboration of our country’s and NATO’s experts to improve the legal framework for in-depth technical cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance, as well as reflect the efforts of NATO and its member countries aimed at large-scale support for reforms of the Ukrainian security sector and defense in accordance with decisions made during the NATO summit in Wales,” the statement read.

“A leading role in the implementation of modern information technologies in the Ukrainian army will be played by NATO Communications and Information Agency,” it furthermore emphasized.

An "understanding between the government of Ukraine and NATO..."

Image Credits: Michał Józefaciuk via Wikimedia Commons.

by SPUTNIK | AUGUST 28, 2015

0 43 0

The head of Ukraine has signed a decree on military-technical cooperation between Ukraine and a number of countries, the list of which has not been disclosed, but rather attached as a “classified document”, according to the statement of his press service.
The details of the document are also being kept secret. However, control over the execution of the above decree has been handed to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, says the statement.


Earlier in April Ukraine already signed a number of agreements with NATO, including a memorandum on technical cooperation.

“A signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between the government of Ukraine and NATO on cooperation on consultation, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance as part of NATO’s Partnership for Peace program took place at NATO headquarters in Brussels,” said the statement on the website of Ukraine’s Mission to NATO.

“The signing of this international agreement opens up opportunities for further collaboration of our country’s and NATO’s experts to improve the legal framework for in-depth technical cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance, as well as reflect the efforts of NATO and its member countries aimed at large-scale support for reforms of the Ukrainian security sector and defense in accordance with decisions made during the NATO summit in Wales,” the statement read.

“A leading role in the implementation of modern information technologies in the Ukrainian army will be played by NATO Communications and Information Agency,” it furthermore emphasized.

The text of the document kept secret, so that cooperation with whom we can only guess.
what do you putinistas complain?? think that Ukraine and it's government can sign something to PROTECT the country from the invading marauders from the east,hell I would make a deal with the devil himself just to keep those marauders on the other side (right side) of the border...
Im sure it angers the Russian Govorment when the realize no one beleaves the propaganda they put so many resorces into .
it must really piss him off,that ugly gobblin sitting in kremlin with his lap dog Medvedev...
Jontte, all this hatred is bad for your health, better safe yourself for your children's future when they need DAD ??
New York Times Editors Still Outrageously Blame Russia for Kiev's Downing MH17

The Times is a notorious lying machine - suppressing hard truths, proliferating state propaganda, deplorable managed news misinformation and Big Lies.

Neither Russia or Donbass freedom fighters had anything to do with downing MH17. One or more Kiev junta warplanes destroyed it - either with cannon fire or an air-to-air missile.

Evidence available so far suggests no other possibility. Most important is what could Russia or Donbass rebels hope to gain by downing a civilian aircraft unrelated to ongoing conflict, killing everyone on board? Nothing whatever! Washington, its Western partners and US-installed Kiev fascists benefit greatly if able to blame them for their own criminality.

Media scoundrels like Times editors serve wealth, power and privileged interests exclusively. Systematically proliferating Big Lies at the expense of hard truths is longstanding Times policy - a deplorable record of reader betrayal.

Times Russia bashing is irresponsible and intense - proliferating willfully concocted false information, part of its support for Washington's imperial agenda, featuring endless wars of aggression against peaceful nations threatening no one.

On July 23, Times editors headlined "Russia's Empty Gesture on the Downed Malaysian Jet" - irresponsibly bashing Putin's call for initiating an objective independent investigation leading to holding responsible parties accountable, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2166 mandated proper investigatory requirements not implemented.

The Dutch-led investigation ignores International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards. Since MH17's July 17, 2014 downing, an irresponsible anti-Russia drumbeat followed - led by media scoundrels spreading Big Lies.

Times editors shamelessly act in consort with other likeminded presstitutes instead of publishing hard truths. They pronounced Russia and Donbass freedom fighters guilty by accusation.

They support establishing an illegitimate Western kangaroo tribunal prosecuting their officials. They accused Moscow of trying "to interfere with the inquiry."

They bashed Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin responsibly criticizing a US-manipulated Western attempt to establish a tribunal they control - calling their scheme a "grandiose political show" with no legitimacy whatever.

They repeated tired old discredited Big Lies about Russia annexing Crimea and invading Ukraine with troops in unmarked uniforms fighting Ukrainian forces.

"…President Vladimir Putin has baldly denied the obvious fact (sic) that Russian forces are fully engaged in the fighting inside Ukraine," they blustered - despite no one able to find them using sophisticated satellite images, ground intelligence or other means.

Times editors ludicrously claim "(n)obody outside Russia believes" US-directed, funded and armed Ukrainian troops continue waging naked aggression against their own people wanting fundamental freedoms they're denied.

Putin wants Ukraine "remain(ing) a broken mess," they absurdly claimed. Washington bears full responsibility for last year's coup Times editors won't acknowledge.

They support the fantasy of democracy in Kiev - ignoring an illegitimate, overtly Nazi-infested fascist regime waging dirty war on Donbass residents. You can't make this stuff up, or conceal disgraceful NYT propaganda masquerading as real journalism.

Its editors are right about one thing. Relatives of MH17 victims "deserve answers and justice." They're delusional claiming a US-manipulated Western tribunal will deliver fair, unbiased rulings the whole world wants to hear.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III
US-Supported Kiev Aggression on Donbass Escalated

by Stephen Lendman


Kiev junta officials want war, not peace. They want illegitimate fascist rule hardened - with no recognized democratic pockets. Local autonomy is strictly forbidden despite mandated under Minsk ceasefire terms.

Rebel fighters continue showing good faith efforts for peace and stability. Despite obvious threats, they'll withdraw heavy weapons from frontline positions - in place to deter junta aggression.

A statement was issued saying "(t)o show our commitment to the Minsk agreements, we are ready to make the next step towards peace. For that, (we'll) pull back our units with tanks and armored vehicles, equipped with weapons under 100mm calibre, to at least three kilometres (1.9 miles) from the front line."

Withdrawal doesn't apply to several "problem areas." They include up to 12% of the ceasefire line. OSCE monitors were notified of what's planned.

In contrast, Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) military spokesman Eduard Basurin said multiple daily junta "ceasefire violation and criminal actions…speak for Kiev's buildup for active hostility." Attacks are intensifying.

