Dealing with corrupt siblings and their corrupt lawyer and possibly corrupt judge; any advice?

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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2024
I like to get wisdom from a lot of people because at the moment I just don't have any. My brother died and my two greedy siblings Linda and Patrice fought my sister Joanne and I to gain control of our brother's estate. Patrice was executrix for my father's estate and tried to take from my inheritance and she did take from Joanne's without any legal right. She had a corrupt lawyer. I fought her and Linda and their corrupt lawyer in court representing myself and won. That time I was lucky; I had an honest judge.

Now I'm dealing with a different animal. Unbelievably, the judge handling my brother's estate gave it to Patrice and Linda, knowing they committed theft. Ever since then I have been viciously attacked by their lawyer. I finally sent a strong letter to the court saying that they committed perjury and harassment and asked for action from the court. I never got any response from the court. My husband said they're trying to get me back because I beat them in court with my father's estate. I think they and their lawyer are demonized. I don't know if there are any believers on here that know about the realities of the spiritual world but I am dealing with truly evil, demonized people.

Their attorney is trying to get me to pay her legal fees. It's insanity - she is a total kook. They're not content with getting their share - they want to take from me. The kook attorney sent Joanne and I a zoom meeting link to go to, to try to get me to pay her legal fees. We're going to visit family and I said I'm not going; that what I sent to the court will suffice. I'm not dancing to that witch's tune. My sister Joanne thinks differently; that we should go and get it over with. She can't stand either sibling and wants them away from us. She calls them "the evil alliance." They did something far worse than I can even say here. I do not want them near me. Linda is an evil person and is a big cheese in her church. What a hypocrite.

I don't have much faith that this judge is honest. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? What would you do? My faith in God has really waned. I pray and pray and...nothing. So my faith is failing at the same time. I can't deal with these evil people. Forgive me for spilling my guts but I'm fresh out of energy and wisdom.
I have no idea what you are set to inherit, not that it really matters. If you have in your head that you don’t want anything from the estate but want what’s right and what he would have wished, then God will be on your side.
All I can offer is prayer 🙏 🌺
I like to get wisdom from a lot of people because at the moment I just don't have any. My brother died and my two greedy siblings Linda and Patrice fought my sister Joanne and I to gain control of our brother's estate. Patrice was executrix for my father's estate and tried to take from my inheritance and she did take from Joanne's without any legal right. She had a corrupt lawyer. I fought her and Linda and their corrupt lawyer in court representing myself and won. That time I was lucky; I had an honest judge.

Now I'm dealing with a different animal. Unbelievably, the judge handling my brother's estate gave it to Patrice and Linda, knowing they committed theft. Ever since then I have been viciously attacked by their lawyer. I finally sent a strong letter to the court saying that they committed perjury and harassment and asked for action from the court. I never got any response from the court. My husband said they're trying to get me back because I beat them in court with my father's estate. I think they and their lawyer are demonized. I don't know if there are any believers on here that know about the realities of the spiritual world but I am dealing with truly evil, demonized people.

Their attorney is trying to get me to pay her legal fees. It's insanity - she is a total kook. They're not content with getting their share - they want to take from me. The kook attorney sent Joanne and I a zoom meeting link to go to, to try to get me to pay her legal fees. We're going to visit family and I said I'm not going; that what I sent to the court will suffice. I'm not dancing to that witch's tune. My sister Joanne thinks differently; that we should go and get it over with. She can't stand either sibling and wants them away from us. She calls them "the evil alliance." They did something far worse than I can even say here. I do not want them near me. Linda is an evil person and is a big cheese in her church. What a hypocrite.

I don't have much faith that this judge is honest. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? What would you do? My faith in God has really waned. I pray and pray and...nothing. So my faith is failing at the same time. I can't deal with these evil people. Forgive me for spilling my guts but I'm fresh out of energy and wisdom.
Fight fire with fire
Get a lawyer and go after the sister for legal fees and mental stress. ****start seeing a head shrink. ******

No one but the lawyers will win in this shitsheaction
Let her have it ,walk away
I like to get wisdom from a lot of people because at the moment I just don't have any. My brother died and my two greedy siblings Linda and Patrice fought my sister Joanne and I to gain control of our brother's estate. Patrice was executrix for my father's estate and tried to take from my inheritance and she did take from Joanne's without any legal right. She had a corrupt lawyer. I fought her and Linda and their corrupt lawyer in court representing myself and won. That time I was lucky; I had an honest judge.

