anybody monitoring russias movements?

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U.S. Publicly Splits v. EU on Ukraine War
September 5th, 2015
Eric Zuesse


There now is open disagreement between three Western leaders regarding how to move forward with regard to Ukraine: Barack Obama of the United States, versus Francois Hollande of France, and Angela Merkel of Germany.

On Friday, August 29th, this split became public concerning whether the Minsk II accords for ending the Ukrainian civil war should remain in force. Obama supports the view of Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, to violate the Minsk II accords, which would end it; the same day, Hollande and Merkel agreed with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, that the Minsk II agreement needs to be implemented in full.

Obama’s Administration had installed the new, anti-Russian, government in Ukraine in a February 2014 coup, which sparked the breakaway from Ukraine by two former Ukrainian regions that had voted heavily for the man whom Obama had just overthrown, Viktor Yanukovych: first, Crimea, which had voted 75+% for Yanukovych; then Donbass (comprising "Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts”), which had voted 90%+% for Yanukovych. Obama’s agent overseeing the coup, Victoria Nuland, selected Arseniy Yatsenyuk to run the post-coup government and he became the newly appointed Prime Minister when the coup (called “the most blatant coup in history”) occurred 18 days later. Then, on 25 May 2014, the parts of Ukraine that had not separated from Ukraine elected as Ukraine’s new President, Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Poroshenko had informed the EU’s investigators on 25 February 2014 that the overthrow of Yanukovych had been via a coup instead of by a revolution(such as the Obama Administration claimed); but, now, on 25 May 2014, he himself became the new Ukraine’s President. In order to protect himself against the possiblility of being violently overthrown as his predecessor Yanukovych had been, he filed a case with Ukraine’s supreme court, the Constitutional Court, to recognize officially that Yanukovych had illegally been removed from the Presidency. (That case is still pending.)

The current split concerns the provision in the Minsk II accords that requires the Ukrainian government to grant to the breakaway Donbass region a position within a new federal Ukrainian system in which the residents of Donbass will elect their own local leaders, instead of having their leaders imposed upon them (as the coup was) by the central Ukrainian government in Kiev. Donbass will then rejoin Ukraine, and the war will be officially over.

On August 29th, Russia’s Interfax News Agency headlined, "Poroshenko: Ukrainian constitution won't envision special status for Donbass,” and reported that Poroshenko said (referring to the current Ukrainian Constitution, and which he will not change), "No matter how you look for it there, there is no special status [for Donbass]. … That would lead to a parade of sovereignties. My amendments to the constitution eliminate this article, and there will be no right to such special status.”

A few hours later the same day, Interfax bannered, “Merkel, Hollande Inform Putin on Adherence to Minsk Agreements,” and reported that Putin had phoned both EU leaders about this and received from them reassurance that they, like he, remained committed to full implementation of Minsk II. (Putin does not want Donbass to become part of Russia, but he also doesn’t want the invasion of it by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to continue, especially because it has caused nearly a million refugees into Russia from Donbass. So: he needed to know whether they were behind Poroshenko’s statement, or whether it reflected only Obama’s view.)

This is an international continuation of the disagreement within the Obama Administration regarding Poroshenko’s recent repeated threats to re-invade and forcibly take back Donbass despite the Minsk accords. At first, Kerry said that the U.S. would not support such an invasion, but his nominal subordinate, the Assistant Secretary of State for the area, Victoria Nuland, contradicted that, andPresident Obama sided with Nuland; she had been instructed to contradict Kerry on this.

One can only speculate as to why Poroshenko has now said that there is no way he will carry through the “special administrative status” provision, provision #11, of the Minsk II Accords. That provision demands specifically what Poroshenko now specifically rejects: "Constitutional reform in Ukraine, with a new constitution to come into effect by the end of 2015, the key element of which is decentralisation (taking into account peculiarities of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, agreed with representatives of these districts), and also approval of permanent legislation on the special status of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts in accordance with the measures spelt out in the attached footnote,[note 1] by the end of 2015.”

Putin does not want Donbass to be in Russia, but Poroshenko now refuses to grant Donbass “special administrative status” within Ukraine. The only way that Poroshenko wants to take back Donbass is by force. On April 30th, Poroshenko had said, “The war will end when Ukraine regains Donbass and Crimea,” and on May 11th, he said, “I have no doubt, we will free the [Donetsk] Airport [in Donetsk oblast], because it is our land.”

