Cats .. all about only cats

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Stevie…being Angelic
Momma (Miss Kitty) is an absolute sweetheart…but her 4 kids are ABSOLUTE HELLIONS! They rip through the house like they have rocket engines in their butts!
The very definition of KITTENS. Older cats can help educate them in the WAY, in our house there are many generations of educators.
The very definition of KITTENS. Older cats can help educate them in the WAY, in our house there are many generations of educators.
and They Still EduCat You...!!! :woo hoo:
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There is Not a Day Gone by that I haven't Missed and Cried for me Bushie...!!! I Need to find them Homes, I Only Want Me Bushie and I would 🐝 Ready to 🐝 With Her...!!!
Took a bag of free sample packages of dog and cat food to donate to the local shelter today.. Got to pet an older cat today that was a black and white version of my old Mr Pip.. This cat only 16 pounds, about 2/3 the size of Pip.. Was fun.. I miss Pip.. My avatar is Mr Pip the lap lounger..
The yellow looks like our Yeller, he's been gone for a while now.

Blackie has been gone for months, we have a lot of owls red and yellow tailed hawks we see them every day circling around.

I saw an ORANGE Fox about the height of a beagle with the thickest furry tail I have ever seen
and almost no black or white on it!!!!

It was so beautiful!!!! it surprised me so much I never even thought about taking a phone picture.
If that fox has any kits I would surely like to have one coming by to eat.

It came within about 20 feet of the west side of the house and was just trotting along, looked at me and just trotted on into the woods
OMG - Well this was a first. This afternoon I noticed the cat was missing, hadn't seen her in a couple of hours. We looked in all her nests. Checked the linnen closet, she likes to climb in when we get towels. Even shook the treat bag. No Thumper. I'd been in the garage earlier. Looked out there, no cat. Did she run out when I emptied the trash? That's not like her. It's 115 outside, l looked in the yard, no kitty. WTHeck? Now we were worried. Then I remembered I'd put my AK in the safe earlier, which is in "her room". I opened the safe...

There she was! Just sitting there waiting patiently. Not even a meow. Silly cat.

Sorry, didn't get a pic, but here's a different one. In her preferred spot. :)