Now I'm dealing with a different animal. Unbelievably, the judge handling my brother's estate gave it to Patrice and Linda, knowing they committed theft. Ever since then I have been viciously attacked by their lawyer. I finally sent a strong letter to the court saying that they committed perjury and harassment and asked for action from the court. I never got any response from the court. My husband said they're trying to get me back because I beat them in court with my father's estate. I think they and their lawyer are demonized. I don't know if there are any believers on here that know about the realities of the spiritual world but I am dealing with truly evil, demonized people.

Their attorney is trying to get me to pay her legal fees. It's insanity - she is a total kook. They're not content with getting their share - they want to take from me. The kook attorney sent Joanne and I a zoom meeting link to go to, to try to get me to pay her legal fees. We're going to visit family and I said I'm not going; that what I sent to the court will suffice. I'm not dancing to that witch's tune. My sister Joanne thinks differently; that we should go and get it over with. She can't stand either sibling and wants them away from us. She calls them "the evil alliance." They did something far worse than I can even say here. I do not want them near me. Linda is an evil person and is a big cheese in her church. What a hypocrite.

I don't have much faith that this judge is honest. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? What would you do? My faith in God has really waned. I pray and pray and...nothing. So my faith is failing at the same time. I can't deal with these evil people. Forgive me for spilling my guts but I'm fresh out of energy and wisdom.
Get a lawyer. A good lawyer.

I heard a method of choosing a good lawyer. It worked for me. Here goes.

Watch for lawyer ads.

Call and talk to the person scheduling that in the event their boss is not right, what local lawyer is best at that area of law.

Lather rinse repeat.

Yup, I'd get a good lawyer. Around my area if they are advertising in the paper, then they probably aren't that good. The good ones don't need to advertise. However, I live in a smaller community so it might be different in larger towns. Talk to friends, family, neighbors, etc. that have been through the process and get their recommendation on who the best lawyer in town is for your particular case. After you hire that lawyer, ask him or her if they have an opinion of the judge and what they can do about that situation. Just know that if you do fight fire with fire, it will be a stressful time with a lot of sleepless nights. So, no matter how it goes, there will be anxiety. That said, there is always the option of just walking away from it all and let whatever happens happen.

Sadly, the lawyers will probably be the only winners in this mess.

Don't lose faith. HE knows what's going on and he will hold your hand through it all if you let him. Ask him what you should do. He has ways of answering you. Don't let the noise of world block out his messages. And don't forget, even though this is an incredibly tough time for you right now, it's all small stuff. There will come a day when none of this will matter at all.
I agree with all of the above. You may have beaten them the first time defending yourself, but I doubt that will happen again. Hire a good lawyer.
I have no idea what you are set to inherit, not that it really matters. If you have in your head that you don’t want anything from the estate but want what’s right and what he would have wished, then God will be on your side.
All I can offer is prayer 🙏 🌺
Would you go to the meeting? I do have severe medical issues and my doctor told me to avoid stress. Since being attacked nonstop by their attorney my stress went through the roof and fired my CRPS which is very very painful. I sincerely appreciate your prayers.
Fight fire with fire
Get a lawyer and go after the sister for legal fees and mental stress. ****start seeing a head shrink. ******

No one but the lawyers will win in this shitsheaction
Let her have it ,walk away
We already paid a lawyer a substantial amount because we knew that they would try to steal again. We lost and the judge chose the evil siblings. An attorney I know told me that it's all up to which lawyer is friends with the judge. I could hire another lawyer but I don't have money to throw away. However, if that crooked judge rules that I have to pay that nasty lawyer's fees then my husband said it could run about $20,000. I don't know what to do. Good idea to go after them for mental stress.
Get a lawyer. A good lawyer.

I heard a method of choosing a good lawyer. It worked for me. Here goes.

Watch for lawyer ads.

Call and talk to the person scheduling that in the event their boss is not right, what local lawyer is best at that area of law.

Lather rinse repeat.

We already paid a lawyer a LOT of money and we lost. Something's not right with that judge allowing those who committed outright fraud and theft to handle another estate. That's wise about how to find the best lawyer.
Was it a different lawyer that helped late sibling with the will?
Never had to deal with that kind of stuff much. It all hurts. Feel cheated. Just being finished with them would be a great blessing to you. Praying for you.
Yes it was a different lawyer in a different state. You're fortunate you never had to deal with that - it does hurt. Dear God I've been begging God to get them away from me.
Yup, I'd get a good lawyer. Around my area if they are advertising in the paper, then they probably aren't that good. The good ones don't need to advertise. However, I live in a smaller community so it might be different in larger towns. Talk to friends, family, neighbors, etc. that have been through the process and get their recommendation on who the best lawyer in town is for your particular case. After you hire that lawyer, ask him or her if they have an opinion of the judge and what they can do about that situation. Just know that if you do fight fire with fire, it will be a stressful time with a lot of sleepless nights. So, no matter how it goes, there will be anxiety. That said, there is always the option of just walking away from it all and let whatever happens happen.

