Ebola confirmed in Dallas Texas

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And the second nurse in Texas who has it was on a plane the day before she presented with symptoms, potentially exposing another 131 people. I think anyone who has had any exposure whatsoever should be in quarantine for 21 days, period. No exceptions and no trusting people to isolate themselves.
And to think the cdc never thought to place a travel ban on anyone with possible exposure. Morons.
What's really funny (funny strange, not funny haha), is that the other day, I read this story about an African woman who was a nursing student, who stayed home and cared for 4 of her close family that got Ebola. Only one of the 3 died (he had it first, and was advanced in it), and she used disposable gloves, masks, and garbage bags.

She NEVER got it, and yet used homemade precautions. Yet these two nurses get it? Man, something is wrong here.
I'm sure some people are more naturally resistant to it, I just hope I am one of em!
They said it was like 99.6 or something, which didn't qualify it as an "Ebola fever" which starts at like 100.4..... I dont know just something I heard
Either way, I'm sure glad I wasn't on that plane, especially sitting next to her, or the cleaning crew between flights.
That means we have to worry about it up here too. Time to get ready to bug out if need be. I'm about 45 min if even that north of Akron and east of Cleavland Hopkins. Even closer when I'm at work. Guess we will know in almost a month. :(
OMG!!! they just showed the nurse being transported to atlanta..and one of them wasn't wearing any protective gear whatsoever..are those sons of b@@@@@ that ignorant??
No. Its all intentional. Thats the way I see it. Its the euginics they have been working on for a long time.
The second nurse with Ebola actually called the CDC about her fever before flying and they said it would be okay for her to fly. Yes, everyone should continue to believe that our government (and CDC is yet another extension of Obama's failed administration) has our best interests at heart. When pigs fly.
Yep, here is the story:
The second nurse with Ebola actually called the CDC about her fever before flying and they said it would be okay for her to fly.
Yep, here is the story:
In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with Ebola, one health official said "somebody dropped the ball."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that Vinson called the agency several times before flying, saying that she had a fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees. But because her fever wasn't 100.4
degrees or higher, she didn't officially fall into the group of "high risk" and was allowed to fly.

"Somebody dropped the ball." That's the story of this entire administration. They dropped the ball in Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, Ukraine, Isis and now Ebola. Given the disasters and damage all those other events have caused, do we really think we will get away from Ebola unscathed?
right now we can only prep as much as possible..keep an eye on different news feeds all over the world 'till we hear the words brace..brace..brace and a crash is here..
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I think (or feel) this whole "global Ebola scare" is a false flag. Why do I call this a false flag? Well is it a "coincidence" that the stock market is falling, going into correction territory ever since this whole Ebola scare started? I mean think about it. This is all Mainstream media is talking about now. Scare tactics? Yet only 1 so called confirmed contracted, now dead, NOW a nurse that came in contact with him that was "wearing" protective suit now has it. And now every one is believing it because Mainstream media, Government has gone viral that Ebola will kill us all. All the while EU economy is falling along with US economy. Ebola = cover up = distraction = false flag while the stock market is going into free fall. Forgive me for not being gullible. From what I have heard/read Ebola has been around since the 70's. The common flu kills more than Ebola ever has, and yet NOW it is a global threat. As I have always said. I do not believe it until I see it with my own eye's. I can see with my own 2 eye's that the Dow was down -350 points at one point yesterday, crude oil prices are dropping, the 10 year treasury note as of right now is 2.06, the yield was below 2%. What I don't see is the person in Dallas that "died" from Ebola, or the nurse that wore protective suit now has it. All these cases in Africa that has it, yet I watched a video of these people in Africa that laugh when they hear the word Ebola, and say no one has it there. I'm not saying Ebola does not exist. What I am saying is I think we need to be more concerned/worried about the economy crashing than "one person" in the US that supposedly had it, and using that as a false flag to blame for the reason the stock market crashed, and/or they are using this as a reason for we "ALL" need to accept/take a vaccine from the CDC that I bet Monsanto created so we will not get it. Hey I wonder if perhaps enough does take this vaccine might that create this "zombie" affect we keep hearing about? << Sorry I was just thinking out loud there.
hmm,a new untested vaccine..no one knows the side effects..heck we could have our own live "world war-Z/28 days" in our laps soon..I'd rather not but...
Just give thanks that GWB and the Repubs were not in charge, Ebola outbreak in Liberia, George sends USAF to bomb Siberia, Blackwater deployed to Estoria , Halliburton given contract to develop anti Ebola weapon with delivery promised within 30 years. CIA caught spying on EU whilst delivering prototype vaccine, NRA running anti ebola defensive gun tactic courses, Fox news proves its a plot by the Canadians, California claims ebola is homophobic and anti gay, two rednecks in Arkansas swear they have seen ebola living wild in the Appel, App, Apal........ Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Christian minister from church no one has heard of in Alabama says good christians won't catch aids, The US Army complains is not getting as much funding as the marines to create an anti ebola warfare program in Kansas, Sarah Palin says she feels sorry for the poor victims of Ebola living in Antartica . :)
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I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I think (or feel) this whole "global Ebola scare" is a false flag. Why do I call this a false flag? Well is it a "coincidence" that the stock market is falling, going into correction territory ever since this whole Ebola scare started? I mean think about it. This is all Mainstream media is talking about now. Scare tactics? Yet only 1 so called confirmed contracted, now dead, NOW a nurse that came in contact with him that was "wearing" protective suit now has it. And now every one is believing it because Mainstream media, Government has gone viral that Ebola will kill us all. All the while EU economy is falling along with US economy. Ebola = cover up = distraction = false flag while the stock market is going into free fall. Forgive me for not being gullible. From what I have heard/read Ebola has been around since the 70's. The common flu kills more than Ebola ever has, and yet NOW it is a global threat. As I have always said. I do not believe it until I see it with my own eye's. I can see with my own 2 eye's that the Dow was down -350 points at one point yesterday, crude oil prices are dropping, the 10 year treasury note as of right now is 2.06, the yield was below 2%. What I don't see is the person in Dallas that "died" from Ebola, or the nurse that wore protective suit now has it. All these cases in Africa that has it, yet I watched a video of these people in Africa that laugh when they hear the word Ebola, and say no one has it there. I'm not saying Ebola does not exist. What I am saying is I think we need to be more concerned/worried about the economy crashing than "one person" in the US that supposedly had it, and using that as a false flag to blame for the reason the stock market crashed, and/or they are using this as a reason for we "ALL" need to accept/take a vaccine from the CDC that I bet Monsanto created so we will not get it. Hey I wonder if perhaps enough does take this vaccine might that create this "zombie" affect we keep hearing about? << Sorry I was just thinking out loud there.

