We have been teaching Thumper a new trick. When she was young we made a big mistake, and compounded it. She learned the cat carrier and going "car-car" meant a trip to the evil, scary vet and all those nasty, smelly... dogs in the waiting room.

So the last couple years we've avoided it. But this is the LAST summer we are spending in the gawdforsaken desert, and we need Thumper on board.
So, about a month ago I put the open carrier in a corner, with a towel inside. At first she wanted nothing to do with it. Yeah, tell me how cats don't remember. Oh they hold grudges I assure you. Anyway after a couple weeks I started sneaking kitty treats and leaving them inside. First near the door, then in the back where she was forced to climb inside to claim her prize. Now her scent is on it, and she checks for treats. A couple of times she just sits in it afterward.
So I started closing the door a little more each day. Now the door/gate is closed but not latched. She has learned to open the door to claim her treat!
She is such a smart kitty. "Mommy" has taught her to "sit" and come inside on command. (She's only allowed out when we are nearby due to coyotes, bobcats, owls, and the rare snake.)
Oh, and about kitty treats. I have to quietly sneak the bag out to the garage, behind two closed doors to open the bag. She can be sound asleep in her bedroom and if you krinkle the bag, in 5 seconds she's right there. So I have to hide in my own house to open the bag.