I guess you are calling me new, but I am not.
I still beg to differ on what is progress and what is regression.
And studies have shown that Antarctic ice is melting at 5 times the original predictions, now projecting a sea level increase of 5 feet by 2100. Of course, we don’t care as we will be dead. But even if we stopped shoving carbon into the atmosphere right now, the melt will continue for years because it is stored in environment. Too bad for the US coast, the NE. And this is what a continued reliance on coal contributes to. And more coal means more respiratory illnesses. Which is what trump is promoting.
The trade wars with Canada, Mexico, Europe, and China will hurt the US and it already is. The global economy is much too complex to think that tariffs will be a laser focused solution. There are always little folk that get caught in the middle, parts manufactures that can only get what they need from a single source because there are no other options, farmers who rely on selling there good overseas but now retaliations are making that impossible...
Oh and that Great Wall? I think that would be the greatest waste of taxpayer money. Even if they build it, the greatest illegal immigration source is from people who enter legally then stay illegally. Plus, there are planes, boats and tunnels... not to mention trumps great budget, what, 3 trillion dollar deficit? Yep, he is doing things. Selling out to the highest bidder. Did you like the Chinese bailout? Selling the US seal on trump products? Exempting his daughters products from his regulations?
History will expose him for what he is, when all the dust settles.
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