Minsk terms required all heavy weapons withdrawn well behind frontline positions. Junta forces kept theirs in place - shifting positions to create the illusion of pullback. Rebels complied unilaterally until forced to act against Kiev aggression.

Escalated Saturday attacks were heavier than more recent ones. DPR's Defense Ministry reported 44 junta ceasefire violations in the last 24 hours. Shelling was intense, it said.

A Donetsk hospital was targeted - at least one death and several injuries reported, including a doctor. Central city civilian neighborhoods were shelled. Damage cut off water in some city areas. A gas pipeline was struck. Basurin said:

"Residential buildings have been hit...DNR emergency services are on their way to the shelling site, fires have broken out there."

Ukrainian forces continue shelling rebel held areas, he explained. RT International correspondent Murad Gazdiev called weekend attacks "unprecedented in recent times" - perhaps indicating greater aggression to come.

"Deafening explosions in the center of Donetsk" were heard, he said. "(A)mbulances and fire trucks (were) sent everywhere." Areas targeted had "nothing of military value" - just apartment blocks, shops, a hospital and school.

Other DPR areas struck included its airport (largely destroyed from previous fighting), Yasinovataya, Gorlovka, Spartak, Zheleznaya Balka, Krasny Partizan, Belaya Kamenka, Novaya Laspa and Shirokaya Balka settlements.

On Sunday, DPR Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko said "over 70,000 Ukrainian military mobilized along the line of engagement, and every day the number is growing" - more evidence junta officials want war, not peace.

DPR parliament Speaker Andrey Purgin called on BRICS countries to impose sanctions on Ukraine, its officials and enterprises for continuing aggression on Donbass.

"The Ukrainian armed forces continue massive artillery bombardments of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics destroying houses, hospitals and killing civilians daily," he said.

"I appeal to the BRICS leaders with a demand to impose sanctions against Ukrainian officials and companies involved in the terror of the people of Donbass."

"Poroshenko was rapidly approaching 'the point of no return' when no one could convince Donbass of Ukraine's (willingness) to negotiate (for peace)."

Constitutional amendments rammed through parliament violated Minsk. So-called debate excluded Donbass representation. Its rights were ignored.

Measures enacted were sent to Ukraine's constitutional court. Expect rubber-stamp approval to follow. Rogue states operate this way - including waging naked aggression on its own people rejecting illegitimate fascist rule.


EU Visa-Slams Ukrainians After February 2014 Ukrainian Coup
July 30th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


Although the coup in Ukraine in February 2014 was allegedly done in order to get Ukraine into the European Union (because the overthrown President Viktor Yanukovych had just beforedeclined the EU’s offer for Ukraine to join the EU), European countries are now denying Ukrainians visas even more than they had been doing before the coup and its follow-on Association Agreement with the EU.

Ukraine’s independent European Integration website headlined on July 21st, “The Percentage of Refusals Increased,” and reported that, “Of the 22 countries in the Schengen area [the countries where visas are not required], 16 increased the percentage of refusals of entrance to Ukrainians as compared to the year 2013,” which was the final year prior to the coup.

Furthermore: “Switzerland and Finland denied visas to Ukrainians at a rate three times higher than in 2013, and Spain, Portugal, Greece and Sweden denied visas almost twice as much as in 2013.”

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin “admitted: Some consulates deliberately do not give visas to Ukrainians, even when they are eligible."The same website had reported on June 26th that they were informed, “Most of the people who are affected by this live outside Kiev and the other major cities. … I fear it will lead to increased numbers of forged papers from those areas.”

On July 15th, the website quoted Klimkin at a meeting of Ukraine’s parliamentary committee on European integration, saying, “Some countries pretend that everything remains as it was before, but against the background of internal pressure [to block more Ukrainians from visiting] they change the visa practice.” That report quoted Klimkin saying he is “now putting pressure on these consulates and capitals, demanding they return to the previous practice.”

The report on July 21st discussed what might be causing these increased refusals: “Why are Ukrainians denied visas? On this, we asked our expert Visa-free diary editor, … Sergei Sidenko:

‘The problem of increasing the number of refusals last year was a response to the events in the East [especially the region that had voted 90%+ for Yanukovych and rejected the coup-imposed government, and where the new Ukrainian government responded by bombing that region]. Some countries are suspicious of Ukrainians generally, but especially of people who live near the conflict-zone, suspicious that they’ll take advantage of tourist visas and ask for asylum.’”

The EU hadn’t been very eager for Ukraine to join it, but Ukraine’s joining the EU had long been a goal of American Presidents in order to isolate and weaken Russia, and especially President Obama planned for this, and made the changes in his Administration right after the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, in order to carry it out, such as by promoting Victoria Nuland to run European affairs, and transferring Geoffrey Pyatt to the Kiev Embassy to become the man on the ground coordinating it. The fractious EU has gone along with Obama’s plan, and (except for Netherlands), wasn’t involved with planning and perpetrating the coup. This is the reason why there still is considerable ambivalence within Europe as to whether or not Ukraine should ever be admitted into the EU: the U.S. is more eager for that to happen than the EU itself is. The EU’s leaders were even shocked to find out that Yanukovych had been overthrown by a coup. Only after the fact did it become “the most blatant coup in history,”because of the many leaks (such as the ones linked to here at “shocked to find out” and “coordinating it”). It was entirely a U.S.-run operation.

Perhaps This Is Obama’s Grand Strategy
July 28th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


Washingtonsblog’s anonymous founder and principal commentator is one of the most deeply knowledgeable writers on current events, and on July 19th he headlined "Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October … According to 2 Financial Forecasters.” He noted that both Martin Armstrong and Larry Edelson, two of the most respected stock-market predictors, are independently of each other predicting that "virtually all governments worldwide will be hit with a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of October 2015,” due to “a collapse of government solvency” as ricocheting government defaults spiral each other downward; and, because the U.S. won’t be forced to crash as quickly as Europe and Japan, there will then be a temporary worldwide rush into U.S. corporate stocks and bonds, especially stocks, as the short-term safe haven for investors fleeing from sovereign (government) bonds.

