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Admitted into UMC. Yesterday and spent 24 hours in the ER. Finally got a room
Blood pressure has dipped to 25.
View attachment 159120Admitted into UMC. Yesterday and spent 24 hours in the ER. Finally got a room
Blood pressure has dipped to 25.
I can't really see much on that monitor. BP has 2 numbers, so I'm a bit confused on what exactly is 25?

Whatever the case is, you must have something going on or they wouldn't have admitted you. I'm so sorry Frodo. I hope you get feeling much better real soon. Praying for you!
I can't really see much on that monitor. BP has 2 numbers, so I'm a bit confused on what exactly is 25?

Whatever the case is, you must have something going on or they wouldn't have admitted you. I'm so sorry Frodo. I hope you get feeling much better real soon. Praying for you!
The monitor is pulse and oxygen
The numbers I am talking about are blood pressure
65 over 25

Is what it dipped down to
Yikes Frodo! Praying for you.
My Bp is low too. Not quite that low. I also have low sodium. They gave me fludrocortizone so I don't pee out all my sodium. That has helped bring it up a bit. Hopefully they can get yours up to your normal range soon.

When my brother had kidney stones once his Bp dropped to 60/40. He was delirious. Emergency inverted his bed. He has a traumatic brain injury though, so I don't know if that played a part in his state of mind. He ended up in the hospital for a week. Once the infection from the stones was fixed he was back to normal. Or his normal.

Low Bp can be from a lot of reasons. I hope they figure out how to fix yours.
@Amish Heart I vaguely remember Mel. I hope she's doing OK.

@havasu, Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear he's in a lousy hospital. I hope it's actually better than the ones around where I live.

@Frodo, I hope they are taking good care of you and that your wife can advocate for you when you can't advocate for yourself. I've had to advocate for my mother when she wasn't getting proper care. Sending you big hugs.
I was discharged yesterday
I think it was to soon because they needed the room. But I do have a heart monitor so if a problem occurs it will be recorded
Arguing with them was exhausting and like talking to a brick wall. Here is what I ran into
We need to incrementally give you pain meds. I agreed, but also told them Zi disagree
They handed me a cup with a norco 10 mg pill
The next cup was 2 pills. (Increments )
Upon further inspection the pills were not 2,-10 mg pills but were 2- 5 mg. Pills
This is when I suspected games being played

If you know me then you know I am a straight talker and when I suspect games I dig in my heals like an old mule and become the most stubborn sob you ever met, yesterday I dug in and gave them hell all day . The Dr. asked me after I refused the helper to blow into some plastic thing. My response was. Can I hit you in your kidney as hard as I can
Bewilderment. Was the return look
I said the answer is no right? Because it would hurt?
You are asking me to blow into this thing and it is going to feel like I am being hit in the ribs why can you say no you do not want to be hurt but I should go ahead
No Dr,I am not blowing anything with out pain meds
But you NEED to!!!!
Then give me pain meds
We cant
Then I ain't
And I didn't
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I was discharged yesterday
I think it was to soon because they needed the room. But I do have a heart monitor so if a problem occurs it will be recorded
Arguing with them was exhausting and like talking to a brick wall. Here is what I ran into
We need to incrementally give you pain meds. I agreed, but also told them Zi disagree
They handed me a cup with a norco 10 mg pill
The next cup was 2 pills. (Increments )
Upon further inspection the pills were not 2,-10 mg pills but were 2- 5 mg. Pills
This is when I suspected games being played