Sadly, the lawyers will probably be the only winners in this mess.

Don't lose faith. HE knows what's going on and he will hold your hand through it all if you let him. Ask him what you should do. He has ways of answering you. Don't let the noise of world block out his messages. And don't forget, even though this is an incredibly tough time for you right now, it's all small stuff. There will come a day when none of this will matter at all.
That's just we're I'm at right now: under bad stress. I've prayed so hard but no answer comes. I've been trying to listen for an answer but God is silent.
First, my condolences on your loss.

Have you tried a consultation with the lawyer who handled the other estate issue. Even may not have the ability to work on this case but might have valuable advice to combat this one or even recommend a shark that settle things. Perhaps they have insight in how to deal with that judge.

My prayers for you Shan. Losing a sibling to death is hard. Losing siblings to evil is harder.
First, my condolences on your loss.

Have you tried a consultation with the lawyer who handled the other estate issue. Even may not have the ability to work on this case but might have valuable advice to combat this one or even recommend a shark that settle things. Perhaps they have insight in how to deal with that judge.

My prayers for you Shan. Losing a sibling to death is hard. Losing siblings to evil is harder.
Thank you for your kind words. My sister Joanne thought we should contact the attorney we had hired to ask her advice. I told her I couldn't afford to keep paying her. Thanks for your suggestion - maybe that's what I should do.

The two evil siblings are being instigated by Satan, as is their corrupt lawyer. I know that much for sure. But I've prayed and asked God to help but none comes. I'm not in good health and the stress has made my suffering intolerable. Joanne and I are trying to determine what to do. Her inclination is to go to the meeting, mine is to not go. In my response I stated that they committed perjury; they accused Joanne and I of doing what they themselves did. But I don't know about this judge. I told her they put me through torment with my father's estate and she still appointed them. So she has no concern for us. I recalled what another attorney had told me: that cases aren't judged on merit, it's what lawyer is friends with the judge. I don't know if that's the case here but from what we've seen so far it doesn't look good.

I am in a state of acute exhaustion. My own wisdom is not enough.
You need to fight the legal fees, you should not have to pay those! As for the rest, I would WALK AWAY!! You are dealing with TOXIC people, I learned it's better to leave them to themselves!! Material inheritance is not worth the stress!! You will be the true winner when your sisters are out of your life! Let them live in their own hell

In my former life, I was a CPA, Computer Systems Analyst and a Paralegal. I made a living by analyzing problems.
I worked on the business side of the street turning around businesses in trouble.
I will share my opinions only. You have to decide things for yourself.

1. When I was 40 and attending night school, one law professor knew I was an avid reader. As he was preparing for class he hollered out "Costa". I looked up and saw a book sailing to me. I read it.

It was A View From The Bench, by Judge Whopner. He was the first to have a "Peoples Court" on TV.

All through the summation of his career he stressed to always settle before going into court. In his last chapter he said as a law student he was in the law library researching. He decided to stretch his legs and walked around just looking.

On the back wall was a big painting of a cow with two men in coveralls pulling on it. The one in front was labeled "Plaintiff", the one in the rear was labeled "Defendant". In the middle was a man in a suite sitting on a stool milking the hell out of it. He was labeled "Attorney".

Whopner said he learned more about the business of law that day did he did in his first year of school.

2. In another law class we were studying Latches, the timing one must act to take legal action. One student said a timing penalty was not fair. The attorney walked over to her, pointed his finger to within two inches of her nose and said "Go to the library and find the book and page that promises fairness and justice from a court!"
He continued "the court only offers the possibility of fairness and justice".

3. In my line of work I always made business decisions by analyzing the Risk compared to the Gain. If there was nothing to gain then don't take the risk.
Note: Scratching an emotional itch does not count as a gain in a Risk/Gain Analysis.
Both attorneys hope you make that mistake.

Your decision should all boil down to this:
How much are you willing to pay attorneys for your share of your brother's kitchenware?

Weigh your risks carefully. Attorneys will eat you alive. You are probably long in tooth so the emotional stress will tax your health and happiness. You should be at peace.

