anybody monitoring russias movements?

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nah,just have to prep as much as possible,prep for the worst and convice my bro when it gets hairy that now is the time to leave for the cabin and stay there for some time...
No Problem Jonte, since I left EU I'm very safe here?
And yes a multyple world war seems to be the only chance to happen so that the whole earth can be destroyed all at once and the tough will survive, specially in moutain caves, Ha,Ha, Wishing you all a safe journey to the cabin ??
Obama’s Ukrainian Forces Break Minsk Agreement: Resume Invasion
August 30th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


The U.S.-backed Ukrainian Armed Forces, on Wednesday August 26th, resumed their all-out war against the breakaway Donbass region, according to an announcement on August 27th by the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Deputy Commander, Eduard Basurin. Donetsk is the largest city in Donbass — the region that broke away from Ukraine after the February 2014 U.S. coup in Kiev, which threw out the democratically elected Ukrainian President, for whom the residents of Donbass had voted over 90%. If this apparent re-invasion of Donbass by U.S.-backed forces is true, it would flagrantly violate the Minsk II Agreement that Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Francois Hollande had achieved, and that the warring parties had signed, six months ago, on February 11th.

reported August 27th by the Fort Russ news site, Mr. Basurin said:

The situation in the DPR has drastically deteriorated. … From 5 P.M. [August 26th], punitive forces [that’s to say, forces aiming to ‘punish’ Donbass for rejecting Obama’s coup in Ukraine] began massively shelling positions of the DPR army and the civilian areas of Belaya Kamenka, Novolaspa, Staroslava, and Staroignatovka.

The fascists have used heavy artillery prohibited by the Minsk Agreements against the civilian areas of Aleksandrovka and Marinka. The outskirts of Donetsk have been struck.

The shelling has been carried out from the positions of the 72nd mechanized brigade under the command of the criminal Grishchenko, as well as the 19th infantry battalion. The enemy is using ACS howitzers of 152 and 122 mm, mortars of 120 and 80 mm, and tanks.

Basurin said that “According to our estimate, the enemy is trying to provoke a response by our troops and with such activity convince the army command of the DPR to prepare for an offensive in this direction of the UAF,” so that DPR’s strategy of — as much as possible — not initiating fire, but only responding to it, will be broken. That would then provide the U.S. side the opportunity to charge the DPR side with violating Minsk II.

Basurin went on to say:

the criminal fascist regime is purposefully trying to disrupt the Minsk Agreement. The bloodthirsty Kiev puppets are out to disrupt the establishment of peaceful life in the Republic, thereby showing the whole world their inability to conduct civilized negotiations. The paranoiacs in power are leading Ukraine into the abyss!

The President of Ukraine seeks to resume hostilities and lead a new escalation of tensions in Eastern Europe, and therefore, we appeal to the people and officers of Ukraine: sabotage the criminal orders of the UAF command, show acts of defiance, and demonstrate an absence of support for the aggressive plans of Poroshenko.

Basurin is urging the U.S.-backed forces to violate their instructions, which would be an extremely dangerous thing for those troops to do. However, a significant number of Ukrainian soldiers have, in fact, defected to the ‘rebels.’

As I reported earlier, a conflict within the Obama Administration broke out on May 15th, when Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State whom Obama had placed in charge of policy on Ukraine (and who had masterminded the coup and selected the post-coup government), contradicted her nominal superior, Secretary of State John Kerry, and said that, despite Kerry’s warning to Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko not to violate Minsk II, Poroshenko would have America’s full backing if he were to follow through on his repeated threats to re-invade Donbass, regardless of what had been agreed to, and signed, at Minsk.

From that time to this, the Obama Administration has been ambiguous about its intentions on the matter, but Mr. Kerry has never reiterated his warning to Poroshenko; while Ms. Nuland has continued to maintain that the U.S. will support the Ukrainian side no matter what; and so, Donbass has been on constant alert, expecting Poroshenko to resume the invasion at any time.

In the interim since the first of the two Minsk agreements, the U.S. Congress has endorsed Obama’s policy and authorized funds for retraining Ukraine’s troops and for resupplying them with weapons.

Perhaps the decision has finally now been made in the White House to resume the war at full force. The next few days could make clear whether that is the case, or whether, instead, this is just yet another of the many relatively minor violations of Minsk, which both sides have engaged in during the past six months.

Ukrainians Overwhelmingly Oppose Junta Rule
August 30th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Ukraine is a Nazi-infested police state - an illegitimate US-installed coup d’etat regime, run by criminal thugs, wrecking the economy, abolishing freedoms, waging war on their own people.

No wonder a poll conducted by Rating Group Ukraine found 0% full support for its regime. Poroshenko scored 3% full support, 21% partial support, and overwhelming opposition to his rule.

Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk had 0% full support. Kiev’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) scored 1%. Random sampling included respondents from all Ukrainian regions except Donbass - victimized by Kiev aggression.

Results conflict with regime claims about achieving “national consensus.” None whatever exists. People worldwide want fundamental freedoms. Kiev offers none. Poll numbers show the regime is overwhelmingly despised.

Ukraine’s mismanaged economy is dysfunctional - teetering toward collapse. Borrowed money is used to wage war.

Inflation is out-of-control. Many workers don’t get paid. Corruption is rampant. Hard times keep getting harder for ordinary Ukrainians.

The IMF expects 9% economic contraction this year - severe Depression conditions. No end in sight to its economic troubles looms. It may be just a matter of time before Maidan 2.0.

Regime authorities abuse the rights of all Ukrainians. The Kiev-based Center for Social and Labor Research (CLSR) reported repression and anti-government unrest vastly higher than under the previous Yanukovych government.

“Worrying is the high frequency of repression against protests with government critics and demand for lustration, against protests with socio-economic and political demands,” CLSR explained.

Ukraine is a gangster state run by fascist thugs. Human and civil rights are hugely abused. Police state terror is official policy.

Opposition media were shut down. Russian nationals, regime opponents, democracy supporters, and human rights activists are harassed, arrested, brutalized and extrajudicially imprisoned. Independent journalists are murdered or disappeared.

Poroshenko wants war, not peace. He systematically breached all ceasefire terms agreed to. Multiple violations occur daily. Residential areas, schools, hospitals and other civilian sites are targeted. Kiev propaganda blames Donbass freedom fighters for its aggression. Things could explode anytime into full-scale war.

Kiev’s war crimes include gruesome atrocities, torturing prisoners, using chemical and other banned weapons, as well as willfully murdering civilians. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen believes it plans a false flag chemical weapons attack blamed on Donbass freedom fighters, maybe something major.

Minsk called for amending Kiev’s constitution - granting Donbass special autonomous status. Poroshenko flatly rejects it.

On Saturday, he said Article 92 of Ukraine’s constitution granting special status for areas like Donbass will be rescinded. His interpretation of Minsk contravene’s its letter and spirit.

Ukraine is a cauldron of endless war on its own people, nationwide repression, social injustice and regional instability. Former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said its regime is run by criminals.

“Armed gangs are ruling supreme now in what some people call this European integration…No one feels safe in Ukraine these days,” he explained. How long things can go on this way remains to be seen.

Sergey Lavrov’s Message to Washington
August 26th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is a world-class diplomat - shaming his US and EU counterparts. He represents a nation dedicated to world peace and stability. Claims otherwise are Big Lies.

Never before in history has the threat of humanity destroying nuclear war been greater. The UN Charter’s Preamble stating: “We the peoples of the United Nations (stand) determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of (devastating world) war did nothing to stop America’s endless aggression for unchallenged global dominance - heading recklessly toward WW III if not stopped.

On Sunday, Russia’s Rossiyskaya Gazeta and China’s Renmin Ribao published Lavrov’s article titled “Lessons of History and New Milestones.”

He noted the significance of last May’s 70th anniversary of WW II’s end in Europe - defeating the scourge of Nazism, followed months later by Japan’s surrender.

Russia and China suffered far more than all other nations during the war years combined. “(T)hey took the main blow of aggressors, bore the biggest losses,” Lavrov explained.

They “withst(ood) that dreadful fight and w(on) thanks to outstanding courage, self-sacrifice and mobilization of all forces” against pure evil.

Today, dark forces “falsify the history of war,” said Lavrov. Denigrating Russia and China “undermines” UN Charter principles. Defending “historical truth” is essential, he stressed.

WW II bore testimony to the importance of cooperation against major threats. “(M)utually respectful partnership (is) the only way to prevent new conflict,” said Lavrov.

“(I)n today’s uneasy international situation, which is characterized by high level of turbulence and accumulating crises, we should not forget the lessons of the past to avoid irreparable mistakes in the future.”

“The fate of the world cannot be determined by one country or a narrow group of countries. Bombardments of Yugoslavia, occupation of Iraq, chaos in Libya, fratricidal war in Ukraine clearly demonstrate what tragic consequences can departure from elementary truth entail - the striving to capture and retain global dominance at any cost, impose one’s opinion, will and values on other countries.”

Moscow and Beijing “are resolute partners of imposing one’s will on sovereign countries, including by military means, of unilateral sanctions pressure, and in general of employing the practice of ‘double standards.’ “

Lavrov pointedly directed his comments at Washington and key NATO partners at the most perilously time in world history.

Daily events should scare everyone. Imperial wars rage without end. More loom. No nation more greatly threatens world peace and stability than America - prioritizing conquest, colonization, exploitation and unchallenged control.

Peacemakers are mocked. Warmakers win peace prizes. Social democrats are shunned. Propagandists glorify war in the name of peace. Nations are destroyed to liberate them.

Things head recklessly toward the abyss. America’s rage for war may kill us all. Nuclear annihilation was never more threatening than now.

Lunatics in Washington make the unthinkable possible. Survival depends on stopping their madness - a master plan risking world destruction.
Kiev Mobilized for Full-Scale Aggression on Donbass
August 26th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Obama’s war on Donbass using Ukrainian army foot soldiers, paramilitaries, foreign mercenaries, Nazi-infested death squads and others never stopped since initiated in April 2014.

Kiev flagrantly violated Geneva and two Minsk ceasefire agreements straightaway. Obama wants endless war. So do US-installed fascists violating human and civil rights brazenly, terrorizing Ukrainians opposing their ruthless rule. At an August 22 military ceremony in Chuguev, near Donbass, illegitimate oligarch president Petro Poroshenko boasted about using Minsk II to rearm and increase Ukraine’s military ranks to much greater size than last year - despite a bankrupt economy near collapse, using borrowed funds desperately needed for vital services going begging. More on this below.

Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) military spokesman Eduard Basurin said Kiev’s armed forces in Southeastern Ukraine total 90,000. Their weapons include 450 tanks, 203 salvo artillery units, and five Tochka-U missile systems.

“A total of five separate mechanized brigades, two separate tanks brigades, and air mobile brigade, an artillery brigade, and a salvo system brigade have been deployed…to Mariupol,” he explained.

“All in all, this grouping has 22,500 men and officers, more than 130 tanks, more than 560 armored cars, fifty-five salvo artillery units, about 200 artillery guns and mortars, and about 720 antitank weapons.”

DPR’s Defense Ministry intelligence shows heavy troop and weapons concentrations deployed near Donetsk. More military force was sent to the Debatsevo sector and near Lugansk. Reserves back up front line strength.

Basurin said Kiev plans escalated war on Donbass. “Information has been received about the plan of forthcoming actions by the Ukrainian army from a source in the Ukrainian General Staff and, no matter how strange this may seem, there are still true officers there who do not want to fight against their own people,” he explained.

Escalated offensive operations can begin anytime, he believes - including shelling DPR positions and “deliver(ing) two converging blows in the direction of the settlement of Uspenka to defeat the DPR and advance to the border with Russia and subsequently prevent civilians from reaching the Russian territory.”

“Along with this, two groupings (of Kiev’s forces) are intending to launch an offensive in the Donetsk direction north and south of Donetsk towards Ilovaisk, close the circle around the republic’s capital and encircle the city” - plus separate attacks on Lugansk.

Kiev hopes its blitzkrieg will defeat Donbass freedom fighters and destroy DPR and LPR democracies.

Basurin reminded Ukrainian general staff “wise guys” that earlier “Napoleon plans” were soundly defeated - resulting in thousands of dead and wounded Kiev forces.

Donbass freedom fighters are prepared to defeat Kiev aggression like before, Basurin stresses. In the past year, they transformed themselves from militia strength to a well-equipped, capable, defensive standing army.

Poroshenko barely stopped short of admitting planned escalated Kiev aggression on Donbass, as well as perhaps declaring war on Russia (rhetorically only), saying:

“The Minsk agreement despite all criticism has given us time to build up Ukraine’s defense. It allowed us to partially bridge the gap in military capacity we have against Russia. The times of air-headed pacifism and shortsighted rejection of security issues are forever in the past now,” he said.

Fact: Ukraine has no enemies except ones it invents - complicit with Washington.

Fact: Its military is solely for offense, belligerence, premeditated aggressive war, not defense.

Fact: Only a lunatic would attack Russia.

Fact: Kiev fascists rejected “pacifism” since seizing power. Its police state policies wage war on its entire population. Maidan 2.0 is just a matter of time - likely much more violent than last year, perhaps making things worse than already.

Poroshenko rants often about nonexistent “Russian aggression” - fabricating claims about its forces invading Ukraine, ludicrously saying its war on Donbass is to prevent a greater Russian invasion of Europe.

“The military threat from the east is a prospect for decades to come,” he ranted. “This threat will not pass anytime soon and every new generation has to have army training” - practically a declaration of permanent war on his own people, with full US support and encouragement.

He sounds daft. He has no credibility whatever. It’s hard imagining anyone takes him seriously. Ordinary Ukrainians increasingly despise him - as well as fascist rule harming their safety, well-being and futures.

He nonsensically claims Ukraine isn’t “safe from a rapid escalation of military action, which is becoming more probable due to the celebration of Independence Day” on August 24.

Is he planning to use the occasion to launch all-out war on Donbass? Is Sunday the eve of full-scale aggression - or perhaps later this week?

Sergey Lavrov said he’s “concerned about (Poroshenko) stirring up Russophobia in the West and drawing attention away from his inability to deliver on the promises he signed up to.”

He absurdly claims Moscow intends attacking Finland and Baltic states. He’s proliferated numerous Big Lies since taking office last year - an illegitimate rogue leader threatening to embroil central Europe and beyond in conflict, supported by his US paymaster and key arms supplier, one of many dirty secrets Washington wants suppressed.

How & Why the U.S. Media Do Propaganda Against Russia

It is amazing that the mostly stupid and ignorant american public still
refuses to accept the true order of events that is explained here?
Its simple historie from the time of the Clinton criminals in office?