Clear Signs of Relaxation Between Obama and Putin,” and reported: "The nuclear deal with Iran and the withdrawal of heavy weapons by the rebels in the eastern Ukraine are clear signs of a détente between Russia and the US. The EU now needs to quickly develop their own strategy. Otherwise, the Europeans will have to pay for the chaos in Ukraine.” The article continues, addressing Europeans:

Your countries have to pay an enormous price for the sanctions [against Russia, and, earlier, against Iran]. With regard to a possible new global economic crisis, the loss of the Russian sales market has been devastating. The hope to do business quickly after the nuclear deal with Tehran could prove to be an illusion. Even the lightning-trip by Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel to Tehran will change little. Unlike Russia, the EU towards Iran continued business with Iran during the sanctions, but was stubborn to pay the extra cost of following U.S. requirements. Meanwhile, Russia has caught up technologically and is now sure to be able to step up its exports to Iran and outside of the arms industry [and thus will be less dependent upon imports from Europe after the anti-Russia sanctions are lifted].

The greatest danger, however, threatening the EU financially is in Ukraine: The EU echoed US policy there [though, unlike the U.S., the EU has lost hugely from U.S. Ukrainian policy]: [This U.S. policy was] Ukraine should join the EU and end all connections with Russia. For the U.S., Ukraine is far away, no real trading-partner [though it might become one after the February 2014 change of government in Ukraine. Not so for Europe: Ukraine is now, in effect, inside Europe.]. ...

The reckless Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine took the European taxpayer immediately into the obligation: As in Greece, the Americans will insist that Europeans must keep Ukraine financially afloat. [Whereas the U.S. has few financial obligations there, the EU now is committed to Ukraine via its post-February-2014 Association Agreement. And Russia has already lost what it had risked in Ukraine, and now is relatively immune to Ukraine’s continuing collapse.] The Russians can always carry out their threat, and stop the gas deliveries through Ukraine [if the EU does not pay Ukraine, and Ukraine not pay Russia]. ...

The costs of the "rescue" of Ukraine will exceed those for Greece many times.

So, with Japan’s having postponed its crash as long as possible, and the EU’s crash being now imminent, a flood of foreign billionaires’ cash into U.S. equities seems assured.

Now consider this 12 March 2013 explanation from me of how the Obama Administration, with the acquiescence of both Parties in Congress, simply postposed until at least 2019 what will probably be the biggest U.S. economic crash ever, and focus especially upon this graph in that article:

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 10.58.42 AM

The article explains: "So, basically, another Great Depression seems to be predicted here. According to their model, it will probably happen after the interest-rate on 10-year Treasuries rises above 5.2%, when the unrealism of current official projections has become sufficiently clear to the world so that the federal debt resumes soaring and the interest-portion of federal expenditures rises similarly. That would be some time after 2018.”

However: What would happen if, in, say, October 2015, all the rest of the industrialized world crashes and their investors are pouring into U.S. equities? In that case, the Federal Reserve will be able to end their QE and raise U.S. interest rates beyond the magical 5.2% with impunity.

Has Obama’s strategy been to weaken all other major economies so that the U.S. will still be able to avoid a collapse even while the wealth-disparity between America's rich and poor continues getting ever-wider (largely via the Fed’s monetary policies reinforcing the fiscal policies from a heavily Republican pro-austerity Congress)? For example, is this part of the reason for what Obama has been doing to Ukraine, and to Russia, and soon stopping doing to Iran? Has he been preparing to get foreign aristocrats to pour their money into Wall Street?

If this is true, then how did he manage to get the EU to cooperate with this policy, which is economically suicidal for them? What are even European aristocracies expecting to win from this? Obviously, the European public lose enormously: their former welfare states will transform, like in Greece and in Ukraine, into high-tax low-welfare virtual national prisons, even as refugees pour into them from the wars that America has largely engineered in northern Africa and in Ukraine. Is Obama a brilliant psychopath?

These questions are not hyperbollic. Clearly, Obama is a brilliant and enormously successful liar. Clearly, benign interpretations of his Presidency are either stupid or lying, and they can’t explain in any intelligently credible way his actions, nor comport his actions with his words. For some reason, Americans assume that they should continue trusting him, and much of the rest of the world does, too, even though he is on record as being a strong defender of lying in political matters — he believes that politicians have an unlimited right to lie to the public.

How long will the public’s suckerdom continue, and why has it continued as long as it has?
The public stupidity will continue endlesly as the West has been made totally submissed and dumbed down for these specific actions that are now taking place, specially in Ukraine?? The EU idiots will pay the full price !!!

Ukrainian News Service Says Standard of Living Is Plummeting
July 24th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


The plunging economy of Ukraine has evidently become so bad that Ukrainians now can even feel safe to call publicly for stopping the war against the separatist Donbass region of the country, and for reallocationg those military expenditures so that Ukrainians in the non-rebelling part of the country won’t starve to death.

On July 23rd, Dmitriy Gordon, a leading Ukrainian journalist, is thus, for the first time, publicly urging that the separatist region, Donbass (consisting of the Donetsk and Luhansk districts), be officially acknowledged to be no longer part of Ukraine. He says that "It is better to dissociate Ukraine from the occupied territories of Donbass, to spend that money on housing and financial aid for immigrants [refugees from Donbass] than to keep the people [the vast majority of residents in Donbass] who hate Ukraine [though they actually didn’t hate Ukraine until Ukraine’s government was violently overthrown in February 2014 and the new government bombed them for not accepting that new government]. … I will tell an unfashionable view. Many people think it, but not everyone will dare to say it out loud. Ukraine does not need Donbass. It shackles the country. … It is like a lizard that lays aside its tail. … We need to get away from Donbass, and move into Europe without this tail.”

Ukraine Today: Poverty, Absolute Poverty, and Retirees Dream of Death,” and reported that, "Two years ago, the average salary of Ukrainians in dollar terms amounted to 275 American money. Now it’s less than 100 dollars.”

This RIAN report says that, “Neither the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, nor Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, nor Speaker of Rada [Parliament] Volodymyr Groisman — none of them — expresses public concern about the lowered living standards; no one has called to review them, much less to improve these economic conditions.”

It goes on to say, "Expert of the Public Safety Fund Yuri Havrylchenko believes that the current level of income of the majority of the Ukrainian population is poverty, and retirees are in a state of slow death from starvation. … [He says,] 'In Ukraine, all workers live in poverty. The level of their income and consumption is less than 17 dollars a day. With a few exceptions, almost all pensioners live below the absolute poverty line, consumption is less than $5 a day. This means that they are dying of hunger, only slowly. If they do not even have enough to eat, then what can we say about the cost of everything else?'"