Pick and choose your battle wisely.
Best of luck to you. Jim

P.S. If Interested, contact me and I will tell you how to protect yourself from paying her legal fees.
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Would you go to the meeting? I do have severe medical issues and my doctor told me to avoid stress. Since being attacked nonstop by their attorney my stress went through the roof and fired my CRPS which is very very painful. I sincerely appreciate your prayers.
The zoom meeting? Why not in person? I would but would have my lawyer there to do most of the talking. I (me, my opinion only) would want to establish that I was being reasonable and level headed and want a resolution. You have to know what you want from all of this then make it as easy as possible for them to give you what you want which is where the lawyer will be helpful. I understand you would probably prefer to say some choice words but if you step back and try to look at it like you are negotiating the price of a car for a business, you will be better off regardless of the outcome.
Again, this is just my opinion.
Try an find a Lawyer that will get Paid if n when You get Paid...

example :


Sometimes just mentioning their name gets Results... :lightbulb: Good Luck...!!!
Listen to me now

Years back a riding Bro of mine was going through a really bad Divorce
Seems his ex was greedy greedy greedy
Wanted to take his kids
So. He used her greed against her
He put to gather a packet of papers that was easily 3/4" thick.
Inside that mess of papers one one sheet that signed away her rights as a parent
He met with her and told her he was all at fault. He was sorry, and that he wanted to pay for the children's medical, Dental, private school and life insurance
He laid it on thick,
Her greed kicked in and she signed everything with out reading amything
The paper stood up in court
It had her signature
She was not threatened in any way
No duress no pressure
Judge told her she signed it. It is legal

Trick her, Think about it. All is fair in war
Now for my Advice fee: I get to tell my favorite lawyer joke.

Two attorneys were walking down the sidewalk.
A sweet young thing in a very short skirt walked across the street in front of them
and went into a shop.

One attorney nudged the other and said "How would you like to screw her?"
The other immediately responded "Outta what?"
You need to fight the legal fees, you should not have to pay those! As for the rest, I would WALK AWAY!! You are dealing with TOXIC people, I learned it's better to leave them to themselves!! Material inheritance is not worth the stress!! You will be the true winner when your sisters are out of your life! Let them live in their own hell
I know - they're truly ill people. Why can't they be content with what they're getting and aren't happy until they take from me? I know they're toxic and that's why my sister and I want them out of our lives. I begged God to remove them but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe today??? Oh God it would be such a relief! Please everyone pray for me as I am in a state of exhaustion.

In my former life, I was a CPA, Computer Systems Analyst and a Paralegal. I made a living by analyzing problems.
I worked on the business side of the street turning around businesses in trouble.
I will share my opinions only. You have to decide things for yourself.

1. When I was 40 and attending night school, one law professor knew I was an avid reader. As he was preparing for class he hollered out "Costa". I looked up and saw a book sailing to me. I read it.

It was A View From The Bench, by Judge Whopner. He was the first to have a "Peoples Court" on TV.

All through the summation of his career he stressed to always settle before going into court. In his last chapter he said as a law student he was in the law library researching. He decided to stretch his legs and walked around just looking.

On the back wall was a big painting of a cow with two men in coveralls pulling on it. The one in front was labeled "Plaintiff", the one in the rear was labeled "Defendant". In the middle was a man in a suite sitting on a stool milking the hell out of it. He was labeled "Attorney".

Whopner said he learned more about the business of law that day did he did in his first year of school.

2. In another law class we were studying Latches, the timing one must act to take legal action. One student said a timing penalty was not fair. The attorney walked over to her, pointed his finger to within two inches of her nose and said "Go to the library and find the book and page that promises fairness and justice from a court!"
He continued "the court only offers the possibility of fairness and justice".

3. In my line of work I always made business decisions by analyzing the Risk compared to the Gain. If there was nothing to gain then don't take the risk.
Note: Scratching an emotional itch does not count as a gain in a Risk/Gain Analysis.
Both attorneys hope you make that mistake.

Your decision should all boil down to this:
How much are you willing to pay attorneys for your share of your brother's kitchenware?

Weigh your risks carefully. Attorneys will eat you alive. You are probably long in tooth so the emotional stress will tax your health and happiness. You should be at peace.

Pick and choose your battle wisely.
Best of luck to you. Jim

P.S. If Interested, contact me and I will tell you how to protect yourself from paying her legal fees.
Thanks for your insight. I know the other two siblings, which my sister Joanne calls "dumb and dumber" don't realize their attorney is just using this as a tool - a pretense to milk the estate. They're both greedy and want to try to get as much as they can. The stress on me has been too much and I said I wasn't going - that what was written will suffice. But Joanne wants to go and get it over with. I just am not sure that we're compelled to go. What are they going to do? Argue with themselves? Joanne is worried it will be rescheduled and she wants it over with. Linda actually stole Joanne's house from her after her husband died and she was grieving. These are sick sick people.