August 22nd, 2015
Eric Zuesse, originally posted at


The owners of U.S. newsmedia know that in order to serve their fellow U.S. aristocrats who want to kick out Russia’s current leader, Vladimir Putin, so as to enable them to buy Russia’s natural resources (and highly educated work-forces) cheap via “privatizations,” their PR campaign for their fellow aristocrats (their major advertisers) must be led by ‘respectable’ newsmedia, such as Foreign Policy magazine, and not by blatantly right-wing, obviously trashy, ones, such as Fox News. Overtly conservative, nationalistic, ‘news’ media wouldn’t be able to sell to anyone who isn’t already on-board with privatizations of government assets as being a fundamental “free market” principle (i.e, equating fascism — the actual originator of privatizations — with constituting ‘capitalism,’ confusing the two systems as being one-and-the-same). So: not only the fascist media are anti-Putin, but media that pretend not to be are also.

February 2014 coup e’etat, which violently overthrew that nation’s then-neutralist democratically elected President, whom U.S. newsmedia very prominently reported was corrupt (in order to fool Americans into thinking that this was somehow a justified overthrow), while they didn’t report that all previous leaders of Ukraine had also been corrupt, so that this U.S. excuse for overthrowing Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych was entirely fake — not just illegitimate, but fake. Furthermore, they didn’t report that the reason why Yanukovych had turned down the EU’s offer (which the U.S. had backed, and which turndown by him was America’s other main excuse for overthrowing him) was that it would have cost Ukraine $160 billion. In fact, U.S. newsmedia didn’t even report that the coup was a coup, even though the head of Stratfor, the private-CIA firm, has acknowledged that it was “the most blatant coup in history,” and the President of the Czech Republic has said that “only poorly informed people” don’t know that it was a coup. He said of these “poorly informed people,” that, “They believe that there was something similar, to our Velvet Revolution ... Majdan was no democratic revolution.” And, on 20 June 2015, an obscure news-release from the Ukrainian Government itself headlined “Poroshenko asking Constitutional Court to recognize law stripping Yanukovych of presidential title as unconstitutional,” and reported, as I explained two days later:

Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko requests the supreme court of Ukraine to declare that his predecessor, Viktor Yanukovych, was overthrown by an illegal operation; in other words, that the post-Yanukovych government, including Poroshenko’s own Presidency, came into power from a coup, not from something democratic, not from any authentic constitutional process at all.

In a remarkable document, which is not posted at the English version of the website of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, but which is widely reported outside the United States, including Russia, Poroshenko, in Ukrainian (not in English), has petitioned the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (as it is being widely quoted in English):

“I ask the court to acknowledge that the law ‘on the removal of the presidential title from Viktor Yanukovych’ as [being] unconstitutional.”

It’s also interesting that when Stratfor’s founder admitted that it was “the most blatant coup in history,” he was saying this to a Russian publication, which published it only in Russian, whereas when his employee recently referred to it, in a video for an American audience, she said (at 4:43 on the video) “the United States helped support the revolution [though it was no revolution, just a coup] that took place in Ukraine this past year.” Stratfor doesn’t want to go overboard to the extent of losing its big-bucks clients, some of which are the people that Obama’s foreign policies represent, but even this employee was so bold as to admit that the United States and not Russia is the aggressor between the two — something the U.S. media won’t allow to be said.

(She expressed puzzlement there at why the U.S. public have come to believe the demonization of Putin, but she’s not so dumb as not to know the answer to that, and she later even said it on the video, at 4:43: “The way that the American media has put it out there is that Russia is being the aggressor.” The video itself was even posted to youtube as, “Conversation: The U.S. Media’s Misleading Portrayal of Russia.” But the video portrayed the newsmedia as merely reflecting American public opinion, instead of as shaping it and being paid by their sponsors to shape it their way, which everyone at Stratfor knows is the reality. The deception is all paid-for. America’s aristocrats are running both the U.S. Government, and the way it and the world-at-large are being portrayed to the public. They control the public, both coming and going.)

America’s aggression against Russia first became overt when the U.S. aristocracy’s President, Bill Clinton (who killed FDR’s Glass Steagall Act and Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society AFDC program, and so was one of the best fake ‘Democrats’ until Obama came along and turned Heritage Foundation ideas into U.S. national policies), rejected Russia’s request to join NATO, and he instead invited into NATO three former members of the Warsaw Pact: Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Clinton used the cooked-up excuse against Russia that Russia was then trying to retain Chechnya, though that’s a part of Russia which serves as an essential buffer against possible invasion by Islamic tribes to the south, from Georgia, Dagestan, and Azerbaijan; and so Chechnya’s breakaway movement actually did constitute a national security threat to the rest of Russia. Chechnya was none of the United States’s business, but Clinton needed an excuse, and it served that function for him. The Toledo Blade’s Mike Sigov even headlined on 7 November 1999, “Clinton’s Appeal to Halt Fighting in Chechnya Falls on Deaf Ears,”and he wrote: “‘Why does the United States keep humiliating us?’ they often ask. My friends in Russia, … periodically ask me this question. It happened when the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies denied Russia’s request to join NATO and instead admitted Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.” The U.S. aristocracy had wanted, actually, to conquer Russia; they didn’t want merely for the Cold War to end — this was now clear. They want to keep it going until Russia itself is conquered. Obama is doing the same thing at the end of his Presidency that Clinton had done at the end of his, but maybe even worse, because Obama has placed Ukraine into control by rabidly anti-Russian nazis, who are also now teaching the children.

Despite the general blockade against truth, a few American newsmedia have reported, throughout this summer, that Ukraine’s far-right leaders (such as Dmitriy Yarosh) are threatening another “Maidan,” to overthrow the present President of Ukraine, but they don’t report that those same leaders (includingYarosh himself) were instrumental in Barack Obama’s coup in February 2014: the CIA had arranged payments for Yarosh and his people, and, without this U.S. organization and financial backing(including even the establishment of a major TV station to propagandize for overthrowing Yanukovych and for mass-murdering the people who had voted for him), there would have been no coup. None of this information appears in U.S. newsmedia. The American public are widely ignorant of the reality about Ukraine. There are plenty of reports that stenographically transcribe and transmit to the American public the official ‘facts’ about Ukraine, but nothing that exposes the reality, which would be to expose the U.S. aristocracy itself (and this extends all the way from George Soros on the left, to the Koch brothers on the right: virtually the entire aristocracy are committed to defeating the public, not only at home, but abroad).

Therefore, Poroshenko is, in effect, telling Yarosh and his supporters: If you do this again, this time to me, then there will already be a decision from our highest court saying that what you did last time was illegal. And, Poroshenko had already acknowledged, just as the coup was ending, when the EU’s investigator asked him how the overthrow had occurred: We did it, the snipers who shot both the demonstrators and the police were ours; it was a set-up job so as to appear that the violence had been initiated or perpetrated by Yanukovych’s forces, which were actually performing a defensive function, not offensive at all. So: he was already privately on record as having acknowledged this. But that, too, was not published in the American press, even though the evidence for it was first posted online on 5 March 2014, just a week after the coup. Basically, it has all been kept secret from the American people, just as the coup itself has been, and just as the ethnic cleansing to get rid of Yanukovych’s voters has been.

And this has been a thoroughly bipartisan operation of the U.S. Government, not merely Democrats, and not merely Republicans. Both Parties are in the aristocrats’ pockets. (The man whom Congress applauded there was then overseeing the nazi operation.) This has not always been the case; it certainly wasn’t so when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was America’s President; but it is today.

So, some typical examples of their propaganda-operation are:

Bruce Stokes headlines in Foreign Policy on 6 August 2015, “NATO’s Rot from Within,” and concludes his analysis of polling in the 9 major NATO countries by noting a lack of public support for NATO in all countries except “the Americans (56 percent) and the Canadians (53 percent) stand ready to go to the defense of a NATO partner against Russia.” His implicit viewpoint is that all NATO countries need to tool-up for a war against Russia; Russia is surrounding NATO, NATO isn’t surrounding Russia.

The mainstream The Daily Beast headlines on 14 August 2015, “Pentagon Fears It’s Not Ready for a War With Putin,” and Nancy A. Youssef opens: “The U.S. military has run the numbers on a sustained fight with Moscow, and they do not look good for the American side. A series of classified exercises over the summer has raised concerns inside the Defense Department that its forces are not prepared for a sustained military campaign against Russia, two defense officials told The Daily Beast.” Again, the underlying assumption is that Russia is the biggest national security threat to the United States, and so there need to be increases in U.S. ‘defense’ spending, to counter Russia’s ‘aggression.’

U.S. News headlined on 23 June 2015, “Top GOP Lawmaker: US Must Consider Building New Nukes,” and Paul D. Shinkman opened: “America needs to replace a rotting arsenal of nuclear weapons and counteract an increasingly boisterous Russia, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Tuesday. For these reasons, it must consider the long-taboo prospect of building new nukes.”

The U.S. already spent 55.2% of its discretionary federal spending on its military. More money than that would transform the national economy into national impoverishment, because one can’t eat, nor live in, bombs and tanks, nor in any of the other machinery of destruction.

Why even watch ‘the news’ on television, or read about it in magazines or newspapers?

But there are a few honest news reports even in the U.S. major newsmedia: On 24 February 2014, just as the U.S. coup in Ukraine was ending, NBC News bannered, “U.S. Military Spending Dwarfs Rest of World,” and they showed that “The U.S. spent more on defense in 2012 than the countries with the next 10 highest budgets combined.” It was about 8 times what Russia had spent, and this amount didn’t even include the additional spending by other NATO countries, all of which have mutual-defense treaties with the U.S. When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, the Warsaw Pact, which was to Russia what NATO was to the U.S., simply terminated; Russia has since been all alone; and it should have been brought into NATO if NATO weren’t to disband as the Warsaw Pact had done. But the U.S. didn’t do likewise; instead, it rejected Russia. Instead, to the exact contrary, the U.S. invited and brought into NATO seven of the eight former Warsaw Pact countries. That’s aggression. But the U.S. calls “aggression” anything that Russia does to protect itself. Only suckers would believe that, but there’s a sucker born every minute — no, every second! (How could the aristocracy even survive, otherwise?)

In February, President Obama issued his “National Security Strategy 2015” and it used the word “aggression” 18 times, of which 17 referred to Russia as the alleged “aggressor.” If this is merely a mental illness that Obama has, then why are the U.S. ‘news’ media in lockstep behind it? But this strategy isn’t directed only against Russia, it’s directed also against the rest of Europe, even against other NATO countries.

A 2013 Gallup poll of 65 countries that was co-sponsored by the U.S. Government and thus never fully published, reportedly found that among people worldwide, “The US was the overwhelming choice (24% of respondents) for the country that represents the
greatest threat to peace in the world today. This was followed by Pakistan (8%), China (6%), North Korea, Israel and Iran (5%).” (Russia wasn’t even there, in the top 5; and nothing below the top 5 was mentioned.) And Obama hadn’t yet perpetrated his coup and ethnic cleansing in Ukraine.

But there was no report of any such poll made afterwards, none at all. Perhaps the U.S. Government didn’t want another, because they now knew that they and their press would need to do a lot more work in order to get Russia to be #1 on that list. Maybe this is what they’ve been working on.

However, it’s already clear that the Nobel Committee should abolish their ‘Peace Prize,’ after their having given it to Kissinger, and then to Obama. Maybe they should replace it with a Hypocrisy Prize. Obama would certainly qualify for that. Maybe they could get him to trade in his old prize for that new one, so as to reduce their embarrassment (if they’re not just psychopaths, anyway, like Kissinger and Obama).

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Ukrainians Overwhelmingly Oppose Junta Rule
August 30th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Ukraine is a Nazi-infested police state - an illegitimate US-installed coup d’etat regime, run by criminal thugs, wrecking the economy, abolishing freedoms, waging war on their own people.

No wonder a poll conducted by Rating Group Ukraine found 0% full support for its regime. Poroshenko scored 3% full support, 21% partial support, and overwhelming opposition to his rule.

Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk had 0% full support. Kiev’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) scored 1%. Random sampling included respondents from all Ukrainian regions except Donbass - victimized by Kiev aggression.

Results conflict with regime claims about achieving “national consensus.” None whatever exists. People worldwide want fundamental freedoms. Kiev offers none. Poll numbers show the regime is overwhelmingly despised.

Ukraine’s mismanaged economy is dysfunctional - teetering toward collapse. Borrowed money is used to wage war.

Inflation is out-of-control. Many workers don’t get paid. Corruption is rampant. Hard times keep getting harder for ordinary Ukrainians.

The IMF expects 9% economic contraction this year - severe Depression conditions. No end in sight to its economic troubles looms. It may be just a matter of time before Maidan 2.0.

Regime authorities abuse the rights of all Ukrainians. The Kiev-based Center for Social and Labor Research (CLSR) reported repression and anti-government unrest vastly higher than under the previous Yanukovych government.

“Worrying is the high frequency of repression against protests with government critics and demand for lustration, against protests with socio-economic and political demands,” CLSR explained.

Ukraine is a gangster state run by fascist thugs. Human and civil rights are hugely abused. Police state terror is official policy.

Opposition media were shut down. Russian nationals, regime opponents, democracy supporters, and human rights activists are harassed, arrested, brutalized and extrajudicially imprisoned. Independent journalists are murdered or disappeared.

Poroshenko wants war, not peace. He systematically breached all ceasefire terms agreed to. Multiple violations occur daily. Residential areas, schools, hospitals and other civilian sites are targeted. Kiev propaganda blames Donbass freedom fighters for its aggression. Things could explode anytime into full-scale war.

Kiev’s war crimes include gruesome atrocities, torturing prisoners, using chemical and other banned weapons, as well as willfully murdering civilians. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen believes it plans a false flag chemical weapons attack blamed on Donbass freedom fighters, maybe something major.

Minsk called for amending Kiev’s constitution - granting Donbass special autonomous status. Poroshenko flatly rejects it.

On Saturday, he said Article 92 of Ukraine’s constitution granting special status for areas like Donbass will be rescinded. His interpretation of Minsk contravene’s its letter and spirit.

Ukraine is a cauldron of endless war on its own people, nationwide repression, social injustice and regional instability. Former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said its regime is run by criminals.

“Armed gangs are ruling supreme now in what some people call this European integration…No one feels safe in Ukraine these days,” he explained. How long things can go on this way remains to be seen.

The situation is a little more messy. Opozitsii supported by the people is the Radical Party, the Right sector, Self-help. Which is just the most anti-Russian.
Another Big Lie About Ukraine’s War
August 21st, 2015
Eric Zuesse


What follows here, about the current U.S. government's lying, is banned by all major news sites in the United States, and by most ‘alternative news’ sites, such as Common Dreams, Alternet, and Truthout (although some of those alt-news sites do issue watered-down reports from Robert Parry and a few other establishment journalists, about related matters):

Vladimir Kornilov posted to his facebook page on August 15th, a terrific question that’s getting increasing attention on other independent websites:

I wonder about this: When the army of the DNI [commonly called Ukraine’s ‘rebels’] are retired Russian military, the West immediately writes about "Russian aggression". And if retired (believe that retired) military mercenaries from the EU are fighting on the side of the APU [commonly called the Ukrainian government], why do the same media not write about "the aggression of the European Union?"

ethnic cleansing campaign by an imposed Ukrainian government in Kiev, which the residents in the separatist region never even had any participation in democratically electing — and, after the man, for whom those residents had actually voted 90%+ in Ukraine’s last genuinely democratic election, was thrown out of office in a violent February 2014 U.S. coup).

