Does anyone else see an economic crash coming?

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. Likely most of you know what is going on , but perhaps a few do not . This link will explain and I will also explain . During the Obama presidency of the U.S. his adviser by the name of Jones " an admitted communist " got in front of the cameras and enthusiastically announced the Obama and cohorts plan . They were going to follow the Cloward /Piven plan to install communism in the United States . As Jones stated they were going to put pressure on the citizens of the U.S. from the bottom up , from the top down and crush in the middle . Then the desperate citizens would plead for relief and accept communism . -- Obama promptly fired Jones for revealing their plan . However that did not make the plan not true . They just didn't want people to know about it . -- Seeing as how other country's leaders are also making ridiculous moves in regard to their economy and the well being of their citizens , it appears they are also following the Cloward / Piven plan . Now this should explain the hate the Democrats in the U.S. has for Donald Trump . He is spoiling their installation of the Cloward /Piven plan . " prepare "
Are you sure that Trump can do anything about the communist takeover, I seriously doubt it, IF he we to get re elected the rest of the uniparty will slow walk anything he trys if he is really trying. Chances are pretty good that the jones incedent wasn't an accident, more like a on purpose, the elites love to wave it in the publics face. The economy is not run by the Government, it is run by the WEF and big banks, they want it to appear good, they make it appear good, they want it bad, they make it bad. Donny EGO is not going to save anybody, he is just going to make people think they are saved.. (And to the we can vote our way out this is what will happen)

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