Ebola confirmed in Dallas Texas

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as I said before;be as careful as you can be..this is so far from fun as it can be
what gets me about this is that they will not release the flight number this person was on. . . I would think that the other passengers should be at least told so that they are aware and if coming under the weather feeling seek medical attention as quickly as possible and not just think that it is just a cold/flu and will blow over. Just an overnight plane from Liberia on the 19th. This shouldn't have even become an issue in the first place. The flights out of the infected countries should have been grounded until this has come under control. And then why is the US letting these flight in? Taking one's temp when they get on the plane and then again when they get off means nothing. . . It can take up to 21 days and it is being reported a 60% death rate and that the miracle drug has run out. Hmmmm Population control??
An insider friend of mine said that they are looking at a quarantine of Dallas. If that's on the table they are scared...
:nuke:You don't, you follow the normal American practice of dealing with Ebola by vaporising the city with a few dozen MOABs ( 21,000 pound fuel air bombs) :)
hope to God that isn't the final option...but a major panic lurkes behind that cloud over there in the horizon
On the BBC they were saying an hour ago that the authorities are LOOKING for people the carrier has come into contact with over the last 6 days!!!!!
hope to God that isn't the final option...but a major panic lurkes behind that cloud over there in the horizon

hope to God that isn't the final option...but a major panic lurkes behind that MUSHROOM cloud over there in the horizon
That's a lot of people with GUNS and VEHICLES and a STRONG WILL TO LIVE, if it spreads to the general population of Dallas and the authorities even TRY to quarantine the place I think you would likely see carnage.
what gets me about this is that they will not release the flight number this person was on. . . I would think that the other passengers should be at least told so that they are aware and if coming under the weather feeling seek medical attention as quickly as possible and not just think that it is just a cold/flu and will blow over. Just an overnight plane from Liberia on the 19th. This shouldn't have even become an issue in the first place. The flights out of the infected countries should have been grounded until this has come under control. And then why is the US letting these flight in? Taking one's temp when they get on the plane and then again when they get off means nothing. . . It can take up to 21 days and it is being reported a 60% death rate and that the miracle drug has run out. Hmmmm Population control??
I couldn't agree more that they are containing too much information. I know they don't want to panic people, but publicizing where he had been could help stop it from spreading. I hope they have allready contacted lots of those people that they are aware of. By the way, the ER doctor that sent him home 2 days earlier should loose his license. Again, everyone, now is a good time to get some masks and disposable gloves while they are still on the shelves. I'm not panicking or anything, but if you see an outbreak in a large city, these kinds of supplies will be non existant.
I'm wondering if the flight to the US from Africa was one of those that transits through London enroute ?
I'm wondering if the flight to the US from Africa was one of those that transits through London enroute ?
last night on the news I saw it showed a direct flight with no stops, but who knows how true what they tell us is. I do know that we will see this virus pop up all over the world with time. It's more communicable than they say or so many health care workers wouldn't have caught it. Just lay low if it does hit an area near you. Also remember, after most diseases have subsided there tends to be a recurrance afterwards when people start to feel safe and go out again.
i had bought 2 mask at wal mart the other day..im now thinking of getting more of them..and like brent pointed out..disposable gloves as well..but im not sure which of the best disposable gloves are to buy thoe...

p.s...is there some type of hand wipes and/or hand sanitizer that can be used as well?
i had bought 2 mask at wal mart the other day..im now thinking of getting more of them..and like brent pointed out..disposable gloves as well..but im not sure which of the best disposable gloves are to buy thoe...

p.s...is there some type of hand wipes and/or hand sanitizer that can be used as well?

Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on them in most situations. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of microbes on hands in some situations, but sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.

Stay away from people who look obviously sick, at least at a distance of 3 feet. Avoid direct unprotected contact with sick people and their body fluids. Pay strict attention to hygiene. Wash your hands often. (The US CDC and WHO state waterless alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be used as long as hands are physically clean/not visibly soiled.)

More info:
Recommended Decontamination Measures for Clean Hands

When treating an infected patient, suitable personal protective equipment must be worn, especially gloves.[1] Wearing two pairs of gloves is recommended when dealing with large volumes of blood, other body fluids, vomit or other excretions. This helps to reduce any residual risk posed by possible micro perforations in the gloves.
It essential that all health workers decontaminate their hands after removing the gloves. The following recommendations apply to potentially contaminated hands that are visibly clean:

The WHO recommends in general the use of an alcohol-based hand rub for routine hand disinfection.[2] In its latest publication about the Ebola virus in August 2014, the WHO also describes hand disinfection as the standard of hand decontamination.[3]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend hand washing with soap and water or use of an alcohol-based hand rub.[1]
The German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommends the use of an alcohol-based hand rub with a proven efficacy against at least enveloped viruses. [4] Many hand disinfectants are known to be broadly effective against enveloped viruses.[5]

Hand washing alone is definitely not the most effective decontamination method for clean hands. Furthermore, the Ebola virus is spread into the surrounding area where it can remain infectious for up to 3 weeks.[6] This is an avoidable risk of cross contamination. Disinfection alone can ensure that the virus loses its infectivity.

I just can't believe the hospital didn't ask about travel history, per the CDC guidelines. Granted, symptoms of Ebola start out like the flu, but the guidelines state to ask folks about this. Had they done so, he would have never left the hospital, and would have been quarantined on day 4 vs. day 6.

Of course, I'm one who thinks that we should do blood tests on every passenger coming from a hotspot (i.e. that means ANY stop in their travels, even if just in the airport in an affected nation) before letting them out of quarantine. So they are inconvenienced for a day....big deal. THEY are the ones who went to ground zero.
F**K!!!!! Sky News is reporting he flew to Dallas VIA BRUSSELS !!!!

And that is just one person, how many others we don't know about? The Pols don't want to upset world commerce and free flo will guess what, this is what happens when we have a bunch PR bureaucrats worried about how the world perceives their countries, so, lets hide the fact we have a problem and proclaim it is under control!
nice and from Brussels come several flights aday here to my little home town... "#%#E&/%%¤%¤#"
BBC and Sky are reporting the US victim came into contact with American school children on his return.
BBC and Sky are reporting the US victim came into contact with American school children on his return.

"Texas Governor Rick Perry told a news conference in Dallas on Wednesday that a handful of children are under observation after exposure to the patient"

"They are five students from different schools, according to Dallas Independent School District.

Between 12-18 people are said to have been exposed to the man"

i had bought 2 mask at wal mart the other day..im now thinking of getting more of them..and like brent pointed out..disposable gloves as well..but im not sure which of the best disposable gloves are to buy thoe...

p.s...is there some type of hand wipes and/or hand sanitizer that can be used as well?
Any disposable vinyl glove will be a help Jim. I got boxes of the cheap nonvinyl ones for about three bucks for 50count. Any barrier is a good idea.

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