Mr. Gordon, for his part, might be attacked for urging separation, if he were blaming Ukraine for the civil war; so, he instead blames the residents of Donbass (the direct victims of the coup-installed government), as the cause of Ukrainians’ misery. He says: “For the most part residents of the region adhere to pro-Russian views. They hate Ukrainians, don't want to speak Ukrainian, and they reject Ukrainian and European values.”

He adds, “Criminal psychology is inherent in so many people there ... It is no accident Yanukovych was elected so much at the mercy of bandits in the Donetsk region.” Yanukovych had won more than 90% of the votes that were cast in Donbass.

Yanukovych had turned down the offer from the European Union because the economists at the Ukraininian Academy of Sciences had calculated that the EU’s offer would cost Ukraine $160 billion.
o you all say "thank you" to the nice americans that started all this **** ?

Victoria Nuland Threatens Russia
July 23rd, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


She's one of many neocon lunatics infesting Washington. She was Hillary Clinton's hand-picked choice for Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

She wrecked Ukraine. Maybe she has starting WW III in mind. In an interview on Ukrainian TV, she said if war on its territory escalates, "the costs will go up" for Russia - economically and militarily.

"As you know, the sanctions that the international community has put in place - that the US and the EU have in place - are there to change the policy of Russia, to encourage it to fulfill its obligations." "We’ve made clear that they will stay in place until Minsk is fully implemented, including an end to the violence, including a return of hostages, a return of the border."

"But we’ve also made clear that if the violence increases, we’re prepared to put more pressure on Russia."

Fact: Washington,Canada, go-along European nations and Kiev irresponsibly bash Russia.

Fact: Washington bears full responsibility for installing fascist Ukrainian governance waging US proxy war on its own Donbass citizens wanting democratic rights everyone deserves.

Fact: Imposed US and EU sanctions have no legitimacy whatever. Security Council members alone may impose them.

Fact: What's ongoing in Ukraine is the pretext for irresponsible Russia bashing. Washington's aim is regime change.

Tactics include attempts to marginalize, contain, isolate, destabilize and weaken Moscow. They accomplished the opposite - creating stronger Sino/Russian ties than ever, a powerful political, economic and military alliance against Western imperialism.

Fact: Russia is the continent's leading peacemaker. Putin, Sergey Lavrov and other officials continue going all-out all-out to end Ukraine's aggression on Donbass diplomatically.

Fact: Russia fully complies with Minsk ceasefire terms. Kiev breached them straightaway - continuing its dirty war on Donbass with full US support and encouragement, aided by Washington covertly supplying its military with heavy weapons and training its forces for battle.

Separately, Nuland praised recently approved Ukrainian constitutional amendments - supposedly granting Donbass special status as Minsk stipulates.

Not exactly. Donbass remains economically blockaded. Junta aggression continues. Its definition of special status is only what Kiev permits.

On Thursday, Poroshenko said "(t)here is no (of) federalization. Ukraine was, is and will be a unitary state. The project envisages no changes and can’t allow any special status for Donbass. There is just no place for it."

"(T)he project only concedes the possibility of specific local administration in selected territorial entities of Lugansk and Donetsk regions, which is determined by another law" - denying Donbass democratic rights.

Donetsk and Lugansk officials reject Kiev's constitutional changes denying them fundamental rights mandated by Minsk ceasefire terms.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said "Kiev authorities are talking a lot about the reforms, but they are absolutely ignoring the suggestions concerning all the questions of political reforms that are introduced by representatives of Donetsk and Lugansk. That is the most crucial drawback of what they are doing."

Not according to Nuland. She praised parliamentary anti-democratic Donbass amendments "on yet another historic day."

"It was very exciting to stand in the parliament and see vibrant democracy in action," she blustered - "real debates and not fake discussions of old. Ukraine is doing its job" - solidifying fascist rule at the expense of democratic rights.

Alleged Kiev constitutional reforms reflect virtually none at all. Minsk mandated federalization is ignored, giving Donbass self-governing status. Unacceptable fascist control remains unchanged.

A Final Comment

Russian human rights groups led by the Russian Public Chamber (RPC) are filing about 17,000 lawsuits on behalf of Donbass and other Ukrainian citizens in the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Hundreds of cases were accepted. Others are expected to follow. RPC co-chairman Georgy Fyodorov said large numbers filed forced the ECHR to take them seriously.

At the same time, it'll be months before hearings begin and much longer for resolution one way or the other. Things can drag on for years.

Plaintiffs are seeking over $5.5 billion in total - $335,000 for each case. Chances for any compensation from a rogue state near bankruptcy are slim at best.

Russian Politician Predicts U.S. Coup Ousting Putin Soon
July 21st, 2015
Eric Zuesse


Evgeny Fedorov, a member of Russia’s Duma or parliament, is predicting, in a half-hour video interview, that Russian President Vladimir Putin will be overthrown by a U.S. coup, within two years. He says that U.S. Government agents have passed word to Russia’s oligarchs, that they will benefit from the end of U.S. sanctions, and that any oligarchs who cooperate will not only enjoy privileged positions in the successor government, but, that if the plan fails, then they will be guaranteed in the U.S. a position of wealth and power that will match or exceed what they currently enjoy under Putin.
NATO's Exercise Trident Juncture 15: Preparing for More War?
July 20th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Provocative US-led NATO exercises risk direct confrontation with Russia and other independent countries Washington targets for regime change.

TRJE15 intends "showcas(ing)" US-dominated Alliance capability "on the world stage," an official statement says.

It's scheduled from September 28 to November 6 in Italy, Spain and Portugal, other Alliance nations, and the Mediterranean Sea involving around 36,000 personnel from 30 NATO member and partner countries (including Ukraine) in what's called the "biggest…operation since the end of the Cold War."

It targets Washington's main enemies - Russia, China and Iran on the pretext of fighting Islamic State terrorists. Moscow criticizes NATO's buildup in Eastern Europe "under the false pretext of alleged 'aggressive behavior' by our country" - accompanied by "unfriendly and malicious" rhetoric.

In June, Putin forthrightly said "(w)e are not threatening anyone, and we seek to resolve all conflict situations through political means (according to) international law and other nations' interests." His comments fall on deaf ears in the West, mainly America.

IS and other Takfiri terrorists are US allies in Syria, Iraq, to some degree in Southeastern Ukraine and Gaza, and wherever else deployed as proxy foot soldiers.