The Russian armed forces are not participants in Ukraine’s U.S.-caused civil war: that’s a fact. The allegation to the contrary is a U.S.-Ukrainian government lie — nothing else. (See note at the bottom if you don't believe this.)

The U.S. Government is simply trying to fool the public into believing that the Ukrainian government’s bombing that area of the former Ukraine doesn’t cause thousands of the residents there to take up arms against those invaders, and against that government — the government which calls all of these residents ‘terrorists.’

Despite the claims by the Ukrainian government and by the American government that placed them into power, the Ukrainian government only wishes that it were fighting against Russia, and so it is urging the U.S. government and America’s allies to supply more weapons to them so as to enable that to happen. On August 15th, a Ukrainian government site headlined, “Ukrainian army is not ready for war with Russia with the use of aircraft, helicopters and missiles - expert,” and quoted "Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament, Valentine Badrak. According to the expert, 'I am still of the opinion that the Kremlin made a bet on the maximum loss of Ukrainian personnel [in the event that Ukraine were to invade Russia — an invasion which some Ukrainian leaders strongly want], but in the final analysis the Kremlin boss can decide on war generation using modern aircraft, helicopters and missile technology.’”

Of course, ever since the war started, the bombs have been dropped by the Ukrainian government’s planes, onto the residents in this area, not by planes on the residents’ side, which has no air force of its own.

On 19 September 2014, I had headlined, "Russia’s Leader Putin Rejects Ukrainian Separatists’ Aim to Become Part of Russia,” and reported that, "The leader of the Ukrainian separatists says that their efforts to get Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to accept their territory as being a part of Russia have been firmly rejected by Putin’s government; and, so, 'We will build our own country.’” And, ever since then, Putin has been very clear in all of his communications with Merkel and other foreign leaders, that Russia would not accept that region as being a part of Russia. He also made clear his reason: He wants the people in that region — who had voted 90%+ for a neutralist person, Yanukovych, to lead Ukraine — to remain within Ukraine’s electorate, so as to provide the necessary moderating element and counterbalance to the rabidly anti-Russian racists that were placed into power in Ukraine (next door to Russia), by Obama’s February 2014 coup.

In other words: not only is the Ukrainian government not at war with the Russian government, but Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, is doing everything he can to prevent such a war from occurring.

In fact: Before the United States overthrew and replaced Ukraine’s government in February 2014, in a coup that started being organized in early 2013, Ukraine had no civil war; it was at peace, as it long had been.

Obama destroyed Libya, and also Ukraine, and is now destroying Syria, all in his obsession to conquer Russia, which had helped all three. And, now, Vladimir Putin is demonized by the Western ‘news’ media.

That’s how ‘news’ is being ‘reported,’ in the West. Except for sites like this, which don’t sugar-coat the reality to protect the guilty (and to shift blame to the actual victim).

In fact: the entire case for sanctions against Russia is pure lies.

Please click onto the link here at any point where you want to see the evidence. (For example, here you can listen-in while Obama’s people are actually planning whom to place in charge of Ukraine after their coup will be over. Obama has some nerve, pontificating against Putin, even after such vileness became public.)

NOTE: So many comments have come in from readers at various websites who have been duped by Western propaganda to reject the reality that Ukraine's armed forces were being defeated by the residents of Donbass (the former Ukrainian region where voters had voted more than 90% for Yanukovych), rather than by the Russian army. Therefore, I now recognize that a need exists for more than a link to the Ukrainian general saying this. His statement should be understood within its context. Here is that context: He went on television to explain to Ukrainians that the defeat of Ukraine's armed forces was due to the residents of Donbass. He needed a bit of reality to sink into the duped Ukrainian public. He went as far as he could to avoid contradicting official propaganda, which blamed all of Ukraine's problems upon Russia. But he needed the public also to understand that this really was a defeat of his forces by the residents of Donbass, instead of by Russia. A certain amount of truthfulness is occasionally needed even in a dictatorship (in this case, originating from Washington). He thus needed his people to understand that their armed forces actually were defeated by the Donbass residents. Here are some of the news reports at the time, which make clear the extent of that defeat:




If he had been saying this at a time when Ukraine's forces were winning, then he might have been giving a speech about the 'need' to go further, beyond Donbass, and to invade Russia itself (which so many in the coup-government's leadership have said they want to do). But he was instead saying this at a time when he needed a certain minimal amount of realism to sink in amongst his public. This was perhaps more patriotic on his part than the U.S. stooge-regime he represented wanted, but he evidently felt the need for a bit of honesty here. He just had to let some of the truth out, regardless what the regime's masters in Washington might have wanted. After all: he knew that, ultimately, if he was to win at all, he would need his own troops, and their families, to understand the reality, at least a little bit, in order to be able to achieve such a victory. He knew that support from Washington would never be able to be enough to do the job, on its own ??
Donald Trump Makes Ukraine’s Enemies List
August 21st, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


There’s nothing redeeming about a demagogic billionaire con man, self-styled celebrity, ideologically over-the-top like all other Republican and Democrat presidential aspirants - other than his in-your-face bravado shaking up an otherwise dull race for the White House.

No matter who wins in November 2016, business as usual will again triumph. Candidates differ in style alone. On all issues mattering most, they in lockstep - cardboard cutouts of each other.

So why did Trump make Kiev’s enemies list? More on this below. The regime is run by a US-installed gang of criminal misfits - guilty of virtually every crime imaginable, including major civil and human rights abuses, grand theft, bankrupting Ukraine’s economy, and waging war on its own people.

Regime authorities created a list of state enemies. Included are a French and US actor, Chinese leader Xi Jinping, former French presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Valery Giscard d’Estaing, France’s Marine Le Pen, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Czech President Milos Zeman, and Donald Trump among others.

They’re called threats to Ukraine’s national security. Based on a so-called 10-point “threat level,” they’re categorized either as “Enemies,” “Traitors,” Separatists,” or “Agents of the Kremlin Worldwide.”

Anyone of note supporting or sympathetic to Russia for any reason is automatically included in the latter category.

Numerous Russian notables were named - including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, and Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill.

He was accused of “working to split Ukrainian society through manipulations based on the religious feelings of the Orthodox believers in Ukraine” - as well as using church resources to “assist terrorists in Donbass.”

Notably Vladimir Putin wasn’t named. Why wasn’t explained.

International news agency Rossiya Segodnya head Dmitry Kiselyov was listed - called a “militant propagandist…provocateur (and) key actor in the information war against Ukraine.”

So was the news agency’s editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan. Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya was included for “conniv(ing) in the annexation of Crimea (and being) one of the first (Crimeans) to swear allegiance to the Kremlin.”

Various Donbass political and military officials were listed. They’re already labeled “terrorists” - for rejecting fascist rule, demanding democratic rights everyone deserves, verboten in Ukraine.

Trump made the list for “believing that as US president, he would become friends with Vladimir Putin, for sympathizing with him” - as well as “criticizing US policy (on) Ukraine.”

Named enemies “await a tribunal.” It’s hard believing even a regime as outlandish as Kiev’s would resort to a ludicrous stunt like this. At the same time, named “enemies” can’t ignore their designation.

Independent journalists, activists a former MP, and regime opponents included in an “enemies of the state” database were murdered in Ukraine. At least one current MP/interior ministry advisor, Anton Gerashchenko, urges readers of his Facebook posts to provide names of state enemies not yet listed - citing Article 17 of Ukraine’s constitution, stating in his words and interpretation:

“The defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, ensuring its economic and information security is one of the external functions of the state, and is the business of all the people of Ukraine…Everyone who reports a name to the website, or another (resource) is doing the right thing.”

Since lawlessly installed by Washington in February 2014, the regime is responsible for numerous murders of opposition figures, many others disappeared or imprisoned. Fascist police states operate this way.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Blasts Washington
August 20th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Washington is ruled by power-crazed neocons seeking unchallenged dominion over planet earth, its resources, populations, outer space, and ocean depths with all potential rivals eliminated.

Strategy entails aggressive war without mercy when other methods fail. Russia and China most of all are targeted for regime change - America’s two main rivals.

Both want a world at peace, not devastated by the ravages of war. They know dark US intentions. They’re proudly independent - not about to roll over for Washington, nor should they. Last December, Putin said adversaries “will always try to chain the bear. And once it’s chained, they’ll try to rip out its teeth and claws.” Russia wants cooperative relations with all nations. It’s not about to become a US satellite.

Sergey Lavrov commented earlier on 2014 events - saying relations with Western countries "reached the point (where) goodwill gestures (don't) produce required results."

Washington is a world-class bully, a global menace. It’s mindless of other nations’ sovereign rights. “We have repeatedly stressed that attempts to speak to Russia using the language of ultimatums is totally unacceptable and will yield no results," Lavrov stressed.

Washington turns a blind eye and deaf ear to anything opposing its quest for world dominance. It spurns mutual cooperation - choosing confrontation instead.

No one ever defeated Russia - not Napoleon, Hitler or other would-be conquerors. America won’t fare better if it tries.

Increasing US-dominated NATO’s Eastern European expansion, its provocative military exercises near Russia’s borders, and so-called missile defense intended entirely for offense are hugely destabilizing strategies risking direct confrontation - a possible prelude to nuclear war.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said Washington “make(s) up (feeble) excuses” to install missiles in Eastern Europe aimed at “Russian territory.”

“The US administration is making up artificial excuses to justify their decision - made under the influence of other motives - to continue the creation of a missile defense system in Europe and increase the pace of work.”

“We don’t see any reasons (to pursue it), especially (at) such a rapid pace and with clear ‘projection’ on Russian territory” - reckless aggressive action.

Moscow diplomats keep stressing this to their US counterparts in vain. Russia can’t imagine using intermediate ballistic missiles against European territory - short of the madness of nuclear war.

Ryabkov sees no reason to negotiate with America on nuclear disarmament when it’s hellbent to upgrade its arsenal, deploy weapons no one should tolerate near Russia’s borders, and potentially use them preemptively.

“(W)e won’t wait for the outcome of US presidential elections (next year), but for the moment of understanding and appreciation of the US that the issues of nuclear disarmament, the reduction in this sphere, can’t and shouldn’t be considered in isolation from the whole range of other factors that affect strategic stability” - Washington seems determined to undermine, Ryabkov said.

Putin, Lavrov, Ryabkov and other Russian officials call Washington’s increasingly provocative actions hugely destabilizing. They threaten world peace.

They risk the unthinkable - possible nuclear war able to end life on earth. Only lunatics would dare act this recklessly. They infest Washington.
Think Tank Warns of NATO-Russia Clash
August 18th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


The London-based European Leadership Network (ELN) focuses on defense and security issues. Its new report is titled “Preparing for the Worst: Are Russian and NATO Military Exercises Making War in Europe more Likely?”

It warned about war games making a clash between the world’s dominant nuclear powers more likely. “Each exercise is seen as provocative by the other side and feeding a dynamic of distrust and unpredictability,” said ELN’s Ian Kearns. “Everyone is focusing on the deterrent value of big exercises, but there is a downside and that is the risk factor. Politicians have to show political judgment and restraint about when is the right time to scale down what could be a spiraling sequence of exercises.” More on ELN’s report below.

Washington keeps upping the stakes for direct confrontation. Provocative military exercises near Russia’s borders risk the unthinkable. So does America’s empire of bases in areas where it doesn’t belong - notably encircling Russia and China.

US-dominated NATO threatens world peace. Lunatics in Washington intent on regime change up the stakes for possible nuclear war perhaps like never before.

Orwellian Alliance statements like the following on August 12 conceal what going on, saying:

“NATO military exercises are intended to enhance security and stability in Europe. All NATO military activities are proportionate, defensive, and fully in line with our international commitments.”

False! NATO war games near Russia’s borders are provocative - preparing for offense. Moscow holds its exercises defensively on its own territory - threatening no one.

NATO: The Alliance “has made repeatedly clear that we not seek confrontation with Russia. For over two decades, we have tried to build a cooperative relationship with Russia. But Russia has changed borders by force, continues to support separatists in Ukraine and threatens to base nuclear missiles close to Alliance borders.”

False! Washington makes NATO policy. It imposed multiple rounds of lawless sanctions on Russia. It pressured European nations to impose their own - harming their economies.

Hostile actions by US officials show America seeks confrontation, not cooperation. Russia changed no borders by force. It’s gone all-out to resolve conflict in Ukraine. It intends whatever defensive actions are necessary to counter US aggressiveness.

NATO lied saying it “increased its presence in (Eastern Europe) to enhance collective defense.” US-dominated NATO from inception has been an alliance for offense, not defense.

Its aggressiveness represents the greatest threat to world peace. Russia goes all-out to preserve it. Moscow doesn’t threaten or attack other countries.

America wages endless wars of aggression against invented enemies threatening no one. It prioritizes violence and instability. It spends more on militarism and war-making than the rest of the world combined.

ELN’s report absurdly accuses Russia of instigating “dangerous brinkmanship which has resulted in many serious close military encounters between (its forces) and NATO…over the last 15 months.”

Fact: Provocative NATO exercises near Russia’s borders elevate brinksmanship to a dangerously high level. Washington bears full responsibility for heading things toward possible direct confrontation. Russia responsibly readies defensive measures to implement if necessary.

On the one hand, its top priority is maintaining world peace, avoiding war. On the other, it’ll do whatever is necessary to defend its homeland.

ELN is right saying “Nato is preparing for a possible confrontation with Russia.” It’s wrong implying Moscow wants conflict with Alliance countries.

It wants world peace and stability, cooperation among all nations, and none interfering in the internal affairs of others - a US specialty in blatant violation of international law.

Accusations of Russia saber-rattling are polar opposite hard facts. Claims about its military threat are pure fantasy.

America, in contrast, is a global aggressor, a bully of historic proportions - permanently at war in multiple theaters, planning others to advance its imperium, risking global war, possible nuclear confrontation able to end life on earth.
Baseless Russia Downed MH17 Allegations Resurface
August 18th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Previous articles explained no credible evidence suggests Russia or Donbass freedom fighters had anything to do with downing MH17.

What benefit could they possibly have gotten from downing a commercial aircraft unrelated to conflict on the ground - especially knowing the uproar it would cause?

Washington and Kiev gained plenty from blaming their crime on convenient adversaries - 298 lost passenger and crew member lives bought lots of useful propaganda. On Tuesday, media scoundrels featured the following headlines: New York Times: “Malaysian Airlines Crash Investigators to Examine Possible Missile Parts in Eastern Ukraine” - alleging surface-to-air Russian ones, highlighting Ukraine, Washington and other Western countries saying the aircraft “was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile fired from territory in eastern Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian separatists.”