On August 27th, Edward Basurin, a military official of the Donetsk People’s Republic had announced"UAF Massively shelling DPR — Drastic Deterioration,” saying that, "The fascists have used heavy artillery prohibited by the Minsk Agreements against the civilian areas of Aleksandrovka and Marinka. The outskirts of Donetsk have been struck.” Thus, when Poroshenko, two days later, announced that he would not continue with the Minsk II accords, Putin immediately got back into direct contact with Hollande and Merkel, to ask whether they still fully supported the accords.

The result is a now-open split between the U.S. and Europe, over Ukraine. The split between Nuland and Kerry is now a split between the U.S. and Europe; or, as Nuland had said on 4 February 2014 while providing her subordinate in Kiev her instructions about the preparations and outcome of the coup: “F—k the EU!” Perhaps EU officials are getting increasingly cold feet about the entire matter, now a year-and-a-half later.
Violence and Instability on Russia’s Border
September 5th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Events in Ukraine (and Eastern Europe) target Russia - part of Washington’s longstanding regime change agenda, wanting US-controlled puppet governance replacing Russian sovereignty, eliminating a key rival power, giving America access to a huge new source of vital resources.

Perhaps Victoria Nuland’s dirty hands were involved in Monday Kiev riots, previous unrest this year and likely more to come. Washington is displeased with Poroshenko. Former Ukrainian MP Vadim Kolesnichenko said US officials are considering two replacements:

Valentin Nalivaichenko, former Ukrainian security service head, or Sergei Levochkin, former Yanukovych chief of staff. A previous article explained Ukrainians overwhelmingly despise Poroshenko. Calls persist for him to step down. Replacing him won’t surprise anyone.

report from an unnamed source said the following:

“(C)ylinders of toxic gases and containers of poisonous substances were delivered to the technological facilities of high-voltage insulators plant in Kramatorsk street, town of Slavyansk.”

“There's chlorine in cylinders, not less than five covered wagons, also other containers with contents I know nothing about labeled with words and signs “poison,” “danger,” “do not touch without protection.”

“All of it was brought in under the guise of varnishes and paints, but I know the look of the packaging of both, and whatever was brought here last week has got nothing to do with it. It looks like a chemical weapon.”

“They don't let anyone in the warehouse. There is round-the-clock guard in military uniform without insignia. All the time there's been some strange hustle and bustle.”

Soldiers “boasted that separatists will be given a big washing, from which they will puke blood. Our guerrillas have verified this information. There is understanding that the Ukrainian military and Security Service are preparing a provocation against the Novorossiya militias having intent to show them use chemical weapons against civilians.”

“Harm as many civilians as possible. Show dead bodies on TV for Europe and America to intervene. This is actually why I am calling from Slavyansk, we don't want to be Guinea pigs and die for Poroshenko or America.”

“Tell everyone that Kiev is preparing a provocation with chemical weapons…This information was confirmed by at least one source in the region, an employee of a major transportation company engaged in the transshipment of cargo from rail to road.”

“According to this source, the dangerous cargo was jointly accompanied by intelligence services of Ukraine and military, and in full cooperation with the central and local authorities.”

If a major chemical weapons attack on Donbass occurs, the source will be proved right. It won’t be the first time. Kiev used toxic substances and cluster munitions against area freedom fighters earlier. Western media ignored what happened.

On August 30, Voice of Sevastopol (VOS) headlined “ ‘Moscow Must Burn!’ Right-Wing Extremists in Ukraine Mobilize,” saying:

“(R)ight-wing volunteer militia leader Dmytro Korchynsky” has a large following in Ukraine. “I want to lead a crusade against Russia,” he said.

“Our goal is not only the expulsion of the occupiers, but also vengeance. Moscow must burn.”

Reuters said Korchynsky wants to create a Christian “Taliban movement.” VOS reported 40 (right-wing, ultranationalist) volunteer militia groups active in Ukraine.

Many of their members were Maidan protesters involved in ousting the former Yanukovych government. VOS said they pose a serious threat to the current regime - especially if they have US backing over dissatisfaction with Poroshenko, prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and other Kiev officials.