TRJE15 is the largest of numerous other provocative exercises (conducted earlier or planned) preparing for "emerging crises" - code language for provocative saber rattling under the cloak of "counterinsurgency" operations.

NATO calls what's involved one of its "highest planning priorities - (its) current scope and scale" exceeding initial plans "by some margin," maybe further before beginning in September.

It reflects US-dominated Alliance activities "using new and evolving concepts, advanced technology, cutting-edge military capabilities and the world's most modern land, sea and air forces in the most complex and realistic scenarios."

It involves a fictitious region called SOROTON. A crisis erupts outside NATO's territory in a fictional country affected by "internal tensions, natural hazards, and a neighbor's aggression."

Exercises will involve confronting "subversion and terrorism to grand military maneuver(s) on a grand scale from the conditions of chemical warfare to the battlegrounds of cyber and information, from the intricacies of tribal rivalries to the challenges of unpredictable and autocratic political leaders."

NATO won't explain why numerous large-scale military exercises are held at a time its only enemies are ones it invents, including provocatively near Russia's borders. Planning involves preparing for major war. Obvious targets are Washington's main adversaries.

They deplore war. They want peace and stability. Washington's agenda is polar opposite - endless wars against independent nations threatening no one, serving monied interests on the pretext of democracy building, humanitarian intervention and fighting terrorism. Global wars start this way.

Vladimir Putin States Russia’s New Strategy
July 17th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


Russian President Vladimir Putin presented, on July 3rd, to Russia’s Security Council, the nation’s new National Security Strategy, which encompasses not merely military, but especially economic, agencies within the Russian Federal Government.

Because his statement was ignored in Western ‘news’ media, it will here be presented in full, for individuals who are interested, among the publics in Western countries. As is usual for all of my reports, this one is simultaneously being submitted to all of the major and most of the smaller news media throughout the United States and United Kingdom (as well as some elsewhere), in order for the information to be made available as widely as possible, in ‘the free world.’

The following, then, is the complete Russian-provided English translation of the speech, as it has been made available on the Web since July 3rd:

Security Council meeting

July 3, 2015, The Kremlin, Moscow

Vladimir Putin held an expanded meeting of the Security Council at the Kremlin. The meeting discussed a range of issues concerning protection of Russia’s security and national interests in the face of sanctions imposed by a number of countries.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Good afternoon, colleagues,

Our agenda today includes a range of issues concerning protection of our national interests in the face of the restrictive measures that some countries have imposed on Russia.

We know the reasons for the pressure being put on Russia. We follow an independent domestic and foreign policy and our sovereignty is not up for sale. This does not go down well in some quarters, but this is inevitable.

It is clear today that attempts to split and divide our society, play on our problems, and seek out our vulnerable spots and weak links have not produced the results hoped for by those who imposed these restrictive measures on our country and continue to support them.

Our people, our key political forces, and our business community understand what is happening and know what to do. The timely measures we took have stabilised the economic and financial situation and the labour market and ensured the stable functioning of all strategically important economic sectors. We continue implementing our most important state programmes, including in the social sector.

Furthermore, our companies, Russia’s producers, have proven that they are capable of developing in tough conditions, finding new partners, and entering new markets at home and abroad. This can be seen in the rapid growth of our agriculture sector.

Colleagues, recent events show that we cannot hope that some of our geopolitical opponents will change their hostile course anytime in the foreseeable future. The EU countries recently extended the sanctions they have imposed on us, and discussions continue in the United States on toughening sanctions against us.

Amidst all of this, no one is even trying to analyse the reasons for what is now happening in southeast Ukraine, which was what started all of this fuss in the first place. What I mean here is that those who are imposing these restrictive measures and so-called sanctions on Russia are in fact responsible for the events that we are now witnessing in southeast Ukraine.

We must respond accordingly to this situation, of course, and take additional systemic measures in all key areas.

Firstly, we must make a rapid analysis of all the potential challenges and risks we face – political, economic, information risks and others. Based on this analysis, we then need to make adjustments to our National Security Strategy.

Once the National Security Strategy is updated, we will also need to update strategic planning documents currently in force or in the process of drafting. Furthermore, if needed, we will make clarifications to the Foreign Policy Concept and the Foundations of Russia’s Comprehensive Policy in the CIS Area.

At the same time, our strategic course in the foreign policy area remains unchanged. We are open for equal cooperation and collective work on key issues on the international agenda. We will continue to build relations with our partners based on the principles of respect and mutual consideration of each other’s interests, so long as this does not harm our own sovereignty and national security of course.

As before, we support active development of economic integration in the CIS area. We support expanding political, business and humanitarian ties with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the BRICS group.

Economic security issues are a crucial matter. Our strategic planning documents must define the main threats in each area in clearer and more detailed fashion. These documents must define the criteria and set the threshold indicators for the economic situation at which national security risks would start to emerge. They must also put into concrete terms the measures and mechanisms that would enable us to reduce our economy’s dependence on negative external factors.

At the practical level, the Government and the Central Bank must pay particular attention to ensuring the financial system’s stable operation. They must also put in place measures to achieve more balanced budgets and reduce the debt burden on regional budgets.

Overall, we must ensure very close coordination between everyone taking part in this work.

We must develop and present new proposals for the conceptual basis of strategic planning and forecasting of our country’s sustainable socioeconomic development and for risk management. We need to analyse the socioeconomic situation in the regions and conduct on-going monitoring using the regional situation centres. This is especially important for the border regions.

As I said, the restrictive measures we will discuss today have created problems for our economy, but they have also opened new opportunities. Above all, our producers have been able to significantly bolster their positions on the domestic market.

We continue our support for import replacement projects, especially in the agriculture sector, defence sector, engineering, pharmaceuticals, and the chemicals industry. If need be, our companies will receive additional support in these areas.

But let me draw one very important matter to your attention. The Prosecutor General’s Office, Rospotrebnadzor (national consumer protection service), the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service and other agencies must protect our people and companies from fake and poor quality goods. No matter whether goods are produced in Russia or abroad, they must meet modern requirements and standards and their origin and price setting must be transparent and clear.

In conclusion, our direct responsibility is to ensure reliable protection of Russia’s security in all areas and preserve our country’s social, political and economic stability.