No false flag! the stock market has been over heated far too long and needs to drop even more, for a while now Europe's economic condition hasn't been looking good and that's been reported for sometime then add that the dollar has increased in value making our exports too expensive spooking investors, again, no false flag just economics 101.

As far as ebola, It's the government that's telling us we have nothing to worry about not the other way around, it's the media reports coming out of africa and the assurances from the government here that has proven inaccurate that's scaring people.
Scare tactic , of course . never let a good crisis go to waste. Davyrocket , I'm on the same limb......... just not as far out as you.
DFW Airport Contractor Forced To Remove Mask & Gloves

All in all, I don't blame the worker. Is this a case the worker being over reactionary or is the airport and the CDC playing with fire?

“One of the supervisors told me I wasn’t allowed to wear that because it’ll cause a panic for people and they’ll start tripping out and stuff,”

"DFW airport spokesperson, David Magana told CBS 11 News that he was aware a contractor had asked about wearing personal protection. But the airport told its contractors that neither the CDC nor local public health authorities recommend that action as an effective or appropriate procedure"

Dallas Hospital Had the Ebola Screening Machine That the Military Is Using in Africa

The military is using an Ebola screening machine that could have diagnosed the Ebola cases in Texas far faster, but government guidelines prevent hospitals from using it to actually screen for Ebola.

Incredibly, it was present at Dallas Presbyterian Hospital when Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan walked through the door, complaining of fever and he had just come from Liberia. Duncan was sent home, but even still, FDA guidelines prohibited the hospital from using the machine to screen for Ebola.

you have the equipment and are not allowed to use it?? INSANE!!!!
that's like wanting that ebola to come in
Why the hell was she allowed to leave the country much less travel, creating an international incident!!! this government is so fetched up... I can't even think of a word to use here?

Dallas lab worker quarantined aboard cruise ship, other passengers stranded aboard

"The Belize coast guard is not allowing the ship to dock or its passengers to disembark, although the unidentified woman is being monitored and has not shown symptoms, according to State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki. She was identified through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s effort to track everyone who came into contact with Thomas Eric Duncan"

Realistic's Ebola " To do " list 1. come in contact with body fluids 2. stop at Chinese buffet 3. book airline tickets 4. have coffee with friends to discuss Carnival cruise vacation 5. Notify CDC of plans to travel with fever 6. stop being so sarcastic about terrible disease ................................................... anyone that believes Amber Vinson did not know she was infected....is a fool. That's why she notified the CDC for permission to fly. Probably as some kind of defense against punishment or lawsuit. She cancelled plans with her bridesmaids because she was feeling ill , and still traveled.......... Selfish , total disregard , at least , should lose her nursing license...........that is , if she survives...........but in that case she won't need to work as a nurse , she will write a book and become a millionaire celebrity , and have dinner at the White house......................sorry , still working on # 6 .
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Obama's Ebola czar ...................Ron Klain.......Really !.........a lawyer instead of the present Surgeon General Boris Lushnaik...... O.K. someone else has to take up my "sarcastic " slack on this one.
a lawyer can sue you for getting sick...wasting of government money to get you healthy again.. ;)
Apparently, we already HAD an "Ebola Czar", or at least someone in the Government whose job it was to do what we want the Ebola Czar to do:

Dr. Nicole Lurie, HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. She is also a Rear Admiral in the United States Public Health Service. You have probably never heard of her. She has been conspicuously absent from the news about Ebola, as has been the United States Surgeon General, Dr. Boris Lushniak (head of the United States Public Health Service)

I'll let Dr. Lurie explain:

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