I'm guilty of being absent ( I think it was almost 2 years ).
Work, Home, Life, etc, etc, etc......
I have also taken ownership of our Australian Prep site: Ausprep.com , as well as trying to reinvigorate our Asian site: Asiaprep.com
So I've been rather busy.,
We have a lot less members than here, 727 as I write.
One thing with admin we have discussed, is how to get members more involved, posts etc.
What we have learned is this;
1. A lot, if not, most people, will never post. They use our site as a "go to library" for information. That's ok with us. Some people don't want to post, or feel inadequate.
2. Some post, then fall off the forum. Sometimes it is disagreements over a topic, feel they have no more to offer, so stop posting.
3. Some lose interest, and never come back.
4. Some join, and never post, and never come back.
On the positive, recently we have had a number of members who were absent for over a year be seen back on line. We usually message them, say hi, and welcome them back.
Not sure, but I'll throw out a few ideas.
We have a State/territory thread, and we organise get togethers with people. Because we are so small, we can easiy handle this.
Is it feasable to have a number of members responsible for their own states, and if there is a way, to email/contact members from their respective state, say hi, encourage them to come back, even ask for feedback.
We did that a while ago, ask for feedback from once regular members. One was concerned that there were too many males in charge, and not enough female participation. We took this on board, though one of our three head admins is a female. We did also start a "Womens Thread" where women could discuss prepping issues relevant to them, as well as a "secret' area for women only to discuss in private.
Then again, we have banned a lot of people too, which has become a bit of a competition with us admin as to who can ban the most trolls & morons that hit our page.
Hope this helps.
PS - I'll be around more, I promise.