Much here will depend on consolidating the efforts of our state institutions and civil society and on concentrating our resources on the priority areas. I am sure that you all understand this well and will do everything possible to resolve the tasks before us effectively.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Well this Guy has my vote as he clearly wants peace to continue before this **** happened,
The West with its Canabalistic population, (clearly proven by the 9 Planned Parenthood Vidio's) that the general western public is not even aware of will never be trusted again as long as they are eating Aborted Baby Parts in their food and use in their cosmetic industry !!! At least Putin will keep Russia clean from GMO's and Aborted Baby parts??
The Canibals live in the "Western Civilisation's" !!!!! I wish ALL of you Happy Living Standards ??
Britain's (Peadophiles) Targets Russian Media
July 16th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Britain, America and other Western nations disgracefully consider real news, information and analysis Russian media provide propaganda - in other words, anything exposing their destructive agenda truthfully.

Britain is obstructing Russia's international news agency Rossiya Segodnya (RS). On orders from Whitehall, Barclays bank froze its account unjustifiably without explanation.

RS was founded in December 2013 - incorporating the former RIA Novosti news service and Voice of Russia international radio. In November 2014, RS launched Sputnik News and Radio Sputnik.

Dmitry Kiselyov heads RS. He blasted what happened - calling it "censorship. To close the account of one of the world's leading news agencies…direct(ly) obstruct(s) journalists' work," he said.

"What kind of press freedom and democracy can Britain claim to have if it prevents one of the world's largest news agencies from working in the country?"

A Barclays source said Britain's Exchequer put Kiselyov on an anti-Russian sanctions list. RS editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan (serving in the same capacity for RT International) called it "illegal."

"The sanctions imply that Kiselyov cannot travel to Europe and have bank accounts there," she said. "No sanctions were imposed on Rossiya Segodnya news agency."

Kiselyov is on the EU sanctions list - a shameless one for fabricated reasons pertaining to nonexistent "Russian aggression" in Ukraine and Crimeans reversing a historic error by near unanimously voting to rejoin Russia. No annexation occurred.

Kiselyov is irresponsibly called a "central figure of the government propaganda supporting the (nonexistent) deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine."

He's in good company with top Russian officials, including:

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin

Upper House Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko

Lower House State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin

Putin advisor Sergey Glazyev

Black Sea Fleet Commander Admiral Alexander Nosatov

His deputy Valery Kulikov, among others.

Weeks earlier, France and Belgium extended EU sanctions through January and froze Russian assets at the same time.

The timing wasn't coincidental - on day one of the 19th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) - an impressive three-day event attracting thousands of participants - including world political and business leaders, journalists and others from dozens of countries worldwide.

France targeted VTB, Russia's second largest bank. Diplomatic accounts were frozen, then unlocked. Rossiya Segodnya international news agency's bank accounts were seized.

Belgium seized Russian assets - At the same time, its authorities seized Russian assets - including its Embassy's and Permanent UN Mission accounts.

The action relates to contested Russian debt former Yukos Oil owners claim they're owed. The company declared bankruptcy after Moscow demanded it pay back taxes evaded for years.

At the time, Russia's Justice Minister Aleksandr Konovalov said freezing Russian assets is "a blatant violation of international law." Russia's Foreign Ministry called Belgium's actions "an unfriendly act…a blatant (international law) violation." It indicated retaliatory measures may follow if what happened wasn't reversed.

Putin aide Andrey Belousov called actions by France and Belgium politicized. "Moscow hopes to avoid a new escalation in relations," he said. At the same time, it's "considering a number of measures to deal with" what happened if things aren't resolved responsibly.

These and other actions by European countries and America target Russia irresponsibly for fabricated reasons.

Attempts to isolate and weaken it haven't worked. The just concluded July 8 - 10 BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits in Ufa, Russia reflect a new (mainly Eurasian) Silk World Order challenging Western dominance and the dollar as the world's reserve currency - a testimony to multi-world polarity.

The New Development Bank (NDB) was launched as an alternative to predatory Western financial institutions - capitalized with $100 billion for starters.

Vnesheconombank CEO Vladimir Dmitriev said "(t)he decision was made to create a financial institution which is to support economic development in BRICS countries. I would rather say that it’s a complimentary vehicle to be focused specifically on the development of BRICS countries."

Transactions increasingly will be in local currencies, bypassing dollar dominance. NBD joins the SCO Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Maybe others to come as alternatives to predatory IMF, World Bank and other Western financial institutions. They represent an idea whose time has come.

So do vital sources of news, information and analysis like Rossiya Segodnya (including Sputnik News) and RT International telling viewers and listeners what they need to know on major issues - what Western media suppress.

Life in Donetsk: Resilient Despite Obama's Continuing Proxy War
July 15th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Obama's dirty war of aggression using Ukrainian and imported mercenary forces continues against Donbass residents rejecting fascism - wanting democratic rights everyone deserves.

Since conflict began in April 2014, Kiev's junta regime committed major war crimes. Russia's Investigative Committee (IC) is set to submit hard evidence to international courts, according to its spokesman Vladimir Markin.

"All the evidence that we have collected has been included in more than 2,500 volumes of a criminal case. And the Investigative Committee is ready to hand over these materials to any international court," he said. Russia's IC will continue its investigation on whether other junta war crimes were committed. Despite months of devastating conflict, life in Donetsk remains resilient.

It's Ukraine's fifth largest city - an industrial one with nearly a million people. The metropolitan area has over two million. A local unnamed resident describes conditions saying they're "stable."

"The city is alive. It's very clean, decorated (and) roads are being repaired," he said. Fresh surfacing is everywhere. Ads provide information on "important city events and happenings."

"Maybe not a million roses are blooming but definitely 500,000." Junta shelling continues in some areas. Their residents struggle to endure and survive.

Schools at all levels operate normally. Graduates get DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) certificates and free transportation to Rostov to take Unified State Exams for admission into tuition-free Russian universities.

Youths from local colleges need only DPR certificates and acceptable entrance exam results.

Healthcare is readily available for anyone needing it - thanks to Russian humanitarian aid. It's an essential lifeline given Kiev's economic blockade.

Thirty-one humanitarian convoys delivered essential to life supplies - including food, medicines and medical equipment.

Russia's Emergencies Ministry said a 32nd convoy will depart for Donetsk and Lugansk from the Noginsk rescue center on July 16. Since last August, Moscow delivered nearly 40,000 tons of essential supplies.