They demand Poroshenko’s ouster, imposition of martial law, full-scale war on Donbass, “unity” of Ukraine by any means necessary, and perhaps disruptive activities against Russia.

On Monday, Moscow’s EU envoy Vladimir Chizhov said Ukraine’s constitutional changes violate the letter and spirit of Minsk - calling for Donbass “special status” self-governance.

Poroshenko rejects it - saying constitutional amendments he proposed prohibit “special status.” Chizhov accused him of introducing changes without consulting Donbass officials as required by Minsk, excluding their rights, flagrantly violating ceasefire terms.

“I think the core of the problem is the inability, or unwillingness, or both, of the Ukrainian government and President Poroshenko to sit down and negotiate directly with representatives of Donetsk and Lugansk,” Chizhov explained.

Donetsk Parliament Speaker Denis Pushilin said “(w)e do not recognize what is going on now in the Rada (parliament) as we know for sure that the amendments proposed by Poroshenko are just an imitation of the Minsk agreements implementation.”

The rights of Donbass residents are excluded from Kiev’s parliamentary debates. Policies directed by Washington call for continued war, defeating Donbass freedom fighters and maintaining instability on Russia’s border.

America’s agenda heightens the possibility of direct confrontation - a reckless policy risking the use of nuclear weapons for the first time since WW II.
France, Germany and Russia Back Ceasefire in Donbass: Hold the Cheers
September 3rd, 2015
by Stephen Lendman


Hollande, Merkel and Putin discussed ongoing conflict in Donbass by phone. On Saturday, a Kremlin press statement said:

“Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande informed (Putin) about the results of their recent meeting with the president of Ukraine in Berlin.”

“Vladimir Putin expressed concern about the continuing artillery bombardments of populated localities in Donbass by the Ukrainian military, the build-up of the Ukrainian Armed Forces along the line of demarcation.” “The three leaders emphasized the need to establish a direct dialogue between Kiev and representatives of Donetsk and Lugansk and of lifting the financial and economic blockade of Donbass.”

Media reports said the three leaders back a new ceasefire straightaway. A French statement said “(t)hey strongly supported calls for a full ceasefire on September 1 due to the start of the new school year.”

“They underscored the importance of continued ceasefire, citing the plight of civilians in eastern Ukraine.”

They called withdrawing heavy weapons from the contact line “an important step toward the implementation of Minsk” ceasefire terms.

Putin blamed Kiev for ongoing conflict. His web site said he “expressed concern over the continuing shelling by Ukrainian security forces of urban areas in Donbass and the build-up of Ukraine’s military forces along the demarcation line.”

“He stressed the need to establish direct dialogue between Kiev and representatives of Donetsk and Lugansk and to lift the financial and economic siege of Donbass. The Russian President said that there is no alternative to a political settlement of the conflict on the basis of full implementation of the Minsk agreements, stressing the importance of holding a constitutional reform in Ukraine that would be coordinated with Donetsk and Lugansk.”

Putin means what he says. He’s gone all-out to resolve ongoing conflict since Kiev launched naked aggression last year. Merkel and Hollande are allied with Washington’s imperial agenda, its endless wars of aggression.

Previous articles pronounced Minsk dead - impossible to achieve ceasefire as long as Obama and Poroshenko want war. Nothing indicates otherwise. Kiev mobilized around 90,000 heavily armed forces in Southeastern Ukraine.

They’re deployed for escalated war, proceeding with multiple daily attacks - perhaps continuing endlessly as long as Washington rejects peace.

It wants Ukraine used as a dagger targeting Russia’s heartland - along with growing numbers of US and other NATO troops in Eastern Europe close to its borders.