I'm unsure who is right. Anyone have any ideas? My health is not good and the stress has been awful. I cut them out of my life after they tried to steal from my inheritance and did steal from Joanne's in 2016. Now it's like swallowing poison to interact with them at all and I frankly don't want to see their demonic ugly faces. I was so flat on my back this morning I almost told my husband to take me to the ER. I'm not young and I was afraid my heart was going to give out.

There is some money in the estate - my brother played the stock market but they're not content with their share. They're sick. But my husband said absolutely we are not spending one more dime on lawyers.

Please pray for me.
The zoom meeting? Why not in person? I would but would have my lawyer there to do most of the talking. I (me, my opinion only) would want to establish that I was being reasonable and level headed and want a resolution. You have to know what you want from all of this then make it as easy as possible for them to give you what you want which is where the lawyer will be helpful. I understand you would probably prefer to say some choice words but if you step back and try to look at it like you are negotiating the price of a car for a business, you will be better off regardless of the outcome.
Again, this is just my opinion.
It's in another state. My husband said we're being reasonable but they are not. The issue is whether this judge is honest, and I have my doubts. After what that attorney said to me that it's not about justice it's about who is friends with the judge now I'm even more uneasy. Linda is the most evil and she stole Joanne's house out from under her. I can't stomach either of them. I'd appreciate everyone's prayers. My faith has been collapsing during protracted issues. If you knew the full story you'd really know the evil we're up against. They're shamelessly evil.
Listen to me now

Years back a riding Bro of mine was going through a really bad Divorce
Seems his ex was greedy greedy greedy
Wanted to take his kids
So. He used her greed against her
He put to gather a packet of papers that was easily 3/4" thick.
Inside that mess of papers one one sheet that signed away her rights as a parent
He met with her and told her he was all at fault. He was sorry, and that he wanted to pay for the children's medical, Dental, private school and life insurance
He laid it on thick,
Her greed kicked in and she signed everything with out reading amything
The paper stood up in court
It had her signature
She was not threatened in any way
No duress no pressure
Judge told her she signed it. It is legal

Trick her, Think about it. All is fair in war
That's a great idea! However I wouldn't contact them - they're far too evil and I don't want to be anywhere near either of them. We tried holding out the olive branch and they thumbed their nose at us. They then lied and said they tried working it out with us. If you've ever dealt with serious liars you know what we're dealing with. There is ZERO CONSCIENCE WITH THEM. My friend called them "frightening." I just wonder why they don't get hit with a bus or something for their wickedness but they're out sliming the world with their evil.
Shanrose: Realize this: Their attorney fee will be deducted from the value of the estate before it is liquidated. Yours will be your cost only, not theirs. Therefore, you are running up the fees by their attorney and you are paying part of his fees, as well as all of your legal fees. You are going to have to give your attorney a fat retainer fee up front.

I wrote this article years ago:

Slap Around , , , , , , top of page

During the time of the great square-sail ships, sailors of the British Navy took joy in playing a game I dubbed “slap around”. Their huge warships carried 500 men and a dozen or two young cabin boys. Invariably on each voyage there were at least half a dozen new boys around the age of nine venturing to sea their first time. Once at sea the sailors would get bored and initiate those first timers.

A short piece of rope was tied to each boy’s left wrist with the other end being lashed to the mast placing the boys in a circle facing each others back. Their right hand held a board. There were only two rules to the game. When you were tapped by the boy behind you, you had to tap the one before you. You could hit as hard or soft as you wanted; you were free to choose.

After several rounds of slightly tapping each other someone would always feel that they had been tapped too hard and would accelerate his blows. Before long the sailors would be roaring with laughter at the sight of the boys beating the hell out of each other. What was so funny (or sad) was that all that was needed was for one boy to choose to go back to tapping, but they couldn’t comprehend that what they did was a delayed version of what was coming back around to them. All they had to do was to simply stop!

We are playing in an economic game of slap around that is also torturing us. All we have to do is to simply choose to stop playing it.
Honestly, your health is more important. Let it go. As said above, the only winners are the lawyers.
Would you not even go to their meeting? That's my inclination but Joanne insists on going because she said it's a monkey on her back and she wants it over with.

I'm not in good health and it's like poison to even deal with them.

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