If you know me then you know I am a straight talker and when I suspect games I dig in my heals like an old mule and become the most stubborn sob you ever met, yesterday I dug in and gave them hell all day . The Dr. asked me after I refused the helper to blow into some plastic thing. My response was. Can I hit you in your kidney as hard as I can
Bewilderment. Was the return look
I said the answer is no right? Because it would hurt?
You are asking me to blow into this thing and it is going to feel like I am being hit in the ribs why can you say no you do not want to be hurt but I should go ahead
No Dr,I am not blowing anything with out pain meds
But you NEED to!!!!
Then give me pain meds
We cant
Then I ain't
And I didn't
They didn't discharge you because they need the bed. They discharged you because you are not cooperating in your own recovery. The reason the doctor wanted you to blow into respirometer or peak flow meter is to gauge your recovery. If you had the pain meds you might be able to blow into the meter harder than you would without and that would skew their diagnosis on how far you've come in recovery or what damage still exists and what steps were needed to get you back to fighting fit. Please help them to help you. We want you healthy and whole.
They handed me a cup with a norco 10 mg pill
The next cup was 2 pills. (Increments )
Upon further inspection the pills were not 2,-10 mg pills but were 2- 5 mg. Pills
This is when I suspected games being played
Narcotics can lower your blood pressure. And lower your respiratory effort. Both of those outcomes sound like the last things they want in your case. Demanding narcotics, especially if they may be inappropriate for your care, will raise suspicions of trying to obtain drugs illegally and can indeed end up with games being played. The final play is often when they kick you out of care with no narcotics. I don't know about your state, but here in Colorado health providers are required to report activity they are suspicious of that may be attempts to illegally obtain drugs. So people can't just walk down the street to the next hospital and try to get drugs there - they're flagged before they hit the door. I highly doubt that you are a druggie, but you still don't want your actions to raise suspicions that you might be. I hate to say it, but what you're reporting has a pretty good chance to raising some suspicions.
The Dr. asked me after I refused the helper to blow into some plastic thing. My response was. Can I hit you in your kidney as hard as I can
Bewilderment. Was the return look
Pseudo-threats like that can get you kicked out too.

I do hope you get better soon. But I would recommend better cooperation with those who are trying to help you if you want to move things along faster. Belligerence is not going to help. Hospitals deal with belligerent drug abusers every day. Even when you're not a druggie, you could end up being treated like one if your actions suggest otherwise. The same thing would happen to any of us if we walked into the drug store and tried to buy 6 boxes of Sudafed, even if we're not planning on making any meth. They're not going to sell it to us, and we're going to get reported (at least here in Colorado) - because that is now considered meth-head behavior, trying to buy a lot of Sudafed at one time. Like it or not (and I don't), this is the world we live in now.
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@Frodo, I understand your frustration-- especially since you are in pain-- but others have already said why the narcos have to be given in small doses. I wish there was a better way for them to treat pain without messing up your blood pressure or depressing your nervous system. It can interfere with breathing sometimes, IIRC. It is very common for people who are under stress and/or in pain to be agitated. Agitation can also be a sign of head trauma. (I do remember some things from my First Responder training). Please keep in mind that hospital staff-- particularly nurses-- have to deal with some really bad behavior from patients and family members of patients. I have yet to meet a nurse who hasn't been punched, slapped, kicked, choked, grabbed, screamed at, puked on, or otherwise assaulted & battered in their line of work. That said, I know how frustrating it can be when they don't seem to listen to you and don't seem to care that you are in pain and make you feel like you don't matter. I've been treated like absolute garbage in the ER (well, they actually refused to even examine me, much less treat me) because I don't have insurance. And I had to fight to get my mother and another late friend their pain meds on time. I've seen what happens when the nurses are lousy and don't care. I know it can be hard to not be aggravated when you're miserable. I'm sending you virtual hugs and hoping you will recover quickly.
They didn't discharge you because they need the bed. They discharged you because you are not cooperating in your own recovery. The reason the doctor wanted you to blow into respirometer or peak flow meter is to gauge your recovery. If you had the pain meds you might be able to blow into the meter harder than you would without and that would skew their diagnosis on how far you've come in recovery or what damage still exists and what steps were needed to get you back to fighting fit. Please help them to help you. We want you healthy and whole.
I respectfully disagree
They have imaging technology to determine the amount of damage caused.
In your scenario a person in a coma would not be able to be diagnosed and to be completely honest they wanted me to blow to strengthen my lungs. Diagnostics did not have a diddly damn to do with it
Thank you for your post.
To those that agree narcs need to be administered in small doses
The hospital tried to run that BS on me saying narcotics would harm me and stop my breathing and yadda yadda
All of tracheas debunked twice
I was transferred from 3 hospitals
One gave me a big ole dose of morphine and it had no ill effects
The third hospital , UMMC, the one refusing pain meds had a Dr on call at 3AM who did in fact order a one time pain shot that did not do any harm at all. And royally pissed off the Dr in the morning when I tossed it in their face what they are saying is untrue
The fact is this, their policy is not to give pain meds because the hospital is run by a bunch of liberals who do not not honor the oath a Dr swore to. They only honor the grant money doled out if they stay in line
I am sitting here shaking my head in disbelief at a couple of posts
Really, shaking my head and listening to my eyes rattle back and forth
7 , seven broken ribs and some think that me asking for something stronger than a 10 mg codene pill. is out of line
Really? Come on, do you really think 10 mg is going to to do anything for that type of pain ?
If you do, you have no idea and I hope wish and pray you never find out what it feels like
Opps, Shaking my head so hard an eyeball popped out of my ear hole