US plans call for establishing a military cordon sanitaire - aiming to marginalize, weaken, and isolate Russia from Europe. US provocations head things perilously closer to direct confrontation. All bets are off if lunatics in Washington launch it.
There you go again Joe, copying stephen lendman word for word. Apparently you are not an independent thinker, just one of them lendman students and yet you call the Ukraine Government a puppet, the only puppet I see here is you Joe. Joe I suggest you get out in the real world and not live it through someone else's eyes. I also notice lendman hasn't gone to the Ukraine to see for himself, so Joe how is it that he writes about something as fact without ever visiting the Ukraine?
and your ever so "peaceloving" idol mad-vlad has put 100 000 armed men into high combat readiness...very close to my one needs to do anything to isolate that lunatic land from Europe,they do a splendid work by them self to isolate that rouge-nation further and further from the civilized world....gee no copy paste..and you don't negotiate with some russkie backed terrorists,they don't deserve that.
I do so like your sarcastic comments my Maverick friend, it keeps me on my toes a little? I presume you yourself have visited these eastern countries yourself and know everything better than Landman does ? I'm sure he has better resourses than most of you people have and you believe your MSM sources that fill your mind up with lies?? If you want to critisize my views than please come with substancial evidence yourself instead of just being an arm-chair critic??
At least my contacts and friends in eastern europe collaborrate this news even if an independent US reporter writes about it?? I have no personal contact with Landman, he may be an a## hole, but I support and believe what he writes?
So unless you have other on-the-ground sourses, come with them, as long as they don't come from that bunch of liers that you call your government !! The so-called Christians that kill baby's and eat their bodyparts in the foodchain and make-up/body care products and keep killing people in many countries all over the world.
And you and your ancesters have been doing that ever since killing of the Indians, the killing never stopped since that time and I don't think being an american is anything to be proud about, look at your veterans treatment, those that did the killing for you while your washing your hands in innocense?
So this comes from my Independent Thinking Mind !!! Have a nice day and kill some more Baby's, why don't you ?
Acepted, but I also make that mistake sometimes? I guess giving personal info on a site like this is difficult since you cannot trust anybody to treat it with respect and when it backfires you learn to be more careful again?

Initial respect you can expect after that respect has to be earned . Dont dish it out if you cant take it .
And now friend Putin has put his soldiers in Siria to oppose your stupid government again killing innocent public in Siria and causing this fabulous immigrant crisis overrunning europe, I think america should open their doors more to the the refugees so many more Isis rebels can covertly mix with them and finally start blowing some things up on american soil? Why should the europeans carry the load? And very soon there will be thousands of Ukrainien refugees joining the movements so the west can give them a better life instead if their corrupt government? I almost wish that the western idiots would provoke Putin enough so that together with China they can blow-up the world because the americans seem to be intend of doing that anyway?? Pre-emptive or not, it must happen soon so we can finally do a population control and get rid of the 6 Billion over population, better to die quick instead of slow cancerous dying??
Again this is a piece of my Independent thinking and I hope you all enjoy?? Have a nice day while they last ??
Initial respect you can expect after that respect has to be earned . Dont dish it out if you cant take it .

Ha,Ha,Ha, I laugh at that, better come with more ?? Besides I don't demand respect !!
Just voicing my opinion with help from certain journalist who know the real world?
well we have a difference of meanings here and my family is right here with me? That my daughter and HER family wish to live in US is their choice, so lets not get to personal here, its not what this site is for, its all about WAR News??
What you choose to believe is your perogative and we still can have our free expression here, but not in US where the NSA will collect you for questioning and hold you long enough to loose your job,house,family and put your kids in fostercare where they can be abused !!! Don't try to teach me about USA, I've lived there long enough !!

Iv never known for someone to be " collected" and thier kids removed unless there has been something very wrong . The above quote says alot .
In the U.S we have freedom of speach and expression . If not we wouldnt be on this forum for long without being jailed like some third world mud hole .
Strange that the things you say you do not like about the U.S are the same things suported by the leftist ideaology you paste as your own beliefs .
Sure, but I guess that comes all with personal experiences happening around you where you live, but I never experienced my kids being in government care nor myself, but that may be because I left US 40 yrs. ago? Times have sure changed and not for the better in US, but that's only my meaning ??
But maybe it is also that I'm half a day, 12 to 15 hrs. ahead of you guys in the world and my brain wakes up quicker than you slower americans, also ahead of europe (6 hrs ahead of Ukraine?) that's why the news gets to me before you all wake up, you sleeping beauties are way behind me ? HaHaHa, so let the Sheeple sleep a bit more until the truth bites you in the A.....?
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Thats a flip flop on your U.S expierance .
On a spinning globe no one is ahead in because it spins back around , news is broad at the same hour just earlier on the clock face .
All your U.S bashing comes from envy . Take any 3rd World Countrys and much of the developed Nations challenge the Government like we do here in the United States of America and you will disapear , end up in a prison or just shot down .
Hey Jim the US of A is a third world country :) You cant make decent beer, you cant make decent motorbikes, you suck at soccer and you cannot play cricket and you cannot make a decent cup of tea :) :) :ar15::eek:wned:

Thats a flip flop on your U.S expierance .
On a spinning globe no one is ahead in because it spins back around , news is broad at the same hour just earlier on the clock face .
All your U.S bashing comes from envy . Take any 3rd World Countrys and much of the developed Nations challenge the Government like we do here in the United States of America and you will disapear , end up in a prison or just shot down .
Minor point , I dont drink alchol , We make the best bikes but if we didnt we import the 2nd best , We have made great strides in soccer but thats beside the point as we excell at real Foot Ball , Iv played cricket but thats another story in itself . Cricket is a non issue , We have our tea in tall glass's or Mason jars with ice and lemon and rather sweet .
I wouldnt have to drive far to find a few places that resemble a 3rd World but a closer look and there is 60" tv's , smart phones , 4x4 atv's , new trucks and cars . I guess its all in what you want outa life .
Psalm there are gods own motorycles and then there is junk, and gods own motorycles is TRIUMPH, even gets mentioned in the bible " And Moses came down the mountain on his Triumph" :) The original translation was wrong :)

REAL football is called Rugby and the Rugby World cup starts this week and the US isn't in it, Your version with the helmets and body armour is what we let our preteens play before they become real rugby players :)

I know cricket is a non starter in the US only civilised countries play cricket.

FYI I see the Ruskies have been caught out fighting WITH Assad in Syria
60's rethorics from the Vietnam-era..babykillers,hmm,what did the russkies do in Berlin in WW2??? well raped over 2 million German girls and women,so that makes that army a rapist-army.....but what can you expect from a putin-troll,insults when you don't agree with the propaganda,insults when you don't think that maniac is the living God on earth who will save us all.
Oh Lord, 1775 all over again... Guy's you do realize the war ended in 1783 right? I mean that was a long time ago you all do realize that...... Right?

Wrong :) it ended in 1814 and we won :) we just could not be bothered with such hornery troublesome colonies in the Americas any more :)

The thing is we Brits never give up we still are fighting the French for their invasion in 1066 :)
that 1066 thingy isn't going so great,now the froggies use ragheads through the tunnel as sappers ;)

We have not forgotten about the Norse either ROTFLMBO :) :) the Norse raid on Holy Island near here in AD793 nor the vandalism as ell as the looting, we have the famous Norse carving on the original door to the Monestry that reads "Jonnte oli täällä"
Wrong :) it ended in 1814 and we won :) we just could not be bothered with such hornery troublesome colonies in the Americas any more :)

The thing is we Brits never give up we still are fighting the French for their invasion in 1066 :)

Correct, the English won and America is still under influence of the British Queen, as is Canada ?
But maybe it is also that I'm half a day, 12 to 15 hrs. ahead of you guys in the world and my brain wakes up quicker than you slower americans, also ahead of europe (6 hrs ahead of Ukraine?) that's why the news gets to me before you all wake up, you sleeping beauties are way behind me ? HaHaHa, so let the Sheeple sleep a bit more until the truth bites you in the A.....?
This is not news, but paid propaganda of Moscow, I'm just at the epicenter of events and watch it all live and sources which are very far from the official. Similar way to the operational situation and obtain information. Before me, you can not receive it in any way.
I think our biggest threat in the US is from the invasion of third worlders (AKA "migrant's & refugees") streaming across our borders illegally, and from our own governments plan to resettle millions of them in our own neighborhoods. Our government seems to be determined to destroy this Nation, our culture and our way of life.
This is not news, but paid propaganda of Moscow, I'm just at the epicenter of events and watch it all live and sources which are very far from the official. Similar way to the operational situation and obtain information. Before me, you can not receive it in any way.

`Correct friend, but when I get it you're still asleep and Maybe I post it faster ?? HaHaHa ?? Doesn't matter anyway?
starnge how those pesky russians seem to find it neccesary to interfere in sovereign countries foreign policy,like today when they threatened Sweden;if you dare to join Nato you will face severe consequences from russia..

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