Cauilflower "steaks"

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Awesome Friend
May 27, 2024
Found this on the AP site of all places. Looks tasty. Maybe add sun dried tomatoes and mixed shredded cheese? I wonder how it would be with broccoli?

This is why I hate veganism. There is beef steak, pork steak and the wooden stake used to stab Dracula. They need to call that seasoned cauliflower side-dish or just grilled cauliflower. It is not a main anything and it is definitely NOT a steak. Carry on.
I was raised by grandparents who raised their own beef, pork and poultry. I could never be a vegan. I love meat. I love a good pot roast, nicely browned and cooked with potatoes and carrots. And then a deep brown gravy made from the fond in the pan. Comfort food, 100%.

But I do like cauliflower, just pretending it is the main thing. It isn't. It is a side.
Wow! I cannot believe how some buttons were pushed by a simple post regarding a recipe. It cracks me up how a simple post about someone liking a recipe turns out to be a pro-meat, anti-vegetable soap box opera my some. Give it a rest people. No one is making you eat anything you don't want to eat. No one is promoting a consumption lifestyle. Give it a rest people. Sheeesh!

Signed, Cabin Fever, a non-vegan, a non-vegetarian.
Wow! I cannot believe how some buttons were pushed by a simple post regarding a recipe. It cracks me up how a simple post about someone liking a recipe turns out to be a pro-meat, anti-vegetable soap box opera my some. Give it a rest people. No one is making you eat anything you don't want to eat. No one is promoting a consumption lifestyle. Give it a rest people. Sheeesh!

Signed, Cabin Fever, a non-vegan, a non-vegetarian.
It actually looks kind of good to me.

I think what people are reacting to is the headline of the article promoting the recipe:

Nutty Parmesan, briny capers and pickled peppers turn cauliflower steaks into a satisfying main

These are certainly not "steaks". It's rather silly to call them that. Similar to "plant-based meat". What an absurd thing to call that concoction. I think this is what people are making fun of. Calling cauliflower a vegetable - like it is - would be more accurate and not have people laughing at someone calling a vegetable a "steak", or a plant "meat". The people using wording like this are just setting themselves up to be laughed at.

I eat cauliflower. Nothing wrong with it. Not my favorite though - it's kind of tasteless. I've held off on the "plant-based meats" however. That just sounds too disgusting to even try. Akin to "calf brains". I'm not trying those either. Are people calling calf brains "vegetables" or "fruits" now? I guess some call organ offal "sweetbread" when it's not really a grain, so who knows? Others are welcome to eat all that stuff they want to, and I will do nothing to stop them.

With foods, it's sometimes hard to decide it you should laugh or retch when someone calls it a silly name implying it is something that it is not.
I think cauliflower is good for extending the volume and nutrients of a dish, but not so much for adding flavor. I put it in the same category as tofu or dragonfruit. I don't know many people who like to eat any of these things stand-alone. They're not sweet, not sour, not bitter, not tart, not bad, not good - they're just kind of there, occupying space without taste.
..There is beef steak, pork steak and the wooden stake used to stab Dracula. ...

..Psst, ya forgot Salmon, Swordfish, Tuna, Mahi-Mahi... and Shark w/ Frikkin Laser-Beans.. :) Oh, and Grilled Portobello Mushroom 'steaks'.. 😍


🤔 ...But what if it's dipped in L-Lysine Sawce? 😁😱 <jd ducks / runs for cover> Just kiddin, Pearl, don't taze me Sis.. 😜

I guess I could LICK ranch dressing off of cauliflower, that's as close as I'm coming to eating cauliflower!!

People would really steer clear of the food table at the cocktail party with the pair of us there. Me, dredging my fingers through the dip, and you, licking the cauliflower. We'd have all of that food just to ourselves!
I had roasted "buffalo" cauliflower once. It was pretty good, surprisingly good actually. Then I had a buffalo chicken wing and that was like 30x better. I imagine the same is true with every veggie alternative.