Washington supplied NOTHING. The world's richest country and lead belligerent wants Donbass residents isolated, attacked, starved and deprived of vital medical care - a testimony to US ruthlessness.

Half of Donetsk's pharmacies are closed. The others have Russian supplied medicines and related items. "City transit works like clockwork," said the resident. It operates well despite insufficient gasoline availability.

No military equipment is seen on streets - except an occasional camouflaged vehicle or truck. Supermarkets, other shops, restaurants and theaters operate normally.

"You can get anything you want at (city) markets," the resident said. He found his favorite yogurt. At the same time, economic blockade remains a major problem - like Leningrad's siege during WW II except for life-saving Russian humanitarian aid.

"Everything is more expensive" - food two to threefold higher than pre-war. The problem is wages and pensions haven't kept up with prices.

They're paid on time with "no arrears." Ukrainian hryvnias were used until April. Now it's Russian rubles. In May, healthcare workers were paid in dollars.

Internet service operates normally - including free wi-fi in public places and all institutions. Five local television channels are available plus Russian ones and others. Satellite connections offer more.

Kiev sometimes cuts off cell phone service. Not all businesses operate. Economic blockade prevents imports and exports.

Donbass freedom fighters developed into a well-trained, well-equipped army - a capable self-defense force outmatching Kiev's military. No Russian soldiers are involved.

City residents trust government officials. They're polar opposite Kiev's fascist regime. A state of war exists with no end in sight.

"If the shelling were to stop, everything would be fine," said the resident. "So we live on and hope."

Washington's February 2014 coup transformed Ukraine into a fascist police state geopolitical battleground in Europe's heartland.

It's a platform for possible US-dominated NATO nuclear war on Russia or America acting unilaterally. Lunatics in Washington want regime change. They want Western puppet leadership replacing Putin.

They want Russia ravaged and destroyed like all other countries America attacks. They want control of its vast land mass, balkanized for easier control. They want its resources plundered, its people exploited, a dystopian wasteland used for profit.

On July 15, Obama's Ukraine coup team point person Victoria Nuland arrives back in Kiev to meet with officials Washington installed. The State Department says she's coming "to discuss a range of bilateral and regional issues" - code language for continued US-supported aggression on Donbass, prelude perhaps to direct confrontation with Russia.

US-Installed Ukrainian-Style "Democracy"
July 9th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Western leaders calling fascist dictatorships democracies should scare everyone. It suggests the kind of governance they want domestically - rule by brute force while waging endless wars abroad, Orwell's worst nightmare underscored by potential nuclear armageddon.

Washington installed Ukraine's Nazi-infested dictatorship last year. Nightmarish conditions prevail - police state ruthlessness by any standard. Lawful rule is nonexistent. Anyone challenging fascist illegitimacy faces imprisonment or death.

Elections are farcical when held. Press freedom is prohibited. Independent journalists are kidnapped and murdered. Russophobia rages. Ethnic Russians are considered fifth column threats. Anti-Semitism is rife.

Corruption is out-of-control. Economic bankruptcy looms. Workers aren't being paid. Wages for those getting them are sub-poverty - benefits increasingly nonexistent.

Money Ukraine can't afford is spent waging war on Donbass - millions of dollars daily. More goes for enforcing police state harshness.

Lunatics run things. Illegitimate President Poroshenko is a militantly anti-Russian billionaire mega-crook/war criminal. Others in key posts resemble an FBI most wanted list

Ultranationalist ideologue Dmytro Korchynskiy was wanted by Kiev's Yanukovych government for high crimes. He's an international fugitive.

He operates freely in Ukraine. He fought with Chechen rebels against Moscow in the 1990s. He calls Russia "the house of Satan." He wants it destroyed and its people "liberated."

On prime time Ukrainian television, he called for establishing concentration camps for Donbass and Crimean residents. He cited US internment of its Japanese citizens in WW II as justification. "In wartime, they constituted a potential threat," he claimed.

Nazi-infested paramilitary battalions maraud with impunity. Mass murder goes unpunished - from Odessa to elsewhere in Donbass. Daily shellings and other attacks continue.

Ukraine's parliament approved legislation justifying human rights violations in Donbass. It claimed "its right to regress from its obligations…in the international pact on civilian and political rights" in southeastern areas.

Human and civil rights exist nowhere in Ukraine - least of all with daily junta attacks on Donbass, including residential areas.

Kiev so-called constitutional reform violates Minsk ceasefire terms. According to Russia's upper house Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko:

"The new Constitution of Ukraine does not comply with the Minsk Accords as it (was prepared) without (required) dialogue with DPR and LPR (Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic).

Regime officials enforce economic blockade exacerbating dire economic conditions. Poroshenko bloc MP Yuri Lutsenko called Donbass "a cancerous tumor," urging tighter isolation.

Russia continues providing a vital humanitarian lifeline. Thirty convoys delivered food, medicines and other essential supplies. Despite all-out Moscow efforts to resolve conflict conditions diplomatically, resolution is nowhere in sight.

Washington wants war, not peace. It wants Donbass freedom fighters systematically crushed, its civilian population ruthlessly punished for living in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Weeks earlier, Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Elections (EODE) administrator-general Luc Michel said "glorification of fascism and neo-Nazism, and historical revisionism that goes along with it, are not unique to Ukraine" today.

"They accompany every stage of NATO expansion East - in particular the Baltic states and Romania."

The scourge of Nazism's reemergence in Europe's heartland openly supported by Washington and rogue NATO partners should scare everyone. Will WW III follow?
Ukrainian Govt. Acknowledges Some of Its Leaders Are Nazis
July 8th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


On July 3rd, the Ukrainian newspaper Vesti headlined “The Ministry of Justice Acknowledges UNA-UNSO Collaborated with Nazis,” and reported that, “Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice has officially recognized that the members of the Ukrainian nationalist organization UNA-UNSO fought on the side of Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War.” It went on to note that, “On May 22 of last year, the State Registration Service renamed the party of UNA-UNSO as the Right Sector Party, which is led by Dmitriy Yarosh.”

Yarosh was appointed by the U.S.-organized Ukrainian coup inFebruary 2014 to serve as the active head of the Security Bureau of Ukraine, working directly under the newly appointed Chief of State Security, Andrei Parubiy, who had co-founded Ukraine’s other nazi party, the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine. The SNPU had already changed its name in 2004 to “Freedom” or “Svoboda,” on the advice of the U.S. CIA, because a name patterned after the National Socialist Party of Germany wouldn’t look good in the U.S. But inside Ukraine, Yarosh’s people were bold about their anti-Russian nazism, and even proud to be teaching it in the new regime’s public schools.