Washington Post publishing an AP article titled: “Prosecutors: Possible Buk missile parts found at MH17 site” - again alleging surface-to-air Russian made.

Wall Street Journal: “MH17 Investigators Examine Possible Missile Parts” - pointing fingers at Russia. Saying the “widely held view (is) that the plane was brought down by an advanced antiaircraft weapon.”

Chicago Tribune: “Prosecutors: Possible missile parts found at Malaysia plane crash site” - suggesting they’re from a Russia made BUK missile.

Washington Times: “Possible Russian missile parts found at MH17 crash site: investigators.”

CNN: “MH17 investigators: Possible missile parts found…from a Russian-made Buk surface-to-air-missile system - the type of system that the case’s lead prosecutor already said is suspected to have downed the plane.”

The BBC was worst of all headlining: “MH17: ‘Russian missile parts’ at Ukraine crash site.” The UK government owned and operated propaganda service pronounced Russia guilty despite no evidence whatever suggesting it - ignoring eyewitnesses they interviewed last year saying Ukrainian warplanes were seen overflying Donbass near MH17 when it was downed. The BBC then buried the story.

Most reports indicated no proved link between the parts found and MH17’s downing, nor responsibility for the crime. At the same time, they hyped a possible surface-to-air likely Russian made BUK missile despite no evidence of this type weapon used.

High-resolution photos showed cockpit damage from likely 30 millimeter air-to-air cannon fire downed the plane. Only Ukrainian warplanes and helicopters patrolled the skies over Donbass - no others. Kiev complicit with Washington downed MH17. It’s hard drawing any other conclusion.

Don’t expect it from the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) investigating cause, not responsibility for the incident or the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) comprised of Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine outrageously, charged with bringing “perpetrators of the attack on MH17 to justice.”

No independently verified evidence suggests a surface-to-air missile downed MH17. None exists. Yet the US-manipulated Joint Investigation Team in cooperation with the Dutch Safety Board issued a statement saying in part:

Investigation continues into “parts (found), possibly from a Buk surface-air-missile system. (They’re) of particular interest to the criminal investigation as they can possibly provide more information about who was involved in the crash of MH17” - strongly suggesting Russia and/or Donbass freedom fighters in less than so many words.

None of the above major media reports (and many others) or either investigation team suggested the possibility of Ukraine’s culpability - despite BBC reported eyewitness testimony explained above and other evidence indicating its warplane downed MH17, not Russian or Donbass surface-to-air missiles.
Российские войска воюют в Сирии на стороне армии президента Асада. ВИДЕОфакт
Участие солдат и военной техники армии РФ в военном конфликте в Сирии подтверждается новым видео, обнародованным сирийским телевидением. На нем российские войска помогают бомбившей на днях Дамаск армии президента Башара Асада.
Об этом пишут британские издания The Telegraph и Express , передает Цензор.НЕТ.

На видео, снятом в местности Латакия в Сирии, где сейчас происходят боевые действия между правительственной армией страны и боевиками, видно российский БТР-82А - одну из новейших моделей, запущенных в прошлом году.

Между 2:00 и 2:15 на видео можно якобы услышать русскую речь - возможно, боевики кричат: "Пускай! Ещё раз! Еще давай!"

Кроме видео есть и другие свидетельства присутствия российских солдат в Сирии. К примеру, сирийская организация "Аль-Каиды", "Джабхат аль-Нусра", выставила в своем Твиттере фотографии БПЛА и самолетов, очень похожих на российские, летающих над Сирией.





Более того, в конце августа на новостном сайте Bosphorus Naval News были опубликованы снимки российского корабля "Николай Фильченков", проходящего через Стамбул в неизвестном направлении. На фото видно, что корабль перевозит КамАЗы и другую замаскированную технику, в которой угадывается по крайней мере четыре БТРа.





Британские издания также цитируют одного из повстанцев Свободной армии Сирии, который подтверждает присутствие российских солдат в конфликте: "Русские здесь уже давно. В последние недели в Сленфе (город в Латакии. - ред.) прибыло еще больше российских чиновников. Мы не знаем, сколько, но уверяем - российское подкрепление есть".

Сирийский президент Асад в свою очередь на прошлой неделе заявил, что верит в поддержку русских, поскольку "они в этом кризисе за четыре года доказали свою искренность и прозрачность наших отношений".

Белый Дом прокомментировал ситуацию сообщением, что они пристально мониторят отчеты.

А вот российский представитель в ООН Виталий Чуркин дал уклончивый комментарий: "Самое главное - это понимать, что мы знаем, что произойдет, и что механизм будет работать как можно более эффективно", - передает The Telegraph.

To use the translation
Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass
August 17th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


US and British special forces are actively preparing Kiev’s military for escalated combat. UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said Britain will double the number of Ukrainian troops it’s training by yearend. He called conflict in Donbass “red hot” - heading toward getting hotter.

Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) Contact Group envoy Vladislav Deinego said Kiev violated every Minsk ceasefire term since agreeing to observe them in February. Conflict never stopped. Dozens of shellings occur daily - including against residential and public areas. Obama wants war, not peace - using Kiev proxies to do his dirty work.

Deinego denounced junta authorities “reluctance to bring closer the peaceful settlement of the” conflict. It authorized $250 million in extra spending for greater military buildup in Donbass despite its economy teetering toward collapse - funds desperately needed for constructive purposes earmarked for escalated war.

[email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III
Call To Stop the Immediate Danger of World War III
August 15th, 2015


Aug. 7, 2015 EIRNS)-The following statement was issued by Schiller Institute on August 5, for mass circulation and signatures internationally.

It is high time to break the most dangerous taboo of the present: to know and act on the acute possibility, that mankind may be annihilated within days or weeks.

On the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world stands closer to the brink of thermonuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The Obama Administration and NATO have placed mankind in jeopardy of sudden extinction through a series of senseless provocations directed against Russia, primarily, and China second.

When the Iron Curtain came down, an understanding was reached that, in return for Soviet acceptance of German re-unification within NATO, there would be no further eastward expansion of NATO.

Those who looked forward to a post-Cold War Europe of stability and cooperation, hoped that nations with potentially powerful industrial economies, such as Poland and then-Czechoslovakia, as well as-after the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union- Ukraine, would serve as a bridge between the European Union and an emerging Eurasian economic bloc.

All of those fundamental war-prevention agreements have now been violated. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, publicly boasted in December 2013 that the US had spent $5 billion on "color revolutions" to draw Ukraine into the European Union, and, eventually, into NATO.

The United States unilaterally withdrew from the ABM Treaty in order to deploy a missile defense system in Eastern and Southern Europe, ostensibly aimed at Iran, but actually targeted at Russia. Last week, the Obama Administration confirmed this reality by announcing the deployment would go forward, despite the P5+1 deal with Iran.

Russian officials have charged, all along, that the US unilateral BMD in Europe was part of a plan for a pre-emptive thermonuclear strike capability against Russia.

Deployment of that ABM system is well underway in Romania and Poland, and the first three ship-based AEGIS missile defense systems are already in place and have conducted maneuvers in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, both bordering Russian territory.

Now reports have surfaced that the upcoming Trident Juncture 15 NATO exercises will include rehearsals of use of nuclear weapons against Russia. Washington is moving ahead with production and deployment of a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons, the B-61-12, which can reach targets inside Russian territory from F-35 stealth fighter jets. An estimated 500 of the B-61-12 nuclear weapons are to be produced, with current plans calling for about 200 of them to be deployed on continental Europe.

These unmistakable provocations have not gone unnoticed in the East and West. Since the onset of the Ukraine coup in November 2013, Russia has gone through major upgrading of its entire thermonuclear strategic force. Russian defense officials have publicly warned that they have developed and deployed an undefeatable nuclear second strike. To demonstrate this, Russian strategic bombers and submarines have engaged in exercises in international waters near NATO territories.

During the duration of the month of August, there is a grave danger of provocations against Russia by President Obama, who could use the occasion of the Congressional recess to launch a war. A wide range of influential figures has already voiced these concerns, including retired Russian and American flag officers. The decision of Obama, to change the rules of engagement of the U.S. Air Force in Syria without Congressional approval three days after Congress went into recess, bringing about the immediate danger of an escalation into a war against Syria, which the Congress voted against two years ago, underlines the acuteness of the danger.

In 1914 the world was sleepwalking into the catastrophe. Today, with arsenals of thermonuclear weapons sufficient to extinguish civilization dozens of times over, the world is sleepwalking again to the abyss.

We, the undersigned, demand the immediate stop of the confrontation against Russia and China and a return to political solutions of all conflicts.
The U.S. Is Destroying Europe
August 15th, 2015
Eric Zuesse, originally posted at


In Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and other countries at the periphery or edges of Europe, U.S. President Barack Obama has been pursuing a policy of destabilization, and even of bombings and other military assistance, that drives millions of refugees out of those peripheral areas and into Europe, thereby adding fuel to the far-rightwing fires of anti-immigrant rejectionism, and of resultant political destabilization, throughout Europe, not only on its peripheries, but even as far away as in northern Europe.

Shamus Cooke at Off-Guardian headlines on 3 August 2015,“Obama’s ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria Intended to Turn It into New Libya,” and he reports that Obama has approved U.S. air support for Turkey’s previously unenfoceable no-fly zone over Syria. The U.S. will now shoot down all of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s planes that are targeting the extremist-Muslim groups, including ISIS, that have taken over huge swaths of Syrian territory.

reported on July 27th, that, "the plan calls for relatively moderate Syrian insurgents to take the territory, with the help of American and possibly Turkish air support.” However, the Times, stenographically reporting (as usual) from and for their U.S. Government sources (and so propagandizing for the U.S. Government), fails to define “relatively moderate,” but all of the “relatively moderate insurgent” groups in Syria cooperate with ISIS and help them to find and decapitate, or sometimes hold for ransoms, any non-Muslims there. Under Assad, Syria has been a non-clerical state, and has enjoyed freedom of religion, but all of the Syrian opposition to Assad’s rule is alien to that. The U.S. is now, even more clearly than before, anti-Assad, pro-Islamist.

Seymour Hersh reported in the London Review of Books on 17 April 2014, that the Obama Administration’s Libyan bombing campaign in 2011 was part of a broader program to bring sarin gas from Libya to the al-Nusra Front in Syria, in order to help produce a gas-attack upon civilians, which the U.S. Administration could then blame upon Assad, as being an excuse to bomb there just as Obama had already so successfully done in Libya. Both dictators, Gaddafi and Assad, were allied with Russia, and Assad especially has been important to Russia, as a transit-route for Russia’s gas supplies, and not for Qatar’s gas supplies — Qatar being the major potential threat to Russia’s status as the top supplier of gas into Europe.

Obama’s top goal in international relations, and throughout his military policies, has been to defeat Russia, to force a regime-change there that will make Russia part of the American empire, no longer the major nation that resists control from Washington.

Prior to the U.S. bombings of Libya in 2011, Libya was at peace and thriving. Per-capita GDP (income) in 2010 according to the IMF was $12,357.80, but it plunged to only $5,839.70 in 2011 — the year we bombed and destroyed the country. (Hillary Clinton famously bragged, “We came, we saw, he [Gaddafi] died!”) (And, unlike in U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, that per-capita GDP was remarkably evenly distributed, and both education and health care were socialized and available to everyone, even to the poor.) More recently, on 15 February 2015, reporter Leila Fadel of NPR bannered “With Oil Fields Under Attack, Libya’s Economic Future Looks Bleak.” She announced: “The man in charge looks at production and knows the future is bleak. 'We cannot produce. We are losing 80 percent of our production,' says Mustapha Sanallah, the chairman of Libya's National Oil Corporation.” Under instructions from Washington, the IMF hasn’t been reliably reporting Libya’s GDP figures after 2011, but instead shows that things there were immediately restored to normal (even to better than normal: $13,580.55 per-capita GDP) in 2012, but everybody knows that it’s false; even NPR is, in effect, reporting that it’s not true. The CIA estimates that Libya’s per-capita GDP was a ridiculous $23,900 in 2012 (they give no figures for the years before that), and says Libya’s per-capita GDP has declined only slightly thereafter. None of the official estimates are at all trustworthy, though the Atlantic Council at least made an effort to explain things honestly, headlining in their latest systematic report about Libya’s economy, on 23 January 2014, “Libya: Facing Economic Collapse in 2014.”

Libya has become Europe’s big problem. Millions of Libyans are fleeing the chaos there. Some of them are fleeing across the Mediterranean and ending up in refugee camps in southern Italy; and some are escaping to elsewhere in Europe.

And Syria is now yet another nation that’s being destroyed in order to conquer Russia. Even the reliably propagandistic New York Times is acknowledging, in its ‘news’ reporting, that, "both the Turks and the Syrian insurgents see defeating President Bashar al-Assad of Syria as their first priority.” So: U.S. bombers will be enforcing a no-fly-zone over parts of Syria in order to bring down Russia’s ally Bashar al-Assad and replace his secular government by an Islamic government — and the 'anti-ISIS' thing is just for show; it’s PR, propaganda. The public cares far more about defeating ISIS than about defeating Russia; but that’s not the way America’s aristocracy views things. Their objective is extending America’s empire — extending their own empire.

Similarly, Obama overthrew the neutralist government of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine in February 2014, but that was under the fake cover of ‘democracy’ demonstrations, instead of under the fake cover of ‘opposing Islamic terrorism’ or whatever other phrases that the U.S. Government uses to fool suckers about America’s installation of, and support to, a rabidly anti-Russia, racist-fascist, or nazi, government next door to Russia, in Ukraine. Just as Libya had been at peace before the U.S. invaded and destroyed it, and just as Syria had been at peace before the U.S and Turkey invaded and destroyed it, Ukraine too was at peace before the U.S. perpetrated its coup there and installed nazis and an ethnic cleansing campaign there, and destroyed Ukraine too.

Like with Libya before the overthrow of Gaddafi there, or Syria before the current effort to overthrow Assad there, or the more recent successful overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych, it’s all aimed to defeat Russia.

The fact that all of Europe is sharing in the devastation that Obama and other American conservatives — imperialists, even — impose, is of little if any concern to the powers-that-be in Washington DC, but, if it matters at all to them, then perhaps it’s another appealing aspect of this broader operation: By weakening European nations, and not only nations in the Middle East, Obama’s war against Russia is yet further establishing America to be “the last man standing,” at the end of the chaos and destruction that America causes.

Consequently, for example, in terms of U.S. international strategy, the fact that the economic sanctions against Russia are enormously harming the economies of European nations is good, not bad.

There are two ways to win, at any game: One is by improving one’s own performance. The other is by weakening the performances by all of one’s competitors. The United States is now relying almost entirely upon the latter type of strategy.
Maidan 2.0 in Kiev?
August 14th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Ordinary Ukrainians have every reason to oppose fascist governance far worse than what they rejected earlier - a Nazi-infested monster responsible for mass unemployment, growing poverty, hyperinflation, social injustice, horrific deprivation, police state repression, and endless war on its own Donbass citizens wanting fundamental democratic rights.

