Count Down to Vote

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Shirley you jest!
Everything including the kitchen sink will be thrown out there to try and challenge the results.
Remember the "Russian Collusion" crap went on for 3 years after the last election.View attachment 51054
Have you forgotten the "hanging chads" debacle in 2000?
The one result we can be sure of, is contraversy.

You did see the " too nasty" didn't you SuperV? I know what many are saying but I hope after a few get Sheriff Judd remedy the rest give it up and behave,but who will resist? So far not many.
I really don't want to see a bunch of Americans kill each other but thats not what history says.
Shirley you jest!
Everything including the kitchen sink will be thrown out there to try and challenge the results.
Remember the "Russian Collusion" crap went on for 3 years after the last election.View attachment 51054
Have you forgotten the "hanging chads" debacle in 2000?
The one result we can be sure of, is controversy...

I did almost forget about that on,hanging judge would stop those hanging chads.
These peopel are making me meaner everyday. Thats why I like to take breaks now and then.
You did see the " too nasty" didn't you SuperV? I know what many are saying but I hope after a few get Sheriff Judd remedy the rest give it up and behave,but who will resist? So far not many.
I really don't want to see a bunch of Americans kill each other but thats not what history says.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the voting and election, not the riots and violence to follow.
We know what kind of people riot.
They will not be happy.
Drove over 100 miles today thru 4 or 5 small towns , on county roads.

Counted signs.
Trump 2
Biden 1

I've never seen this before. Usually the signs are every 10 ft.

Not sure what to make of it.
I want to believe people are holding back for a big surprise.

KY is mostly registered Democrat but mostly vote republican.


Thirty days, guys. Do your one goal a day. This will not be pretty.
Voting is not that hard!

If a (former) Alabama redneck (me) can do it, it cannot be that hard!
...And I've seen me do it every election year! :p
I also had a bumper sticker that said: "If you didn't vote, don't B*tch!".
It came in handy during the George W. years.;)
This year the election could be very interesting, in the past mail-in votes didn't even get counted until after the election was over... I am reading that this year many states are queuing them up to be counted or counting but not reporting the results days or even weeks before the election. This means that many voters (seniors and people who use main-in) that were ignored in the past, may actually impact the early parts of the election....

Another thing is the checking of the ballots is much more detailed this year, so there could be a lot of fraudster’s caught this year. Like the guy in Florida who got voting for his dead wife....

Yes, folks, this November we should all get our sodas iced down and make our popcorn cause it's going to be a show to remember.
Voting is not that hard!View attachment 51357
If a (former) Alabama redneck (me) can do it, it cannot be that hard!
...And I've seen me do it every election year! :p
I also had a bumper sticker that said: "If you didn't vote, don't B*tch!".
It came in handy during the George W. years.;)

I have an answer to this vote thingy,I had a billboard on back of my van that read,:D

If you didn't participate in the fight to save your homeland from invasions,who will take your votes from you,then you can't complain.
Maybe voting works one of us here thinks so.Hubby votes.

f you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

We were in the streets and at borders begging for help ,but Americans were roo busy " voting " I guess to save their nation. Our voting system has been jeopardized while we were asleep.
2 Days and a wake up! News... There is a huge turn out for Trump happening in CA believe it or not. The bad news... The turn out is so big that today bomb threats have been called in on polling stations in Los Angeles... via twitter messages, haven't found a news story yet...

I expect similar all over the country, they are desperate to stop trump now...

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