“Commandant of Maidan,” who organized the Maidan demonstrations against Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych, with the assistance of the U.S. State Department and CIA.The U.S. Embassy was already actively preparing this coup by no later than early 2013.

Whereas Yarosh provided the forces that brought down the Yanukovych government, Parubiy, as the person who had organized the Maidan demonstrations, set things up so that Yarosh’s snipers would be able to operate in such a way that Yanukovych would be blamed for the bloodshed — such as by obtaining the Security Bureau of Ukraine uniforms for Yarosh's snipers to wear, and by clearing the buildings that they needed to be firing from.

At the end of the coup, on 25 February 2014, Yarosh met in a Kiev restaurant with the other founder of the SNPU (“Svoboda”) party, Oleg Tyagnibok, in order to discuss "Our goals are the same. We both stand for Ukraine without Yids and Katsaps (Russians derogatory). You’ll help me, I’ll help you.”Etc. Ironically, all of Ukraine’s nazis work under far-right Jews, such as Victoria Nuland, of the U.S. State Department. All of them are focused on destroying Russians — it’s the cause that unites them — and receiving their appointments from Jews makes them internationally acceptable as being not ‘really’ nazis (since the West accepts hatred of Russians, which are Obama’s targets).

Already, Obama’s manager for the coup, Victoria Nuland, had, on February 4th, told the U.S. Ambassador, "I think Yats is the guy who's got the economic experience, the governing experience. He's the... what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week, you know.” That appointment of Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the new Prime Minister dashed Tyagnibok’s hope of receiving an official appointment. As for Yarosh, here was his response when Tyagnibok suggested that Yarosh might do better in politics than he himself, because Tyagnibok was already publicly on record as being anti-Semitic, but Yarosh was not (both men knew that wanting to kill all Russians was okay in the USA but that wanting to kill all Jews was not; and whereas both men were publicly on record for wanting to kill all Russians, Yarosh had never spoken publicly about ‘Yids'):

"Go into politics. You have a lot of support. D.Yarosh: Politics? Why? So I can wear a beautiful jacket? I already have the power. Gone are the times when we indulged slingshotting. Now I have so many weapons that it will be enough to break all kinds of ‘internal occupants'. If my guys have the SBU, I will bring order to the ‘katsapschine' (East Ukraine derogatory [for the region where ethnic Russians predominate]) and in the Crimea. Katsaps will flee Sevastopol voluntarily. I’ll cause the earth to burn under their feet."

So: Yarosh ended up commanding the paramilitaries for such operations as the massacre of regime-opponents inside the Odessa Trade Unions Building on 2 May 2014, and the subsequent ethnic cleansing operation in Ukraine’s former Donbass region, whose voters had voted over 90% for Yanukovych. That ethnic cleansing operation was called by the regime the “Anti Terrorist Operation”or “ATO.”

On 20 June 2015, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko petitioned the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to declare the overthrow of Yanukovych to have been a coup, because he was now afraid that Yarosh would do the same to him that he had earlier done to Yanukovych — and which Yarosh has repeatedly threatened to do to him. However, the U.S. is not supporting another Ukrainian coup. The U.S. does, however, continue to give encouragement to Ukraine’s nazis, in other ways, so as not to antagonize them.

The purpose of President Obama in Ukraine is to weaken Russia. Ukraine’s nazis are determined to destroy Russia (which has always been their chief objective), and Obama needs their continued support in order for his Ukrainian plan to succeed. The economic sanctions against Russia are an important part of that plan.

Guys you are really looking in the wrong direction for once, its not Russia and its localised ambitions we need to focus on its the southern end of Europe with an Islamic invasion under way. NO that is not exaggeration, this IS and INVASION but instead of bombs and bullets they overwhelm our defences with babies and beggars.

FYI both Jonnte and I agree Putin is insane and eyeing up neighbouring countries, at this time we NEED a strong dictator in Russia, because without him and his ultra right wingers there would be millions more Muslims pouring out of Chechnya and the Stans heading west.

So there are three choices

(A) Become isolationist and wait for the extremist to REALLY hit the Americas
(B) Focus our hatred towards a few THOUSAND Ultra Right Wingers in Ukraine / Russia
(C) Focus on the tsunami of MILLIONS of anti anything western Muslims pouring unchecked into southern Europe

Back in the 30s the US thought if it looked inwards and remained isolationist it would not get dragged into war. Back then only the Japs resented the US. Now its the entire Islamic world who hates what the US represents.
Puttin would like for the free World to take its eyes off of his undermineing the Countries they lost when the USSR fell apart . He could rebuild the rust bucket that use to be the big red machine while the rest of the World was busy trying to keep up with what the Sands are doing .
Both need the attention of the West right now , I would think that between the C.I.A and M.I 5 as well as covert ops from oyher Countries we could undermine Puttin's influnce in his own Country . Showing his Countrymen what his intentions are and thier best intrest do not include Putin or his supporters . The migration problem is going to take someone making the hard decisions and will invovle refugee camps and armed gards until they can be sorted out and decisions made . Some of the so called moderate muslim nations are going to have to step up and earn some of that aid they recieve . Yea this is a tuff situation and will take tuff decision makers to step up . Or ignore it and then who pays the price .
at the moment mad-vlad may serve a purpose aginst muslims,but I don't trust him,never have trusted them,never will.
and joe,I take care of my health you just make sure you keep yours,russkie supporters have a tendecy to end up in labour camps,sent there by their own idol.

we are on the way towards a serious conflict with the muslim invaders,from my perspective it seemas to be two-front war in the future.
Putin hires muslims to terrorize other Countries that he has eyes on . Some of the worst atrocities in places like Georgia and most likely Eastern Ukraine have been by his hired thugs .
Russian advisors and Ukrainian sepratist were heard on thier coms bragging about shooting down a Ukrain Military transport plain until they realized it was the Passenger jet then said they had nothing to do with it they were only there to help .
A multi facet HOT war is now inevitable, I just cannot see how the following can avoid conflict
US - China
North Korea - South Korea -US
EU - Russia - Scandinavia- Baltics
Israel- EU-US- UK - Islam
Canada - Norway- UK-Denmark-Russia-US

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