Anti-Russian, Jew-hating, overt Nazi, Interpol wanted criminal (for "public incitement to terrorist and extremist activities") Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh called on Ukraine's National Guard, army and security forces to disobey Kiev orders as internecine warfare threatens to erupt into Maidan 2.0. Calling regime officials "traitors," he said "(l)et's stop betrayers who hold high office and want to destabilize the situation in the enemy's rear and…dismiss volunteer movements."

They're "bandits" only wanting self-enrichment. "While we are shedding our blood defending our Motherland, they are making fortunes and doing everything they can so that the war will continue as long as possible."

Poroshenko ordered security forces to disarm unauthorized armed groups. Right Sector spokesman Artem Skoropadsky responded saying:

"The statement by Petro Poroshenko is addressed to illegal armed groups. We are not an illegal armed group."

"Illegal armed groups are bandits, and we are volunteer Ukrainian corps, which protects the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Therefore, this statement does not apply to us."

The group demands Interior Minister Arsen Avakov resign, among other ultimatums made. They called for Maidan mass anti-regime protests.

They denounced "crooks and oligarchs" in power. On July 21, thousands from their ranks and supporters rallied in central Ukraine calling on regime officials to resign. "Death to enemies," they chanted.

Yarosh announced a "new stage of the Ukrainian revolution. (W)e are a disciplined revolutionary force." He announced plans for a no-confidence referendum.

Right Sector field offices and "revolutionary committees" nationwide will begin working on setting things in motion for regime change.

Yarosh favors rule by martial law. Maybe he has something like Hitler's Enabling Law in mind - empowering him as a dictator, letting him enact laws without Reichstag involvement.

"People must voice their attitude to what's happening in the country," said Yarosh. "(T)he government should know that if the people are not pleased with it, then it must go."

If Kiev rejects a referendum, Right Sector officials will conduct one on their own. RT International correspondent Murad Gazdiev reported from Ukraine saying ordinary people joined Yarosh's rally - angry about dismal conditions.

Last Sunday, Kiev protesters rallied against high prices, low wages, none at all for unemployed workers, lost benefits and regime officials caring only about power and self-enrichment. Banners read "Where are the reforms?" "We are dying of hunger."

Right Sector members, supporters and other angry Ukrainians held protests in other cities. Polls show majority anti-regime sentiment.

Russian lower house State Duma foreign affairs committee chairman Alexei Pushkov said protesters "are plotting a new 'revolution' in Kiev, and Dmytro Yarosh is ready to give his fellow Ukrainians a set of new guidelines for revolutionary changes in the country."

Days earlier, Right Sector spokesman Artem Skoropadsky said Poroshenko won't be able to flee Ukraine like Yanukovych if ousted from office.

He "can't expect anything, but an execution in some dark basement carried out by a group of young Ukrainian soldiers or members of the National Guard."

Thousands of well-armed Right Sector members are a force to be reckoned with. It's an ultranationalist, Nazi-infested criminal gang formed during fall 2013 Maidan protests in Kiev.

It's banned in Russia for good reason. Yarosh is a wanted man. Whether he and supporters can topple Ukraine's government for the second time in less than 18 months remains to be seen.

Poroshenko is at war on two fronts. He lost earlier in Donbass - likely again against a much more formidable force than earlier if he resumes full-scale fighting.

Challenge by angry, well-armed Right Sectors battalions may be his undoing. Obama's February 2014 coup opened a hornet's nest of trouble.

He's got a tiger by the tail. His new Nazi-infested client state looks like more than he bargained for. Maybe blood in the streets of Kiev again may follow
More Accusations of Nonexistent Russian Aggression in Ukraine
August 13th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Big Lies repeated ad nauseam get most people to believe them. The long ago discredited canard about Russian aggression in Ukraine continues being repeated - on Saturday by neoconWashington Post editors.

They lied claiming “(n)early six months after Russia agreed to an immediate cease-fire in eastern Ukraine, its forces continue to shell and rocket Ukrainian positions on a daily basis.”

“Far from pulling back heavy weapons or withdrawing its troops as required by the agreement, it has built military bases and deployed 9,000 troops inside Ukraine and stationed another 50,000 just outside the border…”The sources: US-dominated NATO, Britain’s hawkish Royal United Services Institute (RUSI - a defense and security think tank), and Kiev junta authorities - knowingly and willfully proliferating Big Lies.

Jackson Diehl claimed “a large new Russian military base” operates in Donbass - based on so-called Kiev junta drone footage, the same kind NATO and Ukraine manufactured earlier, later proved bogus.

Expect unrelenting Russia bashing to continue. Expect no letup in accusing Putin and Donbass freedom fighters of Kiev junta crimes.
Kiev Calls 567 Artists Threats to National Security
August 12th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Rogue states maintain power by intimidation, repression and controlling the message - suppressing anything challenging their authority.

Ukraine is an illegitimate US-installed fascist police state - a rogue regime opposed to fundamental freedoms. It’s waging war on its own people.

Its human rights record is horrendous. Even the State Department admits it harasses and discriminates against ethnic minorities, makes arbitrary arrests for political reasons, abuses individuals in custody including torture, engages in human trafficking, operates a corrupt judicial system, denies due process, commits violence against women, abuses children, uses forced labor, and severely limits the right of workers to strike.

Left unexplained is its war on dissent. Press and speech freedoms aren’t tolerated.

In July, Ukraine’s culture ministry labeled 567 actors, musicians and other artists “persona non grata,” banned from performing publicly for allegedly threatening national security.

Included is famous French actor Gerard Depardieu, singer and composer Goran Bregovic and US actor Steven Seagal.

Culture minister Vyacheslav Kirilenko said individuals listed are being investigated by Ukraine’s security service and defense council to determine what threats they may pose to the nation’s “territorial integrity.”

Included are “117 Russian entertainers who are threatening Ukraine’s national security,” he said. After Bregovic visited Sevastopol in March, his scheduled Ukraine concerts were cancelled.

Kiev authorities claimed he entered Crimea illegally - through checkpoints the regime doesn’t control. Last year, Seagal visited Crimea.

He called US policy on Ukraine “idiotic.” He respects Vladimir Putin “as a brother.” He supports his Crimean policy.

In mid-July, Ukraine’s interior and culture ministries as well as its security service banned award-winning Serbian film director/musician Emir Kusturica from performing in the country.

A culture ministry statement said it’s “(t)o avert the risks of mass violations of public order, protest actions and disruption of events to commemorate the 1,000 anniversary of the death of Great Prince Vladimir of Kiev on July 28.”

“It would be expedient for Emir Kusturica to refrain from giving a concert in Kiev on that day.” He’s persona non grata for supporting Russia’s Ukraine policy.

On August 9, Kiev officially blacklisted French actor Gerard Depardieu and 12 Russian artists - calling them “threat(s) to national security” for supporting Putin agreeing to let Crimea rejoin Russia.

Seventy-seven-year-old/Southeastern Ukraine born Russian parliamentarian/singer (called the Soviet Frank Sinatra) Iosif Kobzon was blacklisted for supporting Donbass freedom fighters. So was Soviet era movie star Mikhail Boyarsky for signing an open letter supporting Crimea rejoining Russia.

Separately, former German official/current European integration work stream’s Agency for the Modernization of Ukraine head Gunter Verheugen wrote a Suddeutsche Zeitung published op-ed, saying:

“Ukraine is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. The economy is in a tailspin, and unemployment is going through the roof. Chances of a rebound are next to nil because who is going to invest anything in a situation like this?”

“Public disenchantment and anger over the political situation that has not changed since the Maidan revolution are growing. The popularity of the government and the president are down, and the ultranationalists are sowing hatred and provoking unrest.”

He warned of greater crisis this winter - including power outages, lack of heat and other humanitarian issues heading toward social and political unrest.

He blamed wrongheaded Western policies, adding: “The European Union should wake up to the prospect of a humanitarian catastrophe flaring up in Ukraine and start talking about the upcoming winter, also with Russia.”

At the same time, lunatics in Washington want Ukraine more heavily armed than already. Former Bush national security advisor/current Orwellian named/neocon infested US Institute of Peace head Stephen Hadley urges “rais(ing) the cost for what Russia is doing in Ukraine.”

He’s one of many likeminded US ideologues wanting regime change in Russia - by war if other methods fail. They urge toppling all independent governments Washington doesn’t control - a WW III scenario without stating it.
EU Leaders’ Big Lies to the Public
August 11th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


EurActive reported on Friday, August 7th, that, "Jean-Claude Juncker has responded to the public outcry over the immigration crisis by urging European leaders to show solidarity and resist the message of populist parties.” However, Juncker isn’t blaming the Obama Administration in Washington, which caused this crisis, and to which Europe’s aristocrats adhere.

In Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and other countries at the periphery or edges of Europe, U.S. President Barack Obama has been pursuing a policy of destabilization, and even of bombings and other military assistance, that drives millions of refugees out of those peripheral areas and into Europe, thereby adding fuel to the far-rightwing fires of anti-immigrant rejectionism, and of resultant political destabilization, throughout Europe, not only on its peripheries, but even as far away as in northern Europe.

“Obama’s ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria Intended to Turn It into New Libya,” and he reports that Obama has approved U.S. air support for Turkey’s previously unenfoceable no-fly zone over Syria. The U.S. will now shoot down all of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s planes that are targeting the extremist-Muslim groups, including ISIS, that have taken over huge swaths of Syrian territory.

Cooke reports:

“Turkey has been demanding this no-fly zone from Obama since the Syrian war started. It’s been discussed throughout the conflict and even in recent months, though the intended goal was always the Syrian government. And suddenly the no-fly zone is happening — right where Turkey always wanted it — but it’s being labeled an 'anti-ISIS' safe zone, instead of its proper name: 'Anti Kurdish and anti-Syrian government' safe zone.”

The New York Times eported on July 27th,r that, "the plan calls for relatively moderate Syrian insurgents to take the territory, with the help of American and possibly Turkish air support.” However, the Times, stenographically reporting (as usual) from and for their U.S. Government sources (and so propagandizing for the U.S. Government), fails to define “relatively moderate,” but all of the “relatively moderate insurgent” groups in Syria cooperate with ISIS and help them to find and decapitate, or sometimes hold for ransoms, any non-Muslims there. Under Assad, Syria has been a non-clerical state, and has enjoyed freedom of religion, but all of the Syrian opposition to Assad’s rule is alien to that. The U.S. is now, even more clearly than before, anti-Assad, pro-Islamist.

Seymour Hersh reported in the London Review of Books on 17 April 2014, that the Obama Administration’s Libyan bombing campaign in 2011 was part of a broader program to bring sarin gas from Libya to the al-Nusra Front in Syria, in order to help produce a gas-attack upon civilians, which the U.S. Administration could then blame upon Assad, as being an excuse to bomb there just as Obama had already so successfully done in Libya. Both dictators, Gaddafi and Assad, were allied with Russia, and Assad especially has been important to Russia, as a transit-route for Russia’s gas supplies, and not for Qatar’s gas supplies — Qatar being the major potential threat to Russia’s status as the top supplier of gas into Europe.

Obama’s top goal in international relations, and throughout his military policies, has been to defeat Russia, to force a regime-change there that will make Russia part of the American empire, no longer the major nation that resists control from Washington.

Prior to the U.S. bombings of Libya in 2011, Libya was at peace and thriving. Per-capita GDP (income) in 2010 according to the IMF was $12,357.80, but it plunged to only $5,839.70 in 2011 — the year we bombed and destroyed the country. (Hillary Clinton famously bragged, “We came, we saw, he [Gaddafi] died!”) (And, unlike in U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, that per-capita GDP was remarkably evenly distributed, and both education and health care were socialized and available to everyone, even to the poor.) More recently, on 15 February 2015, reporter Leila Fadel of NPR bannered “With Oil Fields Under Attack, Libya’s Economic Future Looks Bleak.” She announced: “The man in charge looks at production and knows the future is bleak. 'We cannot produce. We are losing 80 percent of our production,' says Mustapha Sanallah, the chairman of Libya's National Oil Corporation.” Under instructions from Washington, the IMF hasn’t been reliably reporting Libya’s GDP figures after 2011, but instead shows that things there were immediately restored to normal (even to better than normal: $13,580.55 per-capita GDP) in 2012, but everybody knows that it’s false; even NPR is, in effect, reporting that it’s not true. The CIA estimates that Libya’s per-capita GDP was a ridiculous $23,900 in 2012 (they give no figures for the years before that), and says Libya’s per-capita GDP has declined only slightly thereafter. None of the official estimates are at all trustworthy, though the Atlantic Council at least made an effort to explain things honestly, headlining in their latest systematic report about Libya’s economy, on 23 January 2014, “Libya: Facing Economic Collapse in 2014.”

Libya has become Europe’s big problem. Millions of Libyans are fleeing the chaos there. Some of them are fleeing across the Mediterranean and ending up in refugee camps in southern Italy; and some are escaping to elsewhere in Europe.

And Syria is now yet another nation that’s being destroyed in order to conquer Russia. Even the reliably propagandistic New York Times is acknowledging, in its ‘news’ reporting, that, "both the Turks and the Syrian insurgents see defeating President Bashar al-Assad of Syria as their first priority.” So: U.S. bombers will be enforcing a no-fly-zone over parts of Syria in order to bring down Russia’s ally Bashar al-Assad and replace his secular government by an Islamic government — and the 'anti-ISIS' thing is just for show; it’s PR, propaganda. The public cares far more about defeating ISIS than about defeating Russia; but that’s not the way America’s aristocracy views things. Their objective is extending America’s empire — extending their own empire.

Similarly, Obama overthrew the neutralist government of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine in February 2014, but that was under the fake cover of ‘democracy’ demonstrations, instead of under the fake cover of ‘opposing Islamic terrorism’ or whatever other phrases that the U.S. Government uses to fool suckers about America’s installation of, and support to, a rabidly anti-Russia, racist-fascist, or nazi, government next door to Russia, in Ukraine. Just as Libya had been at peace before the U.S. invaded and destroyed it, and just as Syria had been at peace before the U.S and Turkey invaded and destroyed it, Ukraine too was at peace before the U.S. perpetrated its coup there and installed nazis and an ethnic cleansing campaign there, and destroyed Ukraine too.

Like with Libya before the overthrow of Gaddafi there, or Syria before the current effort to overthrow Assad there, or the more recent successful overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych, it’s all aimed to defeat Russia.

The fact that all of Europe is sharing in the devastation that Obama and other American conservatives — imperialists, even — impose, is of little if any concern to the powers-that-be in Washington DC, but, if it matters at all to them, then perhaps it’s another appealing aspect of this broader operation: By weakening European nations, and not only nations in the Middle East, Obama’s war against Russia is yet further establishing America to be “the last man standing,” at the end of the chaos and destruction that America causes.