lol. Love ya'll. Good night
Still praying for you Frodo.

When my brother broke his shoulder they prescribed Tylenol and Advil. His home healthcare nurse said to alternate them. That way when one was coming down the other one was kicking in. Both were higher doses than the OTC bottle recommends.

If you have a primary doctor go see them. They would know if you have a drug problem or not. Hopefully they will be willing to prescribe something for the pain. See if your primary will recommend home healthcare too. They will help advocate for your needs too.
A shoulder when broke can be imoboilized by binding the arm to the shoulder. This stops movement and can then stop the pain , for the most part
A rib, can not be immobilized breathing moves the rib cage with every breath
Each breath is a new pain
They used to wrap the chest area but no longer allow that practice (I wish they would bind me) because wrapping leads to pneumonia , this I did not know till the other day when I asked to be bound
A shoulder when broke can be imoboilized by binding the arm to the shoulder. This stops movement and can then stop the pain , for the most part
A rib, can not be immobilized breathing moves the rib cage with every breath
Each breath is a new pain
They used to wrap the chest area but no longer allow that practice (I wish they would bind me) because wrapping leads to pneumonia , this I did not know till the other day when I asked to be bound
Whatever you do, do not sneeze. And I will be nice and not tell you stupid jokes to make you laugh like I did to my bro. when he had broken ribs. Is there a homeopathic doc. anywhere in the area? Might be able to go in a side door somewhere. Hugs & prayers.
Whatever you do, do not sneeze. And I will be nice and not tell you stupid jokes to make you laugh like I did to my bro. when he had broken ribs. Is there a homeopathic doc. anywhere in the area? Might be able to go in a side door somewhere. Hugs & prayers.
Oh man. I had the sweetest lady who used to work for Dr Barry Tillman Her name was Lisa. Man. I loved me some Ms Lisa. She was into homeopathic medicine and her way worked a lot when others did not
But...... when the chi chi bug hit she left to tend to her Daddy and I have not seen her again. lol. She had a nurse who sounded just like Betty. From the Flintstones and laughed like her. So I called he Betty.
@Frodo, I feel for you and I totally get how the painkillers are not working. I have a genetically high resistance to pain meds and anesthetic. Narcos don't seem to do crap for me and it would take super high doses to do anything. I think there is something called Tramadol or something that can be used for some pains but not sure if it would work in your case. You definitely need some pain management care. I've seen how different hospitals have different policies and it can be so frustrating dealing with that. I want to be clear that I in no way think that 10mg of the narcos would relieve the pain, but I do know that the hospitals don't want to get sued & would rather let a patient be in pain than risk a malpractice suit if a patient died or had serious complications. I would have been pissed about the attempted trickery with the pills too. They should at least be honest with patients about things. They probably thought it would have a placebo effect.

I remember when my dad broke his ribs and they could not give him enough painkillers safely. Doesn't make recovery any easier. I'm guessing morphine or lidocaine patches won't help. Wish there was something more I could do to help.

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