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I’ve noticed that Stevie has a crush on Daise, my Sheep dog. He is always rubbing against and nuzzling her…
I’ve noticed that Stevie has a crush on Daise, my Sheep dog. He is always rubbing against and nuzzling her…View attachment 161818
I love when dogs and cats love each other! My Tiger loves our dog Bear. They snuggle together at night, Tiger wrestles Bear's tail, they bite each in the face (🙄)! It's so funny to watch!!
The 4 babies are now 4-1/2 months old. They have been eating like earth moving equipment for a long time, yet momma still nurses them too. Momma also wrestles them to the floor and bathes them. I’ve never raised kittens so I don’t know. How long will momma continue to treat them as helpless newborns? Any ideas???
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The 4 babies are now 4-1/2 months old. They have been eating like earth moving equipment for a long time, yet momma still nurses them too. Momma also wrestles them to the floor and bathes them. I’ve never raised kittens so I don’t know. How long will momma continue to treat them as helpless newborns? Any ideas???
As long as she lets them nurse, they will! Most moms will cut them off at 2-3 months. Being inside together the mom can't and doesn't have to stop them from nursing. I clean for a lady who has a mom and two adult kittens in her house. They nursed for 8 months! They are two years old now, and the mom still mothers them. If mom is ok with prolonged nursing, it's not hurting anything!
4 months. They grow up so fast! Yet my window shades are still shredded... Back in the quiet days "BT" (before Thumper) I lived a quiet life, my "things" were displayed on various tables and shelves. I had my own suitcase and my own side of the bed.

Now anything of value is behind glass, my suitcase has a big fluffy towel with a cat on it for her afternoon nap. And I wake up being pushed off the bed by my wife, because Thumper has taken her whole side of the bed!

We LOVE her. :D
He has a whole channel of funny videos, I love the ones called "kitten origins" and when Simon's cat runs away from home. Beware, do not have drinks nearby while watching. ;) :D

Can A Cat Still Nurse After Being Spayed​

As a cat owner, it’s important to be knowledgeable about the various aspects of cat care, including reproductive health. One common question that arises is whether a cat can still nurse after being spayed. This topic can be confusing for many pet owners, so in this article, we will explore this question in depth and provide valuable insights from professionals in the field.

First and foremost, let’s discuss what spaying actually entails. Spaying is a surgical procedure that involves removing a female cat’s reproductive organs, namely the ovaries and uterus. This procedure is typically done to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to improve the overall health and well-being of the cat.

One of the common concerns that cat owners have is whether a spayed cat can still nurse her kittens. To address this concern, we spoke to a veterinarian who specializes in feline health. According to the veterinarian, once a cat is spayed, her reproductive organs are removed, which means she is no longer able to conceive or give birth to kittens. As a result, she will not be able to nurse any kittens.

Another concern that cat owners may have is whether a spayed cat may still exhibit maternal behavior, such as nesting or grooming. To shed light on this topic, we reached out to a veterinary behaviorist. The behaviorist explained that while some spayed cats may still exhibit maternal behaviors, such as nesting or grooming, this is usually due to their natural instincts rather than an actual desire to nurse kittens. It’s important to provide these cats with plenty of mental and physical stimulation to keep them engaged and fulfilled.
4 months. They grow up so fast! Yet my window shades are still shredded... Back in the quiet days "BT" (before Thumper) I lived a quiet life, my "things" were displayed on various tables and shelves. I had my own suitcase and my own side of the bed.

Now anything of value is behind glass, my suitcase has a big fluffy towel with a cat on it for her afternoon nap.
I had to remove every lamp shade in the house and every plant and floral table centerpiece. I removed everything on the fireplace mantle or any other shelf that they seem to find. Everything is now stacked in the garage until they grow up. I covered ALL the furniture with painters heavy canvas drop cloth. I place ALL the table lamps on their sides (after I picked them up off the floor). In the past few months, I’ve spent almost $4k in vet bills. They are little furry Terrorist, but they are my family. The most important thing to me is that they have a good, long, safe and healthy life. They are innocent and in this world, innocence needs to be preserved and protected.
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After getting their final shots today, Miss Kitty (momma) and her babies are takin’ some well deserved R&R. The only time they are quiet is when they get their shots. They’ll revert back into the WRECKING CREW late tonight, I’m sure.View attachment 162144
Middle of the night, well rested wrecking crew!!😃
For those that have a Cat tree, take Notice...?!? You may want to remove those hanging Soft Round Furry things under the stands...!!

I was in the kitchen where I put so the kits could play with plenty of room... They bee running all around up and down and just getting Krazy as kitties bee... All of a second no noise and just a whimper was heard... I looked at where Beast was on the tree and He looked like he had Froze... As I went to Him I could see that the string was around His throat and the ball had wound around and He couldn't get free... I got it off of Him, he was scared, but as soon He got on the floor next to Kodiak they started chasing each other again... While They were I grab Me Scissors and Cut Both of those strings and removes the strings and tossed the balls down to the Kids to Play on the floor, nothing on the tree can kill the little ones Now...!!!Sept152024 004.jpg


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On a Sad Note, on the way to TSco I spied a kitten that someone had run over at a curve... the sight stung Me...!!! When returning from the TSco, I went back the same way and going real slow, I could see that the kitten had been hit more than once...!!

I Hope I can get Karma to strike on some perps so they Feel those little ones' Pain, when they are leaving this World...!!! :mad: :waiting::waiting::waiting:

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