Consequently, for example, in terms of U.S. international strategy, the fact that the economic sanctions against Russia are enormously harming the economies of European nations is good, not bad.

There are two ways to win, at any game: One is by improving one’s own performance. The other is by weakening the performances by all of one’s competitors. The United States is now relying almost entirely upon the latter type of strategy.

The original version of this article was published on 7 August 2015 at, as “U.S. Is Destroying Europe."
GH Eliason: US Congress and President Obama Officially Recognize Donbas’ Freedom!
August 10th, 2015
It’s true! President Barack Obama beat Russia’s President Putin to the punch by recognizing the right of Donbas to ascend to the fraternity of nations first. He has reaffirmed this every year he has been in office.

by GH Eliason

The Captive Nations Week Resolution passed by both the Senate and House of Representatives in 1959 and reissued as a Presidential Proclamation every year for the last 56 years (also known as Public Law 86-90) affirms the RECOGNITION of the “Don” ( Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics are core countries of a Cossackia ) as well as a future Zaporozhyian Republic (currently Zaporozhye Oblast).

Cossackia is the American geopolitical term describing the regions where Cossacks lived in the former USSR and Russia. This proclamation is still CURRENT US law and tradition.

Lev Dobriansky under the tutelage of Yaroslav Stetsko (Bandera’s 2nd in command), Dobriansky as president of the UCCA (Ukrainian emigre lobby) included a future nation or nations GENERALLY known as Cossackia in the unanimously passed proclamation made into law.

Included in the text of the Proclamation- Public Law 86-90 is “Whereas the imperialistic policies of Communist Russia have led,, through direct and indirect aggression, to the subjugation of the national independence of Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine,… Cossackia …”

The United States of America was 1st to Recognize Independent Donbass Republics Independence.

Ukraine and Cossackia (Donbass and Zaporozhye) are listed in the proclamation as separate countries and separate peoples. Both have equal status under US law as having a right to exist. Both nations were preemptively recognized by the United States in 1959.

As late as July 17th 2015, President of the United States, Barrack H. Obama reaffirmed his commitment to this proclamation, subsequent law, and thereby Donbas by proclaiming …”we have striven to realize the promise of our Nation and cement our reputation as a beacon of opportunity throughout the world, we have also fought to expand democracy’s reach — because we believe that self-determination is not just a Western value but a universal value, and that all people in all nations have the right to choose their own destiny.

Decades later, upholding peace and security continues to be the responsibility of every nation. During Captive Nations Week, we stand in solidarity with those who still yearn for a stake in their future, and we renew our commitment to advancing freedom’s cause…

The Congress, by joint resolution approved July 17, 1959 (73 Stat. 212) , has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation designating the third week of July of each year as “Captive Nations Week.”

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 19 through July 25, 2015, as Captive Nations Week.

  • Why Would Stepan Bandera and the UCCA Recognize Donbass and the Cossack Peoples as Independent Nations?
  • Why did the nazi Banderites recognize an independent Donbass and Zaporozhye? Why did the UCCA which is now driving the war in Donbas DEMAND that Cossackia be included in the proclamation at all if it was part of Ukraine?
To quote the late great philosopher Vinnie the Lech “Hey! Are Dey Jus Faakeeng Stupeed?”

When the Bolshevik revolution occurred the Cossack nations became persona non grata in Soviet Russia. The Cossacks and especially the Don Cossacks were the Tzars personal army and bodyguard. They led the fight to defend the Czar of Russia.

Under the first nationalist government set up in what is now Ukraine, the nazi leader Simon Petlura signed an agreement with the Cossacks in Kuban to join his country. This is the basis for Ukrainian claims that Kuban belongs to them. The agreement was never ratified. After murdering over 50,000 people Petlura was forced into exile.

After this to punish the Cossacks, Lenin ordered Donbas under the administrative jurisdiction of Soviet Ukraine. These Cossacks are the only group listed on the Captive Nations Proclamation in Eastern Europe that did not fight for Adolf Hitler. They are the people of Donbass and Zaporozhye.

To Finish the Maidan Revolution Ukraine Will Dissolve

About 80 years ago Stepan Bandera promised every nazi exile group which supported him they would gain their own country at the defeat of the Soviet Union and now Russia. Starting with the Promethean groups which he absorbed , Bandera cobbled together what became a series of the most powerful lobbies in history. The first was the China Lobby. The practice is still used today by Banderites world wide.

The problem the Banderites didn’t count on was that these groups want the piper paid. They did their job and now the Eastern European groups want their own countries. The Transcarpathians have been demanding this since May 2014. Some want the area returned to Hungary, others want an independent Ruthenia. Even Galicia, the capital of Banderite nationalism wants autonomy from Kiev.

The ethnic Romanians are demanding autonomy from Kiev. A group of ethnic Romanians in western Ukraine have demanded autonomy from Kiev amid dissatisfaction with the nation’s internal security and economic situation, according to a report Thursday.”

Bessarabia and Odessa want autonomy to protect their citizens also. Bulgarians, which make up the second largest nationality in Bessarabia are concerned about discrimination and security. Over the last year most of Ukraine has been making the same overtures.

Propaganda from the Ukrainian Junta

The propaganda the Ukrainian government has been filling the airwaves with is failing. The Ukrainian info war with NATO’s help is failing on the home front no matter well it plays in the west. Nedilya UA recently did a poll asking Ukrainians which leader they would trust to lead the country. Even though the Ukrainians are constantly barraged with a “Russian invasion,” President Vladimir Putin led the poll with 84% of the vote. The highest ranked Ukrainian, President Poroshenko got 1% .

What this Means for Ukrainian Nationalists in Kiev, America, and Canada

The writing is on the wall so to speak. When the Ukrainian émigrés wake up to the fact that they aren’t even Ukrainian but actually Russyan, Bukovinian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Galician and their real family ties are now being threatened and oppressed by the same Banderites they supported all these years- what do you think they’ll say?

According to Wasyl Veryha former Ukrainian World Congress president- read how he describes the populations of émigrés from “Ukraine -In fact, the diverse nomenclature for the Ukrainian ethnic group caused a great deal of confusion not only at the turn of the century but also at a later period (through the 1930’s). The people of the province of Galicia and Bukovina, generally called themselves “Rusyny” (Ruthenians), Galicians, Bukovinians and Austrians… the Greek Catholic Church, to which at that time the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian immigrants adhered, preferred the term “Ruthenian”…both within the Austrian and the Russian Empires where the term “Ruthenian” and “Little Russian” respectively had begun to give way to the new, but at the same time old term, “Ukrainian”(person on the borderlands), as a national designation…The paper (Ukrainian Voice) was really a pioneer in transforming the “Austrians”, Ruthenians”, “Galicians” and “Bukovinians” into Ukrainians.. It popularized the term “Ukrainian” as a replacement for “Ruthenian.” Wasyl Veryhas Masters of History Thesis

Can Poroshenko or Yarosh Legitimately Claim the Bandera Mantle?

In October 1959 the Ukrainian nazi leader Stepan Bandera was assassinated by a fellow Galician.

The summer of 1959’s Captive Nation Proclamation was the last act of Stepan Bandera . Can Yarosh or Poroshenko claim his mantle and ignore his last act? Does the war and persecutions in Ukraine which are now spreading west make them traitors to Bandera? They are both overseeing the destruction of Ukraine because they are ignoring the compact Stepan Bandera made with the entire emigre world.

What will their supporters say when they realize the US government will drop them like a hot potato rather than for individual Senators and Congressmen being investigated for breaking a law they affirm every year?

Will the American “almost” Ukrainians still risk breaking Federal Law and doing prison time?Sending money to purchase weapons is a jail term when prosecuted.

Maybe its time for the Dimitry and Petya show to saddle up the scooter and head back to the hutta before their own natives get restless. When the US support all of a sudden dries up the Ukraine is likely to be known for perfecting the hangman’s noose for a short while.

The Honor of the US President

According to President Barack Obama and the US Congress, the honor of the USA is at stake in holding up the Captive Nations Proclamation which they reaffirmed is the law of the land. Perhaps the president didn’t know where Cossackia was? Perhaps Jen Pisaki gave him a geography lesson.

I simply pointed out when Congress and the President reaffirmed the proclamation, they beat Russia’s president Putin to the punch by recognizing Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republic first. With it enshrined in our law should Europe continue to do as you say and not as you do?

Should Mr. Obama call Mr. Putin and invite him to recognize the republics too?

Now its time to live up to our obligations. We must stop funding the murder of Donbas people

Tags: captive nations, congress, donbass, obama, ukraine
Sergey Lavrov Says US Spreads Global Terrorism
August 9th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


On April 4, 1967 (exactly one year to the day before his state-sponsored assassination), Martin Luther King called America “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today” - in his Beyond Vietnam speech delivered at New York’s Riverside Church.

America is “on the wrong side of a world revolution,” he said. It allies with “landed gentry (against) shirtless and barefoot people.”

“(C)apitalists of the West invest huge sums of money in Asia, Africa and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the countries.”

He accused Congress of authorizing “military funds with alacrity and generosity (while providing) poverty funds with miserliness.”

His voice is sorely missed today. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey echoed some of his thoughts accusing Washington of “impos(ing) (its) will upon others by force.”

Interviewed on Singapore’s Channel News Asia, he called the Islamic State a product of Middle East and North African violence and chaos.

He accused Washington and its allies of “promot(ing) their own view of the world and promot(ing) their vision of how all countries must live, including through using military force, including through changing legitimate governments - all this brought to life so many uncertainties and gave rise to people who want to use terrorist means to achieve their goals.”

“They think that if somebody is allowed to use force, why don’t we follow the same example and promote our ideas. That’s how ISIL announced its goal to create the caliphate from Spain to Pakistan on huge territories.”

“Whenever you start expanding your ideology not by persuasion but by force, you create so many risks and so many dangers - be it the promotion of communism like the Soviet Union used to do, be it the promotion of democracy in spite of all the cultural differences and ignoring the traditions and values of the people whom you want to ‘make happy’, or be it terrorist ideas of the caliphate.”

Lavrov expressed concern about America’s “very huge military buildup in Asia, including under the (phony) pretext of countering the North Korean threat but the scale of the buildup is way beyond the need and disproportionately huge” because China and Russia are the real targets.

He took dead aim at Washington’s deplorable foreign policy, a hegemonic agenda threatening world peace. Its so-called European and Asian missile defense is for offense.

Renouncing the important ABM treaty was hugely destabilizing. “It triggers buildup and brings us back to the mutually assured destruction logic as it relates to strategic stability,” Lavrov stressed.

Russia wants peace, not war. It deplores an arm race. Straightaway in office, Obama “publicly said that if the Iranian nuclear issue is resolved, there would be no need for missile defense in Europe.” Lavrov saying “it seems that he was not telling the truth," is a diplomatic way of calling him a liar.

Separately, he commented on repeated Kiev violations of Minsk ceasefire terms, including failure to dialogue responsibly with Donbass officials.

Virtually everything it agreed to was breached. Junta initiated violence continues - multiple incidents daily.

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov formed a Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine to regain power through snap elections, end war on Donbass and replace illegitimate US-installed fascist rule democratically.

At a Monday Moscow press conference, he asked “all citizens, political parties, labor unions and social movements to unite and restore order in our home by joint efforts.”

He stopped short of naming other committee members because many “live and work in Ukraine, and (revealing their opposition to rogue state government) is very dangerous.”

In time, they’ll be introduced to the Ukrainian people and the world. “I can assure you that they are patriots who have no ties with current authorities or former” ones, Azarov explained.

Washington replaced democratically elected governance with illegitimate Nazi-infested fascist rule. Conditions are deplorable politically, economically and socially. Police state repression targets dissenters.

Azarov said when he resigned as prime minister, he “hoped (for) a government of national unity, which would include representatives of various political forces and would focus on the key issue - the restoration of stability and peace in our country.”

He stepped down “on the condition (things) would stabilize and the disarmament of all illegal militias and armed groups, which prevented restoration of peace and stability in the country, would take place. Time has shown that this decision of mine and the decisions of the country's leadership at the time had serious flaws and serious mistakes.”

He couldn’t imagine coup d’etat authorities would wage war on their own people, institute police state repression, create overall chaos and wreck Ukraine’s economy.

It’s now he supports ballot box regime change - to let responsible officials replace rogue coup d’etat ones. “The Salvation Committee thinks it is impossible to restore accord without changing the political leadership,” Azarov stressed.

Committee members called for Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to resign. They urged Ukrainians to demand snap presidential and parliamentary elections. A Committee statement said:

“This criminal regime is bankrupt and is obliged to leave, they forcibly seized power, illegally dispersed the 7th Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada. The country is in dire need of reforms. With your support the Committee is prepared to take responsibility for the future of the state.”

Azarov said ruling regime authorities enjoy 20% public support at most. The vast majority of Ukrainians want them replaced.

The regime is “slavish,” he added. It’s a Western controlled puppet state with no legitimacy. Its authorities exploit Ukrainians for their own self-interest. Sooner or later it has to go.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow has nothing to do with the Committee’s efforts. If it gains traction, Washington and Kiev for sure will blame Putin.
Gorbachev Fears Nuclear War
August 9th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Aging and illness months earlier haven’t affected his outspokenness on issues as vital as preventing nuclear war. Interviewed by Spiegel Online, he said as long as these weapons exist, “sooner or later they will be used.”

They’re not going away - at least no time soon. Washington intends spending $1 trillion over the next 30 years upgrading its already formidable arsenal - a warning of intent to use against Russia, China or any other nation challenging its quest for world dominance. Gorbachev’s message is clear. If these weapons aren’t eliminated, they’ll eliminate us. Founder of America’s nuclear navy Admiral Hyman Rickover said the same thing in 1982 congressional testimony.

"In all wars, man has used the best weapons available to him.” he stressed. “If history has any meaning for us, it shows that men will continue to use (them) to win."

Thermonuclear wars are madness. They risk humanity’s destruction. Yet the risk is perhaps greater than ever. Thucydides trap conditions exist.

The Greek historian warned 2,400 years ago about the risk of war because of an established power’s fear about a rising one. Today, Mikhail Gorbachev and many others like him warn of today’s unprecedented risk.

America’s rage for world dominance threatens everyone. It’s shocking to think bipartisan lunatics in charge may kill us all. A nation spending as much or more on militarism and war-making than all others combined is “an insurmountable obstacle” to a peaceful nuclear-free world, Gorbachev explained.

“Can we really imagine a world without nuclear weapons if a single country amasses so many conventional weapons that its military budget nearly tops that of all other countries combined,” Gorbachev asked - leaving no doubt which country he meant!

America “would (still) enjoy total military supremacy if nuclear weapons were abolished,” he added.

They’re “unacceptable (and) inhumane” - able to “wipe out the entirety of civilization” in short order. “Weapons like this have never existed before in history, and they cannot be allowed to exist” - if humanity expects to have any chance to survive.

Demilitarization is vital, Gorbachev stresses - including “reduc(ed) military budgets, a moratorium on the development of the new types of weapons and a prohibition on militarizing space.”

Without all these actions, demilitarization will be meaningless, he explained. “The world would then become less safe, more unstable and unpredictable. Everyone will lose, including those now seeking to dominate the world.”

Gorbachev expressed great concern about possible nuclear war. Current conditions should scare everyone. Nuclear armed nations “have thousands of warheads” and sophisticated long-range delivery systems with pinpoint accuracy.

Major cities can be turned to smoldering rubble in short order - their entire populations incinerated, radioactive fallout leaving them unable to support human and other species’ life.

Washington’s rage to militarize space and control it makes the “danger of nuclear proliferation…greater than ever before.” During his tenure as Soviet leader, Washington and Moscow stepped back from the brink.

“Thousands of nuclear warheads were destroyed and several types of nuclear weapons, such as intermediate-range missiles, were disposed of,” said Gorbachev.

“We can be proud of that. We accomplished all that together. It should be a lesson for today's leaders: for Obama, (whoever succeeds him in 2017), Putin and Merkel.”

Continuing the madness of nuclear proliferation may doom us all.
New Russian White Book on Kiev Junta Crimes in Donbass
August 7th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


(1) Horrendous violations of human rights.

(2) Interference by America and EU countries in what’s happening in Ukraine, harming its people nationwide.

(3) Weapons and violent methods used by Maidan protesters.

(4) Restrictions on basic freedoms and crackdown on dissidents.

(5) Discrimination based on ethnic background.

(6) Religious persecution.

According to Moscow's press service, content was "based on reports in the Russian and Western media, as well as statements by representatives of the current Kiev authorities and their supporters, eyewitness testimon(ies), observations and on-site interviews collected by Russian nongovernmental organizations."

A second White Book covered the period April through July 2014. It explained worsening conditions “in all areas” - including illegitimate fascist rule, brazen pressure and threats, severe repression, state-sponsored violence, and suppression of press freedom.

It explained how independent journalists and anyone opposing state authority are harassed, beaten, terrorized or murdered - no-holds-barred brutality the way all fascist regimes operate.

A new White Book focuses on regime crimes in Donbass since Kiev launched naked aggression in April 2014.

Russia’s Investigation Committee (IC) head Aleksandr Bastrhkin said the report’s aim is to inform international community officials and global human rights groups the truth about the “terrible fratricidal war started by the nationalist regime of Ukraine.”

The IC examined 54 criminal cases. Information collected filled 2,500 volumes. Testimonies from over 100,000 witnesses were gathered - including firsthand accounts with photos of chemical and other banned weapons use, war crimes by any standard.

IC spokesman Vladimir Markin called the new White Book “unique because it is based on evidence, which the Investigation Committee collected when investigating crimes linked to the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare.”

“The materials collected in the book give an objective analysis of the situation in south-eastern Ukraine in terms of observance of human rights and the rule of law.”

Investigations of suspected junta crimes continue - aiming for accountability in all cases. Russia’s Foreign Ministry Special Human Rights Representative Konstantin Dolgov said international organizations confirmed Kiev human rights abuses explained in Russia’s White Books. He urged pressure on world leaders to hold culpable Kiev officials accountable.

Earlier White Book information was sent to UN and OSCE officials. Nothing was done to enforce accountability. Expect none now or ahead.

US-led Western countries support Kiev’s worst crimes, including continuing naked aggression against its own people on the phony pretext of fighting terrorism - along with falsely blaming Russia for what’s ongoing.

US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt is paid to lie for his country, as well as support illegitimate Kiev junta authorities.

Days earlier on what Washington’s Kiev embassy called (junta controlled) “Donbas Public TV,” he said America “support(s) Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in every way possible to prevail in this war of aggression that they are engaged in with Russia.”

Whenever US officials, other Western or Ukrainian ones are asked to provide evidence of alleged “Russian aggression,” nothing whatever is offered to support baseless claims - Big Lies irresponsibly blaming Moscow for US/Kiev high crimes.

Pyatt said nothing about Washington supplying Kiev with heavy weapons despite hard evidence otherwise. Throughout months of conflict, it’s been directly involved in training Ukrainian forces and orchestrating their activities.

Pyatt disingenuously paid lip service to suffering Donbass residents, including continued casualties from Kiev forces shelling residential areas - along with its economic blockade inflicting more hardships.

He praised Kiev’s 2014 sham parliamentary and presidential elections - absurdly claiming they “met the highest international standards.” They had no legitimacy whatever.

He lied calling planned Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics’ democratic elections illegal. He baselessly accused its leaders of operating under “the direction of the Russian government.”

Asked what he hopes for the people of Donbass, he turned truth on its head saying “(f)irst and foremost peace.” He outrageously accused Russia of “inflict(ing)” a “nightmare” on Donbass residents since early 2014.

Moscow is the continent’s leading peacemaker - a staunch advocate of wanting Ukraine’s conflict resolved diplomatically.

Washington wants endless aggressive wars. It bears full responsibility for orchestrating, supporting and continuing conflict conditions in Donbass with no mercy. No end in sight looms.
Wikipedia as Propaganda Not History — MH17 as An Example
August 7th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


Wikipedia articles are more propaganda than they are historical accounts. And, often, their cited sources are misleading, or even false.

On 15 August 2007, the BBC headlined“Wikipedia Shows CIA Page Edits,”and Jonathan Fildes reported that, “An online tool that claims to reveal the identity of organizations that edit Wikipedia pages has revealed that the CIA was involved in editing entries.” I.e.: What the CIA doesn’t like, they can (and do) eliminate or change.

More recently, on 25 June 2015, an anonymous reddit poster, “moose,” listed and linked directly to 18 different news reports, in such media as New York Times, Washington Post, Telegraph, Mirror, Guardian, and Newsweek, reporting about wikipedia edits that were supplied not only by the CIA but by other U.S. Government offices, and by large corporations.

30mm bullet-holes in the side-panel next to the pilot not mentioned in this lengthy wikipedia article? (If this plane had been brought down by only a missile, such as wikipedia assumes, there wouldn’t be any bullet-holes — much less, hundreds of them, as there are.) Why was the first analysis of that side-panel — which is the best and most reliable piece of evidence that exists about how this disaster actually happened — ignored altogether in the wikipedia article? After all, that analysis of the side-panel has subsequently been further confirmed by other reliable evidence, all of which the article also ignores.

I have edited some wikipedia articles, but I won’t edit the one on MH17: it’s too thoroughly rotten with speculative and other bad sources, so that it would need to be entirely rewritten — and bogus ‘evidence’ removed from it — in order for the article to present an account that’s based upon the best evidence regarding each of its particulars. Wikipedia’s article is thoroughly based on anti-Russian propaganda; it might as well have been written by the CIA (like the case that was presented about “Saddam’s WMD” was).

Here is the wikipedia article, so that you can see what U.S. propaganda says about the downing of MH17.

Here is my latest article about the downing of the MH17.

Here is my most comprehensive article reconstructing, on a best-evidence basis, how and why and who shot down this airliner.

The core of my case there is the same item of evidence to which Haisenko first called the public’s attention: that side-panel. I basically accept his reconstruction of how the plane came down, but I supplement it with additional evidence. Please click onto any link in the article, to see the evidence more fully analyzed, in the given linked-to source, wherever you have further questions that aren’t directly addressed in the article.

My articles present far fewer items of ‘evidence’ than does the wikipedia article, because I exclude all but the most-reliable evidence about any given detail. There is so much speculation that’s published, and so much bogus ‘evidence’; my guiding principle is therefore to rely only upon the least-speculative argument that refers to only the most-reliable, assuredly untampered-with, items of evidence. This is what one is supposed to do in a court of law; it’s the reason why judges are authorized to exclude from being presented to jurors any ‘evidence’ that fails to meet modern legal/forensic standards of authenticity and reliability. It’s the only way that an unprejudiced verdict can even become possible. It’s the prerequisite to history, as opposed to mere myth.

That’s the contrast between my articles about the MH17 disaster, and the 320 articles from which the wikipedia article about MH17 is constructed. And it also separates my articles from wikipedia’s article itself about the subject, “Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.”

What’s especially wrong about the wikipedia account is that it doesn’t even refer to the 30mm bullet holes in that side panel — evidence that is inconsistent with the U.S.-Ukrainian account (wikipedia’s account) of how this airliner was shot down. (Wikipedia’s article is instead obsessed with “a Buk missile launcher” — the theory of the case that’s pumped by America’s and Ukraine’s governments, and which is entirely inconsistent with such bullet-holes. You don’t get bullet-holes from 33,000+ feet away.) And the wikipedia article also doesn’t refer to Peter Haisenko, the brilliant former Luftahansa pilot who first pointed out those bullet holes in the side-panel, and who noted that there wouldn’t be any, much less hundreds of, bullet-holes firing directly into the pilot’s body, if the only thing that had brought down this airliner were shrapnel from some missile fired from 33,000 feet below. You simply can’t target the pilot’s belly and pump perhaps a thousand bullets into it from 33,000 feet down. This side-panel decimates the American-Ukrainian theory of the case — and so decimates wikipedia’s propagandistic article.

And why wasn’t the autopsy on the pilot made public? Everyone needs to know what was inside that corpse. But wikipedia and the ‘news’ media show no interest in that crucial question, either.

We don’t live in a democracy. This is a dictatorship. The ‘news’ media cannot be trusted by any intelligent and open-minded person. To find the truth, one (unfortunately) needs to investigate on one’s own and take the attitude that only the most solid evidence and the least speculative argument constitutes authentic history, on anything. All else — any casual trusting of the ‘news’ media — is merely accepting lies and myths, which are designed to manipulate people (like when we invaded Iraq), instead of to inform them. There is more than ample reason to distrust the ‘news’ media. And wikipedia is just as manipulated as the rest.

We live now in a culture where lies and myths drown out truth. In other words: we live in a dictatorship. That’s today’s USA. This is the reality, in which we live. And the Big Lie is: it’s not so. But the evidence sadly proves: it’s so; it clearly is the case.
The MH17 Pilot's Corpse: More on the Cover-Up Even His Family Was Blocked from It. Here’s Why.
August 7th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


It might be the decisive piece of evidence proving who and what and how and why the MH17 Malaysian airliner over the conflict zone in Ukraine on 17 July 2014 was shot down, but the pilot’s corpse has been hidden even from the people who have the most right to see it.

The corpse of the pilot of the MH17 Malaysian airliner might contain in it bullets, or bullet-residues, that can prove a Ukrainian military jet intentionally fired into the pilot; or else it might contain only missile-shrapnel, which would be consistent only with the plane’s having been erroneously shot down by a ground-based missile such as the Ukrainian government says it was; but the Malaysian government has prohibited anyone to see it — not even his relatives, who are still trying to find out how and who murdered their loved-one and the 297 other people who were aboard that tragic plane on July 17th of 2014.

The coroner’s report on the pilot’s body exists, but has been seen by no one outside of the now 5-nation investigatory commission. (The commission was originally just Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, and Ukraine, but Malaysia was recently added. The Dutch government heads the commission. The Dutch government had helped to install the current Ukrainian government, whose Air Force is a suspect in having possibly shot down the MH17 airliner. Netherlands, along with the U.S., and also along with George Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation, had funded Hromadske TV, which propagandized heavily for forcing the democratically elected Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, to leave his Presidency before the next election would be held, and which then propagandized Ukrainians heavily for the ethnic cleansing operation to get rid of the residents in Ukraine’s Donbass, the only area of Ukraine that had voted 90%+ for Yanukovych. So: the Dutch government had actually helped to install the current Ukrainian government — which might have shot down the MH17, and yet which is a member of the official ‘investigation.’)

This cover-up of what might be the decisive evidence in the MH17 case was revealed when Russian Television sent reporters last month to interview the pilot’s family.

See the brief Russian documentary interviewing the pilot’s wife here:

The pilot’s wife says, at 5:42 on the video, “We were not allowed to open” the coffin. Q: “Not allowed by who?” A: “Not allowed by the [Malaysian] government.” The existing four-nation team had required the Malaysian government to sign onto their secret 8 August 2014 agreement, in order for Malaysia to be allowed to join. This agreement says that Ukraine will have a veto-power over any report that the commission produces — and this veto-power is the reason why the ‘investigation’ continues dragging on. The now-five nation commission can’t yet produce a report that the Ukrainian government will sign onto.

Then, the interviewer in the documentary says that she had taken her camera-crew to the crash site two months after the plane’s downing, and says that they saw there, still in the field of grass, the pilot’s chair. This video at 6:21 shows it — its bare frame, because the padding had blown off. Here is the pilot’s chair:

Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 9.38.59 PM

Those 30 mm round holes through it are bullet holes; they’re definitely not shrapnel holes, which are larger and very irregular (not at all round). Furthermore, the bullet-holes through the side-panel of the chair’s backrest are fairly head-on instead of at any steep angle; and, so, might have been from stray bullets among the gunner’s fusillade into the left cockpit-side that was focused around the pilot’s belly-area. This chair backrest is thus yet further evidence suggesting that the pilot’s corpse had bullets, or bullet-residues, in it.

For more background on the pilot's corpse’s evidentiary importance to solving this crucial mass-murder case, see this. For my reconstruction of the evidence, and of where it points to regarding guilt and motive, see this.


On July 29th, Russia vetoed at the United Nations an attempt by the U.S. and its allies to transfer the MH17 investigation to a rigged UN commission that would be set up in order to enable the guilt for the cover-up to be transferred away from Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, and Ukraine, the four nations that set up the existing official corrupt ‘investigation,’ whose ‘findings,’ at this late stage, would be believed only by outright suckers in the West — and that number of people might not be enough now to protect the actual guilty parties in the case. Russia wants the guilty parties to bear the blame not merely for the mass-murder itself, but for the subsequent and ongoing cover-ups. If the official ‘investigation’ finds Russia and/or the people of Donbass to have perpetrated it, then Russia will presumably make public, evidence, which it has thus far withheld just in case America and its allies turn out to be that brazen. So, Russia might even be eager for that to happen. The official ‘investigation’ has already announced that its conclusions will be made public in October. Until then, the commission is doing everything they can to forestall, if not prevent, a scandal-squared, from resulting. (For example: if anything, Richard Nixon’s Watergate cover-up doomed him even more than the Watergate-crime itself did.)

Here are some of the typical ways the Western press have reported on Russia’s veto:

Russia threatens UN veto on Julie Bishop's MH17 tribunal”

Why Russia Vetoed the MH17 Tribunal”

“Alternative solution needed for investigating loss of MH17: Russia’s Security Council veto means other means may be used to find those responsible”

For some unexplained (though accepted-without-question by the Western press) reason, the Western powers aren’t satisfied for the official ‘investigating’ commission (though itself entirely Western until the recent addition of Malaysia to the commission) to be blamed for producing the official ‘findings.’ Western leaders had wanted the UN to be blamed instead. Russia voted no on the Western proposal (which was fronted by Malaysia, on behalf of the West); China abstained (perhaps in the hope that the West won’t go after them, too).

The result is heightened fear within the official ‘investigating’ commission. On 3 August 2015, Russian Television headlined “Dutch Safety Board asks for RT’s assistance in MH17 probe after documentary,” and reported that:

The Dutch agency heading the international probe into Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine has contacted RT over the footage used in our recent documentary on the tragedy. RT’s documentary discovered fragments of the plane still in Donetsk.

The RT Documentary film, titled “MH17: A year without truth,” showed fragments of the crashed Boeing and pieces of luggage still scattered in the area at the time of filming. The RTD crew collected the parts of the plane’s exterior they spotted, bringing them to the administration of the nearby town of Petropavlovsk.

"With great interest we watched your documentary, ‘MH17: A year without truth,’” Dutch Safety Board spokesperson Sara Vernooij wrote to RT. “In this film, RT shows parts of the cockpit roof which were found near Petropavlivka. We would like to gather those pieces and bring them over to the Netherlands so the Dutch Safety Board can use them for the investigation and the reconstruction."

On 17 July 2015, Rupert Murdoch’s Australian Courier-Mail published behind a paywall, and his The Australian republished open on their website, the complete transcript, plus video excerpts, of 17 minutes of video footage that had been taken by the independence fighters in Donbass at the wreckage site while the fires were still aflame on the fateful day, 17 July 2014; and this remarkable footage, never before made public, and published by a lifelong anti-Russian, shows the rebels’ “Commander,” trying to understand what he was seeing, and saying that there are two planes destroyed in the area, one a Malaysian airliner, and the other a Sukhoi fighter-jet, the latter from which had parachuted out five people. Someone off-camera in the background is saying, “They decided to do it this way, to look like we have brought down the plane.” In other words: these people speculated immediately that the presence of the downed fighter-jet indicated that the Ukrainian authorities were trying to pin onto the rebels the blame for shooting down the airliner. Here is that link, and the relevant passages in the transcript itself:

"Full transcript: Russian-backed rebels ransack the wreckage of MH17 in shocking 17-minute video"

• JULY 17, 2015 12:01AM

• Video [just an excerpt, but the transcript is complete, only excerpts from which are reproduced here:]

Cmdr: Yes, there’s 2 planes taken down. We need the second.

Background: The second one is a civilian too?

Background: The fighter jet brought down this one, and our people brought down the fighter.

Background: They decided to do it this way, to look like we have brought down the plane. …

Cmdr: Let the firefighters extinguish the flames.

(Phone ringing)

Yes Kalyian. I understood you, but we’re already at the crash site. A passenger plane was brought down. They brought down the passenger plane and we brought down the fighter. …

Cmdr: The parachute jumpers are there.

Background: But there are two planes, from my understanding.

Background: And what’s the other one? A Sukhoi?

Cmdr: A Sukhoi.

The Sukhoi brought down the plane and we brought down the Sukhoi. …

I mean … the two pilots landed on parachutes.

(Phone ringing)

Cmdr: Yes, speak. I’m here, I’m in Grabovo. Right at the place. I’m not at the bird site, I’m in the field. I didn’t get there yet.

Cmdr: Five parachutes jumped off this plane. Five people jumped off this plane. ...


It’s like the way the West handled the 2008 economic crash: extend-and-pretend. While Western leaders transferred their aristocracy’s investment losses onto future taxpayers and pretended that the enormous governmental debts that resulted from these ‘bailouts’ to the aristocracy won’t destroy the economic future for the public, no one can yet say with certainty that they were lying about that. As ridiculous as extend-and-pretend seems to be, no appropriate historical precedent exists to show with any near certainty that no way will be found for it to ‘succeed.’ Russia has apparently placed its bet that it won’t succeed, in regards to the MH17 case.

Russia’s game seems to be: In the short term, we’ll suffer contempt from the West’s suckers while Western leaders keep on doing this; but, the longer the West’s leaders do that, the worse the outcome will be for those leaders.

So: will that game on Russia’s part work? The precedents don’t look favorable:

After George W. Bush kept lying about “Saddam’s WMD,” and became exposed simply by none being found, did his extend-and-pretend on the truth there hurt his Republican Party? They extended the lie so far that even today most Republicans still think that WMD did exist there in 2002 and 2003, and they even think that WMD were subsequently found there — though none of that was at all true. Even in 2015, 51% of Republicans agree with the statement, “American Forces Found an Active Weapons of Mass Destruction Program In Iraq." (32% of Democrats do. 46% of Independents do.) (40% of Republicans said it was “Definitely not true” or “Probably not true,” but yet even they continued to label themselves as “Republican,” even after their own Party had deceived them for so long on such a crucial matter, which had produced America’s invasion of Iraq.) Despite such brazen lying, the Republican Party still has as many suckers as before. (And, in the Democratic Party, Barack Obama is still overwhelmingly supported, despite being now exposed, to all open-minded people, to be the best asset the Republican Party has had within recent decades.)

Extend-and-pretend can work for a very long time, indeed. Russia’s game could fail. But it might nonetheless be their best chance to win.

If the West’s game succeeds, then the entire world will fail as a result. If some power-group — here, the West’s aristocrats — can get away with lying, no matter how long they persist in it, they might as well own the entire world: the public are then just their slaves. The public might as well have no minds at all. Anyone who accepts a politician who has lied is either an aristocrat or an idiot. There are only a few thousand aristocrats in the world, but there are, it is clear, plenty of idiots — perhaps the majority of people — so that everyone else, the decent people, suffer constantly the many idiots who believe the few aristocrats. That combination is toxic to democracy.

The MH17 case started before the event itself, as Barack Obama’s desperate attempt to get the EU to agree to hiking the economic sanctions against Russia. It succeeded. Now the world is waiting to see what Obama’s long game is, and whether Putin’s long game (which is the only game he’s got) will beat it. Whatever the outcome, it’ll be interesting.
U.S. Propaganda: It’s Not Just False, but Absurd.
August 6th, 2015
By Eric Zuesse, as originally published at


It’s so ridiculous, no intelligent and informed person would give it any serious consideration whatsoever. It insults the public’s intelligence.

Here’s a typical example of the ridiculousness of U.S. propaganda: On July 16th, the U.S. State Department issued a “Ukraine Travel Warning.” It says:

The Department of State warns U.S. citizens to defer all travel to Crimea and the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, and recommends those U.S. citizens currently living in or visiting these regions to depart. ...

Russia-backed separatists continue to control areas in the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Despite the signing of a ceasefire agreement by representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE, violent clashes between combined Russian separatist forces and Ukrainian forces continue in parts of the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, resulting in thousands of injuries and deaths. The ceasefire agreement established a de facto dividing line between Ukrainian government-controlled and separatist-held areas of Ukraine, with numerous checkpoints controlled by government and separatist forces. Individuals, including U.S. citizens, have been threatened, detained or kidnapped for hours or days after being stopped at separatist checkpoints. ...

overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in February 2014, there was peace throughout Ukraine. Obama (his Administration, as shown in that video) replaced the existing Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, who, like all of his predecessors, was corrupt; and the U.S. propaganda-machine publicized his corruption, while virtually ignoring the fact of corruption’s normalcy in at least post-Soviet Ukraine (corruption that had been greatly encouraged by the U.S.). The U.S. didn’t replace him because he was corrupt. The U.S. replaced him because he supported a non-aligned Ukraine: neither a stooge to the U.S., nor to Russia. Barack Obama repeatedly asserts that — as he phrased it to West Point cadets on 28 May 2014 — “The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. [So: all other nations are ‘dispensable.’] That has been true for the century passed [he misspelled ‘past’] and it will be true for the century to come.” Adolf Hitler and his Nazis said it for their country more succinctly: “Deutschland über alles.” Except that Hitler proclaimed that his would be a “Thousand-Year Reich,” not merely “for the century to come."

The U.S. began its overthrow-operation early in 2013. At that time, Yanukovych was still considering offers for Ukraine to join the U.S.-backed European Union, or else to join the Russia-backed Eurasian Economic Community. The EU is much larger, but Ukraine’s centuries-long former association with, and economic extensions from (including favored-nation trading status with) Russia, would have been very costly for Ukraine to sever. Ukraine’s economy had long been based far more on trade with Russia than on with trade with the rest of Europe.

According to MIT, the “Top 5 export destinations" from Ukraine were: Russia (24%), Egypt (6.5%), Turkey (5.2%), Italy (3.8%), and Kazakhstan (3.5%). The “Top 5 import origins” into Ukraine were: Russia (31%), China (9.0%), Germany (8.2%), Belarus (6.4%), and Poland (5.0%).

On 19 November 2013, Yanukovych met with the European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. The economists at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences had recently delivered their report to Yanukovych, which concluded that the net loss from joining the EU would be $160 billion.Yanukovych asked the Commissioner, “If we sign, will you help us,” so that Ukraine wouldn’t bear the entirety of this enormous cost. The Commissioner said, “Sorry,” no. (The Commissioner suggested that Ukraine might borrow the money from the IMF — which would be the kind of national suicide that actually occurred after the U.S. overthrew Yanukovych.) The next day, Yanukovych announced that he was turning down the EU’s offer. Then, according to wikipedia, the “Maidan” demonstrations to oust Yanukovych from power started on 21 November 2013. Brandon Turbeville has described the 40-year-long development of the technology that the CIA and State Department built for that overthrow.

But, in fact, as I documented back in February, "The Entire Case for Sanctions Against Russia Is Pure Lies.” The whole case is .

So: the U.S. State Department rejects the legitimacy of the overwhelming, and the repeatedly polling-confirmed, desire of the Crimean people to cease being Ukrainian (which they had been only from 1954 to 2014), even though this same U.S. State Department accepts the legitimacy of the Scottish people to determine whether or not to continue being British (which they have been ever since 1707). The sovereign democratic right of Crimeans is denied, while the sovereign democratic right of the Scotts is affirmed. One needs to be a sucker to believe that, but it’s the U.S. Government’s official line.

As for the residents of Donbass (“Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts”), Obama needs to get rid of them, because they had voted over 90% for the man he overthrew. If they stay alive and within Ukraine, then the regime that Obama installed will get voted out of office.

In fact, that’s the reason why Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, has insisted that they remain within Ukraine — so that they will vote out of office the anti-Russian racist fascists that Obama installed,next door to Russia, in Ukraine. That’s as if during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, the dictator of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khruschev, had grabbed control over not only Cuba but even over Mexico right on America’s border. Would the United States have tolerated that, then? So, Putin doesn’t tolerate this, now.

The irony is that it’s Putin who wants the “pro-Russian rebels” to remain as part of Ukraine; and it’s Obama who wants them not to be — even while he claims that Putin does, and asserts that Putin is the aggressor.

For example, on 3 September 2014, Obama said:

“Fifth -- we must continue to stand united against Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. (Applause.) Keep in mind that, repeatedly, President Putin has ignored the opportunity to resolve the crisis in Ukraine diplomatically. The United States, the European Union, our partners around the world have all said we prefer a diplomatic solution. But in light of Russia’s unwillingness to seize that opportunity, we have come together to impose major sanctions on Russia for its actions.”

A more devilishly lying country than the United States of today is hard to imagine. It’s even a dictatorship: its government represents not the public (as its Founders had intended) but its aristocracy (which those Founders had tried to overthrow — and did overthrow, in their own era).

The U.S. Government even has the brazen audacity to brag about its success at fooling the global publics — not only here but around the world — to deceive them to think that the demon is Putin, and not Obama.

In fact, as I headlined on 7 October 2014, "Leading German Journalist Admits CIA ‘Bribed’ Him and Other Leaders of the Western ‘Press’.”

The U.S. Government holds the public everywhere in contempt.
More Illegal US Sanctions on Russia
August 4th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Unilateral or jointly imposed sanctions by one or more countries against others are illegal. Authority rests solely with Security Council members.

They must first “determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression,” as UN Charter, Chapter VII, Article 39 stipulates.

They may then “decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the United Nations to apply such measures,” as authorized under Article 41.

Executive Order 13660 - a lawless diktat authorizing sanctions on individuals or entities allegedly involved in violating Ukraine’s sovereignty or territory.

On March 17, Executive Order 13661 followed - another extrajudicial diktat targeting Russia for its legitimate right to maintain a military presence in Crimea, its nonexistent undermining of so-called Ukrainian “democratic processes,” including nonsensical claims about threatening its peace, security, stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

On March 20, a third Executive Order “block(ed) property of additional persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine.”

Fact: No constitutional authority permits Executive Orders - other than stating "executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America (Article 2, Section 1)."

Its use is abused by bypassing Congress. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives (Article 1, Section 1.)."

Constitutional checks and balances prevent empowering one governmental branch over another. Diktat power reflects tyranny.

On July 30, Obama imposed further sanctions on Russia by Executive Order - perhaps in response to its vetoing a Security Council resolution to establish a US-controlled MH17 kangaroo tribunal, one Washington wanted to hold Moscow and Donbass freedom fighters accountable for its own complicity in Kiev’s downing the commercial aircraft.

Eleven more individuals and 15 companies were targeted - including affiliates of oil giant Rosneft as well as others linked to Vnesheconombank (a state owned Bank of Foreign Economic Activity called the Russian Development Bank).

Eight have ties to Russian businessman Gannady Timchenko. Four are former Ukrainian Yanukovych administrations officials. Five are involved in Crimean port or sea ferry operations.

The US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets acting director John E. Smith commented, saying:

“Today’s action underscores our resolve to maintain pressure on Russia for (its nonexistent violations of) international law (or involvement in) fueling the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Our message is clear. We will continue to act to ensure the effectiveness of our sanctions.”

Other senior US officials lied saying Thursday’s action was “routine,” not an “escalation.” It’s further proof of Washington continuing to act provocatively, upping the stakes, headed toward likely direct belligerent confrontation if these actions along with military ones in Eastern Europe continue.

Longstanding US policy calls for regime change - replacing Russian sovereignty with US-controlled puppet governance, pillaging its resources, balkanizing its huge land mass for easier control and exploiting its people.

Paul Craig Roberts is right saying Washington “wants to coerce Russia into submission.” He cites the (Paul) Wolfowitz Doctrine - co-authored with his deputy Scooter Libby when he was Bush I’s Under Secretary of Defense.

Its core principles were part of the Bush (II) Doctrine - what the late Senator Edward Kennedy described as “a call for 21st century American imperialism that no other nation can or should accept.”

Roberts explains US policymakers consider any country “capable of standing up to Washington” a threat to its national security. “Today there are two such countries, Russia and China.”

“Washington always needs an enemy in order to justify the one trillion dollar annual budget of the military/security complex” and endless wars of aggression waged against invented adversaries threatening no one.

America’s hegemonic ambitions aim for achieving unchallenged world dominance - madness risking WW III, potential nuclear war able